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It's a milkshake!

Ice cream, with, usually whisky but actually any spirit of your choice, whipped up like a milkshake with a sprinkle of cinammon on top.

I have one as dessert every time I eat out at a restaurant.

Iv'e just googled it and discovered that it is peculiarly South African, hence your not knowing it.

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Morning all,

Hope your day is better than mine so far!

Up at 01.45!

Sign on for 03.01, followed by a taxi ride. Tried to doze only to open one eye, find us wandering across road! Said he was overtaking a lorry. Not good, not filled washers so trying to see through muck on windscreen. I'm not a good car passenger at the best of times, this is not helping my mood.

Train late off depot so freezing my *#@+ off waiting. Then just got going, third person I come to has bought his morning coffee, but not his ticket!!

Cards declined, tells him off at first stop, then find three more the same!!AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

Finally one with a working card agrees to pay for them all.

Just got that done and train loses ALL electric, so we roll into next station and fail!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Much chirpier this morning - Don, the 'cake' has been 'iced' with modelling clay, does that count? :lol:

All the decorations are up although we haven't got many this year - mainly just a tree, a bit of tinsel and 3 sets of lights. I must admit I do like the odd set of lights around the houses at this time of year, I just can't stand those houses that must be run by a private power station powering all the lights and light up snowmen etc... :blink: Whatever next...


I'm having a bit of a blank moment, have I told you all about my new front tyre on my bicycle?

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  • RMweb Gold

After the puncture and the walk home Dad patched the tube up for me, however, the next morning I noticed it was flat again. We decided to leave it alone until we got a new inner tube so I didn't do any cycling for four or five days. Got the inner tube on Thursday and Dad ended up walking out with a new front tyre as well. The new tyre is much better (although not titanium treaded or kevlar) with a much(!) improved tread and is both for winter use and summer use.


Compared to my old tyre it looks like a hedgehog :lol: Anyway, managed to get it fitted in the garage and cycled into college on Friday - Wow, what a difference! It was so smooth, and I was suprised when I cycled into college 10 whole minutes earlier! :blink:


Needless to say, i'm pretty sure we'll be doing the same for the back tyre!

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Morning all,


Weather forecast wrong again - it's -2C outside instead of the +5C forecast! Ah well. Guess I'll just have to slide carefully into town later.


Thanks for your comments, Don, must re pack everything to get the liquids and electricals separated (who says they don't mix?), oh and sorry to hear your drama this morning, great central, but just to reassure you' I will be getting a new train ticket later to get me to the airport instead of St Pancras!


Is that the strawberry or vanilla flavoured modelling clay, Jam? I recall a while back saying I'd send you details of a book about Calshot but don't think I ever did; I'll try and rectify that today! Mind like a sieve, he cries - mine'd make a sieve look watertight! :blink:


Just been checking the Eurostar site; apparently, they 'winter proof the trains but didn't go far enough this year; cue the cartoon of a eurostar in a heavy winter coat!

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... I was suprised when I cycled into college 10 whole minutes earlier! :blink:


Needless to say, i'm pretty sure we'll be doing the same for the back tyre!


you'll be arriving before you've left at this rate! :icon_lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

" Is that the strawberry or vanilla flavoured modelling clay, Jam? I recall a while back saying I'd send you details of a book about Calshot but don't think I ever did; I'll try and rectify that today! Mind like a sieve, he cries - mine'd make a sieve look watertight! :blink: "


I would think vanilla, but i'm not entirely sure, I don't have a habbit of licking modelling clay.

I shouldn't worry about forgetting, I can't remember you saying it anyway, and i'm not suprised considering the amount of things I forget :lol: Which begs the question: Just how long ago was it? ;) :lol: If it was more than a month ago then the chances are I won't remember...



" ...cue the cartoon of a eurostar in a heavy winter coat! "

Brilliant, i've got to see that one.


"you'll be arriving before you've left at this rate! :icon_lol: "

:lol: :lol:

"Jam, I still have at home in use a ailver soup spoon with a handle with the most interesting curves acquired by it being used as a tyre lever when repairing a puncture on my bike - approximately 1951."

Crikey, I would get told off if I should use SWMBO's spoons for repairing bicycles!

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I would think vanilla, but i'm not entirely sure, I don't have a habbit of licking modelling clay.

I was going more by colour than taste; DAS do a beige or terracotta clay IIRC

If it was more than a month ago then the chances are I won't remember...

around that sort of timescale!



" ...cue the cartoon of a eurostar in a heavy winter coat! "

Brilliant, i've got to see that one.

Sort of thing they might come up with in Today's Railways: UK magazine. I have the picture implanted in my mind, but if I tried to put it on paper, even I wouldn't recognise it!
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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning.


Rather chilly but dry here. I extracted the tree and decorations from the loft without mishap yesterday. Matthew helped with the carrying. I did the tree decorating though. Matthew said his mum was having one of her Hyacinth Bucket moments describing the fairy on the tree as a Florentine Angel.


I don't know what is going on round here but from my window I can see lots of rooks heading towards the coast and gulls have come and settled on the nearby roofs.



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I think Thomas will think it's really Kewl! :D


Thanks :) Thomas loves it - when I took it for a test drive last weekend he was bouncing up and down saying "buy it, buy it!" much to the amusement of the lady who was trying to sell it (successfully as it turned out!).


It's like a rocket propelled shoe box, 65bhp in a car that weighs 600kg. There's just not a lot of room in the boot for a layout :P

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  • RMweb Gold

Have just taken the family to different places of work. Neither of them like driving in snow. Roads still a bit iffy.

Strange morning. 5 minutes ago I was watching a beautiful sunrise turn the lying snow and rooftops red. Now it's snowing again.


Off to read the paper, have breakfast and hopefully later will do some modelling or plan layout. Any chance of building some some of your wonderful boards Gordon and popping them in the post?

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  • RMweb Gold

"I was going more by colour than taste; DAS do a beige or terracotta clay IIRC"

Ah, yes you are right, in which case, definitely vanilla ;)


"around that sort of timescale!"

Nuff said really!


"Sort of thing they might come up with in Today's Railways: UK magazine. I have the picture implanted in my mind, but if I tried to put it on paper, even I wouldn't recognise it!"

I would have a go myself, but i'm not talented enough. (In other words, i'd make a fool of myself to even attempt it!)

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Morning all. Despite the forecast, no new snow here. About to set off to slide into work!


JohnDMJ - enjoy your holiday!


Robert - have fun with the RPSB... :lol: (no, not the RSPB... that's the Royal Society for the Prevention of Birds, according to Clarkson...)


BoD - good luck in the snow down there!

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