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A Spring day today. Rain was forecast. What we had was:

  • Overnight rain
  • Hazy sunshine
  • Light rain and drizzle
  • Bright sunshine with blue skies
  • Hail
  • More bright blue skies
  • A downpour
  • A short-lived rainbow
  • More light rain

The calendar says Spring and so it was.

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Bear here.....

Well the Beary Email Calendar informs me that today is Washing Day.  Turdycurses.

After which it'll be more wallpaper danglin'; I'm not sure how long supplies will last though, cos' a Certain Bear failed to order another roll before the 6pm Toolstation cut-off time for next day delivery.  Double Turdycurses.


In other news.....

Fear not, fellow road users; Messrs. Bear & Hippo Inc. have been despatched to the crime scene and have conducted a scrupulous waste disposal exercise, with not so much as a single crumb left behind.  "I've never seen anything like it, remarked the Fire Brigade Chief - the lads were all set to have free bikkies with their morning Tea Breaks for the next five years; the next thing we knew these two characters arrived and scoffed the lot faster than a Force 5 Tornado.  Turdycurses". 

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Ey up!


Apparently we have had some light rain overnight. I hope it now stays dry while I post her indoorsvtesting kit and buy some white bread.


Other than those two items.. that's my "to do" list.. done..


Just a pile of paperwork to catch up on..pah!


So,before it goes cold..Time for my mugatea!


Stay safe!



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Morning All…


Bit rainy, bit sunny, definitely dark cloudy and a little breezy here in former subtropical Sussex. 

1sr order of the day, feed the chooks, coz happy chooks = more fresh eggs. Tick 😊

2nd order of the day drop number one son to railway station….Tick 🙂

3rd order of the day….breakfast. Bacon, eggs (home laid eggs = cheese omelette) and coffee. Part tick so far! 


4th order of the day, accompany Mrs Grizz out to the Nags, feed water, groom, check the fences et etc. quite a pleasant experience even for a non horse person like me. 

5th order of the day…check emails…not looking forward to this one.


6th order of the day, design the replacement horse stable which, Mrs Grizz has now informed me, needs to be large enough to accommodate 4 horses. The old one, which to be fair is over 40 years old, is only big enough for 2 horses. 

The blossom has started to appear on our Golden Gauge tree, just in time for the recent frosts to knacker any chance of getting a decent crop again this year. Our record was 83 off of the one tree and that was the first year of Covid, a particularly good year for gauges. 


Have a great day all. 

ATB Grizz


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8 hours ago, Tony_S said:

…I hope that this reassures @iL Dottorethat UK GPs are not all bad. 

In terms of clinical ability, the General Practitioners (i.e. the physicians) in the UK are generally very good indeed. In terms of The GP – the practice the physician works in and the support staff - very much less so; as numerous anecdotal evidence posted on ER has suggested. I think that there are many good General Practitioners who are let down by their staff. Having Covid to deal with plus all the fallout imposed on general practices following the Harold Shipman case doesn’t help either.

Many of my physician friends and colleagues are ex-NHS and whilst the reasons for them going into industry and/or moving to a position outside of the UK are myriad, a common theme is the appallingly insensitive and often incompetent NHS bureaucracy, a “ penny-wise and pound-foolish“ approach by the NHS to finances and a total lack of NHS senior management regard for their staff. One physician friend, a radiologist, who moved to Germany to work ,told me that by moving abroad to work there, he was actually able to see his children more than once every three or four weeks…

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Good morning everyone 


Weve had quite a bit of overnight rain, so everywhere is very wet! I have a 2 more sets of solar lights to set up in the garden, but I’m not sure if I’ll get that done today, we’ll have to see if it dries out a little. Apart from that, there’s not a lot else planned for the day, so I may get a bit more work done in the workshop. 


Bak later. 



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Hello again from Estuary-Land. One of the three packages has arrived. It came in the letter post as the item was in a Jiffy bag. Apparently the other two packets will be with a separate parcel delivery. In the Jiffy bag were some small items for magnetically joining larger items together that run on parallel strips of metal 16.5 mm apart.

1 hour ago, Grizz said:

This morning the chooks have had their treat, an escorted visit to one of their favourite locations… the small compost heap. 
They are sooooo happy in there, chatting away to each other. I always dig it over a bit before they charge in. Sadly because of bird flu in the UK they aren’t allowed out into the garden at the moment, but they do get a daily escorted exercise trip to the compost heap, which obviously whilst I’m there with them the wild bird population keeps away. 








They are both rescued chickens from a lovely farm in Ditchling. Occasionally a few of the chickens they have are below average size and so get knocked about a bit and generally ‘hen pecked’. These few are then rescued and placed in their chicken hospital to recover and then as often as possible they are re-homed with people like us. These two came as a pair, they have completely recovered and have firmly made themselves at home here. In normally times they get free reign of the garden areas, with the exception of the vegetable garden and the potted plant areas, as 5 minutes there leaves total destruction.

They really seem to be happy little souls…..so far as one can tell with chickens anyway. 😊

I assume that they were kept in a barn were the farmer has animal welfare near the top of the agenda, so many are not as good. I would like to keep hens but there's just too many foxes around.

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13 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... I’m thinking that official figures are not reflecting what is happening on the ground. ...



Free tests gone - and of course HMG figures only count positive test hence agree the the ONS are far more likely to be correct than the 'official figures'.


Eroica - was reminded while listening, one with rather less brass than others.

Edited by PeterBB
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Afternoon all 


Windy here again but generally its warmer

Shipman practiced for a bit at Pontefract Hospital its not known if he killed any patients there happen @jamie92208 would know different. He was the first of 2 murdering Doctors at Pontefract Hospital the second was an Anethetist called Tommy Shanks who shot his nurse girlfriend with an Ak47 outside a pub in Castleford 

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