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  • RMweb Premium

That also causes tension outside the classroom! Aditi never gives orders but asks questions. It took Matthew until he was about 18 to realise that "Would you like to tidy your room?" wasn't really what he was being asked.


There also was this interesting detail of this 6th class having made an agreement with the course teacher to avoid the word "good" - the "G-word", as they called it - as they found they were using it much too often. Consequently, both teachers and students were encouraged to use synonyms, and were pointing it out to each other when somebody did use it. This, too, was something I needed to get used to!

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Morning all!


Was feeling tired and lethargic after work last night but roused myself and went for a run - and managed my longest yet. Did 10.5km, so I now know I can definitely do the full race distance for next Sunday! :) Wasn't exactly speedy, but did the 10k in 66 minutes.


Listened to most of the Eng v WI T20, England absolutely demolished the Windies...


Slept through the England v Romania game but have been watching NZ v France while getting ready to head out.

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  • RMweb Gold

Consequently, both teachers and students were encouraged to use synonyms, and were pointing it out to each other when somebody did use it. This, too, was something I needed to get used to!

While I was doing my teacher training a friend who was already qualified recommended getting a thesaurus before writing reports. Until that point I'd never heard of a thesaurus and would have assumed it was some sort of dinosaur.



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  • RMweb Gold

Rugbied out this morning but looking forward to the next round.


"trimming the neighbours leylandii"

I may be wrong but I think one has to throw the trimmings onto the neighbours property as they belong to him.


..if you can find somewhere to throw over, under or through said leylandii wall. Our gardens are back to back and it's quite a trek round to his house.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I've got a dongle thingy which means I can get online occasionally just to check that you are all behaving yourselves.

I'm not with BT but orange so have been spending time talking to those not of these climes. James Bond didn't phone last night but I have been assured that i am booked for a call tonight betwss four and nine. Thy've got two hours left.


Why do I get the feeling that only a request for a MAC code may bring results. That request wil happen sooner rather than later if they won't escalate to someone with technical knowledge rather than technical support.


Take care all.

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Guest Max Stafford

It's been a lovely sunny afternoon up here. I got the front grass cut, weeded the flower bed, had a good 3 mile run round the woods with Abi and I've just polished off my home-made curry.


So why do I feel bl**dy miserable?


I have absolutely no reason to feel that way today guys; it's my first of three days off and there are millions in the world who'd give all for just some food and clean water! It just feels so damn wrong to be in this frame of mind!


I need a kick up the @rse!



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Dave, I sympathise and you're really not alone. I feel that way from time to time. Life used to be so simple, but now there is nothing but bad news on every front on the TV and you can't sneeze anywhere in the world with it being reported as an epidemic. You'd have to be superhuman not to be impacted from time to time. Whilst the old days were not the romantic bed of roses we sometimes think, at least we were not in information overload and our 'worries' were few.


Somehow ignorance was bliss in those days and you only had a very few number of things that impacted your life.

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Guest Max Stafford

Cheers Tony. I think you've hit on something there. You're completely spot on with you're observations on earlier times; things were never perfect and I certainly wouldn't trade the scary early '80s for today but there seems to be very little genuine fun out there now, especially in the workplace where every twist and turn seems to present an ever darker and draconian aspect.


Personally, I no longer watch TV and rarely read newspapers basically because their accounts are so skewed, distorted and sensationalised that barely a grain of truth exists in most of them. I find it better to 'graze' on line where you can be more selective about what you wish to investigate.



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  • RMweb Premium

Dave turn the radio off get the vinyl out and upset the neighbours! It is the onset of autumn I think that starts these thoughts moving I caught my self the other day thinking I'm 55 what have I done with my life so far? It is pointless looking back you need to look forward what am I going to do with the rest of my life...I used to work with a geordie lad he was a good colleague but he was dead by the age of 42 from cancer 13 years later I am still here whinging about life. This week I will be turning a piece of wood into a challenge diorama it won't be the best but it will be done because I want to do it badly enough.

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Guest Max Stafford

Aye you're right Mick. I've heard more than one story like that of your mate myself and I do berate myself for getting into a mindset like this when I hear of them. I do think you shouldn't waste a moment of your time here which is why I get annoyed when I do. Problem is, we all have to give up valuable hours of most days to provide food and shelter for ourselves and our families. OK, that's standard practice throughout the world and it shouldn't be any other way - I just wish it were more fun and less damaging to health! :rolleyes:


Maybe I should stop getting angry about stuff I have no control over, but I've always been like that - grumpy s0d!



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Guest Max Stafford

Whitrope pencilled in for Monday, BoD, as I make a point of doing the trackbed run an walk over Sandy Edge once a week for fitness purposes!


