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4 hours ago, NGT6 1315 said:


"I have two goldfish. One's called One and the other Two. If one dies, I'll still have two."



With a little bit of re-wording that is the sort of puzzle I used to set my pupils when, back in the day, I taught maths.


They groaned then too.

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Well, it remained 29c in Swansea, we moved up to the lakes where it was 24c yesterday, and apparently it is pouring in Swansea now - back to normal.  The LPT's behaved well on our 'last night' meal in a nice restaurant, as they're only 2 and 3 that was quite an achievement. 


Cooler here today with 22c and cloudy off and on, nice boat trip around Ullswater to cool us off.


Polly's photos mirrored our journey along the coast road to pop over to Anglesey and Beaumaris last week, where we had quite the worst fish and chips we have ever had.  Such is life.  They also wanted ten quid to park the camper late afternoon on on the seafront there.  So we didn't.  Nor will we be going back as a result.


Hope Dave's day went 'as well as can be expected'.

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38 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

I remember them as Jubblys.

I do too. I don’t think I had many though. Probably the height of sophistication in the late 1950s!

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Good evening everyone 


It’s been a funny old day, it mostly remained cloudy, but we had some light showers throughout the day. Then around 6 o’clock this evening, the sun came out! This afternoon I had a phone all from the doctors about my recent blood tests and I now have to go in on Thursday afternoon to see her. 


Goodnight all 

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Well, it remained 29c in Swansea, we moved up to the lakes where it was 24c yesterday, and apparently it is pouring in Swansea now - back to normal.  The LPT's behaved well on our 'last night' meal in a nice restaurant, as they're only 2 and 3 that was quite an achievement. 


Cooler here today with 22c and cloudy off and on, nice boat trip around Ullswater to cool us off.


Polly's photos mirrored our journey along the coast road to pop over to Anglesey and Beaumaris last week, where we had quite the worst fish and chips we have ever had.  Such is life.  They also wanted ten quid to park the camper late afternoon on on the seafront there.  So we didn't.  Nor will we be going back as a result.


Hope Dave's day went 'as well as can be expected'.


Our favourite place for fish and chips used to be Greenfield Road Chippy, Colywn Bay. A few tables inside as well as outside. There used to be a muddling shop in the town, now in Mochdre/ebay, but we have not been that way in recent times. Sad but that's life as they say. No doubt, we will go again at some point.


The day has gone again. <sigh...yawn...>

' night all and nos da.



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10 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

It has little to do with political philosophy and much more to do with how propaganda is used manipulate subjects - but I fully agree that it is quite possible in literally any society with the wrong sort of stimulus.

I must somewhat disagree Oz. In order to manipulate a populace you need to have a political philosophy that shapes and drives the propaganda.


To make up a (silly) example: you don’t just demonise baked beans overnight; it has to be based on a visceral belief that baked beans are “the vomit of the devil“, this in turn has to be based on exposure to religion (“verily, I say unto you - he who eats baked beans sups with Satan”) and/or political philosophy (“the tinned baked bean turns a strong, free, man into an abject, craven slave; baked beans sap the strength and vitality of great countries; by removing the baked bean and all who eat and sell them only then can mankind be great again”)*


And with any political movement whose fundamental underpinning is the creation of an “us and them“ mentality (which is most of them), the party’s underlying philosophy always feeds (encourages and magnifies) on existing societal fears.


* in writing this I was somewhat shocked about how easy it was to create, albeit at a superficial level, a political/religious manifesto that demonises baked beans and baked bean eaters.

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This could be a good day for watching too much TV.  In addition to Hansard's Half Hour at noon there is a short item about Australian bushfire animal care, which I deduce refers to koalas.  I will also spend some more time searching for bank statements and other crucial papers which are not in the right place.  The possibility of becoming irritable and bad tempered is very, very real.


By chance yesterday evening I received news of a friend with whom I fell out last year and who I miss sorely.  Re-establishing contact with him would be a joy but could be fraught with difficulty.  I shall muse on this a little more.



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7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

…Firstly DD managed to get a shampoo and set, which she is much appreciated of. So much so that on our evening walk she found a lovely big muddy puddle to wade right through. So it was hosepipe job on our return to Chateau Ian….

