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We Wuz Robbed!

I have just finished the Hunde Military with Lucy and the entire course was rigged against us! Not only were there no nose-work exercises (Lucy’s strength) but there were not one, but TWO “fetch” exercises. Obviously, someone told the organisers that we (Lucy and I) have staff for that sort of menial thing and the course was set up accordingly.

I reckon it’s up there with football fixing in the skullduggery leagues (I know as Captain Cynical I should approve. Well, yes, but only when I [or a designated minion] is doing it to somebody else).

Fortunately, some small consolation was obtained after the course was completed from a grilled bratwurst, followed by a big piece of chocolate cake!

More later.


ps I’m really going to have a serious talk with Lucy about upgrading her skill set!

Edited by iL Dottore
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2 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

As Flavio hasn't set todays quiz here’s a quick one from me. 

Where is Sydney? (From our hols).




26 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Salisbury Plain?


21 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

No, much closer to “the centre of the universe” as Simon  calls my home town.


15 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Porton Down?

I've just spotted the radio masts in the distance. But I've still got no idea where it is.

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6 hours ago, chrisf said:


9/11 is one of those dates when most people remember exactly where they were and what they were doing. 

I was working in the office when the news broke. One of the staff on the electronic section went across the road to the Maplin store to get some components which enabled our video conference room to pick up live television from somewhere. 

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Washing done.  Tick.  Much sorting, tidying, general guff carried out.  Tick

Then I noticed that Bear's wall clock in the railway room was failing to wobble it's pendulum (driven by a quartz clock mechanism.....).  Batteries checked - fine.  New batteries fitted - still fubar'd.  Conclusion?  The pendulum mechanism on the clock is dead.  So clock stripped, mechanism out, replacement found and ordered via the 'bay; about eleven notes including hands.  Florence would be proud of me....:laugh:


Currently watching Red Bull Soap Race from Holland - the crashes are something else :yahoo:; how one guy didn't end up in a wheelchair is a mystery....:o

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Afternoon Awl,

Hatch bit glued on,

Gutters cleaned,

Over hanging hedge/ bits of dead tree cut off.

Discovered why some tiles fell off in the mobile home bathroom.. xxxxxx magpies..

The join between the two halves of the mobile home are sealed with flashing tape, but the magpies had ripped off about 18 inches, allowing water between ..  There was also damage from their pecking elsewhere. Half a dozen patches fitted...


Very tired after that, it's still very warm and humid...


We discussed what to do with the remaining shelving units, the chest of drawers and a wardrobe.

The wardrobe will become a storage cupboard for SWMBO's completed paintings.

The chest of drawers will be built into the alley way for weaving material storage.

The some of the shelving will fit in the mobile home..


Musical chairs literally in the mobile home, two existing bookshelves moved into new positions which allowed one of the inherited others to be installed, another may be built into position tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

We Wuz Robbed!

I have just finished the Hunde Military with Lucy and the entire course was rigged against us! Not only were there no nose-work exercises (Lucy’s strength) but there were not one, but TWO “fetch” exercises. Obviously, someone told the organisers that we (Lucy and I) have staff for that sort of menial thing and the course was set up accordingly.

I reckon it’s up there with football fixing in the skullduggery leagues (I know as Captain Cynical I should approve. Well, yes, but only when I [or a designated minion] is doing it to somebody else).

Fortunately, some small consolation was obtained after the course was completed from a grilled bratwurst, followed by a big piece of chocolate cake!

More later.


ps I’m really going to have a serious talk with Lucy about upgrading her skill set!

I thought you might want to keep Lucy’s skill set a secret anyway (as a member of Captain Cynical’s personal body guard  team). Fore warned is fore armed etc.


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Good Afternoon Awl for it has been thus far, although some eyelid inspection is forthcoming.


The wealth of videos on YouTube never ceases to amaze me! Just been watching a whole load about London Transport, machinery, food manufacture and Teppanyaki dining. Haven't experienced the latter since my last trip to Manchester many moons ago. Good food and excellent theatre!


Other things seem to have happened:


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

We Wuz Robbed!

I have just finished the Hunde Military with Lucy and the entire course was rigged against us! Not only were there no nose-work exercises (Lucy’s strength) but there were not one, but TWO “fetch” exercises. Obviously, someone told the organisers that we (Lucy and I) have staff for that sort of menial thing and the course was set up accordingly.

I reckon it’s up there with football fixing in the skullduggery leagues (I know as Captain Cynical I should approve. Well, yes, but only when I [or a designated minion] is doing it to somebody else).

Fortunately, some small consolation was obtained after the course was completed from a grilled bratwurst, followed by a big piece of chocolate cake!

