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6 hours ago, AndrewC said:

One thing I do miss about Canadian health care is most GP offices are in "medical centres"

Same here. Go to GP,  get referral if required and go straight upstairs or next door for pathology or x-rays. Many also have an onsite pharmacy so it's straight across the corridor to get any script filled. Which isn't a doctor's indecipherable scribble on some paper, it's been electronically  transferred to the pharmacy computer system so if you walk slowly enough  it's already  been filled and is waiting for you.


There is  a national health database that you can opt out of but if you choose to remain on it you can go into any doctor's surgery in the country and they can bring up your entire medical history in seconds. If you need a doctor anywhere or at anytime there's a website that'll show you the next appointment available wherever you are, with the  details  of each  the local doctors if you are fussy and want to pick one with a particular speciality. Choose the doctor and the appointment window and book online.


Like the NHS it's all usually free too, though some  doctors may  choose to charge rather than bill it to Medicare, but in that case there is a sign on the door (and on the booking website) to let you know.


I can't remember when I last phoned a surgery or had an old school paper script




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58 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

There was a suggestion that thorium nuclear power plants should be built but the governments do not want to know. Thorium is a lot safer, it can be switched off like a light and doesn't produce such nasties as plutonium. Plutonium is one of the main ingredients of nuclear bombs.

Just checked which countries have the largest  Thorium reserves...

Between that and lithium for batteries  and precious metals for electronics, along with the usual bauxite and iron ore etc etc etc  looks like everyone in Australia could end up  working in the mining industry, and we'll all  slowly sink  from view into a bloody huge pit. Pays bloody well though!

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Afternoon all 


Desk now fixed,back is killing me. We couldn't get the desk out from where it is so someone had to go under the desk fasten the new legs on then remove the old monkey metal.


Got a bit pi55ed off this morning took Swmbo to drs for another blood test. Me and Lucas went to Tesco and wasted £2 50 on a Euromillions ticket.

Coming out I ran into the to55er who used to live next door to my parents at their last house. My Gran once had to stop me and our kid from going out and battering him cos he upset Mum. How she managed to stop us I don't know we are both big lads. Anyhow he stuck his hand out for me to shake and asked how my Dad is. I could have kicked him down Tescos car park.

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13 minutes ago, TheQ said:

They've built a few wind farms around East Anglia too..


At least they are far enough offshore that you won't catch cancer.


Edited by monkeysarefun
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3 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

That blokes hot air should be enough to generate power. What an absolute eejit

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  • RMweb Gold
24 minutes ago, TheQ said:

They've built a few wind farms around East Anglia too..


I am some sort of terrible person. I really like seeing the wind turbines as we drive around the country. I don’t mind seeing the offshore ones either. 

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3 hours ago, grandadbob said:

... because on the drive to Norfolk and back last week I became a serial killer ....


Been there, done that - but while stationary. The insects flew into me ... honestly. All it took was a sunny day, a railway carriage, a tin or two of maroon paint and my foolishness in thinking it was a good day to give No.10 a top coat ...  Commercial insect traps - pah! 


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This is why I'll be painting Blue Moon in the winter in the future, I was suprised to find that the paint would set  down to 5C , so I just chose a dry day, with a minimum temperature of 5C, and painted first thing in the morning.. 

no insects!!! 

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Afternoon All!


This morning has mostly been spent "Bimbling" or perhaps more accurately described as "Circumnavigating the Metropolis that is Milton Keynes" with the intention of arriving at the infamous Super Sausage Cafe on the A5 for the purpose of sustenance replenishment. 


It seems to have been a successful mission (and very tasty it was too) 😀









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2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

There was a suggestion that thorium nuclear power plants should be built but the governments do not want to know. Thorium is a lot safer, it can be switched off like a light and doesn't produce such nasties as plutonium.


What's the downside?


1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:

Just checked which countries have the largest  Thorium reserves...

Between that and lithium for batteries  and precious metals for electronics, along with the usual bauxite and iron ore etc etc etc  looks like everyone in Australia could end up  working in the mining industry, and we'll all  slowly sink  from view into a bloody huge pit. Pays bloody well though!


What does yer average Aussie shop worker, bus driver etc. earn, and what does a miner earn?


In other news....

Mucho stuff removed from the Airing cupboard and bagged up for Charity; there's some very good stuff there so Bear had to wrestle with his conscience and fight the "that might come in useful" instinct.  Instead I had to think "Bear'll be dead before that's ever needed"; let's face it, just how many sets of spare sheets and towels etc. does a Bear actually need??  Not nearly as many as I had stashed away, that's for sure.

