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Ey up!


Thick fog (well low lying clouds) up here inthe North West Leeds Highlands this morning.


Preparation for the Regional meeting goes on apace. I have had 4 questions from one County. They already have had the answers to 3 of them, the 4th is just plain silly.


One of the attendees emailed me at 2am today. It isn't a question (I think) more a statement of how they have interpreted a "fact". In reality I would say "misconstrued " a fact to fit their own needs.


Could be an interesting couple of days ahead.


@Ozexpatriate the looting of parcels from trains was well known in Liverpool.. it was included in the Scaffolds' song "Thank you very much!".. thank you very much for the Aintree Iron .. a marshaling yard in Aintree.  So things don't change.


I note that the video on the page I am on on my tablet is from Connatix.while I like videos of turtles swimming, birds preening themselves and tulip buds opening they get very boring and are intrusive.


Time to drink my tea, have some breakfast then get back into PowerPoint presentation preparation mode!


Have as good a day as you can!



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Good morning all,

Misty start here and it will be a mainly cloudy day with the chance of some sunny spells.  Currently 2°C.

Slept OK but got up with the usual collection of aches & pains.  A walk is scheduled after breakfast so that should loosen things up.

Rugby watched last night and Quins just managed to scrape a win against Cardiff.  Quins were scrappy and didn't play to their usual standard, Cardiff played well and were unlucky to lose.  Several games to choose from today but I doubt I'll get to see them all.

Farewell for now and have a good one.



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Morning from a chilly but dry rock, where an initial 2 of those C's have multiplied into 6.


Poly, our loft ladder is one of these:-




We didn't get it there as we don't have Wickes on the island, but it looks the same.  A pal in the street installed it for us, he's a chippy, but it would be easy for you to do.  Works well, even the notoriously short tempered Mrs NHN can use it without ears bleeding around the place.


iD is of course on the money with carbs, being quite strict with myself with carb and sugar intake has brought my T2 diabetes levels down to 'normal'.  Such is the disease though, one sniff of a cake or rice/pasta/wheat has blood glucose heading for the sky as my pancreas can't handle it.  It then goes into overdrive, and over reacts, 'reactive hypoglycaemia' and BG crashes.  Close control of carbs and therefore sugar intake saves this damaging roller-coaster happening that really does make one feel quite ill indeed, it really does feel nasty when it happens.

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9 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Interesting to read about everyone's loft ladders as I have decided to replace ours with a permanent version. The idea being that this is done before I become to old and feeble and incapable of pulling the current one down. The flaw in this brilliant and cunning plan, worthy of a poly bear, is that I'm having to do it myself as the builders - i term i use to loosely describe them, I've consulted all seem to be of the opinion that the only way to do is to extend the roof up by two metres ie. We don't get out of bed for anything less than 10 K. I'll leave you to imagine what I said in response. 


This would be a cheaper and less messy alternative:


IIRC once you start getting into fixed stairs then buildings control regs., headroom, fire doors etc. start coming into play - at which point it all starts getting very expensive....


3 hours ago, chrisf said:

Then yesterday the news broke that Railex at Stoke Mandible is off due to double-booking of the venue. 



That's one of Bear's favourite shows, along with ExpoEM and S4um


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Glad to be of assistance, My Dear Bear :biggrin_mini: :biggrin_mini2:

The problem is not so much the occasional biscuit or slice of cake (‘though rumour has it that a Bear sized slice of cake = a normal person’s monthly cake ration) but as NHN and others can attest it’s the hidden carbohydrates in processed food that is a significant problem. Especially as much of that is in the form of high fructose corn syrup which is Not Good News (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/why-high-fructose-corn-syrup-is-bad#1.-Adds-an-unnatural-amount-of-fructose-to-your-diet) and is something that turns up everywhere in processed food - even in the most unlikely places, like bread.


Traditionally, the Northern European diet was pretty heavy on the carbs - but this was offset by the carbs being unprocessed, lack of central heating (or decent heating - full stop), a lot of physical labour (domestic and in the workplace) a lot of walking, and no motorised transport….


Given that we evolved to be able to pile on the pounds during the rare periods of plenty so that we could get through the frequent times of scarcity, eating on a daily basis what was at one time the province of the occasional feast, really isn’t doing us many favours. No wonder so many people’s Islets of Langerhans have given up the ghost….


You pay, in more ways than one, for convenience food.



