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after a bit of "wasting my time doing things someone else hasn't done" with cricket I have had some muddling time. 50% win ratio today.. but I can fix the problems tomorrow.


New flavour of Pork Pie tried today. Pork with Chile sauce. It was very nice.. the sauce was.. warm to the taste. Tea is Soup then goosegog crumble (the crumble is made with oats so Ok for the diabetics among us.


Indoor cricket tonight.. 6 a sides, 10 overs a side. hit the walls, ceiling and wall behind the keeper you get a run. If you complete a run then you get 2 runs - hit the wall behind the umpire - with the ball bouncing ...4, with the ball going direct..6. Catches can include off the walls and ceiling.


Game is quite frenetic and the ball is hard so.. if you are an umpire you need to get out of the way! Years ago I did a University game. Alex Blake (now playing for Kent ) scored 36 off his first over (you retired at 35 in those days .. it is 25 now). I never saw one or two of the balls he hit for six...



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5 minutes ago, TheQ said:

A great many more have all the electronic chart plotters GPS and gadgetry dependant on their battery pack staying working.

And someone not inserting an offset into the GPS data. An acquaintance of mine was once commissionedto sail a boat from Gibraltar to Cowes. The GPS was insisting that he was in the Bay of Biscay when he could see the Devon coast. Allegedly the US had just launched an air strike on somebody.


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5 hours ago, TheQ said:

Worryingly people have been found at sea using a mobile phone for navigation.. A great many more have all the electronic chart plotters GPS and gadgetry dependant on their battery pack staying working. No paper charts, nor compass..

Some years ago my daughtercand a friend were driving down to see us in a Gite near where we now live. They were dependent on their phones to navigate but that plan went to rat poo when the 12v socket in the car stopped working. My daughter stopped at the next Aire and bought a road atlas. She then had to teach Sam how to use it.  I was very proud of Rachel, she had obviously listened to some things that her father had told her. 


My good lady can't understand  why I like to have a full street address as well as a postcode before we set off. I then check the route in a atlas in case of diversions. The sat nag is usually only used for the final bit of the journey. Like Baz I found them very useful in Oz, the USA and Canada. I do sonetimes like to have just thd map display on.



Edited by jamie92208
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41 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Well the day has descended into disaster. We went to Dunelm at Wakefield for some more bedding I called at Sainsburys for diesel its 10p a litre cheaper than round here 8 miles away so it's a big saving. That went ok called on way back to pick youngest from school. She starred getting quieter and slurring her speech a bit. We got her home and despite protestations we sent her to lie down she had 3 small fits and came round fairly quickly then she had a 6 or 7 minuter so I called an ambulance she came round and said she didn't want to go to hospital but we made her. Me and eldest made sure she didn't drop of bed the youngest waited for the ambulance and showed them upstairs (2 flights)

The paramedics got her in the ambulance and she had another fit.


So off to hospital she goes again its our 18th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow as well

They haven't found out whats causing the fits? It might help if you can take a note of what she has drunk or eaten.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis and Si Attica are still hovering about in the background but some more Nurofen is keeping them quiet.

1 hour ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

 Fortunately none died because of their stupidity as far as can be ascertained, although if they fell into a snow-filled peat gully would we ever know?

Something to interest the future archaeologists a couple of centuries from now.:jester: 

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2 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Me and eldest made sure she didn't drop of bed the youngest waited for the ambulance and showed them upstairs (2 flights)


Simon very sorry to hear this, it must be very tough for you all and very scary for the children to see their mum in such a condition.


Let's hope the hospital will finally get to the bottom of the problem and that they will be able to come up with something to ease or hopefully suppress the problem completely.



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Thanks for all the good wishes I will pass them on. The youngest is fast asleep and my eldest is watching a bag of wind been kicked about.

  I am try ing to catch up with last week's grand designs.

In other news on the sat nav front we tried with formatting to exfat that didnt work either we were about to try formatting Ttfn or what ever they call it but that's when her flagship became ill. We did manage to get the sat nav to export a location to the usb so goodness knows what's next apart from the fact I may try a 64GB usb 

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3 hours ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

And someone not inserting an offset into the GPS data. An acquaintance of mine was once commissioned to sail a boat from Gibraltar to Cowes. The GPS was insisting that he was in the Bay of Biscay when he could see the Devon coast. Allegedly the US had just launched an air strike on somebody.



I believe such messing about with GPS signals/position is known as "spoofing" - as you'd probably guess the Military have the ability to counteract such spoofing as required.


2 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Well the day has descended into disaster. We went to Dunelm at Wakefield for some more bedding I called at Sainsburys for diesel its 10p a litre cheaper than round here 8 miles away so it's a big saving. That went ok called on way back to pick youngest from school. She starred getting quieter and slurring her speech a bit. We got her home and despite protestations we sent her to lie down she had 3 small fits and came round fairly quickly then she had a 6 or 7 minuter so I called an ambulance she came round and said she didn't want to go to hospital but we made her. Me and eldest made sure she didn't drop of bed the youngest waited for the ambulance and showed them upstairs (2 flights)

The paramedics got her in the ambulance and she had another fit.


So off to hospital she goes again its our 18th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow as well


I'm really sorry to hear that ST :friends:  Extra special Beary wishes this time....


1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

They haven't found out whats causing the fits? It might help if you can take a note of what she has drunk or eaten.