Lucy is equally resistant to being “beautified“ and will do her very best to avoid soap and water. Shortly after we got her, whilst on a walk she decided to roll in some cowpats! After lining the car with loads of towels (which immediately went into the wash afterwards) we loaded her into the car and took her to Mrs IDs cousin who has an external shower. The moment the shower spray hit Lucy, she was off like a greased piglet. To make a long story short, we did manage to corral her and give her a thorough shampooing. She was less than happy with us that day.

After reading up on the best way to maintain a short haired dog’s coat, we now only shampoo her once a year or whenever she has decided to roll in something noxious – although that happens very rarely as I think that Lucy, being a clever dog, has realised there is a connection between rolling in poo and getting a shampoo and shower.

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A favourite piece of music of mine, and I'm very familiar with the territory...

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Mooring Awl,

1.5 hours sleep, way to hot on the bed, off down to the sofa, where it was much cooler, about 5 more hours sleep in various pieces.

Ben the I'm getting too old for this Collie, turned down the morning visit to SWMBO, he came to the bottom of the stairs looked up, and looked sad, then went back to his bed..


Rain ? what rain, none of that stuff round here, it was cloudy all day yesterday and hot , but no rain. this morning it's clear blue skies and no dew. The gadget in the corner of the PC screen, from MS said it was raining most of the time yesterday, I've no idea where it thought I was, but when it first booted up it was in German...


Oddity of the day, I saw a Soft top Audi TiTy, why did I see it? I caught up with it in the landrover... Never seen one drive so slowly... Like, within the speed limit..


Oddly yesterday I was discussing the west coast yesterday with the Old Boss, he likes the lake district, and for me it's another area with the type of sailing I like.. However even though I could have got a job that side of the country, sailing with much of the water coming down from above, instead of beneath, did not appeal..


Still working on the details of the E spinner, trying to work out the best flyer shape for it..

The bearings for that and the rudder arrived yesterday, I'll try the E spinner ones on the shaft today..


Unusual amount of cars in this morning, they must be working earlies and lates to get some production done.


On the major system Two resistance values of the cross check, have come out slightly odd, remeasuring at the moment, then it's on to measuring 10G ohm Resistors..


 Time to.. value achieved, measurement taken, 

Now time to put the next resistor on..


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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:

YOu'll maybe go down in history as the only person to ever misspell XXXX ! 😀


Suppose it's a code for, uh, hardcore…? 😂


Moaning awl. Been feeling dizzy for several hours now for unclear reasons. Cloudy outside, which I don't mind!



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2 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

We went to Wales (Broadhaven) on a family holiday in 1976. It rained then too.


I should be clear that my observation does not apply exclusively to Wales. Scotland and Ireland too. But it was after the North Wales holiday that the family insisted on going to South-West England.

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11 hours ago, PhilJ W said:


Bear once worked at an establishment that required the services of an army bomb disposal officer based there full-time; he told a story of a couple of US squaddies working out on the range in the states who thought it a good wheeze to catch (don't ask Bear how - I guess one or both of them were good 'ol country boys) a Hare unharmed.  And then strap a lump of explosive and a time fuse to it and set it running.  B'sterds.

They had to explain to their C.O. how they managed to blow up their own Humvee, after Bunny dived under it to hide.....

Natural justice n' all that.


11 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Think this guy has turned into a dinosaur 


A megasauras perhaps



One of Bear's work buddies had a similar experience after donating a No. 2 at one of the big London Train Stations.  The theory is that a cleaner had wiped the seat with just a little too much concentrated bleach on the cloth, after which he sat on it.......

Apparently his ar5e looked like a big red donut, requiring the assistance of his GP to treat.


9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

A bit tired so I’ll leave you with this image of yours truly opening the shutters last Monday for the first day of trading,




Wot, no Ribbon??

You'll be saying next there was no cake either.  Eeeeek.


Bear here......

Today sees two coats of paint going on the ceiling rose; I also have a light fitting to reassemble - I took a look at the bits on the bench last night and really wished I taken a photo before I took it to bits.......

It seems that Bear Towers will be a "mere" 27C today.  And 33C next Tuesday.......


In other news.....

Oh good - he won't be missed:


No doubt the little Scrote got a very nice back-hander to Foxtrot though.  That's a Rant.

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