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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a text from Matthew. Tomorrow, (Thursday) is his last day at the school in Vietnam so he has been out shopping to buy paint for the children. He had to use French to make himself understood. I suspect he never thought that Grade C (Foundation) qualification would have some use.

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Pete. I am on blood pressure medication as well. Maybe thats why I am feeling cold. Which one has that effect? (or all of them)


Don, Beta- Blockers. I take Nadolol. Others may have the same effect. Talk with your Doc., next time.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all...


I guess I can now safely say that school is inevitably tied to improvisation. I'll be holding another practice lesson tomorrow and had prepared an outline based on a selection of texts I also brought along, so as to plan the lesson in detail with the course teacher and decide on one of the texts. Eventually, she but found that these texts would be more suitable for a later stage in this course, following which we needed to come up with an alternative from scratch, and eventually did find one. Nevertheless, I admit I now feel embarrassed as I keep thinking I stole her time, as the entire procedure thus filled almost all of her lunch break :unsure: .

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Hi Pete, Thanks for the info. I just read up the side effects of mine and it does say "cold extremeties". It's not my extremeties that feel cold but my torso. However, it is an indication.


Weather forecast just says cloudy, but even before hearing it I could hear the rain pattering outside as I performed my bathroom chores. It's still raining as I type this.


Tim is coming oday to continue dismantling. - The last of the points and point motors.

It's his 21st birthday on Sunday.

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Morning All,


It looks like it might be another reasonable day - but it is pretty cold this morning. Only 9°C, so definitely a sign that Autumn is approaching.


It was also rather a disturbed night. House alarms appeared to be going off right left and centre. This happened four times between 03:00 and 06:00 - each time from a different direction. Very strange!


Have a good day everyone...

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No Broadband over a large area here last evening.

Off for about 3-4 hours.

A 'major' problem was all I could discover.

All suppliers over BT lines were off.


On a lighter note, SWMBO is taking the Debit Card on an outing to Chester today.

Oktas are freckling the sky.

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Morning all! 2 meetings to go to today. I'm not sure if this is better than sitting at my desk.


One of these is with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Birds. (as Mr. Clarkson once put it)


Managed a 5K jog around Arthur's Seat last night and felt surprisingly fresh after it. I don't think I'll ever find running "fun" but it was at least easier than the previous week. Hopefully today just a light 1K swim...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Bright and starting to warm up here.

At some stage my exercise plan for the day will involve taking Robbie for a walk. We'll go over to the local fields as I don't want him to swim. His Frontline flea and tick treatment advises keeping the dog dry for a couple of days after application so avoiding the streams in the park is a good idea. I won't go out until UPS have delivered a loco, it is coming from Germany and according to the tracking information is in Romford now for delivery today.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Looks as though the sun is going to burn off the last of the oktas fairly soon. I suppose that means I have no excuse not to cut the grass. Hopefully my mate will finish work early and ring up with an urgent call to the golf course. That might save the day! First up though is to submit an objection to a local planning application.




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  • RMweb Gold

I objected to a planning proposal last year. If you want to extend a house in this area part of the proposal is about allowing for additional off street parking. so it came as a surprise that a local school was submitting a plan that said parking for their new extension 8am to 10pm would be in our road. I have written to support various neighbours planning applications. Responses appear online in this area.


My parcel has now left Chelmsford, so I hope it arrives soon as it would be nice to take Robbie out while it is such a pleasant morning. He seems happy enough just wandering in and out of the back garden and kitchen at the moment, but no matter how much he runs about in the garden it doesn't seem to count as a walk.



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There's nothing like "Walkies!" to our four legged friends.............


Btw did your objection work?


Our neighbours across the road (on the whole street) have a rotten problem. When their houses were built in the late forties the local rules were different from today. They have detached garages that are very close to the property lines. Nowadays you cannot have any building within 4 feet on the property line. Because of poor foundations their garages are in danger of collapse but now they cannot demolish and rebuild because of the 4 foot rule - and if they build them further in they don't line up with the driveway.

So they have to submit an application and then go around all the neighbours within a two block boundary explaining to each one what they want to do BUT it only takes one objection for the application to fail.

Guess what? There is a miserable old git over the back in the next street who's had a "bad" experience with the local Planning Department (actually "Zoning") and objects to every application......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

It sounds like they need an expert underpinner maybe from the coalfields of Britain. While re-inforcing the foundations they might make subtle improvements. Insurance for the task wouldn't be cheap though, it used to be a million poundsworth of insurance when houses cost £10,000.

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  • RMweb Premium

I won't go out until UPS have delivered a loco, it is coming from Germany and according to the tracking information is in Romford now for delivery today.


