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1 hour ago, DaveF said:

I even found one of Dad's very old stuffed toys in a box I'd brought back from the flat.  It's a rabbit in a blue suit, he called it Oswald.  It must be over 90 years old now and still in quite good condition.


The photo below was taken during my walk, I didn't get wet taking it.



Beach huts and Battery observation post.




But we wanted a picture of Oswald....😢

(Ok, so at least one Bear did.....)


New neighbour next door called round to ask if I'd keep an eye on her house whilst she's on hols - and go and check inside in a few days to make sure all is ok - some Spanish Cheese that I've never heard of has been mentioned as a "thank you" 🙂.  No mention of cake, however 🙁.  She did mention a bottle of whisky - until Bear pointed out that he doesn't drink.  At this point I can hear several fellow ER'ers sobbing uncontrollably....

She did mention that a house nearly opposite was "done" a few weeks back - the woman came out to their car (a Beemer) with the kids so she could drive them to school, opened the door and then thought "Where's the f. steering wheel??"  The sat nav had walked as well....

They have a camera doorbell that filmed it - they were at it for 3 hours apparently.  No idea why the car alarm didn't go off - or don't Beemers have such things?  They must've known what they were doing - and have the correct tools ready - cos' little details like steering wheel airbags need a bit of thought. 


Right, ding ding - Round 2 with the paint in the cupboard methinks.....

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13 minutes ago, polybear said:

why the car alarm didn't go off - or don't Beemers have such things?  They must've known what they were doing - and have the correct tools ready -

Cars with keyless entry systems are susceptible to various hacking devices so I suspect the thieves were well prepared. I suspect they have techniques for other security systems too. 

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Afternoon all, on the subject of speeding, a pal got caught slightly over the limit and was sent on a "speed awareness" course for half a day, the police officer doing the course told all assembled you can do the speed limit, plus 10% plus 2 miles an hour, so technically he's saying you can do 35 in a 30 limit and be legal.

I was doing 40 in a 30 by accident and got a £60 fine, however having once tested my old Aston Martin V8 on the A50 from the M1 to the M6 after working on it, I missed my turning as I was going too fast, as I looked down at the speedo as I was slowing down, it showed 160mph, so I can hardly complain................................

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3 hours ago, polybear said:




Apparently the law is such that speedo's are never, ever allowed to read low (i.e. you're going faster than the speedo displays) but they can (within a certain percentage error) read high.

As for when the plod/cameras will nick you, it varies by Police Force - and some will admit their tolerance whilst some won't.  Often is something like 10% plus 3mph. 


The construction and use act 1984 defined the current, A speedo must never show less than the actual speed, and must never show than 110% more than of actual speed + 6.25mph.

Iirc before that it was +- 10% , and even  today if your vehicle is capable of less than 25mph or is built before 1937 then no Speedo is required..


I believe it's the fact that the remaining vehicles of pre 1984 allowed -10% under reading is why the police still give that allowance .


In other news, BMs  chair reinforced.

Foam for roof of trailer cut,

Trial run of motor / years for electric spinny thingy failed..

The internal electronic controller wouldn't run..


I forgot the original battery was 24V, this will be stepped down to run the frequency generator chips for the PWM system, they are probably 5V, the PSU I used was 12V , so they probably said I'm not going to work with 2.5 V that's too little juice..

24V PSU ordered. Some more connectors as well. For something that likes 12V.


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5 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

technically he's saying you can do 35 in a 30 limit and be legal.

No. It is not legal. The legal limit is as posted / applicable national limit. But as we have discussed there is a tolerance to allow for conditions, variations between machines and an element of “human factor”. 

Fixed cameras measure the time taken to travel between two fixed points - usually white road markings. Hand-held or in-car kit can measure your speed over an extended distance. 

Passing an active camera at or above its preset trigger speed will result in mail being received; many don’t flash these days so you don’t know you have been “pinged” until the letter arrives. 

Approaching / passing a police speed check they might decide to speak with you for driving at 80 in a 70 limit (where 10%+2 is 79) or if you are first clocked at 85 then suddenly slow to 70 (the assumption being that you have spotted Plod; the offence has already been detected) but drive past at a steady 73 in good conditions and you are unlikely to be troubled in my opinion. 


