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  • RMweb Gold

Our village church has a bell that sounds like someone thumping a frying pan.

It goes: ###### ###### ###### ######

Some churches have a censer, does that also stop the ding ######?

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I don't know what is going on but Rmweb took 5 minutes to load this mornming and just wouldn't load yesterday afternoon.! I checked YMR and that loaded normally.

Cloudy this morning, but no rain.

I'm scared to log out and re-test in case it doesn't load at all.

I just had to go to Google to find out what is the currency in Vietnam. It doesn't seem censorable to me, but perhaps has another meaning in the USA. I can guess what that might be..

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Morning all,


Hands up if you didn't have to look up what the Vietnamese currency is!


There do appear to be some software issues - maybe I need to update my browser here in the office, because RMweb seems to have crashed Firefox a couple of times. However, given what a hassle it is to get the repositories set up, maybe I'll just put up with the problems.


The weather appears quite nice at the moment - but it is already too hot, so it is going to be an absolute stinker later on. Thankfully I will be spending most of the day in the lab, which is air-conditioned (to a fashion).


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Hands up if you didn't have to look up what the Vietnamese currency is!


I actually didn't.


Morning all - as Robert said, I, too, have a feeling we're in for another stinker. I was drenched in sweat when I only arrived at school yesterday, and had to have a shower immediately upon returning home. While we were walking to the library with our class, I felt as if we were walking through a tropical jungle, as everything appeared to be steaming. Our rabbits would but appear to be getting it right as they're largely dozing all day!


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all, yes out of curiosity I had to look up the Vietnamese currency name.........whats wrong with it? Seems tame, mind you there are some weird ones!

Seems like 1216 025 and Robert are in for what we call a two (or three!) shirt day...........


But whatever your weather, try and enjoy!



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  • RMweb Gold

I do know what the Vietnamese currency is, I just can't remember it yet! If I don't remember it in an hour i'll have a peek on Google...

It's meant to be raining here for the next three days which means I'll be able to indulge in some modelling at last. If your eye is on the ball you may have realised I started a new thread yesterday:




Based on my local line this is going to be at least 2 stations on my local (demolished) branch line. I will have 8ft x 10ft to play with so I hope that will be big enough to do what I would love to do with it. I'm hoping I can get in a minimum of 2nd radius curves but it will have to be very tight, if indeed it fits at all! I've had some very good feedback so far which has made me rather excited about this one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Plenty of oktas and many leaking. Better clear up a bit sharpish as I'm due on the golf course in an hour!


I didn't need to check Google, all the bell references were enough to remind me that the Vietnamese currency is the ######.


Wouldn't have thought you needed a repository Gordon. Not after seeing that tractor pull out while driving the Ferrari!


Have a good one all.




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You're right Dave. My underpants have only just dried out....


A dull and overcast day, so I'm going to get back into modelling with a Comet B1 chassis. It's been sitting on my desk for months and it's about time it was opened. I've never built a chassis in my life, so it will be a bit of challenge. Ithink I can cope with the soldering, it's getting the parts off the etched sheets and making sure everything is square that will really be the test.


No doubt you'll hear more as it progresses towards the layout or the bin.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Borrow a chassis jig from someone Gordon it makes it very easy to get everything square. I am no expert by any means but if you have questions just ask, I think Dave (max stafford) has built a few comet chassis..

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Thanks Mick. I was lucky enough to receive an Avondale jig for my 60th birthday, but Eastwood 2 took over and it's not really been used for a full blown chassis. I played around with it when I was attempting the Bachmann Mucky Duck split chassis mods and I have to say it clearly is an asset that will hopefully make a difficult job a little less painful.


Good idea about Max/Dave. Any hints or pointers at this stage will be gratefully received.

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