I suppose tomorrow wouldn't hurt either though. It seems that personal contact with Whitrope is an itch that requires frequent scratching!



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Good Sunday morning! :no:

Reasonably good news from BoD. he's now well in advance in his postings, but he got one wrong. I'm reducing jerseys two ONE!

I haven't heard a weather report yet, but I'm expecting a clear warmer day..

Bit of doom and gloom from Dave and Gordon!

Come on guys. Cheer up! :stinker:

Off to Church shortly. I'll catch up with the rest of you when I return..

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I'm not gloomy at all, just trying to help young Dave see he is not alone. I'm sure we all get the blues now and again and there's no telling when it will hit you. Right now I'm really looking forward to three days golfing in South Wales with 16 guys. As always the 19th hole will be the best. Three days of golf and three nights of cards and drinking is enough to lift anyone's spirits. Cheers!


Tons of inspiration yesterday at Scaleforum. Made me want to get stuck into the layout again...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Weather continues to be sunny and warm in the afternoon, but mornings and evenings are becoming rather nippy. Mum's birthday will be next weekend, and I thankfully got a present for her already, which I have always found to be next to impossible to decide on!


Personally, I no longer watch TV and rarely read newspapers basically because their accounts are so skewed, distorted and sensationalised that barely a grain of truth exists in most of them. I find it better to 'graze' on line where you can be more selective about what you wish to investigate.


I, too, haven't watched any TV in what seems like ages, Dave. Basically, the only occasions I fire up the telly these days are when I decide to watch the odd DVD... At some point I found I could no longer stand being bombarded with contemporary programmes, where literally bad news may immediately be followed by some brainless kind of wannabe entertainment, pretending to be funny but being based on nothing else but dominance of the shrillest.

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Now back from Church.

It has turned out a really nice day here so I'm feling cheerful

Gordon said - "Made me want to get stuck into the layout again"

Now that really does cheer me up!

Dave, I do hope your mood lightens.


Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We had a nice afternoon and lunch at MiL's yesterday. I didn't get to the railway exhibition as a burst water main was holding up traffic and I didn't want to spend the afternoon sitting in another traffic jam.

I'll be taking Matthew shopping today for bits and pieces for his move to rented accommodation in Leicester. If Aditi has prepared her dissertation (I think it is just down to moving commas in the conclusion now) for printing she may accompany us. This means I probably won't see the F1 today.


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Morning all, Dave, as they say "bin-there-dun-that" , best thing is to turn the TV off, stop reading the news papers and start some thing new, and different. (even a "cheap" plastic kit?)


Off on a couple of site visits this morning, and that is not going to be pleasant with the A/C having packed up in the car yesterday.


Well enjoy your day folks.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, nice morning here. Currently watching the rugby, then I will get upstairs and make a point.....I will......I must.


Dave, totally empathise with how you feel - I'm the luckiest man in the world, good health, own home,great kids and grandkids, loads and loads of toys, driving steam engines, perfect. But every now and then, bang, it hits me, I just go down. No magic bullet for me, just got to wait it out till it feels better.

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I don't think it's any secret - we humans need something to which we can look forward with eager anticipation.

Then maybe something comes along which subsumes everything else in our minds.

Back pain, other folks' troubles, money problems or a host of other possible causes to drive us into a miserable frame of mind.

For instance, this morning I've fractured a front tooth avoiding stepping on the cat.

(My mouth hit the furniture before my hands hit the floor).

At the very least this will involve expensive treatment (I don't think it's repairable) and a period of walking around with a hillbilly smile - including while on holiday.


I hope that's cheered everybody - I only come here to be laughed at.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, rain outside and a long list but weeding, hedge trimming and lawn mowing are now removed. I had to miss scaleforum to return DD1 to Carlisle but scalefour north is now inked in the diary as recompense. Best get off here and start the list!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Some threatening oktas in evidence.


Ouch Dd! That's an unfortunate encounter to say the least.


Bumped into Gordon at Scaleforum (not literally even though the bar was open!) and had a chat with a few other folks. All in all a pleasant day out.


Lots to do but where to start?


Have a good one all.




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Morning all. I'm in the same down frame of mind as Dave(Max). I think is a major case of the blahs. For the past while I've had no motivation to do much of anything. The b*ggered lower back, hip, shoulder, neck, and foot doesn't help either. Gee, I'm starting to sound like Marvin the paranoid android. Life, don't talk to me about life. Mick is right, time to stop wasting time and get stuck in. There is nothing like a deadline to spur people into action.


So here is my goal & deadline. Tony can be witness to whether or not I achieve it. I will have my 4 modules completed to the point of being exhibitable for the November 12 Thamessider's meeting.

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