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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Quite windy here, but I've seen worse in Lancster - I suspect that further North it IS worse, and no doubt the TV news will be full of film of crashing waves, fallen trees, etc.


Also, though there's not been a lot of rain here, the river Lune has a large catchment area in the Pennines and also a lot of tributaries which tend to fill quickly, so we might still see some flooding as it appears to be raining further up the country.


Not a lot more here today, in fact it has taken 50 minutes on gaps at work just to get this on!


Regards to All


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I saw on the TV that woman (BBC) reporting from some low cliffs on Angelsey. She was reporting 30 - 40 mph winds (a strong breeze, surely...) yet the sea looked towering in the background. I believe she was underestimating the wind speed. On the same page on the BBC news site there's a photo of a train bursting through a wave? Faked?


Best, Pete.

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Morning All,


I headed into work a bit earlier than usual this morning. The weather is muggy and around 20°C. Now that the day is dawning the sky looks quite angry. Grey scudding clouds and patches of lighter grey.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good Morning all, I see that it's been a bit draughty in dear old blighty, glad we dont get weather like that here!


And some good news, my project was successful in supplying power yesterday, hook up another client today, fingers crossed time. The just to get the steam plant online!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning Phil H. I see you are logged on.


The computer might have been logged on Don - I was in bed. I don't turn this new one off, just shut the lid then I don't have to go through the bootup each time I use it.


I'm going trainspotting today :crazy:, I'm going to use my bus pass to go to Eastleigh and grice on the station. Apparently a steam excursion is coming through so it might be worth a couple of hours.


Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Gold

So I expect that it may rain here this afternoon!

Matthew's weather in Vietnam seems to have been thunderstorms and about 35C for much of his time there, but he did know that September was likely to be wet when he booked his stay.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


A blowy night, and still seems a bit breezy this morning here.


So far we seem to have missed the worst excesses of the former hurricane in Lancaster, so that's something to be cheery about. Bright and sunny at the mo, and they are saying the winds will be back later - great!


I see that an industrial building collapsed and damaged a lot of parked cars - one thing I try to do is to park away from structures or trees when strong wind is expected, just in case...


Regards to All


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Bit of a breeze, bit of sun, bit of cloud. 18c at the moment, 66% humidity,wind southwest @4mph with gusts to 12mph, 0.2mm of rain yesterday. Chap down the road has his own weather station with website. He seems to be a lot more accurate than the BBC.


Even the weather in Bexley is boring.


My back / hip is still fecked. Another trip to the witch doctor and then to the QEII for some photography. Back to bed and the codeine cosh for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Bu$$er the all quite on the western front lark. What about the western rear? Still very windy.

That roof collapse was not far up the road.

The fatality was a volunteer ambulance driver for a hospice.

It always happens to the good people.

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A long way away and a compltely different weather system but as the day has progressed it has got greyer, colder, wetter and windier. Not as bad as where BoD is located, but still very unpleasant.

Keep safe and dry on whichever front you are situated.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all...


Held another practice lesson today, preparation for which did require quite a bit of improvisation and last-minute juggling this morning due to reasons which would appear to have been beyond both my and the course teacher's control. I was actually intending to do a group assignment in the second half of the lesson, but it turned out my initial questions spawned a quintessential torrent of thoughts and a fair bit of independent discussion, resulting in us never getting around to that assignment! Oh well, I guess such unpredictable situations will also be part of the trade...


I admit I also had rather been on the edge due to all this improvisation, but did not want to step back, as I thought this would most certainly feel wrong to me, even though the teacher had assured me he wouldn't hold it against me if I had so chosen.


I'm not sure why, but my stomach's feeling a bit queasy right now. Could be the tension from that situation, I guess...

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