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Evenin' each, 

We have dined and it was a splendid meal and although I say it myself the onion gravy was rather good!:boast: Washed down with a large glass of Monastrell which is now being followed up by another.  

Cheers :drinks:


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Arriving here late in the day (nearing 8:00pm GMT) RMweb is running, not perfectly, but nominally, so I was surprised to see so many complain of 522 (connection timed out) errors, though I've certainly seen my full share of them about a week ago. In fact I noticed so many posts compared to recent days that I was assuming more uptime than there apparently was.


On television here there is an onslaught of television advertising (featuring a well known former NFL quarterback) for medicinal (as opposed to surgical) treatments for Dupuytren's contracture. Whatever the medication is, I'm sure it is very expensive and not covered by insurance.

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34 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

The most common over the counter brand is ‘Nurofen’  which despite my previous post is white. (I think!) 

Except when it comes in red capsules.  


In other news the committee meeting tonight ran smoothly and without any technical hitches.  I still don't fully understand how Zoom works but like an aircraft I don't need to - I just need to be confident that it works.  


Dr. SWMBO has had her lunch dat for tomorrow called off.  Her lunch-partner's partner has tested positive :(  That's the third time this particular lunch has had to be postponed and the second time due to a close contact of the other person having too many red stripes on their test.  She still has to work from work following instructions to return there for at least the majority of each working week with effect from today.  To say she is anxious about that would be an under-statement of some magnitude.  


One late muggercoffy is in order having spent almost two hours writing minutes (if that's not an oxymoron) and not being quite ready to attempt sleep just yet.  I'll say good night and wish you all well.  

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Despite a negative test for my cousin's son last week, her husband (a vaccinated, boosted, police officer) brought the (definite article) lurgy home from work this week. He has symptoms and is unwell but does not seem likely to need specialized medical attention. They are now all quarantining in their plague house and waiting for the next shoe to drop. Hopefully they won't see sequential domino infections one week at a time. The case rate in Queensland does appear to be declining but it is still high.


Here, under bright blue skies and even brighter sunshine we haven't seen anything that indicates a downward trend in cases. Breakthrough cases in the last month or so approached 50% of all cases around Christmas, but last week were back below 20%.


It's odd to have so much January sunshine. Overnight temperatures are freezing, but climb close to 10°C during the day. It's the sort of weather that encourages adventuring out of doors, but thus far I am limiting that to essential activity like the supermarket tomorrow.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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6 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Thank you. I don’t think I have ever had ibuprofen tablets. 

They're brown and round here now..  I take three every six hours or so to control the pain from my hip fix.  They work quite well!


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Good evening everyone 


Charlie came round after dinner and we both headed for the workshop and carried on with our respective projects. Mine was the old Airfix Tiger Moth, his was his current Warhammer figure, we’ve both made significant progress, I’ve completed all the cockpit detailing and just before we packed up for the day, I was able fix both halves of the fuselage together. 


The light I fitted yesterday did the trick and lit up the path and stairs very well, although as the days are steadily growing longer, in a few weeks time, it won’t be needed. 


I’m another one who has dupytrens contracture. It was initially in my left hand, I’ve had them on my thumb, ring and little fingers removed. I now have one on my right little finger and I’ll shortly have to get in touch with the surgery to see about getting that one removed too!

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8 hours ago, Brian D said:


For those of a nervous disposition, look away now. 




Snap! On second thoughts, perhaps only with an anaesthetic. 


Bear worked with a guy who had something that looked similar; he had it sorted via surgery eventually, but had to go to France for it - not sure why now, maybe unavailable on the NHS or Surgeon wouldn't play ball.  ISTR that if left too long the surgery isn't as effective at providing a complete cure.


8 hours ago, PupCam said:

Are they the same students that will no doubt demand later on that the world owes them a very handsome living for doing naff all?


Most likely....


8 hours ago, PupCam said:

Good job Puppers isn't/wasn't a lecturer!    They'd have got short shrift from me and they wouldn't even have had the fourth and subsequent invitations if they  CBA (everyone will have to work that acronym out for themselves) or, at least, have the common decency to attempt to come up with a half decent excuse before the event.



Bear predicts they would then be whinging like stuck pigs and saying it's all the Lecturer's fault they failed their Degree/blaming everyone except themselves/claiming oodles in court as compo etc. etc.


In other news.....

Bvggered up patch on ceiling Plan 2......

Try a sloppy mix of filler (suitably textured) to disguise it; if that doesn't work then hide it with a second smoke alarm (there is already one at the other end of the room).  There is some sense in this:

1. A smoke alarm is eleven quid; a 5Kg bag of Artex is fifteen

2. Even with Artex it'll still take luck to disguise it - as well as a suitable method of stippling it; no doubt it was originally done with the proper stippling pad (that Bear doesn't have - another tenner.....)

3. It needs about 50g (if that) of Artex, so a 5Kg bag of Artex will probably end up going to waste.

4. The position of a smoke alarm would be such that it'll be about 3 feet away from where all the audio visual (TV etc.) stuff is positioned - and that'll be the most likely cause of any fire in the lounge, should it ever happen.  So it should pick up any smoke PDQ, and well before the other one.

That's my excuse, anyway.....


I also have some leccy fittings to secure with screws - having them dangling on wires isn't the nicest idea.  I've also just received a new master phone socket with built-in ADSL output for Internet access - the filter(?) circuitry is internal to the socket, so no external unit is required; some users (quite a lot, actually) are reporting a marked improvement in internet speed.  We'll see.....


I also want to rig up a connection to the pipework (currently inside the lounge) so I can reliably connect a garden hose to it (and out thru' the lounge window) until such time as the fixed pipework to an outside tap is restored; the Bear Mobile hasn't been washed for far too long - and looks it :sad_mini:


Another evening playing on the Milling Machine at College has just been had;  fellow ER'ers may recall Bear mentioning a certain individual at the last College who the Tutor described as being able to "turn a perfectly good lump of metal into a pile of f*****g scrap".  Well somehow he's discovered this new setup - and appeared this evening :scared:  We're all hoping that he doesn't screw up a very good setup, which is a very real possibility.  The new Tutors have been warned.....

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I've also just received a new master phone socket with built-in ADSL output for Internet access - the filter(?) circuitry is internal to the socket, so no external unit is required; some users (quite a lot, actually) are reporting a marked improvement in internet speed.  We'll see.....

When I had ADSL, the filter was an inline cord that plugged into the phone jack and the modem plugged into it. Somehow, onetime when I was doing some phone wiring, I ended up plugging the modem into a non-filtered jack. I noticed absolutely no difference in the voice or data performance. In fact, I did not notice the error for more than a year and then only as I decided to move the confuser to a different room. I never put it back in service, either.

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