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Bear's Sunday Funnies:























A mate of mine had a nasty accident when he came off his bike and skidded along on his backside for about fifty metres.
I was wondering if it is possible to donate the skin from your buttocks to be grafted onto someone else?
Just ar5e skin for a friend.


Prince Charles was driving his Aston into Sandringham Estate to visit his Mum, as he passed through the gates and onto the long gravel drive he accidentally ran over one of his Mums corgis.
He leapt out of the car and to his horror the poor dog was splattered all over the front wheel of his car and crushed into the gravel drive. As he stood, staring horrified at what he had done, a genie appeared in a puff of smoke.
"I'm a powerful genie and I'll grant you just one wish, what shall it be?".
Charles replied;
"Can you put this poor dog back together, it's one of Mummy's favourite dogs?".
The Genie surveyed the splatted dog and shaking his head he turned to Charles and said;
"I'm sorry, even my powers can not help that dog, have another wish?"
Charles thought for a moment and said;
"Could you make Camilla good looking?"
The Genie instantly replied;
"Give us another look at that dog".


Two salesmen were going door to door when they knocked on the door of a woman who was not happy to see them.
She told them that she did not want to hear their message and slammed the door.
To her surprise, however, the door did not close and, bounced back open.
She tried again and again convinced these rude young people were sticking their foot in the door.
She reared back to give it a slam that would teach them a lesson when one of them said:
"Madam, before you do that again, you might need to move your cat."


At a recent job interview:
"What's your name?"
"Dave ******* ******* Smith"
"Do you suffer from Tourette's Dave"
"No. But the Vicar at the Christening did."


A bloke took 2 stuffed dogs to the Antiques Roadshow.
The presenter said, "This is a very rare set, produced by the celebrated Johns Brothers taxidermists who operated in London at the turn of the last century.
Do you have any idea what they would fetch if they were in good condition?"
"Sticks" the bloke replied


Knock, knock.
"Who's there?"
"The Police."
"Identify yourselves."


A bloke walks into a pub and orders six brandy’s., large ones. The landlord says, "Looks like you are having a bad day."
The chap says, "Am I ever! I woke up late for work. On my way to work, I got in an accident. When I got to work, I was four hours late, so the boss fired me. To top it off, I came home to my wife scre*ing my best friend."
The landlord says, "What did you say to your wife?"
The bloke says, "I told her to get out, and I never want to see her again."
The landlord says, "What did you say to your best friend?"
The bloke says, "BAD DOG!"


A restaurant near me is offering 3 courses of badger for just £15.
It's a sett menu.


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Bear's Thought For The Day.....



A good friend of mine unexpectedly lost his wife. A couple months later we were golfing together, chatting about nothing. He asked what my dinner plans were and I told him my wife wanted my homemade chilli and cornbread, but I didn't feel like stopping at the store. We golfed a few more minutes when he quietly said, “Make the chilli."

It took me a few minutes to realize we were no longer talking about dinner. It was about going out of your way to do something for someone you love because at any moment, they could unexpectedly be taken from you. So today I'm sharing with you that wisdom handed to me by my dear friend that I've thought of many times since that day. Next time someone you love wants you to go for a walk or watch a football game or play a board game or just put your phone down and give them your undivided attention, just do it. “Make the chilli”



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Afternoon All


Skipping has had to occur again - sorry, and greetings to all fellow ERs.


Hand a bit swollen, but 30747 and I took the swathes of bandage off - THEY WERE TIGHT - and replaced with a much lighter dressing which does not affect the circulation - what is it about nurses that they have to make the simplest injury look like a major accident has happened?


Builder tomorrow - not the one from the North who just can't seem to fit us in any more, but another one who charges very reasonable hourly rates, and doesn't charge VAT.  Lily in kennels for three days, and 45156 has a number of Ebay parcels to send tomorrow - nothing too exciting - just some audio books.


Regards to All


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Bear here....

The cupboard has received it's second - and final - coat of emulsion.  Even the ceiling....