We need an "I'm now feeling very depressed" Emoji.....


In other news.....


Bear up disgracefully late again - I watched "The Hunt for Red October" last night (for the 100th time....) and decided an early start (a) wasn't a good plan, and (b) wasn't needed anyway.  So I'd better get moving....


And finally.....

Bear's Daily Newsflash:

Don't worry - I'm sure she'll be fine.....



Now it's starting to get really, really f. silly....


















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17 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

A chance meeting at one with the local vintage MC club leading light produced a private walk around his 'museum' aka his garages.  These do get opened to the public in times of TT etc, but obviously have been closed for some time.  Here goes, listen to the howls of jealousy from Puppers and our Bear.  Anyone fancy a Triumph?  He's got a few.


A great collection there - I do like the sign " Push'em in and Ride'em out Shop" - but that never worked with my LE Velocette - it was "Push it in, leave it untouched for five years and then sell it again for the same price I paid "


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite foggy this morning which is muffling the noises of the bin wagons including the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. Next collection next Friday then back to normal Thursday.

Si Attica was still grumbling last night but I went out like a light and he had gone by this morning. 

9 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Concerned about mobility? Money no object? And want to go upstairs?


Then try "shaftless elevators".


Minimum entry price >$37,000.


They do look 'cool'. The pneumatic 'vacuum' versions remind me of the "Turbolift" from Star Trek (or the Galaxy Quest transporter pad) or perhaps more accurately the little pneumatic shuttle cannister in the drive-through at a bank (similar to vertical internal mail systems once installed in multi-storey corporate skyscrapers).  YouTube Video here.


In the UK they cost from £15,000 to £33,000. including fitting. There is one advertised on E-bay (second hand) for £3,000 but there's transport and fitting costs on top of that.

5 hours ago, BR60103 said:

We had a little trip today to check on some of Dayle's ancestors.  Several times great grandparents are in a cemetery behind an old Mennonite church. We walked in through a bit of snow and actually found them quite quickly, but left because we'd not worn good boots.

I visited a church a few years ago where some of my ancestors had been buried just over two hundred years ago. Sadly I couldn't identify the actual graves as the gravestones had been moved to the cemetery walls and most of them were eroded and unreadable. 

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29 minutes ago, polybear said:


This would be a cheaper and less messy alternative:


IIRC once you start getting into fixed stairs then buildings control regs., headroom, fire doors etc. start coming into play - at which point it all starts getting very expensive....




That's one of Bear's favourite shows, along with ExpoEM and S4um



We need an "I'm now feeling very depressed" Emoji.....


In other news.....


Bear up disgracefully late again - I watched "The Hunt for Red October" last night (for the 100th time....) and decided an early start (a) wasn't a good plan, and (b) wasn't needed anyway.  So I'd better get moving....


And finally.....

Bear's Daily Newsflash:

Don't worry - I'm sure she'll be fine.....



Now it's starting to get really, really f. silly....



















Arh Dear Bear that's the other part of the fiendishly cunning plan. I have a relative who just so happens to work in the relevant department where such things are submitted to and having obtained a suitable quantity of LDC I'm fairly confident that my 'scheme' will pass with flying colours. Plus of course if it declared as a storeroom rather than a hibernation pod the rules are somewhat different.

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17 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Or Beezers....



I remember on a work trip to WA (that's Western Australia not Washington if Ted Cruz is reading this) the bloke I went with took me here.


He got all excited but gotta say, they all looked the same to me..



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2 hours ago, Barry O said:



@Ozexpatriate the looting of parcels from trains was well known in Liverpool.. it was included in the Scaffolds' song "Thank you very much!".. thank you very much for the Aintree Iron .. a marshaling yard in Aintree.  So things don't change.



It was rife in Wakefield in the 70's. One of the big mail order firms sent a lotbof stuff out by train from Kirkgste and the vans were parked just below the Eastmoor estate.  One of my colleagues lovked about 40 scrotes up for theft.



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14 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Offset by antipopes. See Popes named John numbering.


I don't think you can actually subtract the number of antipopes called John from the number of popes called John to arrive at a net number of popes called John. It really doesn't work like that - they're not subatomic particles. (Though I'm not sure there's any record of two meeting...)

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Morning All!


I've got serious garage envy this morning after Neil's visit yesterday and that Australian bod.   To think all those Vincents were built just down the road from where I worked for 30 years although, of course, Vincents were long since defunct by the time I frequented St Evenage (or even the planet)!


