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  • RMweb Gold
20 hours ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

I get lots of spam messages about parcel deliveries, although in the last three weeks they seem to have been overtaken by the daily collection of emails telling me my antivirus subscription has run out.

In addition to today's usual antivirus spam email I have apparently won a £1000 gift voucher for Amazon and secondly my details are required to confirm my winning entry in the Tesco Prize draw.

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6 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

All semi-serious hyperbole aside, I think we would have a lot less problem with crime and criminal acts if punishment was to reflect the crime.

The infamous Judge Michael Argyle, he of the Oz trial, was all for that. Just after he was elevated to the Bench, possibly as Stipendiary Magistrate or Recorder, there was a serious outbreak of phone box vandalism in Birmingham. One of the culprits was caught and came up before him. Guilty - Three Months imprisonment-Take him down! Problem solved until he got promoted.

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29 minutes ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

The infamous Judge Michael Argyle, he of the Oz trial, was all for that. Just after he was elevated to the Bench, possibly as Stipendiary Magistrate or Recorder, there was a serious outbreak of phone box vandalism in Birmingham. One of the culprits was caught and came up before him. Guilty - Three Months imprisonment-Take him down! Problem solved until he got promoted.


See ‘doing a Carmont’:



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  • RMweb Premium
12 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Judge Dean in Leeds was like that. One you g man got 2 years for giving me a nose bleed with his fist. I was quite pleased  with that outcome.




Nowadays you'd probably get prosecuted for damaging his fist with you nose and the press would howl about police brutality.



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  • RMweb Gold
7 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Nowadays you'd probably get prosecuted for damaging his fist with you nose and the press would howl about police brutality.


Many a true word .......



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Thoughts with ERs and/or their spouses who are dealing with health issues.


My issues are inconsequential. Happily, the post-CoViD booster injection site pain didn't last 24 hours. I did wake this morning with a sore tooth/jaw/cheek*. It hurts when I chew. I had something similar on Friday which was gone by the afternoon and am hoping for the same today. I may be clenching my jaw at night.


* not sure which exactly


On my walk today, the red tailed hawk was back in the school playing fields with another rodent meal. Perhaps all the rain forced the gophers to maintain/seal their tunnel openings? Today's walk was 'dry' under heavy overcast. It's raining now.


Our inclement weather has caused issues at sea. A container vessel lost 40 containers in the approaches to the Strait of Juan De Fuca when it listed in the storm. The Coasties* are monitoring 36 of them as hazards to navigation. Meanwhile ten of the containers remaining on board are on fire as the vessel approaches Vancouver. Most of the crew was evacuated.


*US and Canadian


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8 hours ago, grandadbob said:

I may watch the F1highlights at midnight if I haven't fallen asleep by then.

Have a good one,


I’m sat contemplating whether to stay up and watch it ‘live’ so to speak or watch it on catch up tv tomorrow morning. Problem is that I’m due in at work for 9.00am and I’d have to get up much early than I’m used to and I can’t risk accidentally finding out the result before I get home to watch it in the evening. Decisions, decisions…. 

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5 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

It's over already isn't it? (I'm not paying attention to it.) Is the UK broadcast tape-delayed?

Not sure what ‘tape-delayed’ is but the programme grandad Bob and myself are referring to is free to view extended highlights. We can watch it live on Sky but at a cost.

ps Dont think  it’s due to start until 10.00pm here which is now!


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On 01/10/2021 at 15:31, polybear said:


 This is a reminder to a certain Punk Rocker not to re-register his CPD for another year, as requested.....


(This reminder service was brought to you by Bear Services PLC - a premier company that accepts payment via most forms of cake (so long as Coffee, Cream or Nuts are absent)  :laugh:

Thanks for the reminder but………

Ive been putting it’s off for the last month through lack of enthusiasm and the fact that it I really wanted to jack it in this time but as the new building is far from complete and my services may be needed when we first move in I thought it would be foolish not to. Especially as all I need to do is recount an episode where I’ve show either my leadership qualities or my skills in communication. Funnily enough there’s a funny smell in here tonight, bull sh!t?

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  • RMweb Premium

Firstly, special Beary thoughts to ST & Family....:friends:


4 hours ago, PupCam said:

So, after family communication duties had been completed 


= scribble a note for Mrs Puppers to find when she comes in from the garden, advising her that you've scarpered.  Style....:clapping:


4 hours ago, PupCam said:

The three musketeers then set off for the 15 mile or so bimble to the London Gliding Club at the foot of the Downs.  Motorcycles were parked and a visit to the first floor cafe in the club house was made.     The full English breakfast looked extremely tempting but, due to ignorance of the trip at the time I'd already had breakfast earlier on - Doh!    I contented my self with a consolation prize of a bacon sarnie and a coffee for "Elevenses".  


