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  • RMweb Premium
36 minutes ago, melmerby said:


Nice to note that Russia has been taking heavy casualties and has found that this isn't a walkover, as Putin seemed to assume.





The same thing happened in 1939, shortly after Stalin and Hitler had divided Poland between themselves. Stalin then turned on Finland thinking it would be an easy conquest, but they were given a bloody nose by the Finns and the planned occupation never took place. 

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

@Gwiwer I tried to send you a PM, but the system told me you weren’t receiving messages!

If you PM me, I can reply to you and get contact that way.



That's odd.  I get them from others almost daily including from a fellow ER today.  Hmmm.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Didn't see any Ukrainian badges on sale but found some on E-bay.


2 hours ago, polybear said:

It seems that Germany are less than happy about the idea of blocking the Ruskies from SWIFT because it'd screw Germany because they get an awful lot of Gas (and Oil?) from them.

They should shut the London 'laundromat' and freeze any Russian assets within and pay off the Germans and any others that Russia is in hock to. And also shut the Russian allies, Belarus and Moldavia out of SWIFT to make sure they can't help Russia get in by the back door. As you say, China is sitting on the fence simply because they don't want anything to upset their trade with the west. 

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3 hours ago, AyJay said:

If you switch on the TV or radio for the news, you can pretty much guarantee what the headline will be; the very thing that all of us must have in the back of our minds right now.

The Ukraine situation is absolutely terrible and as the world stands in its condemnation of Vladimir Putin and is imposing sanctions to isolate him and his administration, China is behaving contrary to this; I read that China is throwing Russia a sanction-busting lifeline.


Perhaps it is now time for British brands to reassess their manufacturing capabilities in China?

I think it's been time for that for quite some time. Fortunately, I'm still happy with models that were made (most of them in France) some years ago and the parallel lines they run on come from Devon. Super detailed every rivet modelled in infinite detail I can do without, However, I do know that things like my iPhone were made in China.


I think I should ration my news consumption. I want to know what's going on but don't really need to update it every hour or so.


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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday, @simontaylor484 :yes:!


I've been reading about how younger Russians tend to be significantly more opposed to the war than older generations who may have lived through the collapse of the USSR and subsequent hardship, and might be more likely to approve of a display of strength. That being said, anti-war protests do continue in Russia, even though security forces respond harshly.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, melmerby said:

Nice to note that Russia has been taking heavy casualties and has found that this isn't a walkover, as Putin seemed to assume.


This video is kinda funny:



There are reports that some Russian Army Units have been surrendering because they never realised they were being sent to kill.  If that's true then I hope they don't want to go home again.


This has also been reported:

'Fight for Ukraine': Zelenskyy urges Europeans with 'combat experience' as Russian troops advance on Kyiv

Bear is just checking on the cake situation before committing myself

(I've fought at the Bachmann Scrum @Ally Pally, which must count surely?) :laugh:


Joking aside, things may well take a very serious turn for the worse very soon:


CNN reporters are claiming to have seen Thermobaric Launchers in Ukraine.


In other news....

Bear did Notalot this afternoon - bad.  Regretting it now :banghead:

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A 911 (emergency) call here will often get you both a fire truck and an ambulance. Fire trucks carry defibrillators, naloxone etc. and the crews are trained in first aid. If they arrive first, they will stabilize the patient then hand over to the ambulance crew when they arrive, passing on what they’ve found out and saying what they’ve done. Then they leave, which can look a bit unusual, but it’s logical since the ambulance crews are the experts and the firefighters would just be cluttering up the scene.

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So let me just get this right...

The UN cannot condemn the actions of Russia, because Russia has veto-ed the UN resolution!!!


That's like the burglar telling the home owner that they have no right to call the Police.

When this is over, I do so hope that Vladimir Putin and his cronies are declared War Criminals


Vodka and caviar state ballet and russian watches are banned in this house.

Good thing i'm not a football fan.

The IT security on my PC stopped being Kasperski several years back

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In light of the traffic on this subject, would it be a good idea if all discussion on the Ukraine situation be drawn out into its own thread?

That way, the Early Risers can have their lighter chat back.

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  • RMweb Gold
55 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

.. I have been able to do a Pete

My brother is a Pete but to be honest I have absolutely no idea of his view on use by dates. At the moment in our family “doing a Pete” would involve falling in a canal and being rescued by police officers. Not  a recommended thing to do. 

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22 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

recently came to a conclusion that one can consider oneself to be "older" ("not "old") when friends die faster than new ones are made.  I lost a good 'un recently too.  


Another working week comes to an end.  Not sure what I have to show for it.  Currently all I have to show is a glass of Bruichladich and a desire to pontificate on or mull over matters from far away to close at hand.  


Thinking about things I never ever seem to receive any conversation-starting messages or calls.  I am always the initiator.  Does this mean everyone else isn't really interested and replies under sufferance?  Quite often they don't reply at all any more.  Yes I can make someone's day with a passing comment at work and often exchange greetings with our regular customers but that's in a different league.  On reflection it's been many months since I sat down and had a decent conversation with anyone about anything.  

