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Good morning,


Up early this morning – a combination of a rather bizarre dream, an incipient headache and the urgent need for some biological recycling.


As is my wont, I read through the latest posts on ER and noted a commentary about the price of eating out. Eating out has never been cheap in Switzerland – for a number of reasons: cost of goods, paying staff a decent wage, property rental, et cetera. At the present exchange rate (£1 = SFr 1.04), even a basic pizza margarita I’ll set you back about £14.

I think that the restaurant trade is really going to suffer in the UK in the next few months due to the residual effects of the Covid pandemic, the cost of gas and electricity and the cost of ingredients. The forthcoming cost of electricity and gas will probably bring a number of restaurants, already on a knife’s edge between covering costs/loosing money, to the brink of bankruptcy. Add to that the cost and availability of ingredients and I think an awful lot of places at the lower end of the market won’t survive. If very upmarket restauranteurs, like Tom Kerridge  (whose clientele are both willing and able to spend upwards of £100 per person for a meal), are already struggling then there is not much hope for small places like “el cheapo chip takeaway fish bar”.


As an (definitely by now) “outsider” I’ve noted something very peculiar about the UK: if you remove the cost of housing from the equation, Britain is very much a low-cost country. It’s the absurd property prices that distort the economic picture in the UK – the cost of property in parts of London, the home counties and a few other places in the UK, make the expensive parts of Zürich and Geneva look like slum properties (at least in price).

Other things, especially food and clothing, are – certainly by Continental standards – dirt cheap. For example: whenever I shop in London’s Borough Market (a place most would consider very upmarket/top end) I note that even the best-of-the-best of ingredients are comparable in price to an average supermarket shop in Switzerland. And as for buying supplies at supermarkets (such as McVities Dark Chocolate Digestives) even “top end“ name-brand items are pretty cheap (which is due to how British supermarkets operate - a topic for another discussion, methinks).


I can foresee a time, in the not too distant future, where people will look back and fondly remember going out for a “cheap“ fish dinner, spending only £15-£18 a head.

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As a coda to the above, it’s interesting to note that as I left the UK in 1989 for Switzerland, my frame of reference for UK pricing remains set in that decade.

So when I go into a pub in London and ask for a pint of IPA or best bitter or summat and I’m told that will be £6.50, My first reaction is very much to exclaim “how much?”, but then a quick mental currency conversion of pounds into Swiss francs readjusts my perception of the price – which then becomes “oh that’s not bad for a large beer” (currently, in Switzerland, the average price of a Grosses [1/2 litre - just over a pint] is about £7).

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  • RMweb Premium

The exchange rate has a big effect too. I think it is normal to do a mental calculation to the price at home when shopping but it can be quite misleading. In my short time here the exchange rate has been all over the place, it started at about £1=$1.65, went up to about 1.9 and is now down to about 1.55. So the price in pounds have varied from 'crikey, that's pricey' to 'oh, that's cheap' when looking at the £ price. And since I am paid in S$ (I am on local terms) the only price that really matters for me is the S$ one, but habits die hard.

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Just now, monkeysarefun said:

I note the reference to sunflower oil:


Some shops in the West of England say the soaring price of cod, sunflower oil and energy has left them struggling.

This is going to (continue? to) skyrocket in the next year, given that the world's largest producer of sunflower oil has artillery rocket craters in their fields right now.

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1 minute ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I note the reference to sunflower oil:

This is going to (continue? to) skyrocket in the next year, given that the world's largest producer of sunflower oil has artillery rocket craters in their fields right now.

And the second largest one is firing them, and has trade sanctions on its exports!

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  • RMweb Premium

Fish and chips in Cromer.. Probably Mary Janes.. current price list..


many rave about the plaice, but it's very hit and miss.. if you get there at opening time or a quiet time the food is good... If it's rush hour then it's often undercooked particularly the chips.

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8 minutes ago, TheQ said:

…many rave about the plaice, but it's very hit and miss..

What a wonderfully enigmatic statement. It could be understood to mean that many people rave about the restaurant (and ”plaice” is a typo) or it could mean that everyone raves about plaice – the fish – as being the choice for fish and chips.

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Morning all from a Sidcup where the sun is making an appearance through pease pudding coloured clouds and the promised light rain is nowhere to be seen.


We find with out local chippy which we visit rarely that a portion of chips is more than enough for one of us and a large portion does three. And three is enough because Younger Lurker does not like chips and he's not too keen on fish either so we rarely indulge - he has to have a separate meal done for him anyway so that takes away some of the treat element of not having to cook.


No chips, I hear you say? (Bear, you might want to look away) I think for him it is a texture thing - he is hypersensitive to certain textures, a by-product of his ASD; he does not like potatoes in any form; soft fruits is another - likes the taste but not the sensation. His elder brother didn't like chips when he was a kid either, but will happily eat it now. They were both pasta lovers.

