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5 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

….after jumping/falling from a short wall…..I landed awkwardly, wrist, elbow and shoulder very painful and both knees impacting on the concrete driveway.……. I’ve broken my radius, right at the top at the elbow….

Falling off a wall???


Really, Robert,  you’ll have to do better than that!

I was expecting exciting tales of misadventures in the mosh pit, or running battles with skinheads or even being crushed by ecstatic fans when “your” football team won… 

5 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

…I’ve broken my radius, right at the top at the elbow. No cast, just a sling and an appointment at the fracture clinic on Tuesday.As for pain relief,’just take some paracetamol and ibuprofen’….

That sounds like a Mason I fracture and conservative management is best. If you can’t take ibuprofen, naproxen (should be OTC in the UK) can be used if tolerated.

I swear by diclofenac, but I do have a prescription for it (75 mg retard BID). I understand that in the UK there are a number of more potent OTC analgesics than ibuprofen, but as a practising UK pharmacist I’m sure you are well aware of the options that are open to you should the paracetamol and naproxen not help.


Anyway, get well soon and remember that “conservative management“ does mean limitation of certain activities; a bit of medical advice that I’m sure you can use to your advantage!

Edited by iL Dottore
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2 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Thanks but I don’t think so. 
No blood, swearing or drunken behavior from me.

I don’t actually watch the program but I do know that quite a bit of my clientele have featured and probably showed themselves up.

To be fair Robert, most of them come out of it in a very good light.  Lot's of humour and stoicism, aka Yorkshire grit, particularly the older end.



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5 hours ago, DaveF said:


I went out yesterday morning to take some photos.  I started by parking at the side of the road near a spot where strips of metal cross the road, some fast moving vehicles went by at around 100 m.p.h. travelling from London to Edinburgh.  I got some pleasing photos, ...snip...

A very pleasant day.


So, please, post A photo here for us. OR ride The Night Mail and post a lot.

Edited by J. S. Bach
To do a minor edit.
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Afternoon Awl, just spent an hour ordering a jumbo flyer ***

It took two computers, a change of password by SWMBO , double authorisation by PayPal..it's getting ridiculous...


Sideshow Bob XXX cut both sides and top, well 35ft of it, that's 1/4 of the total. 


The bad weather seems to have split, with soggyness both sides. All we got was a tiny bit a drizzle, and very high humidity..


Earlier battles with BT went strange, I didn't manage to get in through their double entry system, but the emails suddenly started working again.


Still working on the loom eNgauging shed plans, trying to reduce costs, and make the rebuild simpler.


*** Part of a spinning wheel.


XXX Berberis purpura..


Left knee not playing again, so I'm lying on the sofa, with Ben cuddled up alongside, I'm sampling penderyn for the first time.


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1 hour ago, J. S. Bach said:

So, please, post A photo here for us. OR ride The Night Mail and post a lot.



I have put them in my photo thread:



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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

To be fair Robert, most of them come out of it in a very good light.  Lot's of humour and stoicism, aka Yorkshire grit, particularly the older end.



I keep watching it to see if someone I know turns up on it.


If you compare Casualty 24/7 with A&E after dark set in Hull, the codheads dont come out too well many intoxicated on various substances, aggressive etc.


My Brother did some of his training for Medical Assistant in the RAF at Portsmouth Hospital he said a&E there was like a war zone at times

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8 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

No fun was had yesterday, SWMBO and myself were at work doing a bit of tidying up before the ‘A Team’ take over on Monday. We had to take Sydney with us as we were on dog sitting duties and he spent most of the afternoon in his basket that we’d taken for him.

Anyway I had to go outside and Sydney suddenly jumped up and bolted for the open door. He got out and I dashed after him I chased after him and somehow ended up in a heap on the driveway after jumping/falling from a short wall. I shouted SWMBO and she retrieved Syd from next doors garden and he is perfectly fine.

I landed awkwardly, wrist, elbow and shoulder very painful and both knees impacting on the concrete driveway.

One of my knees didn’t seem to want to lock properly and pains all down my arm. 
A trip to A&E may be needed me thinks. 
Fortunately A&E was very quiet and I got seen straight away. Initially I thought I’d broken my wrist but after numerous X-rays it turn out I’ve broken my radius, right at the top at the elbow. No cast, just a sling and an appointment at the fracture clinic on Tuesday.

As for pain relief,’just take some paracetamol and ibuprofen’. I can hardly move my arm for the pain but funnily enough all the pain is in my wrist or shoulder. Sleep was something I didn’t get much of last night.

Im allergic to ibuprofen so sticking with the paracetamol but unfortunately they only provide relief for a couple of hours. I may have to have a look in my medicine cabinet.

Hope you recover quickly.

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Bear here..........


Well the dado rail parts are all now cut to length (to match the positions of the various door architraves) and ready to screw the last bits on the walls tomorrow.  It took a bit longer than I expected, but (a) I didn't want to screw it up at this stage, and (b) as the bits are all now painted I didn't want to scratch the paint either. Tick.