Then it was the turn of the first top coat on the timber batten under the skirting.  What fun.

New neighbour called just before she disappeared for the airport - she handed over a Brocolli, a bag of Carrots and something called "Piccobella Tomatoes" - Tesco's finest, no less; they were still attached to the little green stringy bits.  None of them frozen either.  That's Bear totally confused.


A Rant.....

I received an email from the S.A. Ladies - "Your parcel has been delivered" - and apparently "handed to the resident".  WIFAL.

I discovered it on the doorstep.  Is ringing a doorbell beyond their tiny brains now??  T0ssers.

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Lazy start due to being apparently glued to the bed after the log chopping yesterday, man was I tired. 


Then to archery, where Mrs NHN retired from the shoot due to, yes, too sore after log chopping most of yesterday! 


Interesting round though, one of the supposed crack shots from another group came around with ours - turned out he's a bit crepe. Upon querying gently about his previously posted impressive scores, it came to light he, and all his group, have been shooting three arrows at each face and adding the score of all three.  In these classes we shoot in the club the first arrow of three to hit a scoring area is all you get, with decreasing points for first, second or third shot.  We wondered why they never did very well in competitions when you are scored by independents!   Seemingly he hasn't read, or at least absorbed the 'Red Book' of NFAS rules.


The interesting thing was the look on his face when he realised Debs and Geoff in the group post scores competitive to his, which were obtained off just one arrow per target. The club secretary has been informed. The smell of BS has lingered about this lot for a while, it is now exposed!

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Well after a couple of hours of eyelid inspection I feel a little better.

I have removed the spare bedroom door I can tell you dear reader that its a heavy bu99er. We got the last bit of flooring laid and cut round the doorframe. We then had a little shopping  trip for blades for the power plane. I have the threshold plate to cut and fit.

I am now sat watching the first episode of Help I bought a village

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I've spent the afternoon watching TV, specifically Help! I've bought a village. Its very difficult to find the times in the listings but I've managed to do so. There are twenty episodes in all and the program is on Channel 4 at 4 PM. every weekday. The first ten episodes have been shown but are available on catch up. I see that Simon is watching it as well, he just posted a few minutes ago. 

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Well it does seem that the battery on the Bearfone is slowly dying 🙁  Turdycurses.

I've just been researching possible new replacements - only to discover that the "usual" fone now appears to have a screen size larger than a portable telly.  FFS.  I want to be able to carry it around in a pocket, not in a suitcase.  My current offering (iphone 4s) has a 3.5" screen - and that's just fine, thanks very much.  Google shows a distinct lack of such offerings - and adding in a sensible price (= under - and hopefully very well under - two hundred notes; closer to a ton would be nicer**).  Oh yes, and a decent battery life too...

Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.  

I guess that's another Rant.


(** some of them seem to be the price of a bluddy great telly.  Jeez)

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34 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

@polybear try looking for a reconditioned or 2nd hand phone somewhere like Cash Generator 

I wanted a cheaper iPad for use with my trains and slot cars. I got one from Music Magpie. It wasn’t new but was immaculate, and has worked perfectly. My phone is a Samsung, normal size, not the plus or ultra offerings. They seem to be happy in a pocket too. My phone is from O2. You can pay by interest free instalments over a couple of years if you want to spread the cost.  Though, as Simon said there are plenty of reconditioned phones around. All those phones from people who have to have the latest model need  to go somewhere. 

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8 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Talking of keyless cars I saw this in a newspaper the other day





Now I'm pretty sure one of the questions I got when going for my security clearance was "Should you go to the newspapers  and tell everyone the ingenious place where you have hidden the car keys? Yes or No?" 



Following on from the UK cheeseburger price rise shock. Took the ute to Bunnings (which is compulsory here on a Sunday)  to find the price of a sausage sanga had gone up by a dollar!




I've been pulled over by the cops 3 times since 1982. First time, I  still had my provisional driver plates on so I was a Marked Man.  A highway patrol car was waiting in  the side street that the police station was on, let me go past then pulled out and sat behind me for a bit before he  pulled me over to tell me I was speeding. I said "Mate, I saw you waiting to pull out, why would I be speeding when I know theres a cop on my tail?"  He let me off with a warning.


