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  • RMweb Gold

A bit hail this morning leaving everything lightly covered with little silver balls but all melted in five minutes. According to the forecast those south of us are going to get more snow than we are.


Morning all. Have a good day.

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Coincidentally, my jobs today include putting up little silver balls.

Great long chains of them.

To get it looking right, the loops have to be accurate which invariably means counting them.

SWMBO was not amused by my imaginative arrangements of the several dozen little wooden angels and cherubs.

Apparently, laying on top of one another is not very Christmassy.

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Morning all! Off for our Christmas lunch at 12.30. Hope I can enjoy it - I did all the organisation of it, for 31 folk. So far I've not had too many complaints. Only had one person say "I refuse to sit on the same table as X...". Though I understand why everyone always says organising Christmas lunch is a bit of a thankless task!

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  • RMweb Gold
Only had one person say "I refuse to sit on the same table as X...".


You should have just arranged them as DD did his angels and cherubs.

Very Christmassy Partyish (so i've been told)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Touch of frost on the ground and one car has decided it won't start. Have to get out there with the battery charger I suppose. All part of the joys of having a car that only does very short trips in the dark, flat battery. Happens every year. :icon_mutter:




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  • RMweb Gold

Hello. It is very sunny but cold here. I can see some very dark clouds heading this way, I suppose they are the snow that is forecast for here today.

I'll be going to a funeral this afternoon in Golders Green. I'd better take the A to Z in case I can't keep up with the other cars.



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Wot no snow? Nuffink!....


A few clouds but a lot of blue and even the sun is trying to burst through. Pah! Weather forecasters? What do they know....


May be time to take of the sou'wester and wellingtons.


Work Christmas parties? Those were the days...happy.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just been for a walk. It's not particularly cold..... out of the wind, but, strewth, that wind is bitingly cold and driving the snow horizontally. Fortunately it's keeping the roads clear but it must be piling up somewhere. Perhaps Tony_S's.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just got back from my trip to North London. Enfield was not much fun to drive through due to quite a lot of snow falling in a short time, the M25 was clear but the Southend Arterial was not nice at all. Heavy snow but fortunately sensible driving prevailed.

I won't be going on Saturday to collect my mother from Droitwich as she has been advised to stay at home. Actually her GP wanted to admit her to hospital but she didn't want to go (she said that was where she caught the infection that is making her unwell at present) but the district nurses will administer her injections etc. I'm not sure if she will be here for Christmas (but my brother lives near her) hopefully I'll be able to bring her down to visit for part of the holiday.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning - touch of insomnia here so just having a cup of cocoa and a browse through the net. Blowing a hooly and freezing cold here, but no snow as yet. Not a lot forecast either. My job hasn't been particularly pleasant over the last few days, working outside, but one thing I can't criticise my employers about is the gear we are supplied with. We get a full range of clothing etc to combat bad weather even down to sea boot socks, thermal T-shirts and long johns! It's good quality stuff too, even the wet weather coats have detachable fleecy linings so that they are warm in winter. Must cost them a fortune but we're worth it. New toys on the horizon - I've always only had a pay as you go mobile phone but am finding that I am using it more and more so have gone over to a contract one. ??25 a month for two years, a zillion 'free' minutes and texts and a Playstation 3 thrown in for good measure. I quite fancied a games console anyway, so bearing in mind that these are around ??250 to buy anyway I suppose that that is akin to 10 months free line rental on the phone.I'll never get any modelling done now - not that I did much anyway.

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Morning, Phil.


Insomnia here too.


Up here in Petersfield, we have about an inch of the white stuff and it's still falling. Wind is pretty strong too.


Trafficengland.com suggests that whilst it's dry around your way, it's snowing all the way to Newbury, where I'm supposed to deliver at about 8:00 this morning! Could be fun!

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Good Morning Phil, John

Good luck with your delivery John. I don't envy you driving in snow. Glad you are well clothed for the snow Phil (Fidge?)

There's a very fine mist here, precipitating just enough to necessitate windscreen wipers on.

I hope the lack of sleep doesn't make you sleepy during the day.

Looks like the Test may be heading for a draw! :angry:

I hope everybody has a very good week end. :D

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Morning, Don, Phil and everyone else!


Still white outside but having reassured myself that the water softener was able to regenerate despite the cold, I managed about an hour's sleep! Fortunately, this is my last run before Christmas, so I'll be able to start to wind down when I get back (hopefully around 10:00).


Hope you eventually managed some sleep too, Phil; certainly don't envy you in your job but I'd love that nice warm clothing they supply you!


Got to find the floor mop now to clear the van!


Happy Last Friday before Christmas!

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Morning Everyone,


To all of you in the UK - enjoy the snow while it's there!


There's no sign of any snow here, but it is ever so cold. Down to -7.5?°C out in the forest while I was driving in. I am glad that I have got a warm office and a nice cup of coffee.


I certainly don't envy Phil's job. I expect I would in the Summer when it is nice and warm outside and I am stuck in the office - but certainly not at this time of the year.


I went out for a bike ride last night, but returned after about 10km because my hands were turning blue. I should have worn something better than fingerless gloves! :icon_lol:


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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