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9 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

.....then a brown envelope from the taxman.  Ooh.....opened slowly......stunned.  Nearly a grand BACK!   I WILL get that O Gauge prairie!


Or much, much better - an 0 Gauge Deltic.  For a K you could even have two......


9 hours ago, TheQ said:

Its also meant the arrival of MacDonalds packaging strewn along the road about 10miles from the nearest. Must take the passenger 10miles to eat theirs before throwing it out the window..


Here's a likely contender.  Nice example to set in front of a bunch of kids.



9 hours ago, TheQ said:

As Ben the I like cheese Collie stopped coming upstairs for a goodnight from me and a piece of cheese. I gave him a piece of cheese before I came up..


So he then decided to come up for more, he tripped up on the top step but made it. The big brown eyes got a small piece of mine..



Of course Ben the Clever Doggie has now learnt a very useful new technique......


8 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Once that was done, we then sat and watched last nights ‘Question Time’. As always, this program was very entertaining to say the least, but I’ll say no more as it would stray too close to politics. 



Bear never watched it, but the one thing that REALLY, REALLY p1sses Bear off about such programmes (Politics Live being a prime contender) is when the presenter (and others present) keep interrupting those speaking.


8 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

Speaking of combines, I followed this for a while in Texas:




Not for 9 miles hopefully?


2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Mission Impossible today - a visit to town in search of a new pair of jeans.  Ideally they will look good as well as fit properly.  Since when was this an ideal world?




...and also be a sensible price too.  Not an easy combination to find.


1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Ben the I want out Collie, took me on patrol, a light dew this morning, very sunny out there, he had a snuffle around but not that enthusiastically.



Methinks that hidin' a small chunk of cheese in the garden might make Ben a little more enthusiastic.....


Bear here.....

Today sees Bear cleaning the inside of the lounge window, frames n' all.  In the past I've used Standard Thinners on the outside of the (white) frames to good effect, but I suspect that'll be a bit OTT on the inside because of the fumes.  IPA has been mentioned by a Window Company so I'll give that a punt first - as it's the inside there's no-where near the degree of cleaning required that the outsides require at times.  Expect a floatin' Bear later.....fans are to be deployed......

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4 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

As the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

The Bear may not be Masterchef material, but Ready Steady Cook I believe is within reach!


Step aside iD, Bear inbound......

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2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Mission Impossible today - a visit to town in search of a new pair of jeans.  Ideally they will look good as well as fit properly.  Since when was this an ideal world?



Do you need the address of my tailor?

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

I think I've only had about two pairs of jeans in my life, trousers for wearing around have always been down graded smart or work trousers or before that down graded school trousers.. Though these days in this garden,  overalls are worn to protect myself from nettles, brambles and insects. Light weight summer overalls today.. Since in 6 months or so the need for work trousers will cease and smart occasions are already kilted. The situation will have to be reassessed.


Mooring Awl,

5 hours sleep, then a couple of hours of intermittent dozing..

Ben the I want out Collie, took me on patrol, a light dew this morning, very sunny out there, he had a snuffle around but not that enthusiastically.


Even without the blade, combine harvesters drive along our road with the tyres on both sides running onto the verges. No tractors with trailers of grain so far this morning, that means they've either broken the combine, or are carting the grain out of the area in the opposite direction.


Spring tides today, a forecast of 31C and not a lot of wind tomorrow. Added to that low tide is just after the first race tomorrow, so the afternoon races will be during the least wind and maximum tide.. it could be a struggle to get back to the club on the return legs of the races.

With the sun forecast tomorrow, I've already decided it will be a long sleeved shirt, actually an ex Saudi uniform very very light khaki shirt and straw hat. Except for my sailing trainers, the overall appearance will be very 1930s, though I don't have a linen jacket, and the blazer will be left at home..


I think it's,

Time for breakfast .




Don't forget the tie!!!!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I have worn nothing but jeans since I retired 14 years ago. I was required to dress 'smart' at work and its a sort rebellion. I do have a pair of normal trousers but I've only worn them once, I had to get them quick for a funeral earlier this year when I found that my old work trousers would no longer fit. 

3 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Don't forget the tie!!!!

For about the last five years when I was working it was no longer a requirement to wear a tie, something I took full advantage off. It came about because of equalities (female staff were not required to wear ties). Well that was the official reason, many of us had stopped wearing ties as a protest after a colleague was assaulted, the assailant had grabbed his tie and immobilised him. That is why when a tie was part of police uniforms the ties were of the clip on variety.

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Morning all.

I may have a pair of jeans somewhere but like Baz my usual trousers are from Craghoppers or other virtually identical brands like Berghaus. I have them in normal, lightweight and winter versions. I initially got them as a colleague used to lead outdoor pursuits groups and jeans were banned as unsuitable. Not for fashion reasons but not drying easily  when wet. I can never look stylish or elegant so I may as well be comfortable. 