May I ask which kind of loco this may be? ;)


Afternoon all - another practice lesson behind me. 6th formers sure are a lot different to handle than more senior forms, and I guess I'll need to gather a lot more experience in this age group than with students from about 16 onwards. I guess it's far too easy for adults like me to take the knowledge I have for granted and forget students around 6th form are still learning the basics in many fields. Of course, there's also the thing of the early teens being a notoriously difficult period for all kids.

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  • RMweb Gold


Btw did your objection work?



Yes. It was quite fun seeing the MP vs County Council. Once some the photographs submitted as evidence that the school children would still have space to play were identified as having buildings "deleted" to look like open space ,(their excuse "very old photo", neighbour replied, "how come my fairly recent conservatory is on it"). It is already difficult to get in and out of our road at drop off and pick up time but that is just tough for us, the school was there before our road but this was a new building on school property not for the use of the school. Parents of children at the school didn't want it, neighbours didn't, district council didn't want it there. Until the MP got involved we were told it was a "done deal" and we were wasting our time objecting. One council official managed to send an internal email about the MP to everyone on the email list, the attempt to "recall" also got sent to everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold


May I ask which kind of loco this may be? ;)


6th formers sure are a lot different to handle than more senior forms, and I guess I'll need to gather a lot more experience in this age group than with students from about 16 onwards. I guess it's far too easy for adults like me to take the knowledge I have for granted and forget students around 6th form are still learning the basics in many fields. Of course, there's also the thing of the early teens being a notoriously difficult period for all kids.


The loco is the new Liliput Zillertalbahn 'Lupo'. It appears to be completely sold out in the UK but I was able to get the coaches from a shop in Kent and the driving trailer from a shop in Cornwall thanks to online shopping! The loco is coming from Modellbahn-Lippe, who seem to have a good website and appear to be very efficient.


Now I'm going to confuse you about the English school system. What you are calling sixth form would be called year 6 here. Sixth form generally means year 12 and 13. This originates from the days when the new children at secondary school were first formers. Now although we have little children starting in reception class, then progressing Year 1, 2, 3 etc the old description sixth form is still used to describe colleges that teach 16 - 19 year olds. Just to add confusion you could leave a school at 16 and go to a further education (FE) college to study. It is all getting blurry, schools offering vocational courses, FE colleges doing academic courses, sixth form colleges trying to survive! It is all about numbers of students, retention rates(whether they leave early) and what sort of course attracts the most funding. At the last college I worked in all the students were encouraged one year to do first aid courses for funding reasons not because it was a good thing!


Hope this helps!


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  • RMweb Premium

And I was thinking our own school system almost requires psychic powers to be understood! :D Thanks, Tony.


What you just outlined but reminded me of the old German stage system which was based on such terms as Sexta, Quinta, Quarta, Tertia and Untersekunda for years five to ten, and Obersekunda, Unterprima and Oberprima for years eleven to 13.

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew had a slight problem with his lesson planning at the school in Vietnam. Today was his last day and as a fun exercise the children were going to paint a wall with some scene from a story. Unfortunately the torrential rain stopped that. He starts his return journey home tomorrow (Friday) and departs Vietnam for UK (via Hong Kong) on Saturday. If we had all been more organised I suppose we could have suggested he stopped over in Hong Kong on his way home but we were concerned about keeping everything simple for his first solo trip.



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Guest Max Stafford

He's had an excellent experience though Tony. I'm sure it's been a great confidence builder for him. Having just finished nights this morning, I had a short kip for a couple of hours after which I spent a while in the shed working on a couple of parcel vans before going to collect Abi. I took her up to Whitrope since it was such a glorious afternoon and we ran about three miles along the trackbed and then back. Didn't run the steep climbing bit over Sandy Edge as I'm not that fit yet, but walking that part probably demands more energy than running on the mostly 1 in 75.

I do this section once a week as a yardstick to measure my fitness and there is improvement every week. This is the first time I've run it however.



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Today should be more relaxing as the school has a project day, followed by a fund-raising run which I understand most classes will be part of. However, I guess I will limit myself to looking what they'll be doing in the way of projects. Two topics I can remember off the top of my head will be substance abuse prevention and measures against bullying, which I think should both be interesting.



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Morning All,


It is yet to get light here - but there is an orangey yellow glow in the Eastern sky.


I am not looking forward to today. Although it is Friday, I have got my third day of meetings. At least it will be a short day.


Have a good one everyone...

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Good morning all.

Not much teaching in store for you today Dominic, though I agree it might be interesting. Will you be taking part in the fund raising run? You need Dave.

Having read his post about his 6 mile run, I felt decidedly exhausted!

The sky is clear and by 6:30 there was light in the sky, though the Sun is far from risen yet.so it looks like a nice day in pospect.

Happy Friday all.

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