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  • RMweb Gold

I was thinking about the price of car parks and it probably doesn’t seem as noticeable to us as the ones in Benfleet cost more. Though having lived for a while there we do know where the free parking is, usually in parks. Those carparks are usually not open early or late though to stop commuters parking there. 
Down here the local news mentions a fuel price protest (driving slowly, not glueing to roadway) on the M5 on Monday. Police are not amused.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nice to see @chrisf had a good day and do we now have to tip our forelocks to Lord @Gwiwer now? On the subject of parking it is as @Tony_S pointed out is very expensive. Its not hard to see why. At one time commuters used to drive into towns around the outskirts of London, park their cars in the streets surrounding the stations and continue by train. For a healthy adult the local station is only a five minute walk from my street and during the day the streets were choked with parked cars. Even worse the local hospital is also near to the station and when the parking was free the car park was packed with commuters cars. When residents parking permits were introduced and the hospital started charging for parking those same commuters had the audacity to complain.

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I made yet another trip to the tip yesterday morning, but this time it was my own junk from the garage sort out.  Once I had done that I drove to the flat and picked up some useful garden tools, some almost new towels and other bits.  Hopefully that's about the last of the things to come home.


After that I decided to go and have a look at the ship moored across the river from the Quayside and then drove towards the park.  I noticed that the lifeboat station shop was open so went in to make a donation and see if there was anything I wanted - I came out with a mug and found it was an Open Day so had a look round.  It was also an Open Day at the Tall Ship project next door, so had a look round there as well.  They had a nicely restored small gig on display as well as a large sailing boat (about small trawler size) which they are building.  In the next building there were a number of cobles, two wooden ones being restored and a new fibreglass one being completed with the wooden trim etc.   They provide training for people who want to work with wood and boats.


I also saw a beautiful model of a small fisihing boat, if only my modelmaking was to that standard.  The young man who built it told me it is the first one he has built, he used plans of the real thing and scratch built it all.


By now it was lunchtime so I went back home, had lunch and went for a walk which took up most of the afternoon.  That was followed by a cup of tea and unpacking the things I'd brough back from the flat.



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When staying at one big old house it is important to visit another nearby. 

Barrington Court to Lytes Cary is a half-hour drive on the back roads. Much more pleasant than the A303. 











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@Gwiwer nice gaff.


We have just been overflow by the Lancaster Bomber of the BBMF its Armed forces day in the park.


We have been building an outdoor play pen for Pebbles using some leftover lengths of fence posts and decking boards. We have then stapled chicken wire round the outside. Sadly i have run out of hammer in staples.

Trouble is she is like a little rocket and now she is able to go outside we need her contained a bit more.


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There is allegedly a go slow on Monday on the M62 over fuel prices.

It's bringing back memories of the fuel strikes back in 2000.



We suffer from people parking at the top of the street and walking to work in town. It is going to cause an accident one day 

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Afternoon all


The usual apologies for absence and generic greetings are all that I can offer, but "we" decided that the living room "had" to be quickly redecorated, now that Johnstone's had supplied the paint, so not only painted, but also wallpapered on two walls - then "it was decided" that the back wall had to be lined, as it was done in an embossed vinyl, which "we" decided would show through the paint.  So it has been all hands to the pumps to get it all done - took almost a week, all told, and I'm now a little cream crackered.


Then it was "decided" that the dolls house, which we moved, together with the bookcase/dresser, was in the wrong place - oh and to get the bookcase/dresser moved meant unloading over 200 railway books, and to get the lining done behind the large armoire (poshfor French cupboard) meant unloading another 300 plus - still it's all grist to the mill, and I will bore you with the pictures when we get the guitars and wall cupboards rehung tomorrow.


Regards to All


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. None of the G word today because of the hay fever so transferring a few items from one box to another. I had some items stored in a medium sized box but that was getting rather full but fortunately I  had a spare larger box so everything was moved to the larger box. I also have stuff in a smaller box that was overflowing so the contents were transferred to the recently vacated medium box. The now empty small box isn't going to stay empty for long. 

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So DD and I - that's staff to those non-doggy folk, went for our extra long walk today. This was to make up for the 'shortened' one yesterday- another story.


Well we would have been earlier but got stopped by the swing bridge opening. Speaking of which it's amazing, well it is to me, the number of people who aren't prepared to just sit and watch this amazing piece of engineering in operation. 


Anyway we got there in the end. There was the Anderton Boat Lift & Marbury Park. I'm always amazed how Mother nature with a little help from us is able recover land that we had made a complete mess off - insert more appropriate words there if you like.


Oh if you were thinking that you could escape DD by wading into water she has now eliminated that option. I believe Churchill said that we would fight them on the land, sea and air. Well DD can do two of those. Just waiting to see what she comes up with for the last option.



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Like Rick we are staying in an NT property and went to another today. We went to Arlington Court. It has the National Trust Carriage museum which was interesting. Unlike yesterday, we didn’t have Lemon Drizzle and Victoria Sponge today, we had a pasty instead. We had our own homemade cherry cake when we got back to the cottage. While out we walked quite a lot, which is apparently a good thing. 
It is a very pleasant evening here. It is really quiet, we did hear a cow yesterday evening but otherwise it is quiet. 

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51 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

I didn't realise you could stay at some NT properties. I know you could stay at Landmark Trust properties 

It has been a developing side of their operation. It keeps properties in, or returns them to, use and allows buildings to be kept at a modest but even temperature. It generates income at a level which should cover costs and allow for investment. 

They’re not cheap. Some accommodate just a few people, others are better suited to groups. Lytes Cary which we visited today accommodates 14 in the holiday-let part of the property. For just two or four that would be a truly expensive stay as they are priced per property not per person. 

Even when only a part of the whole is open (as at Tintinhull where we stayed previously - half the house is still in urgent need of weatherproofing and restoration) the standard of presentation and comfort in the accessible areas is very good



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not done much this afternoon except watch a bit of Formula one on the telly and watching the fox cubs playing. The little one was having a battle with a strip of carpet but won in the end. I also watched Countryfile where Alan Henson was looking for a new sheepdog (old age is catching up on his existing one). Its amazing how even young puppies at about eight weeks old have the instinct to round up sheep. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later.

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