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4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

I've got a 1" high white bar on my laptop, running Edge, no content though. I get ads top and bottom on my tablet and the full page thing pops up the first time I click on a notification each session.



I don't have a Tablet, but get the same white bar on my Flip Flop.

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11 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Just had a quick look in, and am I wrong, or does there seem to be less post's per day on here now?

Andy, my unscientific estimate is that yes, readership (or at least participation) is down pretty remarkably. Most posts have fewer responses. When someone shares some sad or tragic news, responses to the post go up dramatically, which to me suggests a number of people who check in often but are not contributing.

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1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

I don't have a Tablet, but get the same white bar on my Flip Flop.

Just dropped into another topic in response to the Melbourne earthquake and found the ads which obstructed the page content and the white bar …..


……. have gone :o  :D  



This may result in a few more posts / posters here than recently. Including the freedom for me to access the site and post using my iPhone once more. 

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7 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Just had a quick look in, and am I wrong, or does there seem to be less post's per day on here now?


It does seem to have gone a bit quieter than usual - iD appears to have gone AWOL, also NHN?  GDB has been quiet for a while too.  Hope they're all ok.


In other news:

Bear has been getting into gear for "detention" tomorrow - Puppers may have misbehaved too :yes:.  Watch this space....

Arm has been speared with the latest Flu jab - I'm hoping for no adverse effects to appear tomorrow, as that would spoil things somewhat.  Mickey the MG has done a little under a thousand miles since being serviced around Nov last year - detention will involve just under 200 miles tomorrow, so poor 'ol Mickey is in for a shock - as is Bear.....

I also did a mini raid on the Co-op (conveniently right next door to the Chemist) - certain shelves are looking bare in places, in particular the cold cabinets and (especially) the frozen cabinet, which was absolutely decimated.  A combination of delivery issues and people stocking up I suspect.




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6 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

I still can't understand why an injunction is required for these eco nutcases surely the fact that they are on the motorway on foot for a non emergency reason is enough or under public order legislation perhaps Jamie could enlighten us


I am not a lawyer, or a police officer.

That said, from what I read in the paper, the legislation is such that if arrested for non-emergency presence on the motorway, they can't be remanded in custody pending trial (and if found guilty would probably only get a fine), so the same people keep getting arrested, then doing it again.  Breaking the injunction is contempt of court, which can result in imprisonment. 



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I haven't been posting as much due to being busy making the most of the good weather.

After a sandwich at lunch time I took the Volvo to the Eastern European car wash that I used to use for the Merc before lockdown and my break from driving for medical reasons. The job they did was ok but there are some runs of mucky water visable (white paint). To be fair the car was very dusty at one point there were 3 lads working on the car. And it saves me tottering on a stepladder to reach the muddle of the roof (it's a suv)

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Evening All (Cue the Dixon of Dock Green music ......),


Another day of not a lot to report;  a trip to the Tidy Tip to get rid of 6 more bags of garden cuttings that the council have conveniently not been collecting.      They've relented apparently and are now going to do one more collection of garden waste this year but to make up for it they're not going to collect the food waste bin that week.   Umm, nice ......


Booked flu jab in amongst my busy schedule of hospital appointments over the next few weeks.


Did a little bit of Beeza disassembly work in readiness for the "Open Crankcase" and the "Split the crankshaft" surgery that will be required to replace the big end.     The primary chain case has been drained and the outer cover removed.      The Cush Drive needs to come off of the crankshaft next and the clutch basket off of the the gearbox drive shaft so the rear of the chain case can be removed.   It looks a exactly like this at the moment all though this is actually an earlier photograph.




Once that's done it will be drain the oil tank and sump, off with the MagDyno and other ancillaries.   And that's about the extent of the excitement for today.  


Bear will be dropping round tomorrow, I hope he's got his Chauffeur's hat ready to go with those pressed jeans.  We maybe venturing northwards up the A1 to a place devoid of all things DCC.   Anyway, should be a really interesting day.


Oh yes, looks like I'll be investigating how easy it is to replace the reversing light switch on a Mondeo.   As it sits on top of the gearbox which is of course under the car and I don't have the luxury of a car lift (and it would fall off the bike lift :lol:) my initial guess is "Not easy".     Plan B (always good to have a Plan B) might be to ask a nice man how much it would cost to replace the reversing light switch on a Mondeo.


Night Awl,














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9 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Not had any problems with ads here on RMweb

In a thread, it seems to have settled down to the irritating 2cm animated floating banner across the top with three scrollable panels at the bottom.


The level of animation / reload would really impact performance on a telephone. I'm getting one frequently for a chain of 'pubs' in Las Vegas - useless.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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32 minutes ago, figworthy said:


I am not a lawyer, or a police officer.

That said, from what I read in the paper, the legislation is such that if arrested for non-emergency presence on the motorway, they can't be remanded in custody pending trial (and if found guilty would probably only get a fine), so the same people keep getting arrested, then doing it again.  Breaking the injunction is contempt of court, which can result in imprisonment. 



Obstructing the Highway : s.137 Highways Act 1980 - fine of £100 fixed penalty notice but up to £1000 if taken to magistrate's court and found guilty.  That won't stop them.


s.131a of the same act provides that it shall be an offence wilfully to "disturb the surface" of a highway for which the fine is £1000 and handed down by a magistrate.  Might make one or two think about gluing themselves to the surface.  