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue, but there are plenty of white fluffy clouds about. When I’m working at home, DIY or hobbies, I wear what is left of my old works uniform, at almost every other time I wear jeans. If we are going out for the evening, I may wear a pair of casual trousers, but more often than not it’s jeans. 


I’ll shortly be setting off to collect Ava, who we once again be spending the day here and stopping for tea. I don’t think she’ll be doing any sewing today, as Sheila’s arthritis is really bad at the moment and she’s struggling to hold very small items, so sewing needles will be practically impossible. 


Back later. 



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Morning, from a sunny rock!


Having worn one sort of uniform or another most of my life (Grammar school, Merch college, Merch, NHS 'suit') as soon as I retired the first time it was T shirts and cargo trousers (the things Tony et al refer to).  Retirement the second time didn't change anything!  Can't be doing with jeans, too heavy and uncomfortable.


@polybear An O Gauge Deltic would get about three feet on my layout - it has many flange squealing curves of four foot radius, not good for massive locos.  TBH the Prairie is pushing it rather, but they do say they will negotiate such curves.  I have a lot of buffer locking issues as it is, there is a set route in and out of the sidings that trains have to stick to in order to avoid tears.  One loco has had bigger buffers fitted, shhhh.

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21 hours ago, polybear said:

For din dins it was Penne All'Amatriciana (a personal favourite of mine) - though the recipe came out of one of Momma Bear's magazines many, many moons ago (with Beary adjustments thrown in for good measure)

Coincidentally I tried my hand at Italian tonight.


Walla! Spaghetti Al Fredo.



 Can't say I was too impressed to be honest. If I ever bother again I might try looking up a recipe rather than just use  what I assumed it was.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

… I can never look stylish or elegant so I may as well be comfortable. 

A most wise decision, Tony. I have long adjusted to the fact that notwithstanding my desire to dress as a distinguished and elegant Edwardian gentleman - this is beyond my reach: for corporeal and not financial reasons.

This was drummed into me very early in my life after I met my very first girlfriend in Italy. A lovely Italian girl, she could take a plastic bin liner and a few accessories and make it look like an incredibly expensive designer outfit; whereas whilst dating her I learnt that I even if I do wear designer clothes I make them look like a plastic bin liner….

Edited by iL Dottore
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51 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Coincidentally I tried my hand at Italian tonight.


Walla! Spaghetti Al Fredo.



 Can't say I was too impressed to be honest. If I ever bother again I might try looking up a recipe rather than what I assumed it was.

That looks like something for which you would send a patient to a gastroenterologist…..

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Here's my morning post about yesterday - except it is already the afternoon.


I've just read through posts from earlier today, just two comments - like Tony S I wear Craghoppers trousers, they are very comfortable, quick drying and tough.  When I got to iL Dottore's post I saw the signal box, before I saw the name I thought - "that's Kerzers" - I've visted the place a number of times and even stayed in a hotel there in 1997.


Now for yesterday.  I got my new Kindle set up, it came on Thursday in the late afternoon as a Prime Day offer.  My old one was very old, it has buttons on the side so I've got to get used to how the new one works for turning pages.


Then I had alook on the council website to see exactly when the Commonwealth Games torch relay was visitying the town and the route it was taking.  I found it would pass within 50 yards of the flat at about 10.45 so left home about 10.15, parked by the flat and did a last check and removed a few cleaning items - and found a small decorative mirror which had got left behind - it's one I gave Mum and Dad around 1975, I bought it in Southend when I was living in Basildon.  It was a small gift for their new house after Dad had been made redundant and they had to downsize.  So I'm quite pleased I have still got it - it is now in my kitchen.  I also swept out the garage and brought the broom home.


Next I walked round the back of the flat to the main road and along it to the back of the churchyard and had a chat with the vicar and a number of other people I know.  Then I crossed the road so I had a view to the Quayside to watch the baton go by.  It was all over very quickly but it was pleasant to see.  A couple of photos are at the end of this post.  The Police had simply blocked the roads by parking their vans across them, together with a few cones.


I was back home in time for coffee, sat down and burst into tears.  The realisation that the flat is now empty and provisionally sold and no longer has any family things in it suddenly hit me and made me realise that an era really has ended.  Then something odd happened.  Anne, who lives two doors from me, came round to see how I was getting on and cheered me up no end by just chatting and saying just how much I've got sorted out in the last two months.  Now how did she know I needed someone to cheer me up?


In the afternoon I watered the plants in the greenhouse, sorted out the photos I'd taken in the morning and watched an old film - "Bringing up Baby" made in 1938 with Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant and a leopard.


Then it was The First Night of the Proms and the Open Golf.



Commonwealth Games baton relay



Changing baton carriers.






Edited by DaveF
Spelling corrections
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Here’s a thought!


In Spain, they pronounce the letter J with a H sound, as in house, so they say 

Hesus and not Jesus, 

Hulio and not Julio 


So my question is, how to they say go jump in the pool?