Mrs Puppers reported a washing machine structural failure this morning with the return of the "Wonky Door" - Turdy Curses!


Unlike wonky veg, wonky washing machine doors are of no use.   I may have mentioned a good while ago the saga of the Bosch (there I've said it again) washing machine door.    The problem being that the door hinge is a Mazak casting (alarm bells should already be ringing) which as we are all aware is only slightly better than hard cheese as a structural material.    Many moons ago one of the cast hinge pins fell off but according to the very nice people* at Bosch that you had to replace the whole door assembly (~£100 + fitting and hardly helping to save the planet) because it was a once-only assembly with heat formed plastic rivets.   Well, not to be beaten Puppers drilled the rivets out, prised the assembly open and replaced the missing pin with one turned from brass.   Whilst I was in there I thought I might as well do both and a most successful repair was effected which cost me precisely £0 as I had the brass rod and epoxy anyway.


* Other more appropriate phrases may be substituted


Well,  the Bosch Mazak casting has got its revenge by the whole arm dropping off.    This time I've managed to find a pattern part that will fit on EBay so that's been ordered as a "Quick Fix".   I figured that the Mazak of the pattern part can't be any worse than the "high quality" carp used by Bosch so worth a go.      This will allow me in slower time to machine-up / manufacture a more wholesome hinge that will see the machine out if not me.   


I consider myself lucky to be in the position to contemplate such a repair, mostly as a very modest "Fingers Up" to shockingly bad design/manufacture trade-offs by Bosch **.    If you are going to build assemblies "not designed for repair" then at least have the common decency to use decent materials that aren't renowned for falling apart and failing in their construction.


** You may insert other well known manufactures here if you wish.   Instantaneously I can think of one that begins with a "D" , I'm sure you can too!




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Afternoon Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

A bit late reporting in, I left the gadget by the bed and by the time SWMBO was up and around I was out and working on the boat.


One boat side was sanded, where topcoat will eventually be.

The remaining underside was second coated with just a tiny bit of retained to finish under the last support pads.


The sanded section was then given a first coat of Pre-Kote the undercoat for the topcoat I'll be using.


The boat seat was turned over and the back and bottom varnished.


Tomorrow I intend to sand the other side and Pre-Kote that.


I need an eyelid inspection..



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Getting ready to go to Tess Coes this afternoon I sneezed and Si Attica jumped in. Managed to do my shopping and then spent a couple of hours stretched out on the bed after taking some Nurofen. That seems to have done the trick and now its gone. Now to put the kettle on, be back later.

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Bear here.....

Well this morning's MIUAIGA fun was........wielding the vacuum cleaner.....:sad_mini:  Still, at least Bear Towers is somewhat cleaner.

As for this afternoon, well that was taken up by playing in the Bear Cave again - that's two days in a row :yahoo_mini: The activities consisted of messing with bits for the Taig Lathe (I must get around to using it in anger one day...), including deciding how to continue with the construction of a dividing head, which has been on-going for several years now and needs finishing.

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Well in a roundabout way @polybearhas reminded me to search eBay for some covers for the jaws of my Irwin Record vice.

On the electrical front I have the new metal clad socket fitted and wired and the new cabling run up and around the walls covered with  white pvc capping the nails for the capping were right little barstewards with my fat fingers. I have also used a cable gland to prevent it filling up with sawdust. The cable just needs to be cut to its finished length to go in the junction box. The capping has been removed from the trunking to the original socket. I have wired the next replacement socket faceplate ready for removal of the existing plastic socket and backbox tomorrow and wiring together via a Ip rated junction box.

Still not got warm yet although the thick fog has suddenly lifted during Lucas' storytime


Sorry to ramble on

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Evening orl.


Fuzzy morning due to usual lack of sleep, then had lunch in the local with some friends from Onchan (down south Douglas way!), then visited other friends at the end of the street, which resulted in Steve shimmying up a ladder to re-secure our TV aerial which was rattling, the mounts had worked slack. He's a good neighbour.  In recompense we're taking him to archery again tomorrow, his enthusiasm for it has engaged, we loaned him some gear and I think we have him hooked!  His Mrs is scouring the interwebs for a bow for him similar to one he has borrowed, she wants him to have a hobby now he's finished work other than running their BnB.

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