The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 s17 provides that "A special road shall not be used except by a class of traffic authorised to do so ..... " which prohibits walking and sitting on motorways (which are "special roads" because pedestrians are not permitted except in emergency.  Whilst protesters will claim they are dealing with an emergency it is not a road traffic emergency as such which requires their unavoidable presence on the motorway.  This seems to be another relatively minor matter at this level for which a £100 penalty might be issued.  However if the unauthorised presence results in a secondary offence which might include occasioning injury to a third party then the matter escalates to the criminal court system.  


Under the new powers sought any repeat offence brought under the above or any of the other provisions which might be used could be regarded as in contempt of court.  That is a criminal matter with a sentence of up to two years jail, a fine or both.  It won't stop the die-hards but it may make the weekend warriors think twice if they knowingly risk two years inside.  




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6 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


Not wishing to preempt Jamie but I would suspect the injunction is against the organisation, because an organisation can't be arrested but penalties can be levied on one. So for example if it has assets, physical or financial they could be confiscated in lieu of fines etc. By getting an injunction the penalties that can be imposed are more widespread than if one member of the organisation was arrested.

If someone disobeys an injunction are the penalties those for contempt of court? They can be quite severe I believe. 
This does now seem to been covered by others on this page. 

Edited by Tony_S
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Good evening everyone 


As I expected, the roads were busy this morning, but despite that, I got to the car park at The Christie about 25 minutes before my appointment time, so I sat in the car for 10 minutes and did a bit of reading. When I left the car for my appointment, I arrived at the department 5 minutes early. However, despite the early hour, they were already running behind schedule and I wasn’t seen until 15 after my appointment time. The upshot is my PSA has risen slightly, going from 0.18 to 0.24, a rise of approximately 33%. Even so, 0.24 is still very low, lower than ‘a normal reading’ and a lot lower than it was 12 months ago, when it was over 16. They don’t seem too concerned by the rise, but they will continue to monitor me every 3 months. However, I will now go to a remote clinic in Sale, which is closer to home, but I will still be seen my Christie staff. The fly in the ointment with this set up as far as I’m concerned is getting my surgery now takes over the blood tests and have to provide me with a print out of the results to take with me to the clinic. I then set off for home, getting back just after 10:30 and then had a much needed muggertea. 


We did end up going to the garden centre at RHS Bridgewater, but we went before dinner, getting back with a boot full of plants and bird food. It was raining when we got back, so the plants were transferred from the boot to the patio and will be planted at the next convenient moment, probably Sunday. 


After dinner I sat at the dining room table and started making the roof trusses for the engine shed. 

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' evening all from red dragon land.


Down to the wood again, this morning. This time hoping to get the swing's log detailed before cloud gave way to sunshine. I managed half an inch worth of pencil marks at the bottom end of the log. That was it! Sun came through sooner than expected and confused my page with light and dark patches, the wind picked up and not only blew the swing backwards and forwards but also tried to blow the page inside out. At that point, I gave up! Not to worry, there were still a few blackberries around waiting to be picked and sloes to check to see if they had started to soften. :yes:




That is about as exciting as it got, today.* Never mind. worse tomorrow - click n collect groceries day... though I should get time for a bit of toot on the flute!


So it is ' night all and nos da.


Edit: Oh, my goodness, I forgot to mention I actually did some more modelling - a couple of Vote for No.6 placards to put in the VW bus. It is dragging out a bit, but I would rather be out in the summery weather while it lasts.


Edited by southern42
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17 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I have also ordered a “bump” cap.  I clouted my head yesterday exactly where there are stitches. It was rather painful. Stitches held and the wound didn’t bleed. 

I used to keep (when I had low-hanging ceiing) a cap with several layers of bubble wrap in it. This was kept on a hook just outside the crawl space.

I used either an American engineers cap or a tractor-driver's/baseball cap.


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Posting late today. I had an eye exam (with pupil dilation) this afternoon and it took several hours for normal* vision to return. My eyeglass prescription hasn't materially changed so am happy with that.


* What passes as "normal" for me.


We had some passing showers this morning. I grabbed all my rain gear for my walk but the rain stopped about 10 minutes after leaving home. So I peeled it all off at a picnic shelter in the park. Of course it rained again close to home, and has not since.


Autumn has arrived, both astronomically and per the weather but summer returns on Friday with temperatures approaching 30°C. We have matched our record number of days above 80°F / ~27°C for the year. Friday could set a new record.


Last night we had a power outage. It was a clear, pleasant night with the 'just-past-full' harvest moon - so not a weather event. In the dark, with the moon behind houses, the stars appeared much brighter than usual. Power was back on after about 30 minutes. I don't know the cause. It made me wonder if a small animal had shorted some equipment.


Losing power for less than an hour on a pleasant late summer evening was much better than losing power in freezing temperatures for the better part of two days. It's a first world problem, but I find it disconcerting all the same. (Mostly it's the not knowing when it will return. I did call my son to have him look it up online. The estimate was two hours, but by the time he let me know, it was only a few minutes.)


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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