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

I know with this post I will be breaking some of the unwritten rules on ER. But what the hell, why not live dangerously?


Sometime ago I promised @JohnDMJ of this parish that I would acquire for him an example of the Faller Kerzers signal box – a signal box model only available in Switzerland. I was more than happy to do so and then he asked me to build it. Which I did.


Well, I finally got my finger out and finished the Kerzers signal box. The Faller 12v DC illumination kit works very well (not included in the kit). The base is a temporary structure I built (primarily made to protect the stairs in transit) and is lightly glued in place. (a few minutes with a chisel like knife blade should see the box separated from the base). I used very fine dark ballast as ground cover, although I know it is totally wrong for that part of the world, it should be a light stone colour – but I didn’t have anything in my supplies. Even though the ground cover is wrong it’s just temporary. So I can live with it.


Here are some photos:



The holes in the wall in the first and second photographs are part of the kit as Faller intends for the modeller to install a modern day advertising hoarding – something John didn’t want installed. In all, it’s nice kit although the instructions could be a little bit clearer and the cheap paper they are printed on doesn’t help.


I hope that @JohnDMJ Is doing well, I know he has had some health problems lately and he hasn’t been posting here. I have sent him a PM so hopefully I will hear from him sometime soon.



Didn't that feature in 'Von Ryan's Express'? The bit where they passed through a marshalling yard during an air raid. 

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3 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Coincidentally I tried my hand at Italian tonight.


Walla! Spaghetti Al Fredo.



 Can't say I was too impressed to be honest. If I ever bother again I might try looking up a recipe rather than what I assumed it was.


Looks interesting - can you post the recipe?


49 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

Here’s a thought!


In Spain, they pronounce the letter J with a H sound, as in house, so they say 

Hesus and not Jesus, 

Hulio and not Julio 


So my question is, how to they say go jump in the pool?


So does Happy Hippo become Jappy Jippo?

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Afternoon All


Front door repainted - 30747 approves - tick

Bench needed painted, so did that too - tick

Lily walked early - tick

Lily will be walked again late - tick

Showered and early dinner - tick


Having a few problems with blood sugar balance - phoned doc yesterday lunchtime, and got a callback from one of the DSNs - she has arranged a full blood screen for Monday at 08.40, with a full follow up on Friday - and she suggested that I change my long acting insulin to the evening - will be done over the next 24 hours.  Can't say any fairer than that. 


As working again on house, some skipping has happened, though not as much as some days - greetings are, of course, on offer.


Now an Abrachan will be consumed to mark a bit more progress.  Now if only our builder would get in touch - we have actually got another one in to estimate for the work in case he lets us down.


Regards to All


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Rest of the day devoted to cleaning the caravan. Taking everything out, laying it on the lawn to check and repack. Kicked the sandals off.

Then, hiding in the lawn, I discovered the thistles.


Edited by Coombe Barton
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Afternoon Awl 

I know there are thistles and nettles and brambles and insects out there..I wear riggers boots in the garden...


Keep right buoy for the regatta repaired again, also filled it with polyurethane sponge foam off cuts. A type that doesn't absorb water.

Three signs repainted, regatta ahead, Keep right, slow down.


Ben taken for an early long walk due to the temperature, he asked to go the full long walk, I told him no. We took a shorter, sheltered by trees route. Ben was still panting and slow by the time we were back.


More of the jigsaw casing bodged for its future use as an E spinner.

The big cog had a lump ground off the back, and a pin off the front.


Another review of other E spinners found another one, this one is very different, and has brought some new ideas.  Luckily not conflicting with what has been done so far.


The three signs were painted, on the back, Thank you and Hug the Bank.


I've worn uniform most of my life, and am not bothered whether or not I wear a tie.

However, from Gentlemans magazine,

What men really wore in the 1930s..




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4 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Afternoon Awl 

I know there are thistles and nettles and brambles and insects out there..I wear riggers boots in the garden...


Keep right buoy for the regatta repaired again, also filled it with polyurethane sponge foam off cuts. A type that doesn't absorb water.

Three signs repainted, regatta ahead, Keep right, slow down.


More of the jigsaw casing bodged for its future use as an E spinner.

The big cog had a lump ground off the back, and a pin off the front.


I've worn uniform most of my life, and am not bothered whether or not I wear a tie.

However, from Gentlemans magazine,

What men really wore in the 1930s..





I don't know my good man. Acting up a bit aren't we. Not the done thing old bean.

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42 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


It is my understanding that the things you are referring to Her Dokter are faggots.

I don’t think so (I know what fagg0ts look like and they are bigger, rounder and generally very tasty).


From the slightly out of focus open packet of “Dairy Milk Freddos” in the foreground, the only logical conclusion one can draw is that the plate of food in the photo consists of the contents of a can of tinned pasta with two chocolate bars plopped on top.


It does look, however, like something you would find in the bowel during an autopsy….

Edited by iL Dottore
Damn autocorrect
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