Is Puppers not up to the task of woofin' (see what I did there?) two brekkies in close order?  Amateur....

Bear did once consider taking up Gliding Lessons at said establishment, but after a visit I quickly decided that the journey for me would be such a Grade "A" b*ll-ache so the idea was dropped.  I did visit the cafe though....


2 hours ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

The infamous Judge Michael Argyle, he of the Oz trial, was all for that. Just after he was elevated to the Bench, possibly as Stipendiary Magistrate or Recorder, there was a serious outbreak of phone box vandalism in Birmingham. One of the culprits was caught and came up before him. Guilty - Three Months imprisonment-Take him down! Problem solved until he got promoted.


Sounds like he knew his stuff....

He retired from the Bench in 1987, after receiving a public reprimand from the Lord Chancellor for public statements that........and that Capital Punishment should be reintroduced into England's judicial system for certain crimes.


38 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Dr. SWMBO was seen by the out-of-hours GP whose words on the subject of her abdominal pains was "who knows?"  As in it could be diverticulitis or it might be an infection.  She was advised to go away and see what happens whilst maintaining a largely fluid diet and with Nurofen for pain relief if required.  Not altogether helpful but it seemed to calm her anxiety down from Notch 10 to Notch 9.  She reported no pain during the late afternoon but a return of sharp pain in one very localised area upon retiring to bed not an hour ago.  We shall see what the night and the morning bring .....  


Nurofen?  Isn't that Ibruprofen?  From the BUPA website:

Your GP may also suggest you take paracetamol to ease any pain. It’s best not to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin because these may make your diverticula bleed.

From the NHS website:

Painkillers known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are not recommended because they may upset your stomach and increase your risk of internal bleeding.


In other news:

Bear saw buddy over the road  this afternoon - his Alexa is now up and running and he's a happy bunny.  I've known him for more years than I can remember - my big bruv was pals with him before me (they are the same age - I'm 3 years younger) and got an invite to his birthday party (he would've been well under 10 at the time - probably around 6 at a guess).  Well this Bear isn't beaten that easily so I bunked over the back gate and did a runner & gate-crashed his party.  Worked a treat (I can still remember parts of it).

He's had a pretty sh1t deal in later years - a long weekend in Paris resulted in a mashed arm when a German biker jumped the lights and took him out.  He's left with a right arm that is of very limited use and causes plenty of pain.  It seems the french surgeons did him no favours either....


Tomorrow's fun sees Bear start on the lounge refurb in anger - wallpaper stripping is job number one.....

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


Nowadays you'd probably get prosecuted for damaging his fist with you nose and the press would howl about police brutality.



I later found out that the young man had gone partially deaf. He was one of two men and two women who attacked me in a house after I'd locked him up after he ran from a stolen car. I decided to draw my staff and he went straight down after I accidentally  hit his head rather than his collar bone. At that point the other three lost their bottle and backed off.  Just one problem, I'd no idea which house I had chased him into through some back gardens.  One of the women suddenley decided to tell me the address after I "whispered some sweet nothings in her ear".  The troops then arrived.


The pay off was at 9am the next morning when the owner of the car arrived to give a statement.  She was the reigning Miss Yorkshire TV.  


I didn't have a lot of sympathy for the young miscreant.



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  • RMweb Gold
8 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

I accidentally  bit his head

Down here they have police dogs for that. I follow the Essex Police Dogs Twitter page. They are the masters of (amusing) understatement when describing their work.  

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, polybear said:

= scribble a note for Mrs Puppers to find when she comes in from the garden, advising her that you've scarpered.  Style....:clapping:


Could have been but in this particular instance I was speaking to another family member

(See, that's at least two I've got!)


2 minutes ago, polybear said:

Is Puppers not up to the task of woofin' (see what I did there?) two brekkies in close order?  A


Well I could have done of course!    But I've got an already unhealthy, broken body to consider .....



2 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear did once consider taking up Gliding Lessons at said establishment, but after a visit I quickly decided that the journey for me would be such a Grade "A" b*ll-ache so the idea was dropped.  I did visit the cafe though....


Many years ago, just after I started working and when I lived but a mile away "as the glider flies", I took up gliding.   Unfortunately I couldn't afford to glide at the LGC so went for the cheaper option; as an associate of a club at Booker (perhaps a 40 mile ride or drive).      Funny enough, ten or fifteen years later when I went for a Tiger Moth flight over at Staverton in Gloucestershire the chap who got me kitted up turned out to be the CFI at Booker when I used to glide there.   And, as another spooky coincidence the chap (who flew a very nice Stearman biplane) who used to help them out at Staverton  and was standing in the office at the time, helped the owner of my local pub here in Puppershire to re-build it!   Funny old, small world ....


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