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The kids are growing up, just about time to fly  the nest and get a job.






Feel sorry for them with all the rain they've had to sit out in, and another 60 to 100mm forecast for the weekend.


Still, it'll make tomorrows Bathurst  race interesting if this weeks qualifying rounds and side events are anything to go by. CEO of McLaren racing, Zac Brown thinks so -  he's chosen to spend this weekend  at Bathurst instead of at the Japanese Grand Prix.





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2 hours ago, BSW01 said:

As it wasn’t heavy rain, I still decided to walk to the butchers, however, before I halfway there the heavens opened, when I finally got to the butchers I was soaked through!

Normally (at this time of year) I wouldn't leave home walking without a rain jacket* unless skies were very clear. No such need lately.


* I don't actually wear it but carry it on a long webbing belt worn bandolier style. I don't like having to carry it.


We had another foggy morning today, but it cleared during the hour I was out walking. There is still no rain in the forecast for a week out.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Good morning all, 

It's still dark but it's dry and a sunny day has been forecast.

Rugby enjoyed last night and my second favourite team Exeter had a convincing win over Bristol.  Another match to watch this afternoon but before that I'm off to Aldershot for the Farnham Model Railway Exhibition.  Yippeee, trains!!!  I may even get to see a couple of our fellow RMwebbers.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Mooring Awl,

4 hours sleep, 2 hours sleep, some intermittent dozing, might have had more, but Ben the I want out Collie turned up.. He's back snoring in his pit, but I'm not...


Very damp out there after yesterday evenings rain, not much cloud.


Awake periods were spent thinking on today's planned work, if the bobbins for the spinny thingy are dry some trials will be needed...


The trailer "door frame" needs finishing, , the fibre glass of roof and sides just stops, it doesn't go round the frame. This I want it to do, to cover end grain of timber, but fibreglass doesn't like sharp corners.. still thinking on that one..


Hungry I am, 

Time to make breakfast...


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Bear here.......

Well I guess it's probably time to start the GHS&LR - I appear to have run out of excuses, which was kinda careless of me.  Turdycurses.

The first mission will be planning and prepping for the loft ladder and hatch installation - I'm really, really hoping that I won't have to lengthen the hatch opening (that'll be a PITA) but there's a risk.  TC's on standby.  I'm also pondering the loft hatch - I'd really like an insulated commercial jobbie but of course they're all made to suit hatch openings nowhere near the same as that at Bear Castle.  There are custom made options - but they come with a £ penalty (as in Deltic money).  TC's.

Plan 2 would be to conjure up my own - whilst much cheaper than a custom jobbie it's a lot more faffing around.  I should know later today which I'll go for.


In other news.....

Little Miss Freecycle has used up all of her lives +1 - she's now blocked; a happy replacement has been identified and she's due at 6-30 today to collect her swag (lotsa lotsa light bulbs that won't fit anything in Bear Castle - I got them off my Boss as he was preparing to move to Scotland; I rescued the ones useful to me and these are the left-overs.

I also had one tw@t that asked if another item (3 mains leads with IEC connectors) were still available - yes.  And then - silence.  Why do people bother asking?  Ar5ebadger.

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Good Morning from Bonny Scotland.

it’s shaping up to be a splendid day. Shopping has been shopped (Mrs iD will be happy, as will the doggies), a state of Nirvana-like bliss has been arrived at courtesy of the hotel breakfast buffet: soss sarnnies were built and are being consumed. Life is…adequate 😄


A day of culture awaits: my travelling companion (a senior minion who is currently running the Polybear desk) and I will be visiting some anatomical exhibitions and I will be instructing my minion on how to inflict excruciating pain on assorted bears, hippos, donks etc. without leaving any marks 🤣


Have a great day.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a good night last night as Arthur Itis was doing his dance. I did eventually get to sleep but he was still hanging about this morning but disappeared when I started moving about. Have a good day @grandadbob, I too will be out shortly, modelling tokens in hand to the toy fair in Brentwood so its be back later.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Bear here.......

Well I guess it's probably time to start the GHS&LR - I appear to have run out of excuses, which was kinda careless of me.  Turdycurses.