I now have a fair stack of stuff to go to the Hospice Warehouse sometime this week, after which I'll be a-wanderin' around a nearby JL and squintin' at Carpet; a bit of research did discover that the carpet Bear has in mind (I've yet to see it yet though....) is actually three quid a metre CHEAPER in JL than in Carpetright, which was a bit of a surprise.

edit:  And it seems that the local carpet place is two quid cheaper than JL......

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22 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

There was a six hour weather delay in the PGA Tour event closer to your home on Saturday. Based on what I saw on television it rained a lot in Blaine, MN. Happily you missed that.

That's about 20 miles to our north, honestly, we'd have welcomed the rain but it bypassed our suburb somehow. We seemed to be in the eye of a rain pattern and got none of it.


Tuesday, expected to be as quiet as yesterday was!

We had a last minute invite to Trevor and Meagans' for dinner last evening, was good, since we were just in the process of trying to figure out what we were going to do.


Weather first thing a nice 16 and overcast with a light breeze, seems likely to be that way all day with the high managing only 25, light rain at best for precipitation.


Carry on.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

hich I'll be a-wanderin' around a nearby JL and squintin' at Carpet; a bit of research did discover that the carpet Bear has in mind (I've yet to see it yet though....) is actually three quid a metre CHEAPER in JL than in Carpetright, which was a bit of a surprise.

edit:  And it seems that the local carpet place is two quid cheaper than JL......

That doesn’t surprise me at all. When we were looking for carpet for this house we went into one of the big carpet discount warehouses in Southend. Aditi asked the salesman if they had the carpet she liked. We thought the man was going to cry. He said they didn’t have anything like that, all they had was rubbish and we would be better off anywhere else.  I don’t think he was happy working there. 
As part of my not being an exciting person lifestyle we have the same carpet everywhere except for kitchen and bathrooms. Goes well with the magnolia walls (though the carpet isn’t magnolia). 

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Jus like Puppers, I've been bimbling this afternoon, on Bumble.  Mate Steve around the corner was having his enormous Triumph adventure sport bike serviced, and asked if I fancied a ride down (all the way to Castletown) as he returned the courtesy bike and collected it.  Rude not to.  65 miles or so, mostly on bumpy back roads, I'm officially knackered now.


Bumble, on a Bimble. (Bimble = Body In Motion But Little Else).



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. We must have had some rain last night as the road outside was quite damp this morning, that must be what woke up Arthur Itis this morning. It was reported on the news that the houses that were less damaged or escaped damage at Wennington and Dagenham did so because the grass was cut, apparently long grass retains heat as well as providing more fuel.

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4 hours ago, AndrewC said:

Summer on the Canadian prairies. The b*stards would just carry off the electric bug zappers for some late night kinky fun. Driving more than 100km meant stopping at the next town's self serve car wash to power jet wash the front of the car. Seriously, they'd block the grille and cause overheating. Grass hoppers the size of eagles. Mosquitos  show up on the Flight Radar app. horse flies that were about the same size as a palomino. Those up side down people ain't got nothing on our prairie bugs. 

When they were young, our kids developed a version of the ‘punchbuggy’ game they called ‘bugsplat’. Kept them occupied for a while each time they played, though it almost always got too vigorous and a parental halt had to be called.

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3 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

It was reported on the news that the houses that were less damaged or escaped damage at Wennington and Dagenham did so because the grass was cut, apparently long grass retains heat as well as providing more fuel.

There was a nasty grass fire in the Dallas, Texas area yesterday. It was believed to be started by a mower and torched 20 homes.

<EDIT> with a better story than the local news link above.

CNN: A Dallas-area inferno damages 26 homes, with 9 a 'total loss'


Believed to be started by 'brush hogging' and a blade strike spark.



Dallas has had a lot of hot weather recently.


Here we have a lot of advice about creating a 'defensible space', essentially meaning no vegetation adjacent to homes. My friends in Central Oregon have a pumice border around their home - (no planting beds adjacent to the walls). I don't remember their local HOA* requirements but it's at least 2' or so.


* Home Owners' Association 


Edited by Ozexpatriate
Added better online story
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It continues to be hot here too.


From my 'phone:


Today is only the third day (and likely the hottest) but despite all my efforts, indoor temperatures continue to climb. It was already 27°C indoors at 9:00am this morning and no mitigation was possible since it was already hotter outside when I returned from my walk.


The trend might look hopeful, but it's still in the 30s°C through the weekend.


My forced air fan unit is tentatively scheduled for repair on Monday - presuming that the replacement arrives from the distributor, where it is in stock. Per Murphy, it should be installed by the time the heat breaks.


I'm envious of hearing about rain. My drip irrigation should be on (it's actually hard to tell, I know the sprinkler in the front is working) but I will get out and hand water the plants with the hose in the twilight this evening.


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