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I had an excellent dinner of 'tasty pork' from the local hawker centre tonight, I can confirm it was indeed tasty. The stall was a zi char stall, for anyone visiting Singapore I recommend looking for zi char, it's basically the sort of food people cook at home here, traditional nyonya streaits Chinese SE Asian food, good hearty meals with generous servings. If the menu descriptions seem a bit home spun and basic ('tasty pork', 'fragrant pork', 'spicy pork' etc) it's because it is all a bit homespun. Straits Chinese food is completely different to Chinese Chinese food (if that makes any sense), though it is also true that talking about Chinese food is like talking about European food in that it describes a very wides and diverse group of cooking traditions and styles. The straits Chinese use stronger flavours, a lot of spices, chilli etc. One thing to be aware of is that if you don't like fish it's worth asking if they use fish sauce in the dishes as fish sauce is used much more widely than just sea food dishes. My pork dish had fish sauce in the sauce, I like it but if you don't like fish it's easy to be caught out.

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18 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

and don't expect roasting sunshine. 


We never holiday for sunshine.  We are not heat/pool/sunlounge people.  We would rather be looking at/doing something interesting.  Even if it is wet we don our coats and hats, stick the umbrella up (if possible) and just get on with it.   

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3 minutes ago, BoD said:


We never holiday for sunshine.  We are not heat/pool/sunlounge people.  We would rather be looking at/doing something interesting.  Even if it is wet we don our coats and hats, stick the umbrella up (if possible) and just get on with it.   

We were the same even abroad I can't sit by the pool all day or be bothered with the stampede for sun loungers.  We took the boys to markets even supermarkets to experience the culture. 

We did drop in to Castorama in France to find it was B&Q.

The boys were amazed by what you could buy in an Auchan hypermarket including a new car

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19 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... six student meetings scheduled - only one turned up, one was unwell, one didn’t realise it was a face to face meetings and three ignored me completely ...



And if I were awarding marks to the last three, I would take a leaf out of the Eurovision Song Contest:

  • "les "trois étudiants britanniques" : NUL point"
  • "die "drei britischen Studenten": keine Punkte"
  • "i "tre studenti britannici": nessun punto"
  • "los "tres estudiantes británicos": sin puntos"

(if I was paying the sort of college fees demanded of British students, I would be attending every lecture, seminar, course and tutorial I could in order to get full value from my money)


4 hours ago, polybear said:


Bear's day so far......

Half a Deltic blown on coving and sand.......

Deltic Crew (plus added sarnies) blown on coving adhesive......

One Deltic (plus a couple of spare Napiers) blown on skirting and architrave......


One and a Half Deltics? You blew £375'000* (£10,354,545.47 in today's money) on some building material? Bluidy Hell. You're not going to be appearing on one of those Grand Designs episodes where the house builder has more money than sense or taste, are you?.  If so, do we get to admire the diamond encrusted, gold LDC safe in the secure underground vault?

*A Deltic when first built cost £250'000 (about £6,903,030.31 in today's money)


Edited by iL Dottore
Missed out some text
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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Bear's day so far......

Half a Deltic blown on coving and sand.......

Deltic Crew (plus added sarnies) blown on coving adhesive......

One Deltic (plus a couple of spare Napiers) blown on skirting and architrave......

Two ceilings still to be painted - the starting of which is looking decidedly iffy today as it makes more sense in this Bear's book to do the two desired coats on the same day.....


Enjoy?  Pah.


With the amount of money you’ve saved doing it yourself i bet your can buy a model of every Deltic and made inroads to the baby of the species. 

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18 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Well, it is less than two months away - hardly egregious for retailers to mention it at this point.


Here we still have the Halloween juggernaut to keep Christmas out of the seasonal aisles until next week, but once that is over it will be full on. Thanksgiving puts up a bit of a fight, but the moment the turkey is carved the Christmas retail season is officially on - hence the origin of "Black Friday" shopping.



My reaction to Christmas is more personal.

BUT, three  penguins singing Christmas carols in ‘barbershop’ style MUST be wrong by anyones standard! 
Father Xmas lives at the North Pole( next door to Polybear) and there are no penguins up there. 

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Can't get into my email's just getting a message that there's a problem at their end. I think its a server problem as other items seem a bit flaky including here on RMweb.  I'll find out when I post this. 

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, The White Rabbit said:

German names for some of their armour:


Tiger, Panther, Brummbar (Grizzly Bear - Panzer IV), Elephant, Leopard, Puma, Lynx...


British names:


Crab, Locust, Kangeroo, Dingo, Ram, Firefly. 




Yet how often have you been stuck behind a caravan called a Swift... or a Sprite... or a Buccaneer... or a Laser ... or a Whirlwind... or a ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Other British tank names 









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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:


German names for some of their armour:


Tiger, Panther, Brummbar (Grizzly Bear - Panzer IV), Elephant, Leopard, Puma, Lynx...


British names:


Crab, Locust, Kangeroo, Dingo, Ram, Firefly. 


And one phrase which has stuck in my mind while somebody eminent was discussing early British defensive tank 'doctrine', "...concealed tanks will emerge from their hiding places like savage rabbits".  (And this was before the Pythons' Caerbannog Rabbit)! 


And Matilda..  was named after a cartoon duck...

I wonder why..


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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

(if I was paying the sort of college fees demanded of British students, I would be attending every lecture, seminar, course and tutorial I could in order to get full value from my money)

I’m sorry - perhaps you misunderstand the purpose of a university education 😏. It is not to acquire knowledge, it is to acquire a piece of paper which will open the door to untold riches. You’ve paid fees - you are entitled to that piece of paper! Any attempt by the organization to obstruct your acquisition of that paper e.g. by requiring proof of having attended the required lectures, seminars, courses or tutorials and having absorbed and understood the information presented therein is to be avoided and/or contested. 

(My son was a university lecturer for a while and said a significant part of his time was spent defending marks and assessments to students who had different, and much higher, opinions of their abilities than he did - plus they had paid fees which supported his salary!)


P.S. where have you hidden Captain Cynical?

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