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1 hour ago, polybear said:



Also, is Baz OK - very quiet?


No + button for me but his last words on his posting on page 10166 (6/9/21)was 

‘goodbye for now and thanks for the fish’. (From the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.)

He’s certainly about and posting.

Edited by Erichill16
Add last sentence.
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Good morning everyone 


A bright sunny day, but by the look of all the water that is still on the patio, we had quite a bit of rain overnight. Today’s tasks include a visit to the big orange DIY shed, as they are having a 10% off everything if you are a ‘Club member’ and I want to buy some white emulsion for the cellar walls and ceiling. Vickie and Ian are also coming along, as they are going to buy a new shower! 


Then I plan to give the old fireplace a quick clean with a wire brush wheel in my drill before I start painting it. Hopefully by the end of the week it will be ready to fit onto the wall. 


Baz is definitely around, as he sent me a PM yesterday about something I’d posted in the morning.  


Back later. 



Edited by BSW01
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Firstly, thanks all for the heads-up that Baz is ok.....

Bear's first - and unplanned - mission was to get shot of a mega load of cardboard packaging left over from the kitchen delivery, plus numerous other boxes too.  I knew Dave the Dustman wouldn't take it (much more than an egg box and it's a case of "not my job, mate...." ); the first local recycling bins in the next village were rammed (I already knew the nearest ones were too) so I went for option 3 and had success there :yahoo:.  As to which part of "Flatten boxes before putting in the wheelie bin" certain other dumb fluckwits appear to struggle with is a mystery, however - numerous other wheelie bins were full of un-squashed cardboard boxes - which means about six big boxes and the bin's full.  T0ssers.  Now I'm sure that is a rant....


Then a bit of the G word carried out - but not involving Lennie the Lawnmower as yet; I noticed that the lawn still appeared somewhat damp from dew so I'll save that mission for this afternoon.  Oh joy.....


Right, what culinary extravaganza can Bear create with a microwave?

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23 minutes ago, polybear said:

Then a bit of the G word carried out - but not involving Lennie the Lawnmower as yet; I

Aditi has been cutting the lawns before the rain is supposed to arrive later. However while I have been in the loft the lawnmower stopped. I was informed that the lawnmower was dead and she hadn’t run over the cable. I tried another electric socket. The fault was soon revealed, the cable had been pulled and the wire was loose inside the plug. Soon fixed. The cable strain clamp seems fine so I am not sure how hard it must have been pulled. 
My loft clearing is getting frustrating. Carloads of rubbish had gone to the tip, a bedroom is getting full of stuff for further sorting and there still seems to be piles of stuff to clear. I can’t understand why some stuff got put up there. I suspect it was something like “someone may need that “ or “perhaps it can be repaired later” or “the parts might be useful for something else”. 

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I have an ad blocker which I switch off on RMweb and other 'free' sites as a curtesy. But the ads have become so overwhelming that I felt compelled to switch the ad blocker back on. Another problem thats been happening more recently is that threads have been very slow to load, and even slower to return to the activity stream when the back button is pressed.

Edited by PhilJ W
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8 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

he adverts have taken over.

I eventually chose the RMWeb Gold option. I don’t really like using ad-blocker on a free site as I know it needs the income. When the site started sharing what to me were inappropriate adverts (addictive substances and a nasty politician) I did look  at ways to discourage certain topics but the ad mechanism took no notice of “I don’t like this”.  I don’t like the usual “it is only responding to your browsing” explanation offered by some commentators. Anyway I am happy to contribute to RMWeb (as I sometimes did before its commercial version). It doesn’t really cost me more as I cancelled the paper version of BRM at the same time. 

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Not had a problem with adverts on this tablet (android/chrome), as for the full page advert after the first or second page, that has been appearing on other forums that use the same basic software for some time. Normally it's a case of hunt the X to turn that ad off.


I've been wandering around a traverser 15ft gauge with the side tracks of 4ft 8.5 inches, is this mentioning something unmentionable? No... It's a boat yard. For added interest, some of the lighter side tracks used bridge rail..


There is a line of track into the sea, boats are floated onto a trolley at high tide,  then winched up the track and onto the traverser. The traverser is then pushed ( human power) into line with the side bays and the boat then gets pushed into its bay. A bit of jacking and the trolley is released for the next boat.

Meanwhile Ben the now knackered Collie was charging round and round with the boat yard dog.. which ever dog had the ball was the one being chased...


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17 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

After about a week an hour we reached Matlock and while it wasn't closed, progress was not exactly rapid but eventually we got through and set sail for home... 

I hate being stopped in traffic.

Would rather do 5mph for the hour than stop-start all the time.

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14 minutes ago, 45156 said:

I have no qualms about using Firefox with uBlock origin - I refuse to use MS edge, as the ads would drive me mad.   

You can use uBlock Origin with MS Edge.


If it isn't in the Extensions "store" you can most certainly get it from the Google Chrome extension "store".


Perfect combo.

