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10 hours ago, polybear said:

Thank you, my dear treasure snuffling Bear, for the link. The auctioneer’s estimate is certainly reasonable – but did you read the small print? Basically whatever you pay for the object you then have to add on another 25% to 30% In assorted fees and something called “buyer’s premium”. Are they having a larf?


Talk about an easy way to make money. Perhaps it’s time for me to give up the day job (lots of difficult “brainwork“) and start my own auction house where I can charge huge premiums and fees to people who want to give me money…

8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Others were  "Drink water!" "Dont go out in the sun!" etc - have we really become this dumbed down? 

I think so. Although throughout history the older generation has always despaired of the younger generation (there are Egyptian papyrii where the writer complains about “the yoof of today“ – so nothing new there). I do think that there is, unfortunately, a large percentage of younger people who are wilfully ignorant of (If not anti-) basic science, medicine, history and the like: if it doesn’t fit in to their narrow world view (a worldview that is far too often driven by trendy politics).


A good example of this was illustrated by a YouTuber called Metatron who is absolutely passionate about Roman history and has posted  extensively and eruditely on the topic of The Ancient Romans.  In a  video of his that I watched yesterday, he recounted how he was attacked on TikTok by some really weird purple haired person who has the bizarre idea that Ancient Rome was really a creation of the Spanish Inquisition and didn’t actually exist. Anyone who tries to point out to this purple headed weirdo that there is plenty of evidence of all kinds to support the existence of Ancient Rome is immediately branded by her as “a fascist“, “a white supremacist“, “sexist” and so on. 


From the video, it would appear that Metatron was attacked by this weird headed Virago for “calling her out” (as they say) for spouting utter rubbish. 
Incidentally, although Metatron is quite the showman (he presents his videos dressed in Roman armour!) he is very thought-provoking and his work – from what little I know about Roman history – is soundly researched. I certainly recommend him for a view or two.

8 hours ago, polybear said:

Does anyone actually spend seven hundred and fifty bucks on a Dyson Fan? 🤣

So the tales about “rip off Britain“ are true! Around here, and Switzerland is not noted for being a “cheap“ country, the most expensive Dyson all-singing, all–dancing heating and cooling unit comes in at £600 or so.


In terms of pricing, Dyson is above the average ‘round here for that sort of domestic appliance but not shockingly so (you don’t want to know the price of a decent washing machine around here, Bear. You’d have to go lie down in a darkened room with a medicinal dose of LDC)

7 hours ago, PupCam said:

….Only if they are extremely stupid in my most very humble opinion.     


Mind you, you may recall that Dyson is not a favoured manufacturer of Puppers!   

Not necessarily, my opinionated canine friend.  It depends on why you bought a Dyson. We bought a Dyson heating fan for the holiday hovel because Lucy likes to snuggle up next to the fire and in her old age we are concerned about her getting too close to the single bar electric fire that we have up there – with the potential for tragic outcomes. The Dyson (for which we paid a lot, lot less than £750) was the best option for us.


Where I do agree with you about Dyson being vastly overrated is with their vacuum cleaners. I wanted to replace my existing Philips upright vacuum cleaner, which – strangely enough – although hasn’t got enough suction to vacuum up scraps of paper is incredibly good at picking up dog hair.  I looked at the Dyson vacuum cleaners available here and they were all incredibly overpriced and incredibly flimsy looking. The Migros house brand version of upright vacuum cleaner seemed a much, much better bet.


I have not yet replaced the Philips upright vacuum cleaner as I still have to find a decent one and sneak it past Mrs iD. For some reason SWMBO believes the only decent vacuum cleaner is a canister vacuums - which you pull after you like a caravan. She insisted in buying a Miele canister “cat and dog“ vacuum cleaner – which really isn’t the easiest vacuum cleaner to wield (and you don’t want to know how much that cost here in Switzerland).

Oh well, enough ruminating on the joys of the diversity of domestic cleaning machinery – time to start doing some paying work.


Enjoy hump day!

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Ey up! 


Apparently it will rain today.. oi will make the most of the heat from the sun before that happens. It really helps the joints!


Time for my mugatea (which also helps to cool you off).


Stay safe!





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8 hours ago, PupCam said:

Mind you, you may recall that Dyson is not a favoured manufacturer of Puppers!   



He's none too popular with the people of Malmesbury either - who helped propel him to stardom, only to be sh1t on from a very great height when he shifted design, production and Head Office to Singapore.


