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Good evening everyone 


Simon, I hope that your good lady can get sorted sooner rather than later, best wishes to you all. 


So here is today’s daily drivel, although it has been a little more exciting than usual! But if I didn’t write this then I’d have nothing to say, as most other topics are banned! 


The weather has remained dodgy all day, dry for the most part, but at times there was a very fine drizzle falling, but it was so fine, it didn’t make the ground wet. I’d set up my portable workbenches and I was  just got the MDF marked up ready for cutting, when Vickie rang me. She asked if I could go round and give Ian a hand with the bathroom plumbing as he was having a bit of a problem. He’s currently, stripped out the old bathroom, so that it can be made into a bedroom for Ava. He’s then creating a new bathroom in the room next door, which was the houses originally bathroom! They have a second bathroom in the attic, so they won’t be without any facilities. He’s done most of the pipe work alterations and as luck would have it, but from late afternoon yesterday, they’d had no cold water in the attic bathroom. This morning they phoned a plumber and explained the problem to him, the plumber said, that’s an investigation job and I don’t have the time and hung up! So that’s when I got the phone call from Vickie. 


Before I set off, I had to pack away all the tools etc, that I’d got set up and I then headed off to Vickie and Ian’s. I then had a cha5 with Ian and discussed what he’d done the day before. I then took a few minutes to get my head around the layout of the rooms and to determine which was the cold feed and what the other pipes were. It soon became apparent that Ian had connected the cold water feed to the hot water feed from the boiler! I’d made the assumption that it was a missed joint or crossed joint during my conversation with Vickie. When I explained to Ian what I thought the problem was, he wasn’t convinced! However, once the water was switched off and the joints swapped over, everything worked as it should. Vickie was delighted and immediately went to test the toilet! Luckily, there was no harm done, apart from the large dent to Ian’s pride! I just told him that “the only person who makes no mistakes, is the person that makes nothing”! So we then had a quick brew and I did a recce of the electrics, to see what was required, as I will be doing the electrics for both rooms, I then headed back home, I managed to get the MDF cut into 3 pieces, each to be used as a shelf, 2 for the workshop and one for the shed. I even got one fitted and the brackets for the second up before dinner, the rest were done after dinner. 


The rain finally arrived after tea, just as we were settling down to watch some recorded TV accompanied by Sheila and a glass of Salted Caramel Vodka, with a splash of coke. This isn’t my usual tipple, but it made a very pleasant change. 

Edited by BSW01
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I for one am happy to hear everyone's news of the day.


For myself, my son and I took in the latest installment of the Bond, James Bond franchise, in a cinema, for me the first time since I can't remember exactly when, but would certainly be at least twenty months, and possibly a couple more*. The Tuesday morning matinee (a noon showing) was, as expected, very lightly attended. There were perhaps a total of six, (all masked) patrons in the cinema - which suited me.


* I think the last movie I saw in a cinema was in December 2019 (Star Wars IX - The Rise of Skywalker). I am looking forward to the latest cinematic interpretation of Frank Herbert's Dune. Randomly looking at his Wikipedia page, I was surprised to learn that researching the Oregon Dunes (on the central Oregon coast) inspired the setting for his novel. The dunes are quite stunning but are not home to giant worms (as far as I know).


Locally CoViD cases are declining but continue to be high. Only recently have they dropped below the 2020 peak from late November, early December. With recent numbers, it is starting to feel like everyone is either vaccinated or has been infected but numerically this is not the case. The cumulative number of cases is more than a third the current number of vaccine eligible, unvaccinated people (including children 12 and older).


We have been below normal temperatures  (18°C) for some days now - today particularly so. It was supposed to get to 14°C, but my patio thermometer indicates less than 11°C and the sky is a uniformly dull grey.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

 6.5 hours good sleep, don't feel like getting more.

Back is in as good as it gets condition.

Ben is a restless Collie, not sure what's wrong, he hasn't come to me for comforting..



I use Navmii, free version, this is based on the same data set as Waze, but with a different front end. The free version is meant to have adverts, but they expect you to be on a phone not a tablet. So once set up for the trip,at home, no more adverts on the road, they aren't that intrusive anyway.


I'm very happy with it as a navigator, but it's not actually needed normally, as ex field service, from Fife to Wiltshire, and having lived in an even wider area, I can get around without them.

What it's for is going "off piste " such as when some wpc sends all the traffic off a trunk road down a single lane track to nowhere in particular, as happened to us.