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2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

The adverts have taken over.  I can no longer use the site from my mobile.  Opening any page or link produces a banner across the control panel which cannot be removed meaning the device is useless for accessing this site.  There is a square advert across the main part of the screen making it hard to read anything of interest at all.



Bear only accesses the site via a Laptop - using Firefox and I get no issues whatsoever with adverts (I just clicked on the "bell" icon to check that too).


In other news:

Oh FFS - the mutiquote feature is busted again.....

Bear went into the back garden to fire up (ok, plug in) Lennie the Lawnmower - only to discover it'd started raining :angry: - no mention of that early this morning on Bear's Met Website.  Lennie cancelled until Tuesday.

A quick wander to the cashpoint was the alternative - Tiler wants some gronkits tomorrow.....

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Bear's Sunday Funnies...and first in line is just perfect for recent ER banter:









I've just arrived at one of those Swiss Suicide Clinics.  Do you know what the b'stards have given me for breakfast?  "Cheerios".




























Here's one for Grizz:




And one for NHN:






And finally....a special one for iD.....




Funniest Top Tip I remember:
Strap dustbin lid to chimney. 
Tie wire round it and feed wire to fish tank in room of choice.
Fill fish tank with sh1t.
Sit down, watch tank and enjoy.



Three Aussie blokes working up on an outback mobile phone tower:
Mongrel, Coot and Bluey. As they start their descent, Coot slips, falls off the tower and is killed instantly.
As the ambulance takes the body away, Bluey says, 'Well, bVgger me, someone's gotta go and tell Coot's wife. Mongrel says, 'OK, I'm pretty good at that sensitive stuff, I'll do it.'
Two hours later, he comes back carrying a case of Beer. Bluey says, 'Where'd you get the grog, Mongrel?'
'Coot's wife gave it to me,' Mongrel replies.
'That's unbelievable, you told the Missus her husband was dead and she gave you a case of beer?'
'Well, not exactly', Mongrel says.
'When she answered the door, I said to her, "you must be Coot's widow."
She said, 'You must be mistaken. I'm not a widow.'
Then I said, 'I'll betcha a case of beer you are.'



There is a factory in Thurso which makes the Tickle Me Elmo toys. The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms.
Well, Shelley is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 8:00 am.
The next day at 8:45 am there is a knock at the Personnel Manager’s door. The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant about the new employee.
He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule.
The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for himself, so the 2 men march down to the factory floor. When they get there the line is so backed up that there are Tickle Me Elmo’s all over the factory floor and they’re really beginning to pile up.
At the end of the line stands Shelley surrounded by mountains of Tickle Me Elmo’s. She has a roll of plush Red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles
The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package between Elmo’s legs.
The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter. After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches Shelley.
‘I’m sorry,’ he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, ‘but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday…’
"Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles."



Not that long ago in a local Macdonald's an old man placed an order for one hamburger, chips, and a drink.
He unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half, placing one half in front of his wife.
He then carefully counted out the chips, dividing them into two piles, and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife.
He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip, and then set the cup down between them. As he began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the people around them were looking over and whispering.
Obviously, they were thinking, 'That poor old couple - all they can afford is one meal for the two of them.'
As the man began to eat his chips a young man came to the table and politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple. The old man said they were just fine - they were used to sharing everything.
People closer to the table noticed the little old lady hadn't eaten a bite. She sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink.
Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy another meal for them. This time the old woman said 'No, thank you, we are used to sharing everything.'
Finally, as the old man finished and was wiping his face neatly with the napkin, the young man again came over to the little old lady who had yet to eat a single bite of food and asked 'What is it you are waiting for?'
She answered 'THE TEETH'. 








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24 minutes ago, polybear said:

only to discover it'd started raining

I have just checked and my app states rain in 10 minutes lasting until at least 5pm. The lawns were done this morning (with short break to repair mower cable ). 

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A‘ noon all. Did anyone mention puns? Well, here ya go…


„Welcome to Rodentia. Do you have anything to declare?“, asked the customs inspector.

„Gnaw“, said the passenger and shook his head.



:rofl: :jester:

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Bear has just discovered - and only cos' I sent an email asking for my account credit balance to be repaid to my bank account - that my Gas & Leccy  supplier has gone to the wall.....

And what's the betting that the new supplier (EDF) won't honour Bear's fixed price contract until the end of Feb next year?  Damn Piggin' Turdycurses.....


And yes, that's most definitely another Rant....

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3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Morning all.  Well strictly it's afternoon but .....


The adverts have taken over.  I can no longer use the site from my mobile.  Opening any page or link produces a banner across the control panel which cannot be removed meaning the device is useless for accessing this site.  There is a square advert across the main part of the screen making it hard to read anything of interest at all.


Even on the desktop, where I now am, if I click the "bell" notifications icon I am instead served an advert.  Clicking "back" reverts correctly to the earlier page but clicking the bell once more to review a notification once again produces an advert instead.  


I know the site costs money and I know there is a way to reduce or remove adverts.  For the amount of input and enjoyment I currently get from the site (ERs excepted) I feel it isn't worth that for now. 