Second time I overtook a paddy wagon on a dual lane road, carefully noting that my  speed was still safely under the 80kmh limit They pulled me over and asked what speed I was doing.


Because my car was from the mph days even though we lived in a kmh world by then I told them 49mph . They told me the speed limit "was 80kmh, not 49mph!"  and that when I overtook a police car in a "Car like that"  I instantly drew attention to my self. (this was when 70's Australian muscle cars were cheap-as second hand and everyone drove one -was like Mad Max out there! Plus I still had my provisional plates on.)  They still let me off with a warning though.


Third time I got done by a radar unit doing 75kmh in a 60 limit because I had driven through a town and presumed the 80kmh limit had started. I wrote a nice letter saying sorry and got one back saying they'd  let me off just this once.


Oh, also got a speeding ticket from Tasmanian Police  saying the hire car I'd been using had clocked 30kmh over the speed limit on the Tasman Bridge in Hobart, at the time on the ticket I was back here in my loungeroom,  told   them to get the hire car people to recheck their records. 


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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Well it does seem that the battery on the Bearfone is slowly dying 🙁  Turdycurses.

I've just been researching possible new replacements - only to discover that the "usual" fone now appears to have a screen size larger than a portable telly.  FFS.  I want to be able to carry it around in a pocket, not in a suitcase.  My current offering (iphone 4s) has a 3.5" screen - and that's just fine, thanks very much.  Google shows a distinct lack of such offerings - and adding in a sensible price (= under - and hopefully very well under - two hundred notes; closer to a ton would be nicer**).  Oh yes, and a decent battery life too...

Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.  

I guess that's another Rant.


(** some of them seem to be the price of a bluddy great telly.  Jeez)



Mate this  looks like exactly what you are looking for. 



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I have touchwood only got the dreaded notice of intended prosecution once. I panicked at first then read it properly it was from roadworks on the M62 at Brighouse. I had part exchanged the car for a Ford Focus just as I started at the Council. As it happened I got all the documentation through for the car in the same pile of post so a quick letter and copies of the documentation including the slip for transferring the car into the motor trade.

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6 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

as I looked down at the speedo as I was slowing down, it showed 160mph, so I can hardly complain................................

A favourite topic.  Our driving, it seems to me that the police are a little over enthusiastic  back home.  On various occasions on holiday I am always surprised at the number of cameras and 'traffic calming' devices that hinder the right of way.  Not that we are free of them over here, but there isn't the number seen in the UK.  Freeway speeds are generally posted at 70 mph but that transcends into 80/85 quite frequently.  It would appear that if traffic is flowing, the highway patrol turns a blind eye except for the excesses, so it would appear they don't want to interrupt traffic if all is going well.  So we can drive comfortably without fear of tickets which makes driving more easy and pleasurable.  OTOH our local council has deemed it necessary to lower the city speed to 20 for in town streets at the behest of 

the mothers of the town!


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The phone i am currently typing on is  a Samsung galaxy A20 core. It came from a local social enterprise that usually recycles computers I believe it was originally intended for the Indian market. Some of the originally installed apps were in Sanskrit.

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1 hour ago, brianusa said:

OTOH our local council has deemed it necessary to lower the city speed to 20 for in town streets at the behest of  the mothers of the town!

As part of their "Vision Zero" programme, Portland has a campaign called "20 is Plenty!" for neighbourhood streets with a speed limit of 20 mph.


This is because of the very high pedestrian fatality rate in Portland - 27 out of 63 traffic deaths in 2021. Houseless people represented 33% (21) of the traffic deaths and 70% (19) of the pedestrian deaths. This data was quite eye-opening to City Council.  (55% of the pedestrian fatalities were under 40 - so it's not mostly older people crossing the street.)


It is not of course the neighbourhood streets where most of the fatalities occur, but on the main (often multi-lane east-west streets) with heavy traffic (particularly one with a lot of unhoused people). The city well understands where their problem areas are.


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