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Morning All,


let’s hope George gets the treatment he needs and makes a full recovery.


Fortunately, Mrs iD and I don’t have to worry about covering vet bills  (which is just as well given that Lucy’s last little adventure cost north of £900), so the only criteria we have in regards to vet care is: “will it keep Lucy/Schotty happy and free of pain”  Our dogs are getting older and there will come a day when they’ll be blind or deaf or incontinent or suffer from dementia BUT if they are happy, enjoying their existence and are in no pain then we’ll just manage it.


We have an acquaintance who has a 14 year old Kooikerhondje (also called Lucy) who is partly deaf and blind (she recently had eye surgery), slightly demented and occasionally incontinent of urine at night. And she is the happiest little dog - quite content to explore our house by smell and then curl up for a snooze when she (and mistress) came to visit.


I hope that my Lucy (and Schotty, of course) will grow equally old equally happily. But we are adamant that if either doggie is so ill or in such pain that treatment will bring no benefit or quality of life then we will say goodbye. No matter the (emotional) cost to us.

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Ey up!


Managed to stop a six last night by catching the ball with my forearm. Ouch!  A ibuprofen tablet was taken and I slept well.

@AndrewCsorry to hear of the health problems  with George. Hope it all stays calm.


@Erichill16 was it planned or have you had enough?


Not a nice thing to be greeted with @Kelly.. hope youcan conclude the move as soon and as painlessly as you can.


Visitotochez Baz expected today. This may involve sawing and fitting of bits of wood  to provide the base for things we don't talk about here.


Lots of missing ERs at the moment, I hope they are well!


Mugatea to drink so TTFN



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8 hours ago, tetsudofan said:


For me it was the other way around, a lump of metal slipped of the roof and bounced off my head:




Got carted off to the local injuries clinic to get cleaned up and then taken to the nearest A & E to be checked over, waited for 4 hours to see a doctor and then another 3 hour wait for a head scan. Declared fit and well and discharged at 1 am in the morning.....




Ouch :friends:Now if we were playing "who's got the best scar/wound" then you'd win paws down...


In other news.....

Another late start for Bear - but a bit better (or is that worse?) than yesterday.


Bear's Daily Newsflash:

Now if this isn't grounds for booting him out; the "agent" excuse is no defence in this Bear's book cos' presumably ND had to sign the paperwork - and as for the admission of not isolating when he knew he was positive....



Hmm, nice Surgeon....



Not for the news article (which is very sad) - scroll down for an amusing (and unrelated) doggie video:


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare.

4.5 hours sleep followed by three hours intermittent dozing, with the emphasis on the Dozing.. So not too bad a night.


Right stiffness and pain in achilles has spread to the calf..


Dreich practically all day yesterday, clear skies and frosty this morning, landrover started before walking Ben. Ben found a smell  interesting to follow and disappeared into an area he doesn't normally go. He spent some time in there snuffling around...

Ice mostly defrosted by the time it was exit stage left onto the road, the wipers cleared that.


Drat, I sneezed and moved a lot, it caused the 10G Ohms value  to change by 11 ppm, got to wait for it to settle again..


I've got three bits of kit running at the moment, it's a bit busy here at the moment..


Time to ... Move something on..



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12 minutes ago, AndrewC said:



One of the big downsides of adopting/rescuing older cats is the non-availability of pet insurance. Our vet offers a policy but has to start before the critter is 18 months old. Most other companies won't insure a cat more than 2. What we did was take the highest quote we could find for a 2 year old cat, and we've dumped that amount into a savings account monthly, ever since. That has taken care of all our vet costs ever since. 



Enjoy the day. 

Many years ago when we had six dogs, the "Petplan"  or equivalent would have cost a fortune. So we did the same put the amount of money into an account and it accumulated.. Needless to say after having six dogs all their lives and only one needing one short operation, there is quite an amount in there to cover anything Ben the Border Collie might need.


The only Insurance we had was third party,, you could have up to 20 dogs have them run out in front of a Rolls Royce and a school bus and you were covered.. The Cost? £20 a year...

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Greetings all from a slightly frosty Sidcup - but Mrs Lurker doesn't work today so she took Younger Lurker to school and had to scrape the car!


Work continues to be an archaeological trawl of old e-mails and spreadsheets - as mentioned above.

I think someone in group finance had a clever idea a few years ago before leaving because I have a record of all the journals I advised them to post since 2008 - and a summary of the 2007 ones too - and the biggest hole dates to 2017 and is not from me! Oh well, that will be10c off the share price!


Not a lot else to report today - so have a good one

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I hope to get down to the MRC this evening as subs are due. A slight increase this year, the first increase for many a long year. First thing though this morning is put the kettle on, be back after muggatee (or three)

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14 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

Greetings all from a slightly frosty Sidcup - but Mrs Lurker doesn't work today so she took Younger Lurker to school and had to scrape the car!


Work continues to be an archaeological trawl of old e-mails and spreadsheets - as mentioned above.

I think someone in group finance had a clever idea a few years ago before leaving because I have a record of all the journals I advised them to post since 2008 - and a summary of the 2007 ones too - and the biggest hole dates to 2017 and is not from me! Oh well, that will be10c off the share price!


