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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Got an appointment for a booster jab at last! It only took an hour to do. First I tried on line, they asked first for my NHS number which I didn't know so they asked for my full name and DOB which I entered only to be told that they had no record. Then I tried 119. After going through the press button 1, 2, or 3 they then asked for my NHS number. Then as I didn't have my NHS number I was put in a queue to talk to a human being but after ten minutes of musak I gave up. Fortunately I then found my original appointment letter that had my NHS number on it so back in to the website where I was able to book my jab (for Sunday 12th). 

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Morning all 


My complaint to Hermes has been escalated to the retailer. We have had patchy service from them over the last couple of years the first courier was an older man and would knock on the door wait 2 seconds then dash round the street trying to find someone to take the parcels. It's ok doing that but when you live in a 3 storey townhouse you have no chance. 

Then we had a different guy who was really good but he could talk a glass eye to sleep. Sadly we had a parcel nicked that had gone back to the depot he seemed to disappear this summer and was replaced by a very pleasant lady it wasn't a problem to leave a note taped to the door she would leave the parcel and post the note through the letter box.

  I dont know who tried to deliver Friday as on Monday I had another Hermes delivery and it was a young lad in a van. Now to my mind as a former transport manager I would have resent the Friday parcel on Monday with the other which hasn't happened and to be honest set the alarm bells ringing in my mind.

It's a Valentino Handbag that has gone walkies the matching purse came via DPD ok.

  I have a delivery coming tomorrow via UPS for the first time so we will see if they screw up or not

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Just a quick update re deliveries.  My watch had to go back to the UK for repair a few weeks ago.  I actually paid for it to be sent to a UK address and paid for that, quite a bit cheaper, with the intention of picking it up at Christmas.  Yesterday we had a missed call from a French mobile. I rang it back and a very nicevladt from near Biarritz' answered.  Apparently  thevparcel had been sent to our address vua Royal Mail and La Poste.  La Poste in their wisdom had sent it to a small town 400km away with a 64XXX post code rather than our 17XXX.  The lady had opened it and then found ourblandli e number. She is going to post it on to me.  She would not accept any offer of payment either and spome quite good English. Enough for us to converse in Franglais.  What a nice way to resolve a balls up by La Poste.



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Greetings all from the boring borough. 


Happy Birthday Boxing Day @grandadbob 


I'm reaching my breaking point with parcels and deliveries at the moment. Latest c*ckup on the catering front was a package from that South American river. Knowing we'd be out yesterday I had set the delivery date to today when ordering. I think you can all guess what happened. Driver arrives, actually figures out how to ring the bell. I talk to him through the Ring Door bell thingy. Tell him to leave it between the bins (covered) , come home to find the c*ckwomble had left it next door. If I'm lucky I may get it after the 12th attempt of knocking some time next week. <censored>  I will say something positive about both our Royal Mail and Parcel Farce guys. They are excellent and always friendly. PF on Tuesday said he had 2 for us but could only find one in the van. We got the one, and he returned a couple of hours later with a teeny tiny box, which was the second package. 


There is a by-election going on in the neighbouring constituency. It seems though, none of the muppets running nor their minions have any idea of boundaries. Even though we are a good 600m inside our area, we are still bombarded with leaflets extoling each's virtues. I hope the worms like the shredded bullsh*t we are feeding into the composter. 


In other news, we had a lovely evening out après Chiropractor yesterday. Dinner & not a few beers at our favourite Belgian café, Lowlander.  Followed by a walk through Covent Garden & Leicester Square. Much of our Christmas shopping completed. 


Today will see both of us getting the covid booster. It won't be AZ this time so we shall be hybrids. Following that, a short hop to the garden centre to obtain a Chrimbo shrubbery. 


Lastly, this is the time of year for the "once a year" tw@s who have no idea about pub etiquette or how to even order a drink properly. Please show staff extra patience and support as they deal with the muppet-fest.  


Good luck with the plumbing inspection @Tony_S


That's about it from here. Enjoy the day. 

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the wind has finally gone, there was a light frost on the roof of both workshop and shed, but that has now gone. 


There isn't a lot planned for today, I have some paperwork to shred ready for the paper recycling bin being emptied tomorrow, but that’s it. I am required to be on door answering patrol today, as I have 2 packages due and Sheila will be tackling the bedding with an iron an ironing board and she doesn’t like being interrupted during the process. 


Back later. 



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Morning each . . . .We had SNAR overnight . . .even covered the roads to a couple of inches. . .Now slowly melting in the pale winter sunshine . 2c hence the slow melt.