If you want to stay in touch and don't already have alternative contact details please ask me.  Otherwise my visits here are likely to be much less frequent from now on.


A triumph of commercial reality over friendship, support and learning.  


All the best.  Stay well.  

I'm getting the same, hence my almost lack of posting except for my own Layout Thread.


It even jumps in on notifications but NOT all the time. sometimes it clears it self, and sometimes I have to manually clear it.


As you rightly say, the site needs paying for somehow, so I live with it, just in smaller quantities.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Normally time seems to evaporate at weekends but today seems to be going very slowly. At least it gave me more time to attend to the G word, until it started raining that is. Tea is waiting to be drunk, be back later.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Hi Awl,  sorry for going AWOL for the last couple of days.    No reason in particular other than we've been reasonably busy (for a pair of retired old duffers)  and I couldn't find the round tuit:   


More fence panels have been Creocoted with just 2 of the 11 now to do plus 10 trellis panels. 


Gardeners' World last night = a trip to the Garden Centre this morning.  


Hospital fo blood tests on Friday  then out for a spin on the Beeza.  It was all going so well when it seized ...... (again Arrrggggh!)


At least I now know what Bike Seized Again stood for back-in-the-day!


Stripped head and barrel off of the Beeza yesterday.   Think I've got away with the barrel OK, big end completely shot.


Intermittent failures still on the WiFi controller for the thing that can't be mentioned.

Resorted to loading newer firmware (that's a challenge!) but still no Cigar.

Noticed the WiFi module (from a different source) in the Command Station never misses a beat.

Purchased alternative WiFi module same as the one in the CS.  Guess what?  Never misses a beat now.

Conclusion = Crepe hardware all along

Lesson = Not all ESP01 modules are born equal, Puppers can recommend the ones from AZDelivery via the big river.


Received copy of letter to GP from specialist cardiac nurse consultation a week ago. 

The most complete and concise list of Puppers' ills to date (by quite a long way) so many, many thanks to her.

I'm even set to have a face to face consultation with her in a couple of weeks

This will, I'm told, include a stethoscope to chest  examination - how novel!


19 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

 with lower vaccination rates have been hit much harder.


Now, who'd have guessed ....


18 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Having been out of 'the trade' for now on ten years I'm no longer privy to the relevant 'improvements' that have occurred. You'll notice I say 'improvements' as a lot of the changes were e driven by insurance/safety demands rather than play so itts a t fairly safe bet that hasn't changed.


I've visited a number of playgrounds with my young grandson and I have to say  that, with the exception of the "soft" surfaces below the equipment I would say none of that modern equipment is any safer than the stuff I used to play on 60 years ago but suffers (as does modern environmentally safe stuff which is great but NBG at doing the job its meant to) in it's basic purpose.  In this case it's just not "fun". 


18 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

The trouble is that nothing now a days is an accident. They are all incidents and therefore somebody is responsible and if someone or something is responsible then they can be claimed against.


Yes but could that not be the parents themselves in many case for inadequate supervision?


11 hours ago, chrisf said:

Meanwhile, Strictly has begun.  The BBC have been plugging it mercilessly,


So that's another 3 months of wall to wall carp on the BBC then..  How they manage to get so many hours of television out of that per week I shall never know but just adds to the resentment of the licence fee for this Puppers


9 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear awoke to discover the "+" multi-quote option had disappeared completely from Bear's RMWeb :angry:  But then it magically reappeared - and is now working again :yahoo:


Working for me :)


2 hours ago, Sir TophamHatt said:

I hate being stopped in traffic.

Would rather do 5mph for the hour than stop-start all the time.


Me too and so does the vehicle!


And on that note, I'll try not to go AWOL again!



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Afternoon all


I am plagued by ads too in the middle of the screen it wasnt too bad when they were at the bottom of the screen.


@PupCam I agree with you re the licence fee they waste so much money on the rubbish that is Strictly and what got me the other week is they televised the great North run why? Local programmes on both TV and Radio have been decimated but they peddle rubbish.

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Non rant mode engaged


More of the g word has been carried out. The back fence has started to lean severely and I want to get it fixed before the weather breaks. The problem is the fence is behind the pyracanthus hedge. We have had to cut access ways into the hedge to get to branches that were pushing the fence over. We (me and youngest son) have discovered that the posts have rotten off at ground level.

We bought a couple of fence spikes from b&m 2 have been knocked in with the sledgehammer and new fence posts put in. One we have managed to fasten to the fence. The second one i had to go round the other side and shove the fence up to the new post was the bolt we were using fit to the new post would it bu99ery. The new plan is to obviously buy some longer coach screws I am also going to get a couple of ratchet straps out of the garage and try to cinch the fence up that way as I have no assistance until next weekend. I am now left with a great heap of pyracanthus clippings to cut up for the garden bin which will fill my morning up tomorrow any excess being bagged for the tip.


Now watching the Chelsea Flower show before story time we are reading a Skullduggery Pleasant book and enjoying it. It's like Harry Potter on Steroids

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