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  • RMweb Gold
14 hours ago, polybear said:

something along the lines of "FFS stop p1ssin' about before one of you gets hurt, start listening and start working - otherwise you'll be out".  What happened?  They complained to the College Principal - and he had to apologise to them.

Not long after that he told 'em to p0ke the job and he walked - and he'd been there a very long time and was very good.

@polybear  Agree this is a problem - bet the 'so called students' used the sort of language they complained aboout most of the time.  Unfortunately senior management seems to support these kind of students regardless of the real facts and as a result in this and other cases obviously lose good committed members of staff.


Some time ago you may remember my comment on refusal to sign off students on the £30/week they were getting as they were not doing the work required as they said 'I turned up' was good enough.  They were not happy and 'moaned' and said that 'all the others signed'.  That was easily countered by 'Prove that you have done the work to merit a signature' and although they complained 'higher up' never signed the particluar sessions off.  


There are still youngsters around who think the world owes them a living.

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So I was just watching the impact of the Nasa craft with the asteroid to test planetary defence and I got to wondering about that little butterfly in an Amazon forest who caused a hurricane......


Nasa tosses a small craft at a passing asteroid, it's only light they say, won't cause a problem.   But what if it's orbit has slightly changed, then in a 100 years or so it hits something it would otherwise have passed, that other object is thrown of it's course and a few hundred years later hits something bigger throwing that off course and in about a thousand years we get hit by Jupiter, well maybe not Jupiter but something big that would not have hit the Earth had we not hit a small passing asteroid with a used microwave.

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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:



Won't show the picture to the bloke who owns the paddock next door, he's still making do with the old-style ride-on mower.






Much prettier ... though comparing the two types 'emissions' could lead back to comments about prices and paddles. 


1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:

Wollongong Fish market cafe would be the closest decent fish shop to here.



I know I may regret asking this, but what's a 'Pluto Pup'? (under single items, centre left). 


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48 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:


Much prettier ... though comparing the two types 'emissions' could lead back to comments about prices and paddles. 



I know I may regret asking this, but what's a 'Pluto Pup'? (under single items, centre left). 


I searched and found this


Now my question, what's a corn dog?

Or do I not want to find out?

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Alias Dagwood Dog, Dippy Dog, Battered Sav....




Salmonella on a stick! Traditionally eaten at country shows before embarking on the more vomit inducing rides, need to be wary when walking  below them for fear of chewed Frankfurter bits raining down, kind of like manna from heaven in that story.

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

One for Il Dottorre,

 A pub in Potter Heigham..





The freshly made pizza dough and fresh ingredients sounds like you’re onto a winner. And providing that no garlic or onions* are used on the pizza, i’m sure that Ben the-any-chance-of-some-leftovers Collie would enjoy some of those pizza crusts (my two absolutely love Pizza crusts).


However, (there’s always a “however” with me 😆)  there are some dubious topping combinations there. Apart from pineapple and ham in the Pizza Hawaii (which probably never originated in Hawaii) meatballs in a BBQ sauce seems a bit iffy (and would be better paired with some fries), and the chicken and sweetcorn doesn’t convince. I am assuming that the pepperoni in the “pepperoni mountain“ refers to a sausage unknown in Italy, but found elsewhere and not to the Italian “pepperoni“ – which is the Italian for Bell peppers.


I am also assuming that the pizzas are better than their command of the Italian language: i funghi, prosciutto e funghi and quattro formaggi

Strangely enough, when I was a teenager living in Italy, going out to eat with the family never involved going to a pizza place, but usually involved a long drive to the seaside to eat fish and seafood. Nor do I recall friends of the time suggesting pizza. It was only when I moved to the US age 18, did going to a “pizza parlor” start to be on the menu (so to speak)


*onions and garlic are toxic to dogs

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19 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I searched and found this


Now my question, what's a corn dog?

Or do I not want to find out?

In the US it is usually a thick Frankfurter like sausage coated in a cornmeal batter and deep-fried.


It is one of those food items where you know you really shouldn’t, but you do anyway.

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2 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Ben is not allowed anywhere near garlic or onions.. As much as those big brown eyes stare at us..

I had a very worrying experience shortly after we got Lucy. I had a stir fried some noodles with onions, mushrooms and shrimp for Mrs ID and myself and there were leftovers. When I returned to the kitchen, I had found that Lucy had been able to scoff a considerable portion of the leftovers out of the wok (and I have no idea how she managed that).


