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It's nice to be back. It was a bit of a shock to realize how truly time consuming time online here can be.


I'm guessing that everyone with an avatar photograph needed to reload an image. It's a pity about losing 12 months of photographs. Perhaps I will try to recover some of them, but I doubt I will be very thorough about it.

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5 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

For those below and others that I haven't been able to contact.


@iL Dottore @TheQ




Glad to be back. FYI I opened a Facebook group called 'The Diversion Line'  for those missing their daily dose of RMweb. I opened it only a few days ago and it will remain open for another week or two and then I will archive it. If you haven't joined please do although it will soon be defunct it will be there if RMweb was to go down again.

We would probably break Facebook too.

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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Inevitably, but the challenge is in not dying from it, rather than living with it. Measles is almost entirely preventable*. Locally, influenza cases are rising but they were effectively zero over the last couple of seasons due to CoViD pandemic measures.


* Two doses of MMR vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing measles; one dose is about 93% effective. (US CDC)


< snipped




I agree - however the anti-vaxxer nutters have resulted in a lot of people not having their kids take the MMR, with the resultant re-emergence of measles as a major threat in recent times.  There was a panic here last year (or 2020??) with a lot of measles in schools.  Needless.

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What a strange week we've had.

Covid positive as I reported a few days ago and no Rmweb so modelling had to be undertaken to pass the time in the isolation wing.

Suddenly the isolation wing became the staff quarters as Anne tested positive just as I was recovering, so the modelling was somewhat curtailed as domestic duties increased. Fortunately both cases were mild so now both negative and back to slightly more normal life. 

Bit of a bu$$er about the photos. Seems to be very random as some of my stuff from when I first joined is missing but some 2021 stuff is still there. Some I can identify so will try to put back if I get the urge to do so.

Meanwhile stay safe everyone, after all the forum isn't quite a matter of life or death but has been a big support to a lot of us during a trying time.

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5 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

I have a smart meter, just as well as its impossible to read my gas meter where it is.


Bear has a smart meter - only it's not very smart (a.k.a. bvggered....).  I've finally convinced Eon that (a) it is bvggered, (b) I'm not making it up/paranoid/dunno what I'm talking about and (c) do need a new one.  Which is currently planned for June......


Meter photos were taken today - and new readings uploaded with somewhat of a fight.  Of course they responded with "Are you sure that's right, cos' last time the gas reading was higher than it is now?"  Yep - that's cos' last time you estimated the reading - cos' you couldn't communicate with the Un-smart meter.....


4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I really like @TheQ and @Tony_S new Avatars.


Bear rather likes NHN's new Avatar.  There's something about a Donk that makes a Bear smile.....

As for Bear's Avatar - well he's MIA :(


Bear here.....

Well two new door frames** are installed :)  

(Ok, so there's no architrave yet.  Or Door Jambs.  Or paint......)

Lots and lots of dado rail, picture rail and architrave were delivered at the start of the week; Bear sent a snottogram to point out that their priming and undercoating had something to be desired - they agreed and refunded the extra cost.  Quite right too.


And then Bear spent days - literally - measuring/planning/pondering/worrying/questioning how to install the picture rail and at what height.  All complicated by the fact that two door frames and the window are all at different heights and all play a part in the positioning of the picture rail.  Eventually I decided that having picture rail in the first place was a mistake after all - if only I'd decided that BEFORE I spent a hundred and thirty notes on the bluddy stuff.  Turdycurses.  Fortunately the dodgy paint refund was £96 so I'm not down too much; I'll ebay the rail and get a wedge back, though it may take a few weeks cos' it'll be collect only.

The dodgy paint finish is now't to worry about - basically there is evidence of mdf grinning thru' in places, as well as a lumpy build-up on some edges in places.  A quick sand and an extra coat of mdf primer will sort it.


So now I'm into final wall prep before I can seal them with, er, sealer and then papering them with Wallrock Lining Paper (bluddy strong stuff that worked rather well in the Kitchen).  Still lots and lots to do but at least there's some hope on the horizon at last....

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Well after taking a speed-read of Andy Y's Accident Report it appears that Bear's Avatar is not only MIA, but now Missing, Presumed Dead in Hyperspace 

RIP, my little furry friend :(

Fortunately he's actually safe and well and scoffin' LDC at Bear Towers.

It seems that something like a year's worth of photos may have been lost from the site too, which is a bit of a blow for all those useful build threads etc. etc. - though some info may be accessed/recovered via the Wayback Machine (thanks to Martin W. for reminding Bear of that site):



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6 hours ago, Barry O said:

nope it seems hit and miss but some of mine from 2013 have gone awol..  could be a while putting some pictures back in...


4 hours ago, BoD said:

You are correct.   I’ve just had a look back at my thread and there seems no rhyme or reason as to which images are showing and which aren’t.  Hopefully it may just  be (apart from the last year, which we know about) that the database is still being repopulated/rebuilt.


From what Andy has said elsewhere, it may be several days before the volume of photos are processed and transferred from the back-up. The problem will then be the last 12 months or so as they were backed up on part of the hardware that failed and cannot be recovered.


