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Morning all


Yes I am back home. we were travelling back last week Don. We just popped by train to Edinburgh for the day to take in the 'buzz' of the festival. Since our relatives moved from Edinburgh I haven't been to stay or do any shows during festival time but I do still like to go for a day.


"its down the left hand side"


I thought you had bee researching wedding seating etiquette there Gordon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, nice and bright here in the endoftheedge. Just about recovered form the birthday weekend, only two years, eleven months, three weeks and 5 days left till I retire from the madhouse.


Another new look, can't make my mind up about it yet - one thing has'nt changed, it's still the slowest loading site I visit.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, Wedding anniversary today so I think sneaking off and buying a card and flowers is in order. A bright sunny day outside and the fish tank hasn't leaked after its move. A meeting with the building inspector hopefully will tell me how to strengthen the old house roof so I can improve the price.

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Morning all. Is it me or does the world look different today on RMWeb?


JFK Airport had a record 7.5 inches of rain in the past 24 hours - and guess what? The system is heading to Europe.........

On the cheerful note I am going to the garden for a fag........


Best, Pete.

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You should be fine as the storm centre is still south of Long Island - it is moving rather slowly, hence all the rain. I don't see it reaching your neck of the woods until Saturday.


Enjoy! What is it btw?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

This has become a rotten day. Around noon I was informed that my grandpa has been hospitalised with sepsis. As organ function is increasingly impaired, things don't exactly look good, though at least he does not appear to be in pain. So, please bear with me if I shouldn't feel like doing much talking for a while... :(

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Good morning all.

Does Mrs S join you Gordon in you Super cars? Somehow I don't think so!

Still two more clear warm days before the rain is forecast to return.

Anybody doing any modeling?(BoD,, Dd)

Stewart, did your proposed layout ever get off the ground?

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Morning All, a couple of netless days and I come back to find the forums all changed............. Well a bit of good news; three out of the five sets we got running yesterday, sort of a strange feeling you work on a big project like this (not quite single - handedly) and all of a sudden it nearly finished......

Bit like building a kit loco and putting it on track for the first time, and powering up.


Oh well, phase two to do, and two others at least....................enjoy your day!


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Morning All,


Ugh! Not a particularly good start to the day. The weather is cloudy and grey - and it is decidedly fresh. I then find that some clown with a van had parked me in. I needed to shunt countless times to get the car out of the space. Then, I arrive at work to find everything in flux. There was some sort of software problem last night which we are trying to sort out. Just what we don't need!


Sorry to hear about your Grandfather Dominik. I hope he makes a recovery, but at least he isn't in pain at the moment. He's also in hospital, so they will do the best they can for him.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all.... :)


Saddened to read about your Grandfather Dominik. I must admit I had not heard of Sepsis, but having searched it is clear that he is in the best place right now. My thoughts are with you as it is tough seeing someone you love having to cope with serious illness.


Come on sun, where are you.....Mrs S does come with me most of the time although I suspect she may end up looking like Bridget Jones if the roof comes down today. We had hoped to make a trip to the 'Field of Dreams' in Someset, but will probably leave it for a sunny day. We saw this on TV and it took us right back to our childhood. What a wonderful thing to do to a piece of empty land that was overgrown and in danger of becoming a dumping ground.



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Morning all!


Dominik, hope your grandfather makes a good recovery.


Found my way here eventually this morning, as my email alerts aren't yet coming through following the facelift.


Really enjoyed the Book Festival yesterday, great interview/talk with Jonathan Agnew.


Spent last night making strawberry ice cream with the PYO from Sunday (relatively successful, I think) and meringues (not quite as successful!).


Off to my second Book Festival event tonight - Neil Gaiman. Looking forward to this one too, couldn't get tickets for his last one as it sold out almost instantly. I was wise to that this time and got in early!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Rather too many oktas in evidence currently. Must be because of Gordon and his convertible. R8 Spyder, nice! Had a look at one at Goodwood last year. Feels almost as good as a Porsche!!


Hope things improve for your Grandfather Dom.


Have a good one all.




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Thanks for your kind words, guys. Far as I'm informed, things do not appear to have changed over night, so everything can still go either way...also considering that he's 91 years old.


I still am rather anxious about hearing just about any kind of news concerning his situation, so I do not quite know what to do with my time. At least I slept fairly well, given these circumstances, though this may have had just as much to do with plain exhaustion.

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91 is a great age, Dom. I only hope that he managed to live a fulfilling life!


All my folks died early, including my brother at 66. I have no close family left now.


Make the most of all of them, each day counts!


Best wishes, Pete.

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Can't believe what I've just seen. Picked up the car and stopped for a coffee before driving back. There was an appetising display of hot food, so picked up a Cheese and Onion roll. The girl behind the counter was sorting out the display and apologised she would be with me in a few seconds. Next thing she picks up the remaining cheese and onion rolls and puts them straight in the bin... :O


As I was about to eat one, I asked what was wrong with them. Nothing she replied, 'they've just been there 4 hours' and it's company policy....


What a crazy world we live in.


Of course I told Mrs S and quick as a flash she said 'why didn't you ask and bring them home'. Why didn't I think of that?....

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