Or when on the A66 I saw a traffic jam, at a stand still, stretching off into the distance. I dived off the A66 down a side lane stopped for a minute or two to zoom out , then headed of into the bondu, before letting it guide us back on route beyond the accident causing the jam.

The other use is of course MRC events, I can get to a town or village, but often the hall used is less easy find.


Work is throwing money at equipment to do the big order, a ex demonstration calibrator has already arrived, to up grade a system, currently used for testing purposes only, not calibration of customers equipment. I have to calibrate that system next week. Over £200,000 pounds worth of other equipment has already been ordered urgently, which will jump other orders to the top of the list.


I had an old spreadsheet of every equipment we've got, with who cal's what and the hours required to calibrate it. I've been asked to produce a new updated version, for my hours and equipment only. This is to justify us getting an expensive piece of automatic equipment, which would cut the calibration time per system by maybe 5 hours. This would enable me to calibrate two systems at the same time, one on automatic tests, while I do the reduced number of manual tests.


The weather has come on the TV, when it finishes,


Time to get up ..





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9 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

The Drs did say it was caused by anxiety We both suffer ftom mental health problems. We had been stressed about how the youngest would settle into high school without a full time one to one that he had at primary school. I am no Dr  but i dont believe that is the cause she can hardly move I have to help dress her and do her hair I am worried sick about her

I am really sorry to hear of this latest development and I offer my best wishes: not only for a speedy recovery, but also for a definitive diagnosis and a good treatment plan.

If the examining doctors have concluded that it’s due to “anxiety” then I would ask for them to describe how and why they came to that conclusion. It IS entirely possible that she has psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), but they really have to have ruled out every other possible cause: Did they do a cranial MRI, CT or FDG-PET? (I assume they did an EEG). If she had a seizure in hospital - did they take blood for a prolactin assessment immediately afterwards? And what about Creatine Kinase, liver and renal function tests, electrolytes? From your description, I would not yet rule out an alternative aetiology. So a discussion with the attending physician about what tests and examinations were done and what they have been able to rule out could be helpful in addressing some the worries you are definitely experiencing at present.

If it is PNES, The most definitive test to distinguish epilepsy from PNES is long term video-EEG monitoring, with the aim of capturing one or two episodes on both video recording and EEG simultaneously - did they do this?


Furthermore psychogenic non-epileptic seizures do not have a well defined cause (there are a number of theories) and so is a lot more complex than being “due to anxiety”. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has had some efficacy in treating PNES and - strangely enough - getting a definite diagnosis seems to help.


Best wishes



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12 hours ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

…Fortunately none died because of their stupidity as far as can be ascertained, although if they fell into a snow-filled peat gully would we ever know?

Fortunately? I’m wondering if “UNfortunately” is more an appropriate observation here. For centuries, Nature has weeded out the unfit, the stupid, the clueless and the plain unlucky by making their foolish actions terminally fatal. Now that we spend inordinate amounts of time, resources and money saving people from their own folly, it really can’t be good for us as a species in the long run… 

10 hours ago, grandadbob said:

….Well if I didn't post my usual drivel about my daily doings and comings and goings then where would I be?  Staring at the screen and twiddling my thumbs I suppose…

I suspect that you are selling yourself short, GDB. And with a life well lived - such as with yourself - I am certain that you have plenty of lived experience to share and informed commentary to make. 

I am convinced that you could turn something like a trip to Waitrose to buy Birds Custard into an interesting rumination on the evolution of ready made custard from packet to tin to tetrapack (for example) 

10 hours ago, grandadbob said:

some people do seem to have far more opinions than others.   

I have opinions. And if you don’t like them, I have others” (© Groucho Marx)

Hmmm. I doubt that I (and other ER posters of a vociferous inclination) have “more” opinions than the “average” ER poster. I suspect that it’s more a case of being less inhibited in expressing them (or perhaps more confidence in their own opinion).


It could also be cultural/social: there is a strong thread of anti-intellectualism running through various strata of British society and erudition is often looked upon with unease and suspicion. Hence the disdain for “experts”. So perhaps “offering an opinion” would be considered in a similar light (????)


And with that provocative opinion, I bid you a happy “hump day”



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Poorly Pal changed his mind yesterday so there was no dinner in 'Spoons.  I drove solo to and from Hitchin.  It is not the best of roads but I found it frustrating that no-one else appeared to want to exceed 40 mph.  The upside is that it gave me more time to listen to the new Grace Petrie CD on the journey.  There's some good stuff on it.


I neither have nor desire a satnav.  Although I failed O Level geography back in 1964 I do know how to read a map.  Mostly I rely on a road atlas which lives on the back seat of the car, supplemented as necessary by printouts from Google maps.


