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9 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Good idea.

But at the current exchange rate I’d be loosing money. If Chris bought SFr at 1.20 £100 would net him SFr120. If I bought his SFr at the current rate of parity (roughly 1:1 at present exchange rates) then I’d have to pay him £120 for his £100 of Swiss Francs.


Paradoxically, now is the time to buy £ as they are so cheap (stock up for my next 2 or 3 UK trips?)



I was assuming that you would buy them at their current value. If you bought at the market rate  Chris would be several cents per franc better off than exchanging at a High Street shop.



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3 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

We might have gone to Haarlem( beautiful station) ............


Did you get to see the Globetrotters too?


Bear here......

An afternoon in the loft - and more on Freecycle.  Progress is progress....


In other news:

It seems the Boss of ITV has moaned to Domino's Pizza cos' they posted (tweeted?) this 🤣



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Bear here.....

An easy mistake to make:



And it seems that the Ar5ehole that murdered Stephen Lawrence has been rumbled taking selfie's in his cell whilst in Prison - with a TV and Games Console in the background.  Just whatever happened to punishment?

It also seems they've installed body scanners for visitors in various (all?) Prisons - and detected 20,000 attempts to smuggle contraband in over the last 2 years.  I bluddy well hope they got nicked for it - but somehow I suspect not (or at least not in any meaningful way).


And finally.....

Bear knows how to sort Poo Tin - it seems there's "a bit of a leak" in a gas pipe coming from Russia.  So put a match to it and blow the whole bluddy country up.  Sorted.

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4 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

On Windermere....got buzzed by a Hercles, maybe 100-150 feet! Dambusters stylee under the radar training?

My brother-in-law, who is not at all interested in aircraft, once described an aircraft he had seen fly under the Ballachulish bridge - big, four engines, large vertical tail … I’ve tried to work out clearances at low tide vs height of aircraft and I think it’s just possible.

The RCAF, at least, used to fly Hercs at extremely low level to perform extractions of cargo on pallets using only a drogue parachute. I believe they stopped after a parachute snagged and the aircraft crashed near Edmonton some years ago.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has been banging away since this morning, co-codamol and Voltarol gel seems  to have no affect at all. The only ease is to lay flat on my back which is not a good idea as I can't do much laying on my back. Time for dinner, lets have a look in the fridge. 

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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

When we first got a mortgage interest rates went up to 15%. We lived on toast and beans gor a while.. no tea or coffee, no trips to a pub... but, somehow we survived and didn't go hungry.. but it was hard.



Similarly. First mortgage was a fixed-rate so initially paying slightly over the odds. Then interest rates jumped. And jumped again. 15% and very hriefly 19/% (for just a few days iirc) meaning that although I was struggling to pay I was better off than many who had variable-rate loans. 

In other news the carpet-cleaning Upon the Hill of Strawberries has been completed. Three afternoons with the machine and crawling on all fours into corners with the edge-tool. 

Dr. SWMBO called earlier and appeared very happy despite claiming to be exhausted by a very intensive week’s conferencing in Melbourne. 

And an eagle-eyed Gwiwer spotted something amiss with the CIS screens today. Can you spot it?  



So now it’s time to move on from carpets to cleaning everything else I can find. Starting wirh showering the Gwiwer. 

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