An urgent phone call to the vet resulted in Lucy being put under close observation with instructions to call an out of hours Vet if certain symptoms were to appear.


But Lucy is a tough little street dog and managed to survive her illicit wok raid without any problems – not even the mildest or slightest of symptoms…

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  • RMweb Premium

Ben has never had the inclination to take anything which we haven't directly given him, which is surprising with his history..

He is however very good at the stare...

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They are, aren’t they.

My two have very distinct begging styles:


Schotty looks at you with a despondent and apologetic gaze as though to say “I am sorry to bother you Guv, but if perhaps, maybe, you might quite possibly see your way to handing over a small treat - if it’s no bother” this is his default approach, 24/7!


Lucy, on the other hand,- when I’m having breakfast- stares directly at me with aristocratic disdain as though saying “that is my breakfast sandwich you are eating. You will give me my breakfast sandwich right now!”  Outside of breakfast hours, Lucy will often be “criminally adorable“ in search of a treat – sometimes even resorting to putting her front legs on my lap and licking my nose!

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  • RMweb Premium
51 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I had a very worrying experience shortly after we got Lucy. I had a stir fried some noodles with onions, mushrooms and shrimp for Mrs ID and myself and there were leftovers. When I returned to the kitchen, I had found that Lucy had been able to scoff a considerable portion of the leftovers out of the wok (and I have no idea how she managed that).


An urgent phone call to the vet resulted in Lucy being put under close observation with instructions to call an out of hours Vet if certain symptoms were to appear.


But Lucy is a tough little street dog and managed to survive her illicit wok raid without any problems – not even the mildest or slightest of symptoms…

My friends dog, a Scottie/Jack Russel cross cannot resist chocolate. She has snaffled chocolate on at least three separate occasions to my knowledge. Fortunately no damage was done except for the vets bills.

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Strangely enough, when I was a teenager living in Italy, going out to eat with the family never involved going to a pizza place, but usually involved a long drive to the seaside to eat fish and seafood. Nor do I recall friends of the time suggesting pizza. It was only when I moved to the US age 18, did going to a “pizza parlor” start to be on the menu (so to speak)


Is that because it was cucina povera, and so not the sort of thing you'd go out to eat, because if you could afford to eat out, you weren't poor?


If I understand it right, most of the different toppings were actually a US invention (apart from the margherita) and have been exported from there, including back to Italy. I have certainly eaten pizza with other toppings in a Tuscan hill village called Castelnuovo something or other. We were staying in what was I think a converted monastery nearby. It wasn't a million miles from Siena.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning PreMunch All!


13 hours ago, Barry O said:

Garden peas?? Yorkshire caviar should be the peas of choice for fish and chips.


If only there was a Disagree button!  Whoops, let's not go down that rabbit hole again .... 🤣


11 hours ago, Adam88 said:

Additionally, in a class all of its own is Stroudleyism.


Fortunately Gresleyism doesn't manifest itself in my case.  

The beautiful lines of an A4* in Garter Blue with Indian Green wheels remain intact for me 😀


*  I know, straying towards forbidden territory but it's a passing reference (barely) relevant to the discussion


4 hours ago, polybear said:

Take a read of this for some real cr@p being spouted:



He said as well as his official duties around the coronation he was carrying out vital conservation work to prevent "nature's complete collapse" and "the end of mankind".


He said the loss of his licence could be "very, very serious", leading to the loss of jobs for up to 20 or 30 employees, such as tractor driver "Gary", which he said, "would mortify me".


Oh, and he's worth £100M apparently.  Call a Taxi.



Quite right!


"She told magistrates: It’s an extremely peculiar situation whereby his grace, the Duke of Norfolk, is Earl Marshal."


- No it isn't, it would seem he is a persistent motoring offender, what his job or title is is (or certainly should be) irrelevant! **


**   ERs may like to make a note of Puppers' new address which will be:  "Dungeon 1, The Tower of London", London EC3N 4AB.


2 hours ago, PeterBB said:

@polybear  Agree this is a problem - bet the 'so called students' used the sort of language they complained aboout most of the time.  Unfortunately senior management seems to support these kind of students regardless of the real facts and as a result in this and other cases obviously lose good committed members of staff.


Some time ago you may remember my comment on refusal to sign off students on the £30/week they were getting as they were not doing the work required as they said 'I turned up' was good enough.  They were not happy and 'moaned' and said that 'all the others signed'.  That was easily countered by 'Prove that you have done the work to merit a signature' and although they complained 'higher up' never signed the particluar sessions off.  