As I type this there are warnings on the news of gaps on the shelves ahead of the festive season.  I regard this as a well-timed warning to ensure that I have good stocks of seasonal greetings cards.  Why do I never think of buying more than I need?  I like to write and send cards in good time and it would help if the shops, mostly charity, were well stocked.  At this point there should be a chorus of "What?  Ruddy Christmas already?" or words to that effect.   So much for joy to the world!


Warm thoughts to Simon and family and best wishes to all



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Ey up!


Slept like a log.. all that umpiring helps me sleep.


Herindoors is off to play in a recorder group today so it's all hands to cleaning stations onceb8am comes along (local by laws says no noisy work until after 8am here).


I want to go and see the latest James Bond film..it is just a matter of fitting it into our calendar. Youngest Herbert reckons it is worth watching but.....


Anyone heard from @Simon G at all?


Time to.. finish mymugatea and see what is going on inthe North West Leeds Highlands.


Have as good a day as you can!



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We were talking about people unprepared for what they were doing... https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/caister-lifeboat-rescues-unprepared-sailors-8406448?fbclid=IwAR0490T5R5tvCvEf_Jh-Ku-ZkS-vRCO97bDx6zYyVMCyrdExEnd17zZ11NM


Of which driving, in today silly old fart (me) in an old landrover brakes in the middle of nowhere, so hot shot at the back of us group of 4 vehicles   (I was only doing the speed limit before braking) decides to overtake, going past me at I'd reckon 80mph... 


Why did I brake?.... a group of 5 Red Deer crossing in front of me, a few seconds earlier and there'd be dead deer and a dead cockwomble in his little white hot hatch.. I doubt the cockwomble even saw the deer..


 Cockwomble Number two, saw two cars in front of me turn left, in his 7.5 ton lorry, Assumed I would too, lots a braking and horn blowing required..

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Good morning all. 

Usually I am attending the House of Fun at this hour. I shall be doing that a little later today for reasons best known to Miss Management. 

So instead I have an extra hour to sleep, enjoy breakfast and read the daily posts here. 

Stay well all and special thoughts to Simon. 

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Morning, well probably, looks a bit dark to me.  12c and damp, but drying.


A pleasant day out with my pal was had yesterday, despite the Manx weather doing its best to do the all four seasons in an hour thing, it only managed three.  Some great rainbows though!




Not sure what today will bring other than the dreaded dusting, which to be fair is overdue.  Maybe a trip out west to see John as he wants to read a book I have.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. No one won the Euromillions jackpot last night so I saved a few quid by not buying a ticket. I don't have neither do I want a satnav. Many years ago (about 18) A fellow MRC member had a brand new car and offered to take me and a couple of other members to the Chatham exhibition when it was still held in the dockyard. He was very keen on showing off his satnav and followed it religiously. It was ok until we left the Medway tunnel correctly pointing the way to the entrance from the first roundabout but at the next roundabout, the entrance to the dockyard, it insisted that the entrance was further up but despite my telling him that was the entrance he insisted on following the satnav. The satnav took us to the old entrance that had been bricked up years previously:D. One problem that seems to occur more frequently nowadays is the lack of direction signs. On several journeys recently I have followed some signposts that direct me to go a certain way but at the next roundabout there would be no signs or the signs are confusing. Thats why  I sometimes print off a route and/or 'drive' the route on Google Earth. 

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17 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I didn't think that B29s were deployed in the UK during the war and assumed it had to be post-war. So I looked it up. It was 1948.

It was planned to use them in Europe before transfer to the Far East apparently but by the time they were ready the balance in Europe had shifted towards the Allies being able to cope with what they had so that plan was abandoned. I believe that a couple were assessed over here during testing but that was as far as it got. 

'Over Exposed' was one of the post-WW2 modified Photographic Reconnaissance ones, getting its name from its new duties. 

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9 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

qualified in mountain leadership many years ago

Many of the teachers at my school used to do mountain leadership courses in Wales as the school had purchased an old school for use on field trips. We were all very impressed when some of the staff told us how the course leader had injured himself and a teacher and a technician from the engineering dept had organised a rescue. They were both in the TA .

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Afternoon All


Most posts read and rated - and the usual greetings to all ERs.  Simon - hope that you get a diagnosis - an accurate diagnosis - soon.


Not a lot from me today, but boogie woogie fans will love this one which just came into my inbox  - Ladyva and Bendan Kavangh meet at last at St Pancras - worth a listen.



Regards to All


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