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  • RMweb Gold

Well the very best of luck with your results Jam. I'm sure you'll do great!


Although I can mess around with wood, I never really attempted much in the way of furniture, so I am really impressed with your pieces. Mind you keep your fingers out of the way.


Got up early this morning to give the R8 another go. The suspension was still rock hard but it was fun to stick it in sports setting and give it a good blast around some quiet country lanes. If you live in one of the country pads in the Maidenhead/Twyford area please accept my apologies. A V10 at 9,500 rpm is not the quietest of vehicles..... :no:


Right that's out of my system, so back to the train set....


Thanks Gordon. Hopefully I'll get the grades I've worked hard for!

Having just looked at Eastwood Town, I'm impressed with your woodwork techniques!

I reckon you could make a decent go of making furniture if you wanted.

I expect my latest furniture project will be simply made using a ply shell, some softwood battens and some hardboard for the top layer to form the curves. In all honesty I'm not sure exactly how they will be constructed at the moment but we'll see how it goes - I often just make it up as I go along!

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Fingers crossed Jam - I am sure that you'll do alright. Be sure to drop by and let us know!


As far as Audi's are concerned, I quite like the A3 - but it is way out of my price range. The basic package is not too expensive, but basic is the order of the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, good luck Jam I hope you get the grades you need . The Zafira needed an oil and filter change at 8,000 miles because a chip decided its lubrication properties were nil apart from that it has been fine. Dominik is absent so I hope it is not bad news for him. The building inspector will be out today to look at my work so I had better get some more done.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.


Grandpa's situation does not appear to have changed over night as I did not hear anything to another effect. Of course, as I guess this also means it has not changed for the worse at least, that does give me some reprieve. Mum and my two uncles are taking turns looking after him, so I guess the rest of us will be kept in the loop fairly well.


It's turned out to be sunny and rather warm over here, and we're currently around 32°. In fact, it is to largely remain that way for about the next seven to ten days, though the chance of thunderstorms is also going to increase.

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Morning All,


Another nice day here - but it is set to get very warm later on. Probably too warm!


It must be a "no news day". Yahoo's headline this morning was "Top French actor wees in aisle of plane". I think this goes on the list of things I didn't really need to know.


Have a good day everyone...

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DD, Surly a Bugatti goes VerooM VerooM, not veroon veroon!

Good morning all.

I'm on later than usual.

During the night I suddenly had the thought that since my last computer crash I had not logged onto YMR and was worried that they might delete my membership, so before even going to the bathroom I logged on there and posted to keep my membership alive!

Then did my normal morning routine before coming here!

Rain is due this afternoon.

We had a succesful demolition session yesterday afternoon. The mountain and backscene are GONE!

10 points lited without damage, 1 damaged and thrown away, 6 point motors recovered

I was going to post a photo and then discovered that with the recovery after last crash my photo software (and EVERYTHING ELSE) that was on the disk has gone..

Will look into that later today.

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Morning guys....It's a wet one and doesn't look like it's going to get any better.


Are we celebrating or commiserating then Jam? Here's hoping it's not the latter.


Whatever you're up to today, try to make the most of it... :)


The W word is already coming to the fore. I think I'm going to go away and hide for the next 10 months..

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning guys....It's a wet one and doesn't look like it's going to get any better.


Are we celebrating or commiserating then Jam? Here's hoping it's not the latter.


Wet here as well - it's absolutely throwing it down!

Just to keep you all in suspense a little more I won't be collecting my results until 11am - it's gonna be the longest few hours of my life! Most of my mates will be there at the same time so we can all celebrate or commiserate together . :laugh:


Will keep you posted as soon as possible...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bit dismal outside but it isn't raining another meeting in the loft this morning. BT sent me a pleasant letter about how sad they were that I was leaving them, the cheery bit was that I was £98 in credit that they would return to my bank account :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Hope it all goes well, Jam. Last year Matthew didn't know his exact results but he logged on just after midnight and UCAS had confirmed his place at Leicester, so he wasn't too worried. One of his exam boards allowed online access as well. This year was the first time in 3 years we weren't waiting for exam results. His first year uni results were out at the end of term.


Very sunny here and going to be very warm soon. Not doing too much today, as we are driving to Aachen tomorrow.


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Morning all!


Jam - best of luck with the results - hope you get what you need.


Nothing much to report other than that the pump on my boiler seems to have developed a bit of an issue. Even with the heating turned off, the boiler seems to be running and pumping heat through the radiators. Unfortunately this means that I have to go home from work to be in the flat from 1pm today to await the arrival of an engineer. This will be an extraordinary strain for me, as I have to spend the afternoon waiting in the flat and listening to Test Match Special. The hardship... :no:

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Here's an alternative to exam results for us "old farts"!


Anyone over 55 NOT on:




Nadolol (beta - blocker also useful for stage fright)




I've been on the first two since 50 (and have had 3 full scale colonoscopies) but only began to feel my age when my ankles got swollen recently and now I'm on diuretics. Which has me jumping up even more than I did........


My heart, lungs and liver are fine and I feel OK except I've got multi-level disc degeneration in my neck - but even so I've had that for years. I've a full head of hair with only 20% grey.


Why should I feel threatened?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm mid fifties and on no medication. <touches wood>.


Possibly because I hate doctors and never go if I can help it. In thirty odd years I have had ten days off work. Five days when my dad died (it hit me quite hard) and five days with a cracked rib. Of course now that I've said this ............


I don't however have a full head of hair.

Still got more than Gordon though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello everyone, I'm back!

Just got back from collecting my results so here they are:


Geography: B

Product Design: B

Economics: C

General Studies: D


Really happy with these results, and particularly surprised by my economics grade - thought it would be a D or lower.

I spent a while trying to get onto the UCAS website to find out if I had got through to my no 1 choice uni but couldn't access it due to high usage.

Mum opened the post box and lo and behold a letter from UCAS - the first line 'Congratulations, this letter confirms your place at Bournemouth University...'

So I have successfully got my first choice uni - off to a party tonight at 7pm to celebrate!!

Thanks for all your support and good luck messages, I really appreciate it!

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