Not a lot else to report today - so have a good one


Oh I do like it when someone has a bright idea and then leaves. At which of course its found that a) no ones understands the 'bright idea' and b) the piece of paper on which the 'bright idea' was explain seems 'mysteriously' to have disappeared.


Always remember the best piece of advice given to me by my old mum, ex civil servant, write everything down and that s somewhere there will be a precedence that you can refer.


Did pass this pearl of wisdom onto my underlings whether they took any notice is another thing. Nowadays unless it comes on a screen it seems to much effort to actually go and check what their predecessors did with quill pen and parchment.

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19 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Robbie had his dog bed in the utility room but he often curled up against the refrigerator in the kitchen. There isn’t a door between the kitchen and utility room. However if the kitchen hadn’t been shut properly he could be found at the foot of the stairs. 
However his favourite place was probably as shown in this photo.



Poppy has a dog bed somewhere... but she rarely uses it, we long ago lost the fight over the sofa and the bed. The moment she can, she will go curl up on the bed upstairs at Richard's. She likes her comfortable places.

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Morning All!


Up at the crack of sparrows (well for us at least) dropping a wheeled metal box off at the local garage for service and MOT.   

It was tricky getting in; -2C and all the doors frozen solid but slowly, slowly with the de-icer catchy monkey!


Back home for breakfast and, as it's a beautiful day prepare to get Mondog loaded with old shed.    Walk into bathroom, slip on recently washed floor and go-over on my right ankle.  Two impact points; left knee and left elbow accompanied by loud thud as Puppers ends up in a big heap on the floor (I must stop doing this whatever the cause!).  Right ankle really painful and currently slightly swollen.    I can move my foot and toes and just about put weight on it.     We await developments ......


Consequently, Tidy Tip runs cancelled and I feel a day of sitting down is in order.     Perhaps I'll investigate the use of the Canon camera body with the Sharpcap astronomy software I use.    A quick Google last night revealed that it's not just plug the USB lead in :mad:   Oh well, it's something to do and as you know, I enjoy doing "technical".       With a bit of luck that the sky remains clear, and assuming the foot is OK later, perhaps I might be able to have a better look at the moon this evening?





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3 hours ago, AndrewC said:

I may have to grab a large bucket of popcorn to watch the fallout from Hornby v Rapido/Studio Canal. 



Are we missing a story here?


1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:

Did pass this pearl of wisdom onto my underlings whether they took any notice is another thing. Nowadays unless it comes on a screen it seems to much effort to actually go and check what their predecessors did with quill pen and parchment.


Such wisdom is often screwed by the "grown ups" with bright ideas such as "paper days" and the clearing of as much worth-it's-weight-in-gold paperwork as possible.


28 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Back home for breakfast and, as it's a beautiful day prepare to get Mondog loaded with old shed.    Walk into bathroom, slip on recently washed floor and go-over on my right ankle.  Two impact points; left knee and left elbow accompanied by loud thud as Puppers ends up in a big heap on the floor (I must stop doing this whatever the cause!).  Right ankle really painful and currently slightly swollen.    I can move my foot and toes and just about put weight on it.     We await developments ......



SBT's to Puppers :friends: Please tell me it's not your kickstart foot - now that would be serious.....

p.s. Where there's blame there's a claim - was a "Caution - wet floor, which may be slippery" sign warning of impending doom placed in a suitable position?  Thought not....:jester:


Bear's morning has so far consisted of (a) ironing a pair of jeans (b) printing off a couple of pages of A4 (c) inspecting a partially finished Stuart Turner 10V Steam Engine I purchased off the internet (not the 'bay) about a week ago - very nice work so far, though I've discovered there is no piston in the (finished) cylinder bore, nor steam valve inside the steam chest.  Turdycurses.


And finally.....

That's it - bang 'im up.....:laugh:


Edited by polybear
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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

….Walk into bathroom, slip on recently washed floor and go-over on my right ankle.  Two impact points; left knee and left elbow accompanied by loud thud as Puppers ends up in a big heap on the floor (I must stop doing this whatever the cause!).  Right ankle really painful and currently slightly swollen.    I can move my foot and toes and just about put weight on it.     We await developments ......

Oh dear, that’s not good. I think that you have two possibilities to choose from:

  1. Keeping the leg and foot elevated, ice packs to knee and ankle (bags of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel will do the trick) and a NSAID - e.g. ibuprofen. OR
  2. A cigarette, a match, a snifter of brandy and a loaded Webley

Personally, I would recommend (1), although some unkind souls (especially close relatives who stand to inherit) might suggest (2).

Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning - just.  Out early doors for yet another blood test - think there was some left.


Now 10c outside in a lovely spring day - weird.


Our old cat used the same methodology as Tony's Robbie....




Off out again soon to solicitors to alter our wills, one of those things ignored for too long, there have been a lot of changes in our world since we last updated them.  Then Mrs NHN off to blood donors, I'm not allowed to give at the moment unfortunately, not that there's much left in there currently.



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