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Excuse the stupid question about a Telford breakfast, but thanks for the reply.

One has an English breakfast, a Scottish breakfast, a Continental breakfast, and a South African breakfast) so I thought a Telford breakfast might be something different. Also, in an earlier incarnation of RMWeb, a large percentage of members claimed some connection to Telford..

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all again,outside looks gloomy and the plan of shopping in Chesterfield with wife and DD1&2 appeals very little. The deck is finished and tomorrow I will put the planters back. Pete a friend of mine an oil rig worker,had an operation similar to the one you are contemplating, despite the doom and gloom discussed before the op he is still wandering the world doing blowout valves learnt to fly a plane and rides fast motorbikes long distance.



This is the post I tried to send earlier at the moment it seems to be chance whether they stick to the board or fall off into cyberspace.

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  • RMweb Gold

My morning post seems to have disappeared into cyberspace, it was about the time that we were receiving Matthew's news from Vietnam (raining there today!)so I suspect I never sent it rather than a board fault.



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Look forward to hearing of your experiences, Phil.


Sorry about that, BoD.

I've considered the long list of possible alleviations of terminal boredom when 'shopping' (I even detest the word) but I've not yet tried the famous "set all the alarm clocks" or the "economy sized contraceptives in an OAP's basket" etc.,.

However, I do seem to attract unusual attention in the checkout queue.

It may be remarks, after watching the usual card fumbling,

"Do they accept money here?"

"How many 'Bags for Life' are we allowed?"

All, of course, accompanied by searing looks from SWMBO.


Innocently, a moment of true confusion arose today.

There was an offer: Five bars of Aero chocolate for £1.

As the packet was quite large, I put five in the basket and considered it a bargain.

It turned out that there were already five bars in each packet and very small at that.

I gave them to the manager to put back and asked him if he had any more expensive offers I should avoid.


Eventually, SWMBO will refuse to take me shopping - even in my capacity of plastic card carrier.

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Guest Max Stafford

What a difference a day can make!

I decided yesterday to take my mate Tony, who was in need of a good cheer-up to Whitrope to show him what was going on there.

We both had the opportunity to drive the Ruston diesel shunter whist there.

Fifteen years ago, when I first walked over Whitrope Summit, I never aniticpated that one day in the future I would take the controls of a locomotive on a re-born Waverley Route. To say that I am utterly thrilled by this could not be more of an understatement!

I was able to have a good crack with the guys and fully intend to throw my weight behind their efforts to bring this amazing railway back to life.

These boys, although highly professional and realistic in their outlook, are thinking big about the future of the project and their optimism is the finest tonic for the negativity that has surrounded so much of my world for a long time. Here is a cause I'm more than ready and willing to get my teeth into with the noblest of goals too!

A great day and I'm so glad we went!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking outside, I am having the distinct feeling we'll be seeing rain today. I did make some progress with one of my papers yesterday and I believe I'll be having another go later on.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all!


Stewart, sorry to hear about your Sussex Spaniel. It's 4 years this week since my dog passed away and while it does get easier, you never forget them and you always remember the good times.


Had a good day at the ODI yesterday despite the rain. There were one or two amazingly inventive shots from the Indian batsmen, and the atmosphere in the ground was terrific. I love how cosmopolitan cricket is - thousands of fans mingling cheek by jowl in the stands. India supporters with flags running up and down in front of the Barmy Army stand and getting cheered on by the BA (imagine what would happen if a Celtic fan ran up and down with a green and white flag in front of a Rangers stand...!).

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Morning All, why is it that when you get a chance for a lie in on a Sunday morning, some inconsiderate *%$£hole decides to lay on their car horn, then start a full volume discussion with another driver?

Well that's my rant for the day over...........the rest of you enjoy yours! And any Pictures of your adventure Dave?

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Guest Max Stafford

For those who asked, here's the Association website. It's a fairly easy navigation job and there are some pictures of both recent work and Army 110, the loco I was driving.




The location is about 35 miles from Carlisle although local knowledge can knock about 5 miles off the drive!



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