7 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

We have hive heating and a couple of hive lightbulbs so I hope we won't be affected. It is this sort of thing that makes me reluctant to invest in more smart home tech just for it to become obsolete 


A buddy of Bear's had a TomTom sat nav with lifetime map updates - only for TT to decide what "lifetime" actually meant and discontinued the updates.  IIRC when the updates stopped the sat nav also died, rather than continue but with maps getting slowly out of date.  The best he got out of TT was a discount voucher for nottalot when he purchased a new one.


26 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Talk about an easy way to make money. Perhaps it’s time for me to give up the day job (lots of difficult “brainwork“) and start my own auction house where I can charge huge premiums and fees to people who want to give me money…


Not forgetting they also charge a big % wedge to the seller as well......


26 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I have not yet replaced the Philips upright vacuum cleaner as I still have to find a decent one and sneak it past Mrs iD. For some reason SWMBO believes the only decent vacuum cleaner is a canister vacuums - which you pull after you like a caravan. She insisted in buying a Miele canister “cat and dog“ vacuum cleaner – which really isn’t the easiest vacuum cleaner to wield (and you don’t want to know how much that cost here in Switzerland).



Bear has a Miele C & D - it's No. 2 in fact, as the last one "only" lasted 20+ years and eventually succumbed during "The Great Kitchen Refurb" - after Bear subjected it to things it was really, really not designed to do.  There's a fair chance it was repairable (a new motor was no doubt required, even though the existing one still ran I was under no illusions that it was a big bang/smoke/fire waiting to happen) but as I concentrating on the kitchen at the time (and a new motor was half the cost of a new Mickey) I decided to take the easier route......

Miele C & D?  Gets the official Beary Coat of Arms award....


Bear here.....

Today?  Sanding then applying Danish Oil to the Window Sill and Mantle Piece.  Then it's MIUABGA.


In other news.....

Only in Russia:



On Monday, Francis Scarr, a journalist BBC Monitoring who translates Russian State TV, shared a video to Twitter featuring a broadcast which claimed a family benefitted from their son dying in Ukraine because they could buy a new car with the compensation money.

"You couldn't make this up," Scarr wrote on Twitter. "Last night Russian state TV ran a report on the unexpected 'benefits' of having your son killed in Ukraine. You can buy a Lada with the compensation given to you by the state!"


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@monkeysarefun funny...

...and frightening!

(especially when you consider that they also have the vote....)


Maybe we should create our own version of "utter b0llocks" - the more bizarre and extreme, the better.


Here's a few to start with


  • Bears are known for being smart and can use rudimentary tools, what people don't know is that the bears of today's world are actually the remaining descendants of an ancient, tool using, sophisticated Bear society. Which was destroyed when the bears got into genetic engineering...
  • The triumph of standard gauge over Brunel's broad gauge is because, unlike Stephenson, Brunel was not one of the "railway elders" - an ancient society, dating back to the Egyptians, who are dedicated to controlling the world's knowledge of railways and how to use them.....
  • Humans actually have 3 sexes: +++, ++0 and +00. In prehistory the +++ and the ++0 human had to simultaneously fertilise the ++0 human. When agriculture developed, improved nutrition meant that the +++ human became fertile enough to fertilise the +00 human without a ++0 being involved. The change in nutrition, plus ++0 infanticide practiced by early agricultural humans, meant that the ++0 humans became extinct...


Over to you..

Edited by iL Dottore
Added some stuff
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11 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

@monkeysarefun funny...

...and frightening!

(especially when you consider that they also have the vote....)

Effin nutters of you ask me.


Straight to the funny farm do not pass go do not collect £200.


I think these that believe this Tartarian guff should be made to watch some of Fred Dibnahs series on Victorians and some of Adam Hart-Davis What the Victorians did for us.


I suppose they will tell you these giants were all Freemasons and Knights Templar and lizards covered in human skin flew around in UFOS oh and created coronavirus whilst riding on the back of Nessie. 


Any other conspiracy theories can be added

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Good morning everyone 


Well, thankfully it’s quite a bit cooler here in England’s northwest today, currently 18C and set to get as high as 21C this afternoon. The skies are looking a little grey, but the sun is trying to shine and there is currently no prediction of rain, although this would be very welcome, I’d prefer it if it didn’t rain until this evening. 


We have a full day planned today, we will soon be setting off for the RHS Tatton Flower Show, we are hoping the weather stays warm and cloudy, but just in case we have taken the precaution of applying factor 50 to ourselves and we’re taking it with us to re-apply throughout the day, should it be necessary. The plan is to stay until around 5 o’clock, leaving at this time is usually easier, as those who’ve traveled a distance will already have gone! This will also be our first outing with our new BIGGER truck, so we should be able to fit MORE plants in than we usually do. However, this will mean that I’ll be busy in the garden over the weekend planting them all out! 


