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We're are in the usual: "We're all going to die" mode for Hurricane Irene now (Earthquake forgotten seemingly).

The problem is that a forecaster saying "Yes it will diminish by the time it gets here" is too frightened of it coming back and biting him in the ass, or losing the "dramatic" quality.

Tomorrow we are expecting tornadic thunderstorms in the afternoon, I'm a little concerned about those, frankly, as at the least a couple of inches of rain will saturate the ground before Irene gets anywhere near us and I suspect that heavy torrential, tropical rain will be our biggest problem from that thing.


Best, Pete.

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I suddenly realised all my air miles expired at the end of this year, so have booked to go to St Lucia. With free flights, other than the taxes etc and reasonable price hotels, it suddenly became an option. Hopefully the hurricane season will have passed by and we may get some sun. To be honest apart from a week in North Wales which was great, we haven't been away for at least three years and with all the issues that seem to be going on at the moment, I just want to take Mrs S away for a complete break. The thought of no phones or TV for a few days is suddenly very appealing....

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, we're past the 30° threshold once again, and advance warnings for possible t-storms are in effect.


Class observance in a 5th grade this morning was rather interesting, as I was trying to remember how lessons were handled in my school days! There do appear to be differences, as a matter of fact - starting with such simple things as teachers enquiring how their students feel, and if there should be complaints, what exactly may have been the reason - which is something hardly any teachers did in my time. I do believe being aware of students' well-being can help a great deal in building trust and to put any kind of performance into a day-to-day kind of perspective.

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If we'd asked our teacher(s) to check with us about "how we feel" it would have been "Feel THIS, laddie" WHACK! One of my teachers (RE, no less) hurled a set of blackboard compasses at one boy which impaled in his chest - he was sent to Africa as a missionary, I often wonder how many Africans he killed.....


Best, Pete

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  • RMweb Gold

My students used to enquire about whether I was OK if I looked unwell (or who had annoyed if I looked grumpy). At the end of my teaching career I was struggling with health problems and the students were very supportive, unlike some (not all) senior management types.

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St Lucia is a great place to go.

You're right - Hurricanes are possible.

I was there about ten years ago and there was quite a bit of poverty apparent but things may have changed a little.

Mrs S will love it I'm sure.

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Guest Max Stafford

Well I hope you're all coping with this extreme weather OK. In the absence of extreme weather here apart from some showers, I've contented myself with Extreme Ironing today; fourteen polo shirts, eight tees, four work shirts, two ordinary shirts and three pairs of trousers over a four hour period! Note to self - try tackling the pile sooner in future...

I've had three days off but I was away on a jolly to the eastern borders again on Monday and yesterday was spent cleaning the car, cutting the grass and other weather dependant jobs. Today ironing was the biggie. I'm off for two weeks from Sunday so getting these big jobs out the way now allows for more leisure then.

My lawnmower was on its last legs, but I was able to nurse one more cut out of it yesterday before it departed for garden Valhalla in grinding wisps of acrid smoke...! A new one is on order but I'm advised it wont be here until the end of next week so I thought I'd try and get a cut in regardless!



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  • RMweb Gold

Borrow someones rabbits and move the run round the lawn Dave

How rabbit friendly is Abi though?

Robbie spent his holiday with a couple of dogs, a cat and a tortoise. He is now so laid back about cats he doesn't chase them out of our garden!

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Guest Max Stafford

She's fine with cats but being half lurcher, I wouldn't let her near a rabbit I didn't want for the pot! :no:

Finished off a productive afternoon with an easy two mile trot through the woods and a couple of hours in the shed getting busy on my third Waverley class 26. This time it's blue D5311 from 1968.



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Morning All,


It is a somewhat misty morning here.


I got to see the new runway at Frankfurt airport yesterday afternoon which is due to open soon. It was pretty hot out there on the tarmac, I can tell you! Driving back from work in the early evening, I was treated to a spectacular display of fork lightning against a pitch black sky. The storm bypassed us to a certain extent (although we did get some heavy rain) - but those that did get caught up in the storm ended up with some quite extensive damage. Driving to work this morning, I saw lots of downed branches and some trees had been snapped off completely. The fire brigade were also pretty active pumping cellars out.


On the subject of lawnmowers - I have always found electric ones to be a bit of a nuisance and prone to burning out in clouds of acrid smoke. I tend to favour a petrol mower with a good old Briggs and Stratton engine. Simple technology that works.


Here is a shot of the new 07L at Frankfurt airport:




Have a good day everyone...

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I typed my morning greeting but presumably didn't post it since it has just disappeared.

Good morning all.

No cats, dogs or rabbits to feed. No lawn to cut. It' a 'flat' life.

The Winter rain continues but relatively mild temps (20C today) but I' still wearing two jersies. Three yesterday and I had the heater on most of the day on Tuesday - I must be thin blooded!

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Morning all, thanks for the answers regarding the hump................always having considered weekends part of the working week they don't hold the same attraction I guess, mind you I get lie in this Saturday as it's "Environmental Day" with all traffic banned between 7 - 10am.

Enjoy your daily tasks, (or at least try and look as though you are!)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Yeah, Robert, that thunderstorm sure was a big one. It seems we weren't caught in the middle of it either, but it still was impressive to behold. Last night, then, a man from the power company distributed notification leaflets that power will be shut down from 10 to 12 am tomorrow due to some sort of work. I could not ask him if this may be related to yesterday's storm in any way, though.


We never had any trouble with electric mowers, which is good as I personally cannot stand petrol-powered ones. Most of them are just too durned noisy.


Been having a rather sore throat for the last three days or so, which is why I switched to lots of hot tea for the time being. Hot drinks may not be great in this kind of weather, but I guess sweating still is better than pain!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dull here but quite warm.

Aditi goes back to work today. I'll be giving her a lift to the station. The Clio decided to have a sensor failure (coolant) so it is returning today to the garage to be fixed.

Matthew is going to have a trial pack today for his trip to Vietnam.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, it certainly rained heavily in the night,enough to wake me at least twice the conservatory seems to act like a drum. We found out last night that the second hand furniture we bought when we moved here has not got any fire labels so we can't give it to the charity shop that we are buying a bigger suite from. Two of the cats have come in both wet but the long haired one is very wet indeed and very miffed.

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Morning all. Today's hump day for me as I'm on a 3 day week this week, though to be honest, yesterday felt like a full week in itself! After a few weeks of the office being fairly quiet for the summer break, yesterday was a bit mad, with two meetings on opposite sides of the city (plus a lunchtime tennis lesson). I think I got a maximum of about 20 minutes at my desk at any one time.


7 oktas here but no leaks as yet...


Have a good Thor's Day, all...

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  • RMweb Premium

Sun's beginning to burn though the mist which hung over this area earlier this morning. More rain and thunder are forecast for the afternoon, so I'd better make sure I pull all the plugs before I leave the house. We have a course meeting at uni where I guess we will be expected to tell each other about our first few days at school. Some of us did not yet have any school assignment at the end of the teaching period, so I wonder how long they had to wait for their placements!

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all. Still bright and sunny here although some clouds appear to be advancing from the south.

Going to take Abi out now. A working day, commencing at 2, but it surprising how much more bearable the thought is when you only have three to do then you're on two weeks' leave.

I hope there are no more riots until the middle of next month or I've had it! :lol:



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