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On 17/09/2021 at 17:06, The Lurker said:

Anyone had any dealings with Beer52 "the UK's No 1 Beer Club"? They're doing a freebie and Elder Lurker is (of course) interested. It's the "exclusive Chicago selection".


Beer 52 is fine. Never had an issue with them. However, trying to cancel your subscription is like trying to leave one of those 80s record clubs. They also go 4 weeks and not monthly so at some point you'll have 2 direct debits and 2 boxes in one month. 

The Chicago box is quite good with a few smaller breweries. 

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5 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

If this report is true its staggering hypocrisy 

Insulate Britain chief 'lives in home without cavity wall insulation'


Well, no wonder he's campaigning for government support to do something about it. Good for him. Typical Daily Fail.

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Bit of a slack day today as I had a flu jab yesterday and my arm is a bit sore. Alternatively it may have been the effort of lifting the results of 24 potato plants yesterday. At least those are all out now and allotment preparations for next year are getting underway. My Dad used vegetable growers as an example in one of his sermons about belief. His point was that we prepare the ground and sow the seed not knowing what tomorrow brings but in the expectation that the crop will grow and we will be here to eat it.


Component replacement work has been completed on Anne's ebike. The chain was stretched by about 1.2% mainly due to roller wear. The drive cog and rear cassette rings were noticeable worn so have been replaced. Running much better now so that should keep her happy. I came across my usual bugbear when removing the front cog. The original design of the motor had a plastic locking ring but that wasn't man for the job so the manufacturer started using a metal one. When will they learn that an aluminium nut on a steel shaft will lock itself very tight due to the invisible surface corrosion on the aluminium. It's even worse when there isn't anything to put some force against. After a couple of attempts I resorted to techniques of the last millenium and gently headed the lockring with a hot air gun. When it was warm to touch it came off easily due to the different expansion if the two metals.


23 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

'McAfee. All The Files In Your Device Has EXPOSED To Hackers!!'

Apart from the fact that I use AVG they need to brush up on their English.


I had one yesterday telling me that my McAfee subscription had expired. As I last had one several years ago I transferred it to the spam folder along with the 'Click here to enter the draw for a £500 Morrisons Gift Voucher" and the "complete the survey for a chance to win a £500 Tesco Gift Voucher" emails that seem to be prevalent at the moment.

Edited by TheSignalEngineer
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7 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

If this report is true its staggering hypocrisy 

Insulate Britain chief 'lives in home without cavity wall insulation' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10006191/Ringleader-Insulate-Britains-M25-eco-mob-lives-house-no-cavity-wall-insulation.html?ito=native_share_channel-home-preview



As I understand it (please, please don't think I am justifying or making excuses for the over-zealous, pushing protests beyond acceptable limits, bunch of WockCombles but ...)


The bod concerned does not own the property (it belongs to an association) and it is not, therefore, his to or his responsibility to commission such work.   The walls of the property may not have a cavity to insulate - do we know?   The tenant  (I presume that's what he is as it's an association property) is not at liberty to change the heating system.   In my very humble opinion it is not the duty of the the British tax payer to insulate every privately owned property but  I guess that might be straying a bit close to the "Rules" so I'll stop right there!


Apart from that, looks like a well informed, well researched article by the Daily Fail .......



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34 minutes ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

When will they learn that an aluminium nut on a steel shaft will lock itself very tight due to the invisible surface corrosion on the aluminium. It's even worse when there isn't anything to put some force against. After a couple of attempts I resorted to techniques of the last millenium and gently headed the lockring with a hot air gun. When it was warm to touch it came off easily due to the different expansion if the two metals.

Don't forget to smear the threads with copper paste when you re-assemble.

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1 minute ago, PhilJ W said:

Don't forget to smear the threads with copper paste when you re-assemble.

Threads given a deep clean and properly coated. It's amazing how little grease the manufacturers use and the lack of care on assembly on expensive kit these days. I now end up giving it a full check over and often find things with zero lubrication or not assembled correctly.

It's just the same as having to make adjustments to get expensive r*****y m****s running properly.

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3 hours ago, PupCam said:

I've visited a number of playgrounds with my young grandson and I have to say  that, with the exception of the "soft" surfaces below the equipment I would say none of that modern equipment is any safer than the stuff I used to play on 60 years ago …

Perhaps the equipment that’s still there isn’t any safer. However, there used to be equipment in playgrounds that isn’t there any more. For example:




We called these ‘American’ swings - I have no idea why - and they could literally be lethal. A boy in our local playground got a fractured skull being hit by one of these (he did survive).  Just to add to the fun, we’d jump off the end of these (in motion) on to grass to see who could reach the furthest - a sort of mechanically-assisted long jump.


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4 hours ago, PupCam said:

Hospital for blood tests on Friday  then out for a spin on the Beeza.  It was all going so well when it seized ...... (again Arrrggggh!)


