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11 hours ago, polybear said:


Nice to see a new building that does at least show serious signs of attempts at a pleasing design outcome, rather than a modern monstrosity.

That's the facade. everything else is new. It was more complete but about seven years ago, before we had it, it was vandalised and caught fire. The place was gutted - no timber remained. It was only a shell when we got it

It was the Eccles Cycle factory, and I can never see that without thinking of Neddy Seagoon.


Edited by Coombe Barton
One TYPOMAN, one autocorrect that shouldn't have been
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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:



Now that East Modeleisenbahzimmerlände and West Modeleisenbahzimmerlände have been re-united and reconstruction completed, what better way to celebrate than by inviting citizens of the world to visit in 2022 and enjoy the famous MEZL hospitality.


Grilled sausages, tonkatsu & ramen, pork pies, triple-cooked chips, proper Lasagna Verde alla Bolognese, old-fashioned boiled fruit cake, lemon-mascarpone cake, beer, homemade limoncello, homemade fruited gins and fine whisky all await the visitor who wishes to eat and drink well.


Admire the amazing floor tiling (until now, not visible since 2012), gasp at the new and impressive Hobbyturm, enjoy the renovated display cabinets and - of course - visit the World Heritage sites of The Georgian Terrace Houses and The Brunel Pub - now reopened to the world after 10 years of being cut-off in East Modeleisenbahzimmerlände.


Welcome, welcome one and all to Modeleisenbahzimmerlände 2022!

Bundeskanzler iD


please note that tinned baked beans are an illegal substance in the Modeleisenbahzimmerlände, importation of which will result in high fines and /or imprisonment.

are the sausages Cumberland?................................just asking for a friend........................................

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33 minutes ago, Grizz said:

In the meantime, on Monday morning, having stayed over night in Germany at Bösensell, I was very disappointed not to be able to see or film any trains between Münster and Bremen because the railway was closed due to trees on the track following the storm. 

But then this DB inspection vehicle turned up, running wrong road very slowly and then stopped right next to me.

BTW I was not trespassing, the place I was stood was next to the line side with no fencing and I was clearly visible with my NR vizi vest on, just so they could see me. 

It is Diesel and OHE powered. 



The 711.1s are diesel-hydraulic with two prime movers good for 160 kph and a smaller crawler motor for low speed work movements. The pan is for OHLE adjustment and gauging only. 

They‘d make for interesting models, I should think. Producers could equip them with DCC controlled special functions to their hearts‘ content!

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5 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I have long understood the meaning and significance of the term "the fog of war". It has been eerily "compelling"* to see this playing out in real time in media reports over the last couple of days.


* I struggle with the proper gerund here and say this with a heavy measure of understanding and empathy for the tragedy of what is unfolding.


It is proper that western media (largely reporting what they can personally see and hear from their communications positions) is unable to comprehensively communicate an accurate picture of the evolving tactical situation. It gives me additional perspective of the contributions of "war correspondents" in the days before the internet age. What is becoming clear is just how bravely sovereign territory is being defended against overwhelming technical superiority.


The defiance of defenders of Zmiinyi Island (off the Danube estuary) and the defence of the E97 bridge* over the Dneiper River near Kherson Oblast is admirable.


* I don't know why that wasn't deliberately (and strategically) destroyed by defenders.


I am trying not to binge on the 24-hour news coverage (CNN, BBC World News etc) but the profusion of 'talking heads' is truly awful.


That was a classic "Russian Warship go F yourself"



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3 hours ago, Grizz said:

As I may have mentioned before, my son and I saw a  Railadventure train travelling through Harburg with brand new locos for Finland and I’m fairly sure that some of those barrier vehicles were with that train. All the locos were on rail skates. 

We took video and photos of it, so I do have those somewhere, however it might take me a while to find it because as I posted earlier today, I am going to be turning my garden into a World War 1 trench system in my hunt for the leaking water pipe. I am sooooo not looking forward to starting this……my chickens on the other hand cannot wait!!!! As soon as they saw the spade, the shovel and the mattock come out of the shed they ran around my feet to find out what ‘WE’ were going to do. So much fun…


Please feel free to remind me about the photos mate…I’ll do my best to sort it. 


There are stethoscope devices you can use for detecting underground leaks, it might be worth asking the water company if they will use one of theirs's or lend you one. Its basically a tube with a cup at the bottom end and an earpiece at the top. There are also electronic leak detectors starting at about £20 for a basic model. It might be worth your while to call in some specialist companies.


Edited by PhilJ W
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5 minutes ago, AyJay said:

If you switch on the TV or radio for the news, you can pretty much guarantee what the headline will be; the very thing that all of us must have in the back of our minds right now.

The Ukraine situation is absolutely terrible and as the world stands in its condemnation of Vladimir Putin and is imposing sanctions to isolate him and his administration, China is behaving contrary to this; I read that China is throwing Russia a sanction-busting lifeline.


Perhaps it is now time for British brands to reassess their manufacturing capabilities in China?

It appears that China is sitting on the fence at the moment. The best sanction would be to kick Russia out of SWIFT, the international money transfer system. That will immediately cut off Putin's money supply and even China will not be able to help him straight away as it will take time to set up any by-pass. If such a by-pass was in  China's best interest because if they were also to be taken out of SWIFT it will wipe out their economic advances of the last thirty plus years. Regrettably some nations, particularly Germany would also suffer economically if Russia was removed from SWIFT as they hold a lot of Russian debt. Though it might be possible to take Russian assets in the west that have been frozen due to the invasion.