Back later. 



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Last night when I went to bed it was quite pleasant. The heat of the day had gone and there was a cooling breeze which I captured by opening the fanlights in the hallway and bathroom. I went to sleep quite quickly but I awoke at gawd knows what o'clock and the breeze had gone  and instead it was hot and muggy. Despite that I went to sleep again until just after five when the bladder required relief and then I found that the breeze had shut the bathroom door. I have wedged the bathroom door open and now the house is cooling down. There is still the smell of burnt wood on the breeze but not as much as last night. My thoughts go out to those in Wennington who have lost their homes.

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My wooden muddling shed abuts a field that is often wheat or barley, much consideration is being given to external fireproofing..

Luckily this year the fields are sugar beet one side of the garden and peas the other. 

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12 minutes ago, southern42 said:

Then came Henry. We bought one. And for a lot, lot less. It did really well. But gradually it started showing its age. It went down to the workshop, aka The Shed. Another Henry was to be ordered. But - there is always a But - the new rules & regs stipulated less energy use and therefore, I assumed, less powerful motors. I was expecting the worst. Plugged the new one in, switched it on, and grabbled the nearest handrail to avoid being sucked up into the hose. Wow, did it suck! It lifted the heavy vinyl flooring in the kitchen, dragged the rug in the sitting room, sucked up everything - especially those bits off the modelling table that you simply could not find and could not pick up fast enough once spotted before it got swallowed up. Just as well you can control its suckability by opening a hole in the hose. However, if that suck is not enough, there is always the other button for even more suck.


I think the rules about maximum energy use are there to drive efficiency. Without them, there is no impetus for development, so you'll just find bigger and bigger cheap motors in cleaners. Limit evergy use and the makers have to develop - and there are plenty of very efficient motors out there. Do this across many millions of vacuum cleaners, and the overall energy consumption drops and we need less power stations. Those things everyone wants - just not near their house.


And another vote for Henry. Not only is he made in Wales, works brilliantly, he's surprisinlgy fixable with basic hand tools too.

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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Thank you, my dear treasure snuffling Bear, for the link. The auctioneer’s estimate is certainly reasonable – but did you read the small print? Basically whatever you pay for the object you then have to add on another 25% to 30% In assorted fees and something called “buyer’s premium”. Are they having a larf?


Talk about an easy way to make money. Perhaps it’s time for me to give up the day job (lots of difficult “brainwork“) and start my own auction house where I can charge huge premiums and fees to people who want to give me money…


Well, what's stopping you? Have a look at the series "Scouting for Toys" on Yesterday to get an idea of the "easy" work involved.


The buyers and sellers premiums pay for the service of cataloguing and auctioning stuff off. All this takes a lot of time and significant amount of expertise. Or do you think they should do this for free?

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My Dad was an Estate Agent,Valuer and Auctioneer. I attended  sales with him and saw the work that goes on behind the scenes. These include as @Phil Parker says cataloguing which in an Estate sale can be a lot of work then there is viewing days publicity, perhaps venue hire administration and porters. Then there are other standing costs to run the business on none sales days.


It is hard work up on that podium trying to sell stuff that sometimes no one wants its not all Van Gogh paintings.


My Dad used to do charity auctions mainly Ropewalk Methodist Church in Knottingley then the Stormtroopers of the Catholic church aka Union of Catholic Mothers in Castleford.

You had to be careful sat in the audience not to move or cough or anything or you would end up buying something.

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32 minutes ago, Phil Parker said:


Well, what's stopping you? Have a look at the series "Scouting for Toys" on Yesterday to get an idea of the "easy" work involved.


The buyers and sellers premiums pay for the service of cataloguing and auctioning stuff off. All this takes a lot of time and significant amount of expertise. Or do you think they should do this for free?

That’s a very serious reply to what was simply a flippant, throwaway remark written with a touch of hyperbole for comic effect.


I do post things that are not meant to be taken either seriously or at face value.

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Morning All!


SPTs to all those whose lives have been ruined as a consequences of the extraordinary weather of late.      Losing one's home must be second only to losing a family member or close friend.


Vacuum cleaners.   Junior Puppers has a Miele "cylinder" cleaner and it's been very good.    At the time of the latest Dyson fiasco we lashed out on  a Henry.    Flippin' brilliant!    As others have said; low cost (rather than cheap with all that that entails), simple, not packed full of useless gadgets and features and, I should imagine, easily repairable should the need ever arise (unlikely).   


So it's  a "Yes" from me for Henry!





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