Also TV and lighting; flashing lights can be a no-no too (which is why TV programmes/News Channels usually warn if there's any).


11 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

The Drs did say it was caused by anxiety We both suffer ftom mental health problems. We had been stressed about how the youngest would settle into high school without a full time one to one that he had at primary school. I am no Dr  but i dont believe that is the cause she can hardly move I have to help dress her and do her hair I am worried sick about her


This Bear would be inclined to agree - I assume CT scans etc. were ok?  I do seem to recall that in some parts of the country the wait for Neurology appointments is obscene:



In other news:

Not a lot to report since earlier - Bear has been sorting odd jobs etc.  I need to crack on with the lounge - but I'm waiting until the wall unit has been collected by the BHS next week.  Sounds like an excuse....

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Bear's Sunday Monday Tuesday funnies:

















My generation grew up looking for Frogs and sh*t

Your generation grew up looking for a Wifi connection

We ain't the same.






















A guy stuck his head into a barbershop and asked, 'How long before I can get a haircut?
The barber looked around the shop full of customers and said, 'About 2 hours.'
The guy left.
A few days later, the same guy stuck his head in the door and asked, 'How long before I can get a haircut?'
The barber looked around at the shop and said, 'About 3 hours.'
The guy left.
A week later, the same guy stuck his head in the shop and asked, 'How long before I can get a haircut?
The barber looked around the shop and said, 'About an hour and a half.
The guy left.
The barber turned to his friend and said, 'Hey, Bob, do me a favour, follow him and see where he goes. He keeps asking how long he has to wait for a haircut, but he never comes back.'
A little while later, Bob returned to the shop, laughing hysterically.
The barber asked, 'So, where does he go when he leaves?'
Bob looked up, wiped the tears from his eyes and said, 'Your house!'


My father said to me, son, what would you like for Xmas?

Dad I said, I'd love an action man soldier.

Ok son he said put it on your letter to Santa.
Xmas morning I couldn't unwrap that present quick enough, and when I did the box was empty!
Dad I said, it's empty?

I know son, he said, he was a deserter


I got chatting with a girl in a bar, "Can I buy you a drink?" I asked.
"Have you not got a girlfriend?" she replied, "Guys like you always have girlfriends.
"No, sadly we broke up just over a month ago," I assured her.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," she said, "Go on then, I'll have a glass of white wine, please.
A few drinks later after a kiss and a cuddle we headed off back to her place and made passionate love.
While I was putting my clothes back on she said, "So, you're good looking, a nice guy and amazing in bed, can I ask why on earth you split with your girlfriend?"
I said, "My wife found out."


Called the vet this morning... 
Me: "Hello, I need to make an appointment for my pet ostrich." 
Vet: "Ok what's the problem?" 
Me: "He's holding his head to one side." 
Vet: "Hmm, maybe neck's weak?" 
Me: "Haven't you got anything sooner?"



A young dolphin, having just watched two blue whales humping, was thinking about the facts of life and how the whales got together in the first place. He turned to his mum and said “Mum, how did you and dad meet?”
“Son” she said “We were following a fishing boat scavenging dead fish and your dad and I collided as we went for the same dead tuna fish. He backed off and let me have the tuna, it was very gallant of him”
“What happened next Mum”
“We just clicked son”.


And finally....

Bear's Funnies of the Week awards  go to:










(And boy, isn't that last one so true - at primary School my mate Robert got a Fischer-Price Space Pen for his Birthday; from memory it was about six quid.  Were we jealous?  You betcha....)

Edited by polybear
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Simon best wishes to you and your wife and kids. I do hope that a solution for your wife can be found.


I know all kids with ASD are different but I can say that in Younger Lurker’s case, he has thrived at secondary school despite losing one to one support and getting far less; mind you that could be because the primary school illegally took quite a lot of his support from him anyway (and right under Mrs Lurker’s nose too). So hopefully your youngest will find that he can cope too and that the support given makes up in quality what it now lacks in quantity.

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Thoughts with you Simon - you must be going through ... at the moment  but we are all with you and trust that a proper diagnosis and relevant treatment will follow.


Solar panels - we had them at our previous house with the promise that they would pay for themselves in 25 years - they did it in 8.  Looking at them for our 'new' property as well as the other alternatives but mist of what comes up is  'XYZ' with us or theGov will give you this but not much on the costs themselves.  To have them here would not be so easy because of the skylights.


SatNavs - got used to them when peripatetic as it was not possible to look at maps when travelling.  Always 'planned' a route beforehand but found SAtNav best near journeys end.  Always have a map in the car and resisted SatNavs for years until out with a colleague using one.  Came across a road with 'no access' so a  new route was required.  To cut a long story short (many miles) we came back to exactly the same place and it was noted that it was the actual place that the member was going to visit.  I have to admit that I use them now as 'in car'  but not as good as independent ones but history, battery failed, one was smashed in a fall and another was 'lost' for two years until yesterday.  How do I know it was two years - the last couple of destinations.  Once the battery was charged it worked a treat and messing about with it  much better for alternative routes in pre-planning a journey - but still have an up to date map book in the car.

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Cricket has been umpired, boy it was hard work.


Simon I hope your good lady can get the support she needs.


GDB.. yes it may be drivel but we like it...:jester:


Goodnight all!



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