Hmmm......something funny (or not, if you're the one getting the bill.....) going on there.......


4 hours ago, PupCam said:

I'm even set to have a face to face consultation with her in a couple of weeks

This will, I'm told, include a stethoscope to chest  examination - how novel!


And which end of the stethoscope will Puppers be on...and who's chest will it be......:laugh:


4 hours ago, PupCam said:

Working for me :)



The "multiquote" option has disappeared for Bear....again....:angry:


Bear is waiting for a bidding frenzy on an item on the 'bay - only 3 minutes to go.....and no bids.....


edit:  Just sold - last minute dash meant £23 quid (£20 start), BUT - just discovered that the buyer is on Fraggle Rock.....so postage could be fun.  If he starts arguing then I'll cancel and take the flak.....turdycurses.

edit edit:  Seems that whilst Hermes won't touch FR the RM will - and regard it the same as the rest of the UK - so only 54p dearer than the Hermes price I quoted in the listing.  I can swallow that.....

Edited by polybear
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5 hours ago, PupCam said:


Yes but could that not be the parents themselves in many case for inadequate supervision?

I also think it's a way of assauge themselves of the guilt that comes of that. If someone else can be blamed they don't have to accept that they might have been at fault.

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Evening All,

Hope  all is well despite the advert problems. I know it’s bothering some but I’m managing and accept that it’s how the world works these day. Does seem to have been a bit quite on here for the last couple of days but I realise a few are missing and it sounds like thing may be getting quieter still.

Been our 29 wedding anniversary today but not really done anything different today. We’ve had Sydney all day so taken him out for most of the day which was enjoyable in the autumnal sunshine.

Feeling a bit kn@ckered as we walked further than usual and my feet and ankles are complaining so an early night here.




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10 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Otherwise my visits here are likely to be much less frequent from now on.


A triumph of commercial reality over friendship, support and learning.  

It didn't take long for even one of the most loyal to give up on the virtual avalanche of ads now encountered on these pages; it was possibly only a matter of time for this to happen.  TBH, I would miss RMW if it wasn't here and I would hope that  there are no more such intrusions planned for others may have similar thoughts!  As others have noted, some ads play havoc with the site making it even more arduous to open certain content.  Surely a more satisfactory balance can be achieved between the content and the ads before others feel as GWIWER does.


Edited by brianusa
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Good evening everyone 


This morning’s trip to the big orange DIY shed was successful for everyone. I got 2 large tubs of matt white emulsion, which were already on offer for £36, this is more than enough to paint the cellar, but before I start using it, I’m going to tint it a light blue colour, using some left over blue emulsion. Vickie and Ian also got their new shower, which again had already been discounted and got a further £20 off it. They also bought plants and compost as they were given a load of planters by a neighbour. 


Once home, I got my workmate set up, dismantled the old cast iron fireplace and began cleaning it with a wire brush wheel and my drill. It is now ready for painting, finishing just before dinner. However, after dinner no further work was possible because it started to rain, so I stayed in the cellar and applied some varnish to the engine shed wall sections. 


I’m also being plagued by those bl00dy adverts that pop up when ever I try to go on a new page, it’s really p!ss!ng me off as well. There’s also one at the top of the page, that slowly pushed down the content until the advert finally appears, now that one REALLY does p!ss me off. I know that to run a site like this costs money, but if in the course of earning that money, you drive away the very people you are trying to attract, then as I see it, nobody wins. 

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Hello again from Estuary-Land. After giving it a bit of a rest the TV came on as soon as I switched it on at the wall switch but straight into the program and not waiting for me to use the zapper. I switched it over to watch The Sky at Night then switched it off. 

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Goodnight all

Not a bad day. I helped out again with the photographic society's display at a local theatre club this morning. The traffic was a lot less hectic than yesterday afternoon when I drove to Ealing after examining the Wharncliffe Viaduct (to be featured in Tim Dunn's Architecture the Railways Built this week)  and the three miles took about half an hour. It rained quite a lot today. 

Forces TV is showing Blake's 7 of distant memory. Quite good fun with very creaky SFX and spaceship interiors apaprently made from whatever was to hand from the TV Centre Scenery Dock. amazing how industrial plants in the 23rd century (or whenever thes space operas are supposed to happen) look just like those in the mid 20th C. 


That led me to thinking. A few months ago I watched several episodes of a series called "After People" that looked at how long it would take the achievements of humankind to vanish entirely if we all simply disappeared one day. Would another intelligent species evolving on earth in ten million years time even know that we had ever existed (ISTR that after about a million years, there would be virtually no trace of us) and if not that leads to a tantalising thought. If there had been intelligent dinosaurs (or whatever) that had built an industrial civilisation in the Jurassic and that had lasted for even a few hundred thousand years, would we have any way of knowing? 

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