There are still youngsters around who think the world owes them a living.


Well done Peter!   


2 hours ago, woodenhead said:

So I was just watching the impact of the Nasa craft with the asteroid to test planetary defence and I got to wondering about that little butterfly in an Amazon forest who caused a hurricane......


Nasa tosses a small craft at a passing asteroid, it's only light they say, won't cause a problem.   But what if it's orbit has slightly changed, then in a 100 years or so it hits something it would otherwise have passed, that other object is thrown of it's course and a few hundred years later hits something bigger throwing that off course and in about a thousand years we get hit by Jupiter, well maybe not Jupiter but something big that would not have hit the Earth had we not hit a small passing asteroid with a used microwave.


Yes it's slightly worrying although in this case I'm going to work on the basis that I'll be well covered by mud (other disposal methods are available) by the time it's a problem anyway and just marvel at the technical achievement of such missions.    


In Other News


We risked a walk up the hill and across the fields this morning.   Spectacularly black sky all around with the village church (which sits on a very large mound)  sort of disappearing into the dark murk in the distance.     As we got back and unlocked the front door my patented (but not hair covered) rain detector began operating.      It has been persisting down since the post-walk coffee was made.     Impeccable timing I'd say!



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  • RMweb Gold
11 minutes ago, BoD said:

Well that didn’t take long.


Into Eye Infirmary for 8.45.  Initial tests done, sent for photos, consultant seen and out by 9.10.  Good news too.  Field tests show no change.  Consultant had good look at eyes and is more than happy with them. New lens is ok. Retinas are fine.   Eye pressures down to normal range, first time for a long time.  Albeit with the help of eyedrops.  Consultant doesn’t want to see me for nine months rather than usual six. One happy BoD.


Now, let me at those three links.


That's excellent news!

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, BlackRat said:

I always work bills out in ‘locos’, so a chip shop takeaway is a third of a Manor or thereabouts….. it always drives Mrs BR mad when I say what I could have had…. :)


A certain Bear does the same thing......"I could've got a ??????? for that......."


4 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Wollongong Fish market cafe would be the closest decent fish shop to here.



Wot, no snagger n' chips??


Bear here.....

Some loft sorting - notta lot, it's a slooooooow process.  I hit the same brick walls every time:

(a)  I'll need that (or I want that - I still have some items of a sentimental nature that were used to keep a very young cub amused many moons ago).

(b)  The wheelie bin's almost full - and doesn't get emptied until next week......

The next bit is to seriously examine just how many empty cardboard boxes there are in the loft (saved for sales on the 'bay - the sending of) and revamp the pile sorry, mountain accordingly....

I also received an unexpected - but welcome visit from buddy over the road, so the world was put to rights for a couple of hours.

Edited by polybear
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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, PeterBB said:

@polybear  Agree this is a problem - bet the 'so called students' used the sort of language they complained aboout most of the time.  Unfortunately senior management seems to support these kind of students regardless of the real facts and as a result in this and other cases obviously lose good committed members of staff.


Some time ago you may remember my comment on refusal to sign off students on the £30/week they were getting as they were not doing the work required as they said 'I turned up' was good enough.  They were not happy and 'moaned' and said that 'all the others signed'.  That was easily countered by 'Prove that you have done the work to merit a signature' and although they complained 'higher up' never signed the particluar sessions off.  


There are still youngsters around who think the world owes them a living.


Fortunately the current College inhabitants (at least in the Engineering section) appear to be mainly (all?) on Apprenticeships etc. so any poor performance/p1ssin' about doesn't go down well with their Employers - who are paying a pretty penny for them to be there.  The College has just opened up a Welding Workshop Facility - the whole thing (including new building and all equipment) was paid for by a company wanting somewhere to send new employees for training.  And it didn't come cheap.....


Right, Bear is off back into Beamland.....I may be some time.....


2 hours ago, Barry O said:

@Combe Martin..they are ok but don't lookup the "Bugs" you can buy in some Oz markets and fish shops then




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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

@Combe Martin..they are ok but don't lookup the "Bugs" you can buy in some Oz markets and fish shops then


I guess you are talking Moreton Bay or Balmain Bugs. Im not a fan because they look like aliens  but they are popular here and unusual because they won't kill you horribly unlike much of our other sea things.






Edited by monkeysarefun
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