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6 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

We were talking at some length on different Anglicization of south Asian languages. I assume this word is the holiday I see more commonly spelled as Diwali, coming up on October 24?


Yes, I really should investigate more but apparently Deepevali is the South Indian festival equivalent to Diwali. The Singaporean Indian community is (or was) largely Tamil from the South and it's interesting that even someone as unfamiliar with Indian culture as I am can identify a lot of differences from what I saw in England.

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8 hours ago, polybear said:

Firstly, Basil the Bear wishes it to be known that he is 100% pure Bear - and any rumours about his parentage should immediately be deleted

NOT according to the DNA analysis performed on BB’s genome by the hard working doctors and scientists at UCL.


De Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt…

8 hours ago, polybear said:

Secondly, the Consultant in question is actually an ex-Consultant;  Basil knew within 10seconds of meeting the tw@t that he was talkin' out of his ar5e and didn't have a clue, so was dumped there and then. 

The internationally known and respected consultant knew from the onset that BB would be one of those patients from hell: untutored, unlettered and gullible - believing everything they read by “alternative therapy” crazies on Dr Google. AND thinking they know better than someone who has spent 30+ years learning and practicing his medical specialty.

(And, yes, these patients DO exist, iD has had the misfortune to encounter one or two)

8 hours ago, polybear said:

…He's also about to be on the receiving end of a rather large compo claim for breaching patient confidentiality - as well as a formal complaint to the GMC..

I note that Mr Basil Bear has conveniently forgotten about being told all about this by the consultant and about signing a consent form to forward his details. Perhaps understandably, as Mr Basil Bear was busy trying to get “inappropriate“ with Miss Care Bear – one of the nurses - at the time

8 hours ago, polybear said:

…So any hopes he may have of receiving a rather large kickback from CCIPharmaCo will rapidly disappear into oblivion….

Oh do keep up with your calumnies, PB - kickbacks are SO eighties


Nobody does kickbacks any longer…

8 hours ago, polybear said:

As for the spike shedding being due to some ultra rare condition that even Google has never heard of, Basil says that's, well, quite frankly a total load of cobblers. 

Of course, the average lay bear would think that – their knowledge of rare diseases being slim to none…

Anyone who relies on Dr Google has a fool for his doctor.


Unless you know what you are doing, Google can be a minefield of misinformation (and not just in medicine).

8 hours ago, polybear said:

The reason for the shedding has been due to the fact that the temporary loss of function in his hind paws meant that cake snafflin' has been, er, "somewhat difficult" and therefore the poor little guy has missed out on some of life's essential vitamins and minerals.  He's pleased to report that he's starting to feel better already

Yep, De Nile really ain't just a river in Egypt

8 hours ago, polybear said:

Finally, Basil has researched the business dealings of CCIPharmaCo (and associated parent Company) and notes with some suspicion that for a Multinational Company with some 10,000 Employees (many of whom are described as "Minions") the company tax returns appear to indicate that the entire global empire has paid a grand total of 3CHF50 in tax….

Of Course CCI PharmaCo and the parent company CCI GmbH paid only SFr 3.50 in taxes last year - because they are using the finest British tax consultants and tax law experts based in the City of London. Captain Cynical reckons that ending up paying only SFr3.50  on a turnover of 75 billion USD makes these experts worth every penny of their huge professional fees.

8 hours ago, polybear said:

….Basil is nothing if not principled.......

To paraphrase Charles de Gaulle: “the graveyards are full of principled bears


Captain Cynical

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. BIN day again today. Also its the first week of food waste bins, the council distributed the bins over the last month. The bins themselves are 'locked' by positioning the carrying handle upright, at least one neighbour has put the handle down and the foxes have had a field day. Not much sleep last night thanks to Arthur Itis and the Nurofen took its time kicking in so after my bath this morning eyelid inspection will take place. Just looked out and the food waste and the pink sacks have been collected, the pink sacks by a brand new smaller bin wagon.  

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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

As a coda to the above - there are some serious points in the above posting….


One of the serious points wouldn't have anything to do with Basil chasing Nurse Care Bear round the Consultants desk would it.

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Morning all 

A slower start this morning just finishing my muggadecaf. Whilst reading a certain magazine. (No not one of those magazines)

I hated maths at school but when I went to uni and did surveying it just clicked. Speed time distance calculation was also part of my CPC course for road haulage.

I have managed to book my flu jab for the same time as my covid booster. This is not being done at the Drs 


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We got letters from our local surgery inviting us for both jabs at the same time.. (next Thursday)

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. BIN day again today. Also its the first week of food waste bins, the council distributed the bins over the last month. The bins themselves are 'locked' by positioning the carrying handle upright, at least one neighbour has put the handle down and the foxes have had a field day. 

In Sydney the cockatoos are teaching each other how to open bins.

Its apparently a rare case of animals identifiably  passing on learned behaviour  to each other  so theres a  scientific study of it.



It hasn't spread this far yet but last week one of the cockies must have pegged that the plastic tub of plant food that was out in the deck was similar to the plastic tub we bring out with  the almonds in to feed them because the lid had been peeled off and the contents scattered across the deck as I guess they tested it for eatability.

Similarly a new pond pump in its box I'd put on the table got one  of the cockies attention going by the way the top has been chewed off to check the inside, it's on the table behind the cocky..




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