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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Good luck with your quiz, Jam...I can well imagine how you feel about maths, as this definitely was not among my strongest subjects from about 9th grade onwards :mellow: .


I may be off to do some investigating whether or not we may switch over to cable for internet and phone some time soon. While we're not at the end of our current DSL contract yet, our cable provider informed us that they were granting at least six free months to new customers, so if we switched over now, there probably wouldn't be any losses to our budget.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all... this must be about the earliest time I've ever posted anything on here, ahh the joys of shift work. Just killing time before going in to work later, looking forward to a spot of shunting under the semaphores at Worcester and pounding up the Lickey with the Brierley Hill empties as the sun goes down, one of the best jobs at the depot and I've copped it four days in a row.... with a couple of Diesel Hydraulic books wedged into the old kit bag and the camera fully charged, it should be a good day.


Warm and strangely quiet in the garden this morning, one of the cats is napping on the lawn.... he's got the right idea... ;)

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Perhaps the best drum sound (or most relevant as it has been stolen, sorry, sampled by more artists than any other) which made people realise that a dry, dead sound was not the answer to use, always - or something.


Best, Pete.



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  • RMweb Gold

I've been attempting to fit a bike rack to the back of the Freelander. It is one of the high mount type so the lights and number plate show. It fitted perfectly on the Scenic, except for the rear wiper being inoperative. I was getting so frustrated that I nearly considered giving up and buying him a bike in Leicester. Anyway it all works (even the rear wiper can move on this car). I think the "official" Land Rover bike rack needs a tow bar mount. Mine hasn't got a tow bar.

Before I fitted the bike rack Matthew and I went shopping. The little rucksack he took to Vietnam came back in a rather worn state (it looks as if it has been chewed by animals) so we went to get a new one. Rucksacks also seem to have had a giant leap in technology since I last bought one.



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  • RMweb Gold

Orange phoned today. It was them that did, or caused BT to do, something to a circuit board that developed a fault. So well done. You hear so many horror stories about Internet provider support departments.


Beethoven's Ninth. The singalong bit.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Late on parade today, as had a horrid busy day at work, and no gaps to get onto the site.


I see that we are almost all present and correct as usual, and thanks Pete, earworms are one of my betes noir, I'm afraid - like you I can replay a song note for note and word for word in my head - and very often in the correct key as well (I'm told I've got near perfect pitch) - so it's Pink Floyd Us and Them off Dark Side of The Moon going through my head at the moment.


I meant to say that while I was away I was looking in an antique centre at a load of second hand books, thinking "what a load of tat" when suddenly a title jumped out at me "Decline of Steam" by Colin T Gifford - not in the greatest condition - cover a bit tatty, and with a name and address on the flyleaf, but all the illustration pages were clean and no marks - but I was almost shaking when I picked it up. Priced at £16 ! I had the nerve to ask for a cash discount and I got it too - sold at £14.00 - I think it was a bargain, I was walking on air for hours afterwards, and still can't believe my luck.....



Regards to All


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- so it's Pink Floyd Us and Them off Dark Side of The Moon going through my head at the moment.




Regards to All



Me too - NOW!


Good buy btw Stewart.............no, not goodbye, go back and fix spelling........etc.


All the best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

It's been a lovely day up here today. I think I'll of to the shed for an hour or two now.


PS. The Byrds -This Wheel's on Fire.



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  • RMweb Premium

I see we're back at music again, so if I may, I'd like to add one bit of thought myself... :)


It'll soon be this time of year again when I might listen to this one while on the train on a wet, cool and rainy night:


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BoD definately shares my taste in music. Now that did start me singing along!

Pop, rock'n'roll,jazz, and other forms of NOISE are NOT music!

I have extreme views!


Another Spring like day dawns

I hope you are all as lucky!

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning All,


It is a rather grey and misty here today - but the Indian Summer is set to continue, so I guess once the sun is up and has burnt off the mist it will be quite a good day.


Have a good one everybody!

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Morning all. Didn't get logged on yesterday. Was fighting bureaucracy all day, not sure how well I succeeded. I suspect this goes against the grain, a civil servant trying to cut red tape.


Don, Jamie's doing fine, her talking's coming along at last and she managed a width of te baby pool on Sunday (legs only as her arms were flat on the surface being held up by water wings!).


Woke up with two tunes in my head slightly entwined - Shine On by The Kooks and Get Myself Arrested by Gomez. Though for the past two days I've had All My Love and The Rain Song by LZ stuck in there...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Can't tell whether it may have been misty in the tiny hours, but as of now it looks like this is going to be a wonderful Indian summer day indeed :) . I ended up continuing with one of my papers yesterday and am about halfway through with it, though I guess trimming and grooming it may yet result in a couple of changes. However, you do need to have a draft to be able to do so in the first place, I guess.


Be back later...

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With music in everyones' head, I'm not surprised that we talk so much drivel.


An uncensored couch would have been very useful in days gone by.


Me? I've just re-discovered ABBA. (can't do reversed Bs).

You should hear my version of 'Winner takes it all' sung at full volume in a shouty manner accompanied by cracked tooth.

Much to my surprise I can still hit the high notes.

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Where did the term "earworm" come from? I've read Oliver Sacks work on it and think he is off base in that it is more "normal" than he implies (and he is very snobbish about the musical content too).

Best, Pete.


PS Tony Joe White: "Rainy Night in Georgia" (original version and the vocal/.strat version he does, as he wrote it he can do what he likes with it)!

Lovely song on many levels.

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