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Morning All,


It is a pretty foul morning here - grey, rainy and humid. It isn't raining as hard as it was when I drove to work though.


On the subject of colds. I hope yours is a bit better today Dominik. Kids are like pigeons in this respect - if you want to make a virus more virulent, you pass it through pigeons. Want to make a cold more virulent? Pass it though a child!


When my son started Kindergarten, he brought home everything going. He'd have a sniffle for a couple of days, I'd end up feeling like death for a week!


Have a good day everyone...

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That's kind of you Don. Yes, I am pleased with it so far. I added the coupling rods last night and a bit of tweaking here and there and it now runs smoothly. I suspect that was the easy bit as small valve gear parts and fat fingers do not go together. I managed to get a copy of Iain Rice's book as recommended by Mick and must agree, it contains a stack of helpful information, so it will be well thumbed over the next few days.


Seems we also have the best of the weather. At least it's dry and the sun is trying to break through.


BiL and SiL arrive from Spain this morning. I just hope my liver is up to the forthcoming onslaught... ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Plenty of oktas in evidence but at least they aren't leaking. Managed to get a round of golf in yesterday evening once the rain stopped but it was getting pretty dark by the time we finished. I have enough trouble finding the ball normally without a lack of light! I suspect not many evening golf sessions left this year. Where did the summer go?


Packing up Cramdin Yard for a trip to Worthing this weekend is what is on the agenda for this afternoon. I always have a dread of leaving something crucial behind or losing something. This time I've lost the checklist!


Have a good one all.




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Morning all. Bright and sunny outside but it's blowing a hoolie. Should make my tennis lesson interesting at 11...


Forecast is for rain from mid-afternoon and I've been persuaded to go for a run with friends at 6.30. I must be mad.


Came home pretty energised after climbing and swimming yesterday but am now feeling shattered!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Been around, but no mojo for almost anything and just lurking/reading and also stuck at work.


It's been a very good winter's day here again today - rain/gales and it was even worse yesterday. Must say it made for an interesting departure for the Fellsman this morning, with a wet rail straight off the platform end onto Ripley bank - booked for Class 7 or 8 haulage - got a Black 5 with (I think) 11 on, so could also be interesting over Wilpshire, and the long drag as well.


I'm still keeping up to speed wth events, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Been a somewhat boring few days with not a lot happening. However, about 20mins ago I had an interesting phone call.

It turns out the Cleft Team at Salisbury want me to appear in a film they are making to prepare younger kids with a Cleft Lip and Palate for a bone graft operation. I was 10 when I had mine and can still remember it quite clearly. Not because it was traumatic though, far from it. Obviously it wasn't brilliant, but I'm lucky that I'm one of those people who just gets on with it and doesn't complain. Now, I don't have the best memory so I'm going to have to write down what I do remember and see if that gives the film crew anything. I can't say I've ever been filmed before (OK, apart from school plays and the like!).

It was nice of them to say that they thought I would be a suitable person because of my attitude. I think it's going to be an eye opener...


So from a mundane few days it has actually turned into an interesting day.


Then at the weekend I've got the model railway exhibition in the village which I am helping out with. I tell you what, operating a 30ft 3-rail layout can be quite fun. The only trouble is you have got to keep your hand almost permanently on the controls because the locos always seem to suffer from a lack of power at certain sections of the layout - and then there are the gradients to deal with. There's hours of setting up the layout beforehand though. So if anyone is in the area come and have a chat!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all...


We had a support course meeting at uni this afternoon, where I then learned that several of my coursemates who had been assigned to a variety of other schools would also appear to have caught a cold. In fact, our tutor eventually mentioned how he would like to put the subject of self-care measures for teachers on the agenda for the second part of our support course this winter. In this context, he mentioned how he himself has taken to practising yoga some time ago in order to keep him sane, so to speak.


I wonder if I should bring up my modelling if we eventually do cover this subject... :D

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  • RMweb Gold

our tutor eventually mentioned how he would like to put the subject of self-care measures for teachers on the agenda for the second part of our support course this winter. In this context, he mentioned how he himself has taken to practising yoga some time ago in order to keep him sane, so to speak.



A cup of tea and a biscuit often help.

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  • RMweb Gold


Oh boy, that must have been fun! :lol:

I think most of the students felt somewhat sorry for him and although he (known throughout the school as "The Rev")could be unpredictable he was appreciated as a character. It wasn't as a result of any pupil complaining about him that he departed from teaching.

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Jam, My younger cousin had the same issue (except he is now in his fifties and the operation was simply not as good as nowadays). Of course now he's a leading banker and flies out to New York just to watch a Yankees match! The thing is he never let it slow him down either.


Good luck, man.


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Been a funny old couple of days. Although I've been off work into my second week now, I haven't done much on account of waiting for plumbers who call off at the last minute with the result that I end up drifting about all day like a f@rt in a space suit and not achieving much.

Frankly these days I generally feel like I'm the only guy in the world playing by the rules.

Then there's work to look forward to next week. Glad I'm enjoying a couple of bottles of 'Badger' at the moment!

I think it must be the weather - warm, wet conditions on the back of a strong south westerly always seem to have an extremely negative effect on my moods! Either that or I really am going nuts!



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