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Early Risers.


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Morning all....It was a pleasure to go out into the garden this morning. Not a sound bar that of the birds and a beautiful sunny day in prospect.


It was a wonderful moment after listening to the news of last night's riots. Sadly it is just a warm up act to what may be on the cards from those anarchic members of society who appear determined to kill everything we hold dear.....:(


I feel for the Police and the Fire Service who put themselves in danger to protect businesses and the public.

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Thankfully (so far) the rioting hasn't spread to Scotland. It was bad enough watching the events in London and Birmingham on News 24 last night, but since I turned off the tv, it appears to have spread to Nottingham, Manchester, Bristol and Liverpool. Disgusting behaviour, and proof really that society is only four meals away from anarchy...


Someone I know joked last night "See what happens when all the arty, creative types decamp from London to Edinburgh for the Festival..."


I can only echo Robert's comments. Stay safe folks!

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Well done to the services for acting with such restraint in horrific circumstances.

If one of them oversteps the mark then our society will make them the scapegoats and inflict sanctions way above anything that happens to the thieving louts.


A temporary curfew seems a good idea - at least the law breakers would stand out from the gawpers.




Have a lovely time, BoD and family.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, After having a week away with no internet and no mobile phone connection it's a depressing bunch of news that awaits. As ever it is the actions of the scumbags that are the top headlines!


Enjoy your time in the Dales BoD, just come back from there!


Have a good one All.




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Guest Max Stafford

Forget the cuts Mick. I've seen this one coming for years ever since the people and state collectively stopped teaching kids right from wrong. It's partly the reason I decided not to have any kids of my own.

We created a generation of monsters and now its time to reap the whirlwind I fear.


Other than that it's a nice sunny morning up here, so enjoy your day in the best way you can folks! :)



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Cold rain is the best answer.

Mind you, I turned on Radio 4 and Woman's Hour is on. I don't fear for the future of the UK.


Otherwise trisonic says:


1. Don't panic.

2. Set curfews.

3. Take out everyone still on the street.

4. Send a bill to every parent of arrested.


Best, Pete.

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Since the criminal gangs are obviously being co-ordinated by mobile phone, perhaps it is time for powers to turn off cell towers in affected areas for a limited period be considered - - and then what would the little dears use their thumbs for? Personally I think those arrested should be hosed down and locked up outside overnight. Has anybody seen Boris? I thought he was being dragged back to shout at his acting Chief Constable in his usual fashion of blaming everybody else - sorry if that last comment sounds political - it wasn't intended to be.

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Ooh, no thanks!

Better to tell them what to do than have the real responsibility....................


I do think however that British people, in general, should take more responsibility for their own "security", after all there may be a time when all the local Police are somewhere else. They should demand the ability to be able defend themselves and property - this has been so watered down over the past thirty years or so.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Forget the cuts Mick. I've seen this one coming for years ever since the people and state collectively stopped teaching kids right from wrong. It's partly the reason I decided not to have any kids of my own.

We created a generation of monsters and now its time to reap the whirlwind I fear.


Other than that it's a nice sunny morning up here, so enjoy your day in the best way you can folks! :)



That perhaps didn't come across right Dave at present most police forces are looking to reduce their front line strength to meet the budget they have available, I would argue that we need more front line police to cope with the ever rising number of neds call them what you will not less.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Big news here is that it has stopped raining. Went for a walk this afternoon and looked out over the valley in which the village is set and noticed lots of new building seems to have taken place.


I've been following the news from England via BBC world and the internet. Aditi's sister's family live in Enfield as does their mother. Aditi's sister is a doctor and has had to go to other clinics and her husband's GP practice is opposite the Tesco in Ponders End that was in the news.



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Morning all,


Dull & dismal here, I also have been watching the UK news via the internet; words fail me. It's the sort of thing that you expect here.........no I'm not going to say more.


Otherwise, if you can have a good day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Cool and breezy this morning, so I assume I will be spending at least some of the time with continuing to review source material, though there will also be some errands to be run later today. As I need new contact lenses I have an appointment with the eye specialist tomorrow.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning All,


I went home yesterday afternoon in a thoroughly foul mood - reading on the riots in London and other parts of the country really put my back up yesterday afternoon. I have yet to catch up on the latest events.


It is a rather nice, sunny morning here. However, it is very cold for the time of year. Only 10°C when I got up this morning.


Have a good day everyone...

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