Plus the wind is biting a bit . . .  coming straight from the North. . .


Anyways. . nowt on today apart from a mate coming over tonight for BJC . . Beer . . Jam . . .Craic.


Keep smiling . .




Edited by Two_sugars
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3 hours ago, PupCam said:

Oh, I'm not so sure.    Royal Mail seem to be doing a good job, I have two outstanding non-delivery issues with them at the moment.    From different sources to completely different destinations so at least it's consistent and it's not just a "local" problem.   Mrs Puppers is posting another parcel today; she's going for the highest level of tracking and signing for she can.   That'll put a hole in the wallet then ....





Pupper's missing parcels have been located!!!!!!!  :yahoo:


When the Royal Mail were approached for comment they somewhat tersely replied:

"No Comment"

Sherriff Billybob Dawson was equally unhelpful - his only comment was "Cousin Bobby Joe has a new batch of 'Shine so I'm off to stock up......"


In other news.....

Bear's Screwfix parcel arrived as promised - well technically it was two parcels about 30 minutes apart cos' for some strange reason they'd split the order.  One of the items (a 90 degree solder ring street elbow) wasn't as pictured on the website :angry:  - meaning it'll be a little less easy to use in conjunction with compression fitting.  After reading the reviews it seems others have had the same problem.  I feel a Beary Snottogram approaching.....


The outside tap and pipework thru' the wall were removed; the tap was a grade A barsteward since it'd been screwed to the wall since the late 80's - using slotted screws** tightened by a certain Bear to about "middle C" :banghead:.  They had to be drilled out - the brick to which they were secured is looking somewhat sorry for itself and will need some TLC when a new tap is fitted, but that won't be until the plastering has been completed and wallpaper hung.


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Hello again from Estuary-Land.  I mentioned the lost walking stick on a local Facebook page and a lady has offered me a replacement, in fact she has three she wishes to dispose off. The only thing is she lives in South Benfleet but when I told her where my friend lives in South Benfleet she said that she lives very near to him and could drop them off at his place.

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Right......brace yourselves......

Beary Rant (and some.....)

13:21 on 2nd Dec 2021


Paypal have responded to my dispute - they say I can send the battery back FOC using their "free return shipping" option.  Er, no.......

Not only is that limited to fifteen quid (which wouldn't even come close) it's of no use anyway cos' both RM and the Couriers I'm aware of all list a battery as a "Prohibited Item" and so I can't send it anyway :angry: (and I'd probably get bounced if I mis-described it on the necessary customs paperwork).  

I've pointed all this out to them in yet another message....:angry::angry:


Does anyone else get the feeling that the world is being rapidly over-run with f.wits??

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I have not had any problems with any couriers or RM or PF except for UPS which are dire. I will not use them under any circumstances even going as far as not purchasing anything from Shapeways who use UPS exclusively. Talking of parcels, one arrived today containing the latest Carl Hiaasen title 'Squeeze Me' looking forward to a few chuckles and maybe even a belly laugh.

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It's a beautifully clear day here. From my perch here in North Featherstone I can clearly see Leeds City centre and the flashing lights atop Bridgwater place and beyond towards the North West Highlands inhabited by Baz. The other way I can see the Emley moor transmitter and beyond towards Huddersfield and the Yorkshire Tea plantations in the hills above Huddersfield.

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8 hours ago, chrisf said:

the actions of those who rule us could not have been less helpful.  No change there then …

In retrospect I concur without offering any political judgement or endorsement whatsoever.  


We are all dealing with the same virus but how it is dealt with will come to be held against some.  The last-gasp changes made at Christmas 2020 were, in my opinion, both foreseeable and avoidable; if they were really necessary it would have been possible to announce things somewhat earlier in order that folk could have rearranged their plans.  


In the upshot, among the small sample of people I know well enough, few changed anything.  We did; our Christmas Day with the rest of the family was called off leaving them with far more food than they knew what to do with and us having to run around to the local shops and "get something in" at very short notice.  Most others quietly did as they had planned despite.  I didn't hear of anyone suffering infection from that.  


This year there seems to be a greater disregard (thus far, at least, though it is early days) for the Apparent Rule of Law.  Today in six hours around the House of Fun and whilst going to and fro I observed more or less the same 50% of folk wearing face-coverings as were doing so last week.  Of those about half were being correctly worn meaning only around a quarter of everyone was actually complying with the requirements correctly allowing for a few who are legitimately exempt and who are also not required to display anything saying so.  