The last para says it all!  As one ages, its inevitable that one loses older friends and acquaintances; just check the membership of your various clubs, etc.  One I belong to loses one or two a month and sadly that rate exceeds annual renewals.  Relatives may indeed be the worst offenders in not calling or contacting.  I have some cousins that I keep in contact with but other than that its Christmas or a birthday card. and these are the people I grew up with.

  Websites such as this are not the answer, nobody knows nobody and likely as not due to distance, might never know, except for a few lines every day and the chance to get something off your chest maybe.  But these are just passing conveniences where a card or a few lines would be more appropriate.  Certainly not a substitute neither are the more modern Zooms, etc, that many discovered during the recent covid situation.

   In this day and age, perhaps its impossible to relive the past, so go out and have a pint with someone; at least it will be a face and not a souless keyboard.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening  from the City of Lindum or at least that's what it was called by the romans.  Thoughts very much with GDB.  We got down gere yesterday snd are enjoying a stay with Martin, Katie and Ryan (10). Shopping this morning the not a lot apart from watching the Rugby this afternoon.  On to Staffordshire tomortow.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, polybear said:




It seems that Germany are less than happy about the idea of blocking the Ruskies from SWIFT because it'd screw Germany because they get an awful lot of Gas (and Oil?) from them.


Should have kept their nuclear power?


Otherwise yes, Ukrainian situation diabolical - seems like Putin, former head of KGB, is acting rather like a certain Austrian did a few years to more ago and look what hapoened then ... 


Edited by PeterBB
Errors corrected
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  • RMweb Premium
16 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

Should have kept their nuclear power?


Otherwise yes, Ukrainian situation diabolical - seems like Putin, former head of KGB, is acting rather like a certain German did a few years to more ago and look what heooened then ... 


Austrian, I thought.

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We are (were?) on track to experience our driest February on record - so much for La Niña (who apparently decamped in the beginning of January and is now tormenting the Australian eastern seaboard).


It is however very cloudy and supposed to start raining this evening and for several days. Rainfall on Sunday and Monday might be enough to prevent a new record for low precipitation. Unlike last week's chilly, dry and sunny weather, seasonable temperatures (above 10°C) are forecast along with high probabilities for precipitation.


Golf commentators are babbling away to themselves to keep me company, though I did see a poor soul triple bogey the par three 15th that starts the "Bear trap".  It took him the better part of a quarter of an hour to decide that his shot lying between a rock and the edge of grass surrounding the green (and in a 'yellow' penalty area) was unplayable.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, AyJay said:


In light of the traffic on this subject, would it be a good idea if all discussion on the Ukraine situation be drawn out into its own thread?

That way, the Early Risers can have their lighter chat back.


1 hour ago, pH said:

And the risk of this thread being locked will return to normal.


Personally I think that fellow ER'ers are indeed a very sensible, level-headed bunch (WTF? :rofl: - did I REALLY just type that??) and as such there's little chance of OTT misbehaviour.  If only the same could be said for a separate thread....


Bear has just been watching some of a programme about the Lanesborough Hotel in London - jeez, what a place.  Mind you, the cheapest room is eight hundred quid a night :O (HOW MUCH?? - Bear has a nice Apartment in Venice for 7 nights lined up for less than that, with enough left over to provide a Pizza every day.... )  and a full english is £34 (no chips or fried bread - though B.Beans are included :yahoo:).  Tea is extra, by the way....(£6-50....)

CC will be pleased to note that doggies are most welcome - they have their own menus and the food prepared for them wouldn't look out of place being served in a Michelin Restaurant.

Bear was pleased to see this, however:

As a socially responsible business, we are delighted to commit our support this year to Heartburn Cancer UK, a charity dedicated to raising awareness of the dangers of persistent heartburn, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and Barrett's oesophagus. A voluntary donation of £2 will be added to your bill which goes towards a new mobile diagnostic unit, making a new detection test called the Cytosponge more readily available in the community. Thank you for your support.


And this:

As part of our ongoing support to our nominated charity, Heartburn Cancer UK, for every Cumbrian Lamb dish ordered this February, £5 will be donated to Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month.


Edited by polybear
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2 minutes ago, polybear said:

Personally I think that fellow ER'ers are indeed a very sensible, level-headed bunch ... and as such there's little chance of OTT misbehavior. 

I've had to bite my tongue a lot related to conversation that I regard as political. Better that way. Not that I necessarily disagree with anything said, it's just that the present level of tension is enough to say something that might inadvertently offend.


It's a bit unavoidable that the trauma playing out on our televisions would pass completely unremarked.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a long chat this evening with my niece with regard to my brother. Apparently he doesn't want his lounge put back to the way it was before the hospital bed was installed for his late wife and was removed after she went into hospital and he doesn't want a home help and he has no intention of going into sheltered accommodation, so we're back to square one. I'll have to have a word with my sister tomorrow so see what we can do if anything.

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