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  • RMweb Premium

Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about Dominik's grandad.


I'm probably taking a few days off here as I'm feeling pretty miserable, as my lovely Sussex Spaniel was put to sleep unexpectedly this morning - not in the same league as a close relative, so Dominik's news puts mine into perspective - but nonetheless, 30747 and I were devastated to find her prostrated on the floor and unable to get up - seems she had a massive internal bleed, and the probable source was a previously undetected tumor and an external examination indicated that this might be on her spleen - so she had a dignified departure. The words of my former vet friend rang very true, that we do not own an animal, we just look after it for the time it has with us, and we should try to accept that the time can and will come - often sooner than we expect, and always before we want. It has been a comfort to use that to help us. If I am offline for a while, I will be back when I feel a bit better.


I'm still planning to go on my steam trip tomorrow, and 30747 is going to visit a friend, so that should take our minds off things.



Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for your thoughts again, guys...I appreciate this.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Stewart...I felt much the same when the budgies I once had many years ago died :( .


The odd thing is, once I had arrived at school and got into the swing I actually felt quite good, so I guess doing something with a useful purpose is not a bad thing at all. Our practice session went very well, too, especially for a first time, which we were hugely relieved about. Once we had got the course engrossed in the discussion, they were, in fact, working largely independently, which our tutor had been particularly happy about.

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Guest Max Stafford

Dom, my thoughts to you and your Grandad also. Stewart, what can I say - the very thought of what you've just gone through is giving me a lump in the throat too mate. Anybody who says it hurts less than a human loss is terribly mistaken. Just remember all the good times you had. Katie, my old staffie, lives on in all the memories I have of her and your old friend will do the same.

Not been having the greatest of days myself. I've just drifted along with little sense of direction or purpose and though I'm in the middle of two weeks off, for the third night on the trot I had a frustrating dream about work.

I really wish I could get out as it looks like they're going to close the pension scheme in the next couple of years and the internal regime is ever more draconian and vindictive, but as I'm otherwise unskilled and no bloody good at anything else I'm pretty stuffed.

Still, tomorrow's another day so I'll sleep on it. Hopefully I'll dream about something else tonight!

Anyway, that's enough of my bleating guys, sorry to be a whinger in the face of others' woes!



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  • RMweb Premium

I really wish I could get out as it looks like they're going to close the pension scheme in the next couple of years and the internal regime is ever more draconian and vindictive, but as I'm otherwise unskilled and no bloody good at anything else I'm pretty stuffed.


Been there, done that and got the scars. Hope it all comes out in the wash as it has for me. It aint no fun when you're in it though but don't let the ###### grind you down.


Chin up chaps.



Dave (not rising early or posting in the middle of the night)

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  • RMweb Premium

Dave you sell yourself short mate,I have said before if you ever write the book I'll buy it.Dominik I hope things get better with your Grandfather and Stewart yes we have been there too, it hurts.


On a lighter note I did try and slip in another post moaning about being ignored but RMweb decided it wasn;t funny enough and wouldn;t load it. It would have been 16493 I think.

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In bed yet, Mick?


I'm cheerful, Don, must be the Oxycontin that I've just been prescribed! No, seriously I've been troubled by this weird pain in my left arm and hand for months and my Doctor has now found out what is causing it after some false starts. It is a pinched nerve but it is caused by multi-level disc degeneration in my neck - a result of a misspent youth performing more and more outrageous assault courses during the phase of my life when I was a "shootist". The usual thing of wearing a neck brace has no effect.

If it was in my back they would have no hesitation in operating but even American Doctors baulk at operating on the neck. So, we are taking it one step at a time. Next week I start physical therapy and see if that works in reducing the pain. Then we'll work through a variety of options until there is only one left.

So I'm glad of an actual diagnosis.


Wakjey, Wakey! Everyone........


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


That does sound unpleasant, Pete, so I hope one treatment or another will eventually alleviate your pain.


Looks like a fairly sunny day over here, with about 30° being predicted. Same thing tomorrow, though we then are to expect thunderstorms in the afternoon, after which we're supposed to be back down in the lower 20s. I'll be getting my hair cut later this morning and then try and make some progress with my papers in the afternoon. I also had a few ideas for a new practice lesson which I'm planning to hold next week, and which I'll need to think over again. I hope I'll be able to discuss them with the course teacher on Monday or thereabouts.

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Thanks, Dom.


I am going down to New Hope later today to finish photographing some ex Canadian diesels which they have in the shop for repair. This was the series when my camera suddenly went pschedelic on me.........I'll probably be posting them in "USA & Canada" tomorrow.


Labor Day weekend here, which is the unofficial end of Summer.......


Best, Pete.

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Its a breakfast eaten in Telford. It was not too bad actually for a Holiday Inn hotel.


Sat next to the guy on the DCC for Dummies stand at the O Gauge exhibition and the subject of ZTC came up, similar views as me and a lot of others but not the sort of words that you can use in public. But a good chat and looking forward to seeing him later and again at the Carmarthen show in October.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, feeling much better for a post call out uninterrupted night's sleep. Muesli and capuccino before making my way up to Wallop for their families' day where all sorts of fun and frolics are on the menu.


I should be able o get up close and personal with Apache, Lynx and a few other promised goodies as the Army's helicopter boys go through their paces - my daughter has been telling me how unusual it has been to see the aforementioned doing barrel rolls and loops practising for today. I did wonder if it was my SiL getting it badly wrong and doing these manoeuvres inadvertently!


Then of course there's the beer tent......


Have a good one all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Peaceful day in store for me and the dog as SWMBO has toddled off to an agricultural/flower show with my niece!


Tough day in store for you then buddy, beer, food and helicopters! I suspect the order of participation could be crucial.


:drink_mini: + :pilot: = :bad:


Have a good one all.




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Morning all.....Sounds like a fun day Mr H. Will you get a flight or is this a public show?


Pete, you have my sympathies. Anything to do with the back/neck is so debilitating. Just moving about is such an effort. Hopefully some decent painkillers/anti inflamatories will help.


Seems like a day battling with a B1 chassis is on the cards. So far, so good....

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