The first mission will be planning and prepping for the loft ladder and hatch installation - I'm really, really hoping that I won't have to lengthen the hatch opening (that'll be a PITA) but there's a risk.  TC's on standby.  I'm also pondering the loft hatch - I'd really like an insulated commercial jobbie but of course they're all made to suit hatch openings nowhere near the same as that at Bear Castle.  There are custom made options - but they come with a £ penalty (as in Deltic money).  TC's.

Plan 2 would be to conjure up my own - whilst much cheaper than a custom jobbie it's a lot more faffing around.  I should know later today which I'll go for.


In other news.....

Little Miss Freecycle has used up all of her lives +1 - she's now blocked; a happy replacement has been identified and she's due at 6-30 today to collect her swag (lotsa lotsa light bulbs that won't fit anything in Bear Castle - I got them off my Boss as he was preparing to move to Scotland; I rescued the ones useful to me and these are the left-overs.

I also had one tw@t that asked if another item (3 mains leads with IEC connectors) were still available - yes.  And then - silence.  Why do people bother asking?  Ar5ebadger.


I have noticed Dear Bear that people have become what can only be described as lacking in manners. They think nothing of putting other people out and not having the common courtesy of apologising for it. Gone are the days of saying please and thank you. Now it is I want and s*"= if you don't provide it.

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Good morning everyone 


A bright and sunny start to the day here in the northwest corner of England. Last nights rain has long gone and so has the wind (outside). The trees are barely moving and the sun is even trying to make an appearance. 


I shall shortly be heading off to Vickie and Ian’s to collect Ava who, once again is spending the day with us. This morning will be taken up with baking a cake, todays choice is a new recipe to me, it’s a Dorset Apple Cake! I checked the cupboards and we have everything in stock to make this cake, all I needed was some apples, so I went outside the other day and picked a few apples of the tree. Once baked and cooled, this will be tonight’s dessert. 


Back later 



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8 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Normally (at this time of year) I wouldn't leave home walking without a rain jacket* unless skies were very clear. No such need lately.


* I don't actually wear it but carry it on a long webbing belt worn bandolier style. I don't like having to carry it.


We had another foggy morning today, but it cleared during the hour I was out walking. There is still no rain in the forecast for a week out.



I have a packable one which I keep in its pouch. If It is in regular service, I simply fold into the hood instead and keep in the rucksack for easy use. If out for a walk on a showery or windy day, I shake it out and just tie the arms round my waist for easy transfer to body - a habit I picked up in my early years on the mountains with my cag (cagoule).*  Walks from home will inevitably end up walking into the wind as the main paths lie along the path of the prevailing wind. Depending on the strength of the wind (the windier, the chillier it gets), time of year, and which way you set out, the jacket will be put on or taken off. Add the inclines and a bit of wind on the chest may be preferable to getting too hot with the jacket on! Flexibility is the game.


* The cag had a vent in the back which would be covered up when carrying a rucksack thus eliminating any advantage straight away!


My rain jacket is very handy down on the trax when it is like this.


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Now that's a repeat echo, 8 repeat posts if I've counted right..


Today has not gone well so I've retreated to the sofa with a large whisky.


Bobbin fitted to spinny thingy fit tightly which is good. SWMBO happy with that.


Kept dropping tools , just too tired 

Looked at fibreglass, no go, just wouldn't go round the corner, instead put in some reinforcement, and painted entire doorway with resin, HR olive green of course,  during reinforcement kept dropping screws and anything else.

 Tried cutting some N gauge track into 64mm lengths as I need to make some jubilee track , destroyed it.

At that point I said sod it, 

Time for a whisky, that's now gone, eyelid inspection beckons




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Apologies for the repeats. One lot of drivel is enough, certainly from me. Having to undo the lot is ridiculous.


When I went to Save, I had a Message in red to wait X number of seconds before saving. So I waited, only to be greeted by another, and another, another... till I reloaded the page, and hey, presto, there were umpteen deliveries! 


I could do with a mugadecaf or maybe it should be mugacafeine!

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3 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


There is a "hide" option to save you from public embarrassment.


I am not sure I should be embarrassed by a technical hiccup that occurred on 'their' side not mine! But certainly I may use it if I mess up! Let it remain to warn others in the event of a future occurrence.

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