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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, PupCam said:

I'm trying to watch live the Asteroid impact test on NASA TV - it's very hard; I find the presenter's presentation style and totally over-the-top exuberance really, really annoying.   



Seems like a bluddy expensive way to lose your no-claims bonus if you ask me.....


43 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

And the second largest one is firing them and has trade sanctions on its exports!


It seems the locals are less than happy about being called up for service (can't imagine why), whilst others are "looking forward to it".  A News report from Russia shown last night showed a Mother saying "it'll be good for them to run around and get some exercise", with an HR Manager who been drafted and was at the collection point being all for the idea - he looked about as far removed from a soldier as you could get.  Of course they don't get to see the news footage from Ukraine that we do......


18 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Fish and chips in Cromer.. Probably Mary Janes.. current price list..


many rave about the plaice, but it's very hit and miss.. if you get there at opening time or a quiet time the food is good... If it's rush hour then it's often undercooked particularly the chips.


I do hope that's the price list for a sit-down scoff - Jumbo Sossie & Chips £7-50??  Jeez, that'd be about £4-20 in Bearland (takeaway).


Bear here.......

Feeling slightly carp this morning for NNR - hopefully it'll burger off soon.  More MIUABGA today methinks.


In other news.....

Take a read of this for some real cr@p being spouted:



He said as well as his official duties around the coronation he was carrying out vital conservation work to prevent "nature's complete collapse" and "the end of mankind".


He said the loss of his licence could be "very, very serious", leading to the loss of jobs for up to 20 or 30 employees, such as tractor driver "Gary", which he said, "would mortify me".


Oh, and he's worth £100M apparently.  Call a Taxi.


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Cromer…… cod and chips for two, two kids meals and a drink each….. best part of £50!

I always work bills out in ‘locos’, so a chip shop takeaway is a third of a Manor or thereabouts….. it always drives Mrs BR mad when I say what I could have had…. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning from the sunny Charente where I slept in. A very rare event.


I blame an evening out and a nice meal last night but not the wine as I was the designated driver. The hens expressed their displeasure when I let them out at 09.00.  


Today will be a tidying and bits and bobs day as we are heading for the Spanish border tomorrow to meet No 1 son and his fiancée. 


As to fish and chips, a portion at Mr T's mobile chippy is €14.00.



Edited by jamie92208
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54 minutes ago, polybear said:


...I do hope that's the price list for a sit-down scoff - Jumbo Sossie & Chips £7-50??  Jeez, that'd be about £4-20 in Bearland (takeaway).


I think the days of really cheap food in the UK will soon be over.


Apart from the intermittent scarcity of supplies (which drives up prices) and the increasing energy bills, there is also more awareness of the actual cost of food. Farmers selling produce to supermarkets at below growing/raising costs is nothing new (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/jul/02/british-farmers-supermarket-price-wars;) and it still continues (https://www.fwi.co.uk/news/opinion-below-cost-retail-prices-are-an-insult-to-farmers).  But if small and medium size farmers go out of business, the UK will be facing even more scarcity and price hikes (and will lead to absurdities such as supermarket chains preferring to import cheap food, rather than pay British farmers a fair price).


Furthermore, you don't have to be a militant vegan to be aware of the animal suffering involved in producing cheap meat (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/23/switzerland-referendum-on-banning-factory-farming)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


The overnight rain has stopped falling, but everywhere is very wet, I won’t be doing anything outside today. So, I shall be spending the day in the cellar, partly in the office and partly sorting stuff out in the big room. 


Back later. 



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nearly overslept this morning, woke up for a number 1 about quarter past 6, decided to go back to bed for half an hour... An hour later I woke up. Gardeners may be pleased but the long hot dry summer has drastically reduced the slug population. Its causing concern as only about 20% of the 40 slug species in the UK cause damage to plants, most are actually beneficial. I have also noticed that this year there's not many ants around this year and I have seen none of the flying variety at all.

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  • RMweb Premium
12 hours ago, BlackRat said:

Talking of ink…..one of our old chief constables insisted he was the only person allowed in the force to use green ink to sign anything .

Guess which rebel went straight out and bought a bottle of green ink.


Reminds me of my time riding the Black Horse at Lloyds Bank - the Head Office Inspectors who visited every branch every 2 to 3 years did a full audit of everything, especially checking the cash and valuable items deposited in the strong room. Everything they checked was initialled in distinctive colours that hadn't been used for several previous inspections, but never the popular colours of black, blue and red - and of course they used fountain pens but we all used biros. Some of the items had so many initials in the ledger covering all the colours of the rainbow, that the customer must have passed away years ago !


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