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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for your thoughts, Stewart - I guess you're absolutely right with your observation on Grandpa having made an educated and independent decision, though I don't think any degree of reason could ever completely eliminate the pain which goes along with losing a loved one. At this stage, of course, I believe it's the uncertainty as to how long he may yet hang on which causes me a great deal of worry. There's about an even-money chance he might stay with us for several more months, possibly even longer - or he might just as well pass away any day.


Well, anyway... The sun's burned off the clouds and it's getting warm again, while remaining rather muggy. I don't think I'll have to water the flowers outside today, though.

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Morning All,


It is a mixed bag here weather wise. I'm not looking forward to this week too much either - it will be filled mainly with software testing which will probably drive me mad by the end of the week.


I appreciate what you must be going through Dominik. However, I am sure that your Grandfather will have things pretty straight in his mind. If you have the opportunity, go and see him and talk to him about it. I am sure that he realised how much you care about him, and maybe he can put your mind at rest to a certain extent. You are right, of course, nothng can eliminate the pain of loosing a loved one - but there are many things which can ease that pain.


I agree with you Stewart - the jury is still out on the new format. I like the appearance, but scrolling through a page is like wading through treacle. At some point, I must have a look at the help sections and see if this problem has been encountered by others. Particularly as we now have to scroll back to the top of the page to get back to the main forum!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Can't tell yet how well I slept, given that the outside temperature remained close to 20° over night. I'll have to have a good, long shower before I head to school later on! Now I wonder what this'll be like... :huh:


One very general modelling-related question, if I may... If I were to build a layout just loosely based on an existing bit of railway, I guess there'd be no reason for me not to "invent" train services which do not really exist, would there?


Cheers everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'll have to have a good, long shower before I head to school later on! Now I wonder what this'll be like... :huh:

It's a big building with desks and chairs.


I guess there'd be no reason for me not to "invent" train services

No reason whatsoever. It's your railway you can do what you like on it.


Morning all

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Morning all!


Checking in from Co. Durham this morning.


I went for a walk on Saturday along part of the John Muir Way. Walked from my flat in Edinburgh to North Berwick. I have a suspicion it was a little over a marathon distance, but haven't yet tried to accurately work it out. Caught a bit of sun en route too. Hoping the just-blowtorched look will have calmed down for going back to work on Wednesday.


Taking Jamie swimming this morning in Durham, then Metro Centre, then back up to Glasgow. I have a day tomorrow with nothing planned.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, just been in the garden looking at one of todays jobs, taking down a dead eucalyptus tree it died due to the severe cold apparently. I am now covered in cobwebs the spiders round here work very hard.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not really in any routine yet! Aditi still has a couple of days holiday and Matthew is collecting the last few bits and pieces for his trip to Vietnam. I've tidied up a bit and found a couple of hundred dollars (US) left over from previous holidays so at least he will have some cash until he gets to an ATM. I'll take him to the post office and he can get a prepaid dollar Mastercard which he can use instead of travellers cheques. We had a Euro preloaded card to save bothering with cash at the end of the holiday. Only problem was, petrol stations and the hotel in Germany wouldn't accept it (fortunately other cards were!) No problem with using the card in Austria, Holland or Belgium though.


Also we'll be shopping for water purification tablets, though that shouldn't be difficult, lots of outdoor pursuits shops and branches of Boots nearby!



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If 666 is the number of the beast, does that make 668 the neighbour of the beast?


Interesting what you said about credit cards Tony. Germany never seems to have got to grips with them. Most of us use EC cards, which are the equivalent of debit cards - convenient for us, but difficult for tourists who are used to using credit cards. I remember years ago being astounded that a major high street electrical retailer didn't take credit cards. In the intervening years, little has changed!

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, I think the school me and two of my coursemates have been assigned to really is a good place to be! Though with numerous classes being on excursions this week, we won't even need to attend every day. In any case, we ended up attending a small literary reading at the council library, where a writer of children's books presented a bit of her work. Our next stint will be on Wednesday from 7.55 till 10.30, possibly followed by one on Friday. We'll be having a greater choice of courses to observe from next week onwards, however, so there won't be any problems getting our mandatory attendance hours.

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First experience of visiting wedding venues today. Not something I wish to repeat. Right now there is a large mismatch between daughters vision of her wedding, the numbers involved and my finances. Add to that the numerous social commitments of daughter and her friends and arriving at a date to suit most is harder than doing a Rubic Cube. We only had three rows and about twenty minor skirmishes and this was just the first pass. :O


Something has to give and the reality check has knocked the stuffing from one and all. Curling up on the sofa to watch Spurs v Man U is probably what the doctor would recommend and who am I to argue...

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  • RMweb Gold

First experience of visiting wedding venues today.

Curling up on the sofa to watch Spurs v Man U is probably what the doctor would recommend and who am I to argue...


When we went to Italy a few years ago we chatted to a young British couple who had decided to get married at a castle overlooking Lake Garda. They had to get some document from the British Consul in Venice. I think they were on their second attempt to get there while the office was open. It all seemed very chaotic .

When my brother in law (Aditi's brother) got married once the venue ( a hotel) was chosen, I think much of the organisation was taken by the venue's wedding planner. On the day the bride's father was magnificent, and just made sure everyone knew what was supposed to be happening. My mother in law had some problem with accepting that she couldn't just informally invite her closest few hundred friends to the wedding or reception. (She "organised" another reception a month later).


I'll be watching the football tonight, I think I may have mentioned that Matthew became a Spurs supporter while at university, mainly because everyone else in the flat supported Arsenal.



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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting what you said about credit cards Tony. Germany never seems to have got to grips with them. Most of us use EC cards, which are the equivalent of debit cards - convenient for us, but difficult for tourists who are used to using credit cards. I remember years ago being astounded that a major high street electrical retailer didn't take credit cards. In the intervening years, little has changed!


I did notice most of German hotel guests in our hotel in Austria settling their bills in cash, and we stayed in some German hotels last year that didn't accept credit cards.

I was getting some currency for Matthew today and asked if the Post Office Travel Mastercard was known to have problems for travellers in Germany. They were unaware but asked me to report it to their customer support people. I used a similar card without problem in the US a couple of years ago as well. These preloaded cards are supposed to be an alternative to carrying currency or travellers cheques. Years ago we had EC cards and Eurocheque cheque books but banks stopped issuing them here.


Just to add to the confusion the Mastercard in a Belgian garage had to go in the chip and pin reader, have the correct pin entered and then have the receipt signed. The cashier said that if it had been a Visa card I wouldn't have had to sign!


Matthew is going to have fun in Vietnam ,there are about 34000 ###### to the Pound or 20000 to the US dollar. He is taking US currency as recommended.

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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon my niece married this new year in Scotland it was relatively quickly organised and their friends tripped up to Edinburgh for a wedding and reception there for about 40 people . They then had a family and friends party/hogroast in an old chapel in Leeds which everyone seemed to enjoy, my sister is richer than me but not excessively so and they split the bills between them. Scotland was chosen because at the moment the couple live in Memphis......

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Scotland was chosen because at the moment the couple live in Memphis......

Is this a reference to the fact that Elvis only ever touched Scottish soil? :)


Evening all! I'm definitely not walking the return journey from North Berwick to Edinburgh tomorrow. For a start there's no live cricket to listen to...


At least there's little chance of me ever having to worry about getting married. At least not for the foreseeable, anyway... Might have to think about it for Jamie in 20+ years...

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