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Well done Jam,, hope the heads not too bad this morning, No model railway news from me either, though I did look at the 1:24 MW that I started several months ago, but just to knackered at the moment to get inspired............


Enjoy your day all.

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"Why not?"


A normal, fraught, extended family day (both the family and me will be extended).


FiL, who has had a stroke and cancer of various organs can hardly walk without wobbling about.

MiL has had two new hips and a new knee and is completely pixilated.

To my horror, they conveyed on the 'phone last night that they were going out today to buy a new car.


I thought I had successfully stopped him driving - he had a standing order at the garage for replacement wing mirrors and paintwork.

BiL runs them about for shopping etc.,.


A cunning plan is being hatched to divert them from the car showrooms.

There is some sort of mobility scheme which supplies a new car, taxed and insured (!!!!) for those deserving people (and others from my experience).

I don't suppose they have a chance of getting on the scheme but the form filling etc., will take their minds off it for a bit.


Wish me luck.

Hopefully I won't have to go to see them today (4 hour round trip).

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Pleasant morning. Blue skies but there is a definite nip and the grass is covered in dew.


As far as modelling Don, I now have a box with some buttons on it. Pressing them doesn't do anything though. More 'knitting' required over the next couple of days although activity may be curtailed as we are dog sitting again.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Grandpa could be taken off the ICU yesterday, so it would seem his condition did not worsen at least. There still is no way of telling for sure how things will proceed, though, especially given his age. I just hope that, regardless of the outcome, he won't have to stay in this kind of limbo indefinitely, as it surely must be taking its toll on him...even though he generally is not one to openly talk about being unwell. I am still quite worried, though...both about him and Grandma, on whom this entire situation is not exactly easy either. The two of them had just moved into a nursing home a few days before he was taken ill, which in and of itself certainly is a rather big change to adapt to at their age :unsure: .


Well, anyway...it continues to remain very warm over here, though none of the predicted thunderstorms did materialise over night.


Have a good one, guys...

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Morning all, blue skies above but looming clouds on the horizon.


Dominik, pleased to hear your grandfather's out of ICU. Fingers crossed for him.


Had the pump on my central heating system replaced yesterday as it was heating the radiators even when the heating was turned off. I blame my spending the afternoon at home on the cricket being rained off...

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Morning all...No modelling news from me either. Seems I've slipped back into the modelling doldrums, although to be honest, I can't be bothered to do anything, so it not purely railway related.


The idea of lounging about watching the cricket is becoming more appealing every minute.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, if the inspector passes my handiwork model railway matters will start to move. I now have a drop leaf table to work on all I need is some space to put it up. I wil be concentrating on the challenge first.

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Thanks for all the updates folks although some are rather sad. Sorry about your inlaw worries DD.

Don't worry about your loss of mojo Gordon. Enjoy driving fast cars or just watching the cricket. I hope it enjoys better weather today.. (It's raining steadily here at the moment)

Have fun with your spagetti BoD.

I hope the news of Grand father improves Dominik

I hope your heating gets sorted Mike.

I hope I haven't left anybody out!.

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Good luck, Mick!


I just saw something you don't see every day in the UK - a Hummingbird, Ruby Throated, feeding off our Lavender Beds. First one i've seen here too in two years. Wonderful wee creatures about 2.5 inches in length, I assess.


Best, Pete.

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I just saw something you don't see every day in the UK - a Hummingbird, Ruby Throated, feeding off our Lavender Beds. First one i've seen here too in two years. Wonderful wee creatures about 2.5 inches in length, I assess.


Best, Pete.

One of these guys, Pete?




We get some every summer, but they have a choice of feeders in the neighbourhood and it's hard to get them 'trained' to ours. The family next door have a feeder on the deck - their 2 year old daughter was watching a humming bird at it, when the bird left it and tried to feed from the flowers on her T-shirt! She was absolutely thrilled.

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Magnificent picture pH.

Although I live near the mountain, the birds I see are mostly colourless.and not musical.

Gordon if you only watched the cricket yesterday, you must have really enjoyed your day.

It's weekend folks, enjoy it.Another 16 points successfully recovered yesterday and 14 uncoupling magnets lifted.

Because they were buried under track and ballast, I had forgotten them,

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all


Dog walked. Papers collected. Blue skies. Wonderful.


Four of the twenty push to make buttons I fitted on the 'yard layout mimic' were push to break. Not wonderful. Fortunately I tested before I wired and connected to the layout.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for that post BoD. Your report that nothing happenend had me puzzled.

Now I understand

I'm a strange creature Don. When wiring, I have a habit of double checking everything as I go. I check for continuity or shorts on every section/ point or whatever as I connect them. Probably explains why I take so long to build anything.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice photo Pete, all I get are blackbirds in my garden. Used to be better until 3 neighbours with 10 cats moved into the close. At the risk of upsetting people - I hate cats, forever having to pick up their mess. When I confronted one neighbour about this all I got was 'Well that's what cats do isn't it'.


Not in my garden they don't.....


Anyway, have a good weekend all, I'm having a quiet day today then driving on the MHR tomorrow, hope it stays dry.

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Morning all, dull misty start to the day, I see a few birds around here, but the most notable are a pair of blues breasted king fishers. They seem to like the balcony railing. I'll try & post a pic later.


Have a good un



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Well, now how about this... Weather forecast for the next several days predicts up to 34°. I just hope the school I've been assigned to for teaching practice has air conditioning!


Grandpa's condition would appear to remain unchanged. There is one option for further treatment which may or may not result in improvement, though as this would involve surgery to be performed, he has declined it. He also had set up a living will several years ago, declining any life-extending measures in case of him becoming incapable of making independent decisions and having no chance of a full recovery. I naturally respect this decision, but am currently trying to comprehend how one might arrive at this kind of conclusion.


It's kind of hard to express what it is that is puzzling me, though... In the most general terms, I guess I might, for the moment, describe it as a kind of preparedness to let go of one's own life, which I personally would think to be a rather gargantuan kind of problem to think through :unsure: .


Have a good one, guys...

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Morning guys...


I think I can understand your Grandpa's thought process Dom. As you get older, you will start to notice that the number of areas in your body that start to give trouble increases quite quickly. Everything becomes an effort and I'm sure that you come to a point when everything is so hard to achieve, you just wish to go to sleep. Thankfully I've not reached that point yet, in fact I'm far from it, but having seen various family members go through this process, I suspect it is a blessed relief not to have to go through more and more medical treatment. If you can come to terms with your own mortality, I would imagine the pain goes and you can gently go to sleep in peace.


Really enjoyed the cricket, Don, although the Indian team looked like they just wanted to get home as soon as possible. I'm not sure why as having spent time in India when the Cricket World Cup was on, they are fanatical about the game and I'm sure the Indian team will get a hostile reception when they get home.


Fingers crossed for today, BoD. It's the big one......

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Pete, Yes very similar though "mine" had a deep red throat. That may indeed be a different variety as when I was last out west in Sedona, down by the river I saw a flock (I thought they were dragonflies at first) of comparatively brown hummingbirds. They really are special aren't they?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, an overcast day, very slow to get moving today. Dominik your grandfather probably does not wish to be a burden to his wife and family, medicine can keep you alive but without quality of life. I have written more words this morning and deleted them than ever before, indecisive me I am not sure anymore.

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