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Before anyone goes and shoots me down...

I am not suggesting that we go and cancel any orders,  that would only hurt our friendly shops and right now they need all the support that we can give them.

No, I realise that in this age of global markets, embargos are not straightforward.

However, I do wonder if Britain went in the wrong direction when we turned away from manufacturing goods ourselves.

Besides, I have had 'concerns' about China for some time now. Their human rights record is shocking.

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13 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

It appears that China is sitting on the fence at the moment. The best sanction would be to kick Russia out of SWIFT, the international money transfer system. That will immediately cut off Putin's money supply and even China will not be able to help him straight away as it will take time to set up any by-pass. If such a by-pass was in  China's best interest because if they were also to be taken out of SWIFT it will wipe out their economic advances of the last thirty plus years. Regrettably some nations, particularly Germany would also suffer economically if Russia was removed from SWIFT as they hold a lot of Russian debt. Though it might be possible to take Russian assets in the west that have been frozen due to the invasion.

The BBC had an article about SWIFT yesterday I can't find it to link it but it seems energy supply to parts of Europe rely on it.


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5 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Its given me thoughts about my own situation, I've lived on my own for more than half of my 73 years. I do have a few health issues with old age as I have mentioned (often) here. My one fear is if I have a fall. I have taken precautions such as installing a handrail on the stairs and moving some furniture. 


Bear also lives alone - I ensure I always have a mobile in my pocket, especially when doing DIY work/going in the loft etc.  Just in case....


1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:

Ideally we should have no manufacturing done in China due to their appalling Human rights abuses 


Governments have a convenient habit of overlooking certain details when it suits them...


59 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

The BBC had an article about SWIFT yesterday I can't find it to link it but it seems energy supply to parts of Europe rely on it.



It seems that Germany are less than happy about the idea of blocking the Ruskies from SWIFT because it'd screw Germany because they get an awful lot of Gas (and Oil?) from them.


The Telegraph are reporting this:

Two Chinese state-owned banks will restrict financing for Russian commodity purchases in a sign that cracks may be emerging between Beijing and Moscow as the Kremlin faces harsh international sanctions.


In other news....

The coving has received it's first coat of paint - that's four hours I'll not see again....

I've a feeling that a second coat may not be enough to disguise the joints - they're appearing as a darker shadow at the moment :sad_mini2:.  We'll see - I may have to do extra coats on the joint areas as required.


And finally......

A very Special Beary   HappBirthday


Edited by polybear
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Afternoon Awl,

Went to the sailing club rowed across to the motorboat to find the leeward mooring rope undone, leeward as in during those gales. So it wasn't that that undid it. Who or why I have no idea.

To the chandlery bought another 750ml of paint £34.   ....


On the way To be and queue, a Volkswagen van was about 100 yards ahead when..... Bang.... clouds of brown grey smoke From every orifice, instant slowing of  van , hazards on and I pass it...through the thick fog of unburnt diesel...


Picked up two sheets of ply went to the cutting counter.

Buzzer not working no staff in sight, walked to the front of store told staff, walk to back of store 

20 minutes later no cutting crew, member of staff walks past i tell him. He radios 5minutes later someone turns up and turns on calling buzzer.

Return journey

Major cockwomble, comes haring down the outer lane, pushes his way across in front of me , avoiding action taken, then he has to stand on the anchors as there is a queue into the petrol station.. I have to swerve to avoid him again....

Later on smokey Volkswagen is on back of a recovery truck still with hazards on.


Three times on journey back small cars do artic impressions and swerve left to turn right. Requiring avoiding action by a car in front of me.


Boat repair sanded, 1st coat of primer applied, 


Given a can you just...

Convert a six foot old wooden lamp standard into a skein tree..

Lamp removed, pilot holes drilled, need to get dowling, need to sand it down as she would like it painted white.


Second coat of primer applied to boat repair.

In need of eyelid inspection

By for now.


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2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

I hope to see some blue/yellow lapel badges or ribbons on sale soon.


Maybe I should paint the top of my car yellow? It's already a bright blue colour.


1 hour ago, polybear said:


The Telegraph are reporting this:

Two Chinese state-owned banks will restrict financing for Russian commodity purchases in a sign that cracks may be emerging between Beijing and Moscow as the Kremlin faces harsh international sanctions.


The Chinese abstained in an UN meeting of the Security Council to condemn Russia, seen as a tacit reminder to Russia that it wasn't with them on this.

You should see the Russian UN ambassador, who is currently president of the council squirming, when he had to read out the details of the resolution.

He naturally vetoed the motion which was followed by a scathing attack on him from the US representative.


The Poles have withdrawn from their World Cup 2022 play off match with Russia, even though it would have been played in a neutral country.

I can see Russia being kicked out of FIFA, the IOC and many other organisations over the next few days.

Even Eurovison who said basically they didn't do politics and Russia could still compete had kicked them out 24 hours later.


The isolation is mounting by the hour.


Nice to note that Russia has been taking heavy casualties and has found that this isn't a walkover, as Putin seemed to assume.





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