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26 minutes ago, polybear said:

As for Bear's Avatar - well he's MIA


Are you sure he isn’t hiding in our guest bedroom cupboard


Edited by Tony_S
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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

... the anti-vaxxer nutters have resulted in a lot of people not having their kids take the MMR, with the resultant re-emergence of measles as a major threat in recent times.  There was a panic here last year (or 2020??) with a lot of measles in schools.

Yes. There was a (fairly) major measles outbreak in the US in 2019 locally in the Portland conurbation (actually Vancouver, WA) and in New York which was substantially larger. Both of them involved personal belief exemptions to vaccination.


Regarding the local outbreak:


None of the 59 patients identified as of February 16, 2019 had received their complete set of two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinations


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I was just getting used to having an extra hour and a half each night to read.


We have just had (or are just about to have) the restrictions eased, but most people in commercial establishments are still masked.

Our neighbours booked their second booster shot online and found when they went that to get it they needed a note from their doctor.  

 "We went to our vaccine clinic today and saw 4 people ready to register clients and 5 people to give the vaccine. There was one person getting the vaccine. "


(We had gone last week and found out in person).


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Good morning all,


I’m up relatively early this morning, just couldn’t stay asleep (falling asleep in front of the television, well YouTube, didn’t help either).

During The Great RMWeb 2022 Blackout (as it may or may not be remembered as), I found myself looking at YouTube videos on the home cinema system and in particular three types of YouTube videos: woodworking videos, videos that instruct one how to make different types of Pâtisserie and videos that show how food is produced on an industrial scale. The latter are particularly fascinating, one particularly impressive machine featured was a meat slicer that sliced a whole ham into equally sized slices in a matter of seconds. another fascinating video was of a cake production line which started off with raw ingredients and ended up with a guillotine type machine slicing the cake into serving sized slices. 

Mrs iD has returned to the mountains with the doggies and, as with her last foray into the Alps, I will be doing some serious reorganisation of some part of the house. I have absolutely no idea why I am unable to do such clearances/reorganisations when she is here.

I’ll be getting my “doggy fix“ in her absence when a lawyer acquaintance of ours stops by this weekend with her two Kooikerhondje for a short walk. The walk will be, of necessity, short as of her two dogs - Lucy and Eileen – Lucy is pushing 14 and is deaf and partially blind and a little bit arthritic (but such an sweet little dog). I had never heard of the Kooikerhondje breed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kooikerhondje) before we met our lawyer acquaintance,  but they are incredibly endearing dogs but sadly, like most breeds with a small genetic base, have a tendency towards certain genetic diseases (usually avoidable if breeders are responsible and test the dogs before breeding them).


And whilst on the topic of “genetically unfit“ (and to comment on the recent posts about CoVID), one of the surprising revelations of the pandemic is how many people are genetically unfit inasmuch as many supposedly young, fit and healthy individuals died of the disease. I remember reading at least one paper by researchers who investigated why supposedly young and fit people were dying of the disease and found that such individuals had a genetic deficiency in one of the very many signalling pathways of the immune system. The high incidence of obesity, Type II diabetes, hypertension, alcohol abuse and tobacco use (especially in the UK and the US) is also another worry revealed (or highlighted) by the pandemic


A further, even more frightening, revelation from the pandemic was how incredibly ignorant most people are about science, medicine, statistics and even how their own body works. And I’m not talking about MD/PhD level Nobel Prize winning knowledge either, just a basic understanding (hands up all those ERs who know where their liver is situated in their body).


Now that the workshop has been reorganised and refurbished, my weekend mission (should I choose to accept it) is to go through the drawers and start cataloguing what’s actually in them - labelling the drawers as I go. 


And on that slightly better organised note I wish you a pleasant POETS day

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Good moaning from a cool Charente  where there was ice on the cars when I went to let the hens out.  Whilst we were offline egg production has soared from zero in February to an average of 3 per day. In the warm spell last week they were running straight out of the hen hut and down the outside run as soon as I let them out.  Today the came out slowly but went to the treats box where the tops from yesterdays strawberries  had been placed.  I need to go to the silo and get a new sack of feed today.


It's good to be back online though I may not get as much muddling done now.  Yesterday was warm to start with but got wet and cold. About 150 litres of rainwater went into the new irrigation tank,  it's now about half full.  Today it is cool but the sun is now out.  We forgot to bring the lemon tree in last night. It's now warming up in the hall.  There are three nearly fully formed lemons on it.


Not a lot else to report but good to see most people back. 



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Morning all.

Frost is visible on the shed roof.

The change in energy prices was instantly visible on our meter monitor this morning. Mainly increased standing charges.  Our new direct debit is a bit more but they do seem to have taken in to account our significantly reduced electricity usage since December. 
The mysterious delivery of a pack of lateral flow tests I hadn’t ordered was explained yesterday. I had an email explaining that as a vulnerable person I should use a lateral flow rest if I thought I may have Covid, and if positive I would be prescribed anti virals. Previously I had been sent a PCR test which would have been used to order the medication. 

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