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Morning All,


It is a rather cloudy morning here, and the night was rather wet and stormy.


Good to hear that Matthew's Dongs are sorted.


Have a good day everyone...


Ooooh! Why am I not censored? I guess Andy must have made a correction to the software!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


There have been various thunderstorms on and off over the course of the night, and while not really of the heavy variety, they did keep me from sleeping through. The forecast predicts a chance of heavy storms tonight as a cold front moves in, which will most likely end the heat we've been having these days.

I'll be off for another round of class observance in about an hour, so I guess I'd better get freshened up soon.


Have a good one, guys...

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Good morning all.

Enjoy your break in St Lucia Gordon. You have had a pretty awful 3 years so I hope the break restores your spirts. I see it advertises golf as one of its amenities. Are you able to play golf with your back?

I know you don't advertise your dates of being away so we will just watch for your absence and await your return.


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Morning all. Uniform oktas of battleship grey here this morning. Struggling to get going this morning. Was debating another long walk tomorrow but may leave it for the following week. I need to be in town by early evening tomorrow as I've got a ticket to "a relaxed evening with wine and nibbles with Neil Gaiman".

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  • RMweb Gold

Enjoy your break in St Lucia Gordon.......... Are you able to play golf with your back?


He couldn't play before so why should he be able to now?


Morning all

Another grey day forecast here. It isn't raining at the moment - but that's because it has just stopped and it looks ready to start again soon.

Still, I've got a hat if I want to go out. Life's good. Have a good day all.


I'm probably away tomorrow, so many happy returns for the day Don. Have a good day and enjoy a brandy or two..... or three ....... or......

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Thanks BoD... :D


Pleased to say I'm now off morphine and the back is great. Been down the driving range several times now and if anything I'm hitting the ball straighter as I've slowed the swing down, from fear of doing damage I guess, but it's working. Looking forward to bashing a ball round with Eldavo and Geoff in a week or so.


It's been raining most of the night as is really quite dark outside. Seems it's going to be a wet one all day, so may get started on this bloomin' chassis. It got overtaken by holiday plans...


I was thinking about a trip to Brighton. Seems they've a fairly good football team these days...


Have a good one, wherever you are and whatever you're up to... :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is dull and damp outside.

Gordon. St Lucia sounds very pleasant. Will you be suggesting it as a wedding venue to your daughter?

As I was helping Matthew with his packing yesterday I thought he had reached the baggage limit rather quickly. However once I put my reading glasses on and checked the spring balance it was 20lb not 20kg!



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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Don.

Matthew's birthday was during the week and he went to the cinema, visited a pub with friends and then went out with us in the evening to a Chinese restaurant in Rayleigh. He didn't want a birthday cake but seemed to enjoy the chocolate cake Aditi "just happened" to have made.



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Irene is expected to arrive in the area about 2:00am on Sunday with peak effects by 2:00pm Sunday afternoon. This will probably change but latest estimates are:

Landfall: eastern Queens NYC (Coney Island area).

Storm surge 10 - 14 feet.

Strongest winds east of there 80 - 100mph on Long Island.

Heaviest rains to the west in New Jersey, 12".

The strike in North Carolina and Virginia will be worse but they don't have 20m people in the vicinity.


Railway services will be ending in the area on Saturday afternoon as they want to move Subway and Suburban units to higher ground (some of the yards are in low lying areas near Landfall).

I expect we will lose power sometime over the weekend. If I don't reappear within a week Shortliner has my address!


I'm going to try and volunteer locally (we're under a State of Emergency already in NJ so the National Guard and its heavy gear have been called up).


Prepare for the Worst, Hope for the Best.


Cheers, Pete.

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Ha! I forgot to add that this is normal weather for Shortliner!!!!!!


I fully expect:


a. Surfers

b. People out walking their dogs along the shore.

c. Ubiquitous shot of people paddling canoes down their local high streets.

d. Etc., etc.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold


Yeah, that is where your bog gets a backwash out of the overloaded sewage system and explodes with you sitting on it.......................



Is that what Mayor Bloomberg meant by "don't go swimming"?

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Having almost completed a week of testing, I am relieved that one of my colleagues is taking my QA role over this afternoon so that I can head off early to pick the little guy up from school.


Happy Birthday for tomorrow Don - Have a great day!


Interesting to learn that some of you are golfers - I have never played myself (with the exception of mini-golf), but I must admit to being somewhat tempted by the game. Perhaps I'll have to give it a go at some point.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday for tomorrow, Don - I'm sure you'll be making yourself a pleasant day B) .


It's an absolute stinker over here. We're approaching 34° and it is muggy as on the Amazon. Did I mention I shall welcome that cold front? :O


On the other hand, today's round of class observance (in a 5th grade again - Monday and Tuesday will then see us in 7th, 12th and 13th) was rather interesting once again. One lesson we attended was geography and I could well imagine the teacher there to be a big favourite for many students.

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