Of note it remains the younger people for the most part who are not masking u and it is among this same age group that the infection is highest.  Those two facts might or might not be closely related.  Younger people by their very nature often spend far more time associating in groups than older folk often do.  Most of the others not making any attempt to comply are (and were last year) our East European construction workers who - if approached - tend to adopt the "No speak English" attitude despite the fact that they may have been conversing in the language freely, if with heavy accents, until challenged.  


As before we have no authority to challenge nor enforce.  When most of the major supermarkets have publicly stated they will not be enforcing mask-wearing this time around what chance does the public transport industry stand?  We have been reminded that we "Can educate and advise" but also "Not to engage or risk conflict".  Between those two lies a very fine and indistinct line in the sand.  I do, however, have my low-level clear-plastic visor back in use out of respect for the currently mandatory face-coverings scenario despite the fact that all transport workers are exempted on duty by reason of their jobs; it is easier to say "all" than to specify those who are, might be or are from time to time in safety-critical roles where such things might impede them safely carrying out the required duties.  As an aside it also helps keep a little more of the cold wind off my face!  


Dr. SWMBO is working from home this week owing to a slight cold.   She just announced that she was off to the G***** C***** in search of gravel and terracotta pottage.  I offered to driver her.  Hardly any of their staff were masked yet they had someone posted at the door "encouraging" us to cover up.  The door-person was - you've guessed it - unmasked.  Most customers inside were however suitably attired.  


And now, because it has been an unnecessarily cold day, it is time for Coffee and Cake.  No LDC here; Dr. SWMBO has baked a plantain cake by way of a change.  And because she picked up plantains thinking they were ripe bananas!  I'll let you know .....  



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2 hours ago, Two_sugars said:

Morning each . . . .We had SNAR overnight . . .even covered the roads to a couple of inches. . .Now slowly melting in the pale winter sunshine . 2c hence the slow melt.

Same here (unsurprisingly) except no thaw where cars have compressed the snow. Many paths and all side roads are still a sheet of ice.  The mutts legs went from underneath him more than once on our morning walk.


Still, every cloud and what have you, we decided to defrost the freezer whilst we could just put the frozen stuff outside for an hour or two. 

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Paypal are proving to be somewhat unhelpful:



Bear, as you stated that the shipping company is not accepting to ship back the given item to the return address provided.

In that case I would request you to please provide us an official letter from the shipping company with all the detail such as your name, item description, date and stating that the product that you are trying to return cannot be returned back or is prohibited so that we can check this further.


- which is nigh on impossible to achieve  :angry:

So I've sent them this link which explains all.....hopefully.......




Can I scream??  :shout:

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We seem to be lucky with deliveries here, I don't buy from Amazon, but others have and sent me stuff, it always arrives, ditto all the others, most leave stuff in a safe dry place if we are out, occasionally they re-deliver if a picture or signiture is required, on the whole our delivery service is acceptable..........................................cue something going wrong with the next delivery.............................

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11 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

(One was quite amused by a recent news article that informed us that a number of Tesla car owners were locked out of their cars because the server running the app that Tesla owners used to get in and out of the cars and start the engine went down). Sometimes it is tempting to be a Luddite, it really is.

Sad reality was those are EXACTLY the folks that should be Luddites and never allowed near technology without even a borderline understanding of the options!

Tesla offer, NAY PROVIDE, an actual "key" in the form of a fob that can be used anytime, and ESPECIALLY in those rare occasions. These idiots that were locked out and even managed to COMPLAIN about it, simple can't/don't bother to carry said device with them, relying solely on the app on their phone.

I could do the same with our latest vehicle, but I'm simply NOT THAT STUPID :)  :jester:


BIN day, tick VG.

All handled and BINs back to their correct location.


Yesterday, quiet/boring/slow - The replacement lock WITH KEYS (fancy that!) arrived so we went over to Jemma/Brendas' to install same. They've managed to get their outside lights up and are pleased with the result. They were working on the tree decorations as we left.


Tonight, rather frantic rehearsal, in all probability, since we sing this Sunday at the Sunday Advent Evensong and we've not seen the music yet - it'll be all stuff we've done before, but the choir director gets very nervous if we've not had a t least 2 or 3 rehearsals before any performance...


Continuing mild here, 2 first thing and blazing sun, 8 the expected high.


Tally ho...

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Well, doesn't THAT just take the biscuit...


Right after my "morning" post, the news (both national AND local) just reported the second US case of the COVID-omicron strain has been detected right here in MINNESOTA!

It's still all a hoax according to the IQ-challenged members of the population :(


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