Whilst cutting the rail in the back garden I heard noises of someone working just the other side of the back fence (house owner is a total A55hole - he's the Tw@t that planted all the conifers cos' we p1ssed him off by blocking his planning applications for another house in the garden; the Tenants are absolutely fine however).  It appears that whoever was working was treating their side of the fence with preservative - I do hope it was someone paid and sent by the A55hole to do the job and not the Tenant.  Why?  Cos' a certain Bear owns the fence, that's why.....🤣

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Falling off a wall???


Really, Robert,  you’ll have to do better than that!

I was expecting exciting tales of misadventures in the mosh pit, or running battles with skinheads or even being crushed by ecstatic fans when “your” football team won… 

That sounds like a Mason I fracture and conservative management is best. If you can’t take ibuprofen, naproxen (should be OTC in the UK) can be used if tolerated.

I swear by diclofenac, but I do have a prescription for it (75 mg retard BID). I understand that in the UK there are a number of more potent OTC analgesics than ibuprofen, but as a practising UK pharmacist I’m sure you are well aware of the options that are open to you should the paracetamol and naproxen not help.


Anyway, get well soon and remember that “conservative management“ does mean limitation of certain activities; a bit of medical advice that I’m sure you can use to your advantage!

As I said I’m allergic to ibuprofen, I’ve tried a couple of  brands so likely to be the ibuprofen rather than any excipient. Dr SWMBO suggested that I take one of her naproxens but I explained that they were both proprionic acid derivatives so would be allergic to that as well. 
‘if you were in so much pain you’d try anything ‘ was the argument so in for a penny in for a pound. An hour later scalp itching like mad, eyes sore and lips swelling. 
There are other non steroidal anti inflammatories available that aren’t proprionic acid derivatives (COX 2 inhibitors) but I’m not keen on their side effects .(and they are only available on prescription . 😉).

Ive spoken with my sister (who is a GP) and we agreed that a bit of codeine may be beneficial.

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4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

To be fair Robert, most of them come out of it in a very good light.  Lot's of humour and stoicism, aka Yorkshire grit, particularly the older end.



Shouldn’t tar them all with same brush.

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Hi Guys,  had a nice surprise - young son visited and provided a cake made by his  partner.  It was cut before a suitable photograph was obtained but the attached gives some idea of the topic.  Inside the icing etc. were 4 sponges each with jam between them ... for some reason there is not that much left!


Edited by PeterBB
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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


That sounds like a Mason I fracture and conservative management is best. 

For a simple fracture it f**cking painful. Elbow itself not bad but pain in forearm and wrist has brought tears to my eyes.  Also knee is giving me plenty of gipp.

Last words on the subject.


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2 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear here..........


Well the dado rail parts are all now cut to length (to match the positions of the various door architraves) and ready to screw the last bits on the walls tomorrow.  It took a bit longer than I expected, but (a) I didn't want to screw it up at this stage, and (b) as the bits are all now painted I didn't want to scratch the paint either. Tick.


Whilst cutting the rail in the back garden I heard noises of someone working just the other side of the back fence (house owner is a total A55hole - he's the Tw@t that planted all the conifers cos' we p1ssed him off by blocking his planning applications for another house in the garden; the Tenants are absolutely fine however).  It appears that whoever was working was treating their side of the fence with preservative - I do hope it was someone paid and sent by the A55hole to do the job and not the Tenant.  Why?  Cos' a certain Bear owns the fence, that's why.....🤣


Well look on the bright side that's one less side for you to treat 

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And a very special


Happy Birthday  To Bee Bee!!      🎂🎂

(Note to Puppers @PupCam - why can't Bear do a cut n' paste on that - it just comes out as B&W text every time?  Takes bluddy ages doin' all those pretty colours too.  And not even a sniff of a cake crumb for Bear either.....😭)

Edited by polybear
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A local model railway emporium was having a special 'Jubilee' do today including 10% off of all items and 40% off various clearance items. I took my friend and his son with me this afternoon and met up with several familiar faces from the MRC. I was surprised to find that my friend knew one of the MRC members quite well, his son also attends the same special school as my friends son and is even in the same class. 

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The picture of Pebbles reminded me of the fox cub in my garden. I started a bit of unintended eyelid inspection this afternoon until I was woken by the little fellow scratching on the patio door window. When I approached him instead of running off he seemed to get more excited making me think that someone has been feeding him. 

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11 hours ago, DaveF said:

I'm a biologist so I was pleased to find I could still name almost all the plants - except some grasses which I've never been good at.

Would you like to borrow my copy of ‘Grasses’ by Hubbard (the penguin version)?  

I could never work them out either.

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Mission accomplished for the morning. I managed to watch a replay of the Women's final at Roland Garros without knowing the outcome.


I had set my alarm for 6:00am to watch it live, but as is my wont these days, I rolled over and switched off the alarm without remembering that I had purposefully set it. By the time I actually awoke the match would have been over. 


There was to be a replay (on a different channel) at 11:00am and, avoiding other sports and electronic media I tuned in for that. Apparently the men's doubles were still playing live on the primary broadcast channel and a tedious documentary style presentation of Rafa's progress through the tournament was broadcast for almost half an hour, but eventually the match was shown.


Now I wonder if I will wake up for the men's singles final.

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