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Guest Max Stafford

Oddly enough Mick, I do get a sense of frustration and edginess in these conditions. The low barometric pressure must make my brain inflate or something! xD



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Hi all,

An interesting and varied bunch of posts, Excellent news Jam. I hope you enjoy your filming experience.

What is happening about the new shed? I am really looking forward to following your big layout development.

It's turned cloudy here after 3 really Spring like days.

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Morning All,


It is a rather grey and unfriendly day today. It was also raining when I drove to work - not a particularly nice day all in all.


I know what you mean about that feeling of frustration and edginess, Dave. I have been feeling it too for a few days now. It isn't anything that you can put your finger on - just a feeling that something is afoot.


I went to a friends yesterday evening to put up a couple of chandeliers. They live in a Victorian building (well, it would be if it was in the UK - it obviously isn't here, but it's the same era!) with high ceilings. Working off a high step ladder with your arms at almost full reach is always fun!


I see Don has just posted - Morning Don!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Morning all, another day of stress coming up, trying to get to separate plants (1 to 4 hours apart) commissioned almost simultaneously! And of course nothing here ever goes to plan!

I also had school teachers who were deadly accurate with blackboard chalk, and seemed to have eye's in the back of their head!

Have a good day (weather permitting), all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, quite grey here. Just today to go then a (very long) weekend off. Travelling to Worthing with Mr. eldavo on Saturday for a two day show with Cramdin yard (hope I've got the new sequence memorised...), then Monday and Tuesday off to recover before a day driving on the Mid Hants.


My employers are doing an article on my MHR activities for our inhouse magazine, so the press officer and a photographer will be in attendance, which fact has enabled me to blag an extra day's leave for Wednesday as it's work related.....


Happy Days!

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Morning all. Grumble, grumble, complain, complain. Situation normal here in the boring borough.


I seem to have managed to throw my back out again when rearranging all the crap we have in the loft yesterday. At least I'm home for the rest of the week. I don't think I'll be doing anything vertical for more than a few minutes over the next 4 or 5 days. Codeine, bed, and ice pack for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It rained earlier and although it is very overcast here the forecast suggests there will be no more rain. I'll be taking Robbie to the vet this morning for his booster inoculations. He doesn't mind the injections but he does not like having his temperature taken.


I spent much of yesterday morning receiving and sending texts to Matthew. He needed some advice about how to deal with a problem. Fortunately we had included Imodium in his first aid kit. He was feeling better by the end of the day and has booked himself onto a weekend trip to Ha Long Bay. Last weekend he was going to spend the weekend in Hanoi but was busy with lesson preparation.


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Codeine, bed, and ice pack for me.


Hope you feel better soon Andrew. Just don't make any trips to Greece! Codeine is a controlled substance there.


I spent much of yesterday morning receiving and sending texts to Matthew. He needed some advice about how to deal with a problem.


Oh dear! A touch of Montezuma's revenge?

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure how Robbie will behave at the vets today. He has always been good but while we were away he had to be taken to an "out of hours" vet and was rather uncooperative. He doesn't like getting up on the examination table so our vet sits on the floor. The other vet ended up muzzling him and said she would only examine him if he were tranquillized. By the time my friend had contacted me in Austria to ask my permission he was better anyway!

We're off in a minute, hopefully the visit will be uneventful!

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From eating too much fruit apparently, or perhaps inadequately washed?


Or from fruit washed in polluted water? Keep the mouth closed when showering!!!


Interestingly enough, I was reading an article this morning about a guy who is swimming the Thames from Gloucestershire to London. Apparently, he has come down with a rather serious tummy bug during his swim.

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Hope you feel better soon Andrew. Just don't make any trips to Greece! Codeine is a controlled substance there.


Oh dear! A touch of Montezuma's revenge?

Thanks Robert. With the amount of codeine I've had over the past couple of weeks, first for my neck now my lower back, my bloodstream would be illegal in many countries. :no:
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,

An interesting and varied bunch of posts, Excellent news Jam. I hope you enjoy your filming experience.

What is happening about the new shed? I am really looking forward to following your big layout development.

It's turned cloudy here after 3 really Spring like days.


Hi Don,

Yes it is great news - I'm really pleased.

Hopefully I will enjoy it and I guess it will do wonders for my confidence which is something I've been working on for a few months to improve.

I'm hoping to start the new shed very shortly, however I am still waiting for my Dad to help sort out what materials I need for it. I won't be able to start getting the materials this weekend due to the exhibition but I hopefully will be able to somewhen next week. I'm hoping to start it before I go off to uni on the 26th though. I'm itching to get started!

I'll try and put up an update later which will probably include some more sketches and plans etc.


Morning all,

Overcast but still with a hint of sun every now and again - still windy though!

Not much going on today, I'll probably be working on the layout plan...

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"Frankly these days I generally feel like I'm the only guy in the world playing by the rules."


I have a very irritating example of this in our village - well two actually.

My lunch friend yesterday (with an inoperable brain tumour) has had great difficulty in getting any State assistance.

Yet here in the village there are two cases where people are driving around in 'Mobility' vehicles who, from personal observation, are obviously not impaired at all.

One, for example, I've seen sprinting 60 metres across a car park carrying shopping.

I had understood that, to receive one of these vehicles (and all that goes with it), a person had to be on the highest rate of DLA mobility (ie: hardly able to walk at all).


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  • RMweb Gold

DD, it's not a simple as not being physically able to walk.

It might be because the recipient of the DLA may be unwilling to walk, due to a medical conditon (eg Autism) .


The vehicle may also be for a relative (parent / child of the driver), who officially should be in the vehicle for it to be used, but this is an obvious impracticallity.

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I think you're missing my point, fellers.

In both cases, subject to investigation, I believe it is a case of fraud on the State.


Autism doesn't figure anywhere.

One of the cars is used for the wife to go to and from work - he has a Jag.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think you're missing my point, fellers.

In both cases, subject to investigation, I believe it is a case of fraud on the State.


Autism doesn't figure anywhere.

One of the cars is used for the wife to go to and from work - he has a Jag.

Then I hope the full force of the law descends soon.

I'm sorry to hear your friend has difficulty getting help. My mother got very little support when she lived in Solihull but got lots when she moved to Worcestershire. It can also depend on how good the GP is at writing letters. I didn't vote for our previous MP but I was impressed at the way he helped some near neighbours get the help they were entitled to, needed and were being denied.

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  • RMweb Gold

Here is the sort of problem that ERs are good at.

Just had a text from Matthew (no longer in need of Imodium!)

He wants to evict a gecko from his room , any suggestions? I tried suggesting that it might eat any insects and to leave it but he "doesn't like the look of it!"



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