More later.


ps I’m really going to have a serious talk with Lucy about upgrading her skill set!


Did someone mention football fixing? I offer the replacement of the 'ootball' bit with a simple '1', possibly?


Forget the 'serious talk', perhaps Lucy needs to train her staff better? Dog commanding human would certainly give the judges something to consider! The human's interaction with the dog is, after all, two way!


3 hours ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

I was working in the office when the news broke. One of the staff on the electronic section went across the road to the Maplin store to get some components which enabled our video conference room to pick up live television from somewhere. 


Aah, those were the days; life seems so much more difficult without Maplin.


However, on 11-9-2021, let's look forward, "La vie continue, malgré tout" (Michel Delpech - Les divorcés 1973).  Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull)'s "Living in the Past" is, IMHO, too introspective. "Used to be's don't count any more (they just lay on the floor until we sweep them away!)" follows suit!


Fleetwood Mac's sentiment in "Don't Stop" and Boston's "Don't Look Back" offer more stimulus.

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Afternoon all


My bit of pond liner arrived via Hermes this morning so we have lined the wishing well planter filled with compost and planted some winter pansies in it as a starter. The final jobs on it are to fit a cross bar a bit of chain and its bucket but that can wait to be done tomorrow.


9/11 I was at work in the centre of the known Universe (aka Barnsley) I got a text message to say there had been a plane crash the rest is history.

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Just finished the second of two dog events with Lucy. We are now both knackered. The second event was “agility training” (well we call it “agility training)

Once the equipment (and bodies) are cleared away, we’ll be tucking into grilled steak and (as a nod to @polybear) “supervillain” chips. All washed down by a Stein or two of Captain Cynical’s limited run Medieval Ale.

In all a great, albeit, tiring day.


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The builder just messaged me about the handrail. I would have preferred a wooden one but the price is HOW MUCH? So I've had to settle for a metal one (brushed aluminium). Thats going to set me back 169 modelling tokens :O. At least as it comes in three parts which means it can be assembled in situ, a single handrail (3 metres) to get it in it would have to be threaded through a very small window and turned 90 degrees both horizontally and vertically at the same time. The cost of timber is going through the roof and there's very little being thrown away now. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.

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What did Bear achieve this afternoon?  Hmm....slightly dull, but sorting of boxes of computer guff (leads, old floppy drive etc ) - some of which is now on freecycle, some items onto the 'bay, and a welcome collection of unwanted lightweight coving that Bear had listed on Freecycle - it was heading towards the bin after no interest was shown - and then all of a sudden I get a message....that's another bit out of the loft :yahoo:

I received an email this morning enquiring about a micrometer that I have listed for sale (I have little use for a 75 - 100mm jobbie - and for those rare occasions when I do a digital vernier is fine); it looked just like this - bold, big text size, italics:


Good day to you.Am interested in your Advert and would like to know the reason you are selling it..Mind you,i will be responsible for the pick-up of it at your locations okay. Kindly leave me your mobile number.   

I replied accordingly - but he never got my mobile number; my Beary radar detects a scam attempt in the offing.  I've yet to have a reply back, strangely..... 

And finally:

For those interested it seems that a certain tennis match in NY is to be broadcast live on Ch4 at 9pm (the guff actually starts at 8pm).  Whilst I'm no great fan of such things I'd quite like to see Emma R. win.  Besides, there's little else on the box - apart from the film "The Abyss", and I know the script on that one....          

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Eeeyoop.  I am told Pudsey is the centre of the known universe, not Barnsley?  My friend may be biased.


Full day of being towed around by Mrs NHN. but as that involved a ride powered by seam on a train all the way to Port Erin it wasn't too bad, and a slap up all-day beary-brekkie in the best hotel down there was adequate recompense for the traipse around the shops later!


Tomorrow is looking like kayaking, must check the tides.


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Oh, hang on a minute...


Bear's Rant of The Day:

I received my email link for claiming my ONS C-19 Testing Voucher yesterday; after logging it seems that Amazon have been dropped from the places where you can spend the gronkits :angry:

A sh1ttogram has been duly sent, asking if this is indeed the situation, and if so why.  The fall-back option is Screwfix.....:sad_mini:


Bear has also arranged for a telephone call from the local Council Planning Dept. on Monday, to discuss the possibility of a lean-to style "bike store" in the Bear's front garden - it would be against one side hedge, green, made of steel and would just happen to be large enough for the winter storage of a certain make of motorcycle (TBD, but RE could be a clue....:wink_mini:).  I'd fit a leccy low wattage tube heater inside to protect against damp.  Why the council?  Well it seems some jobsworth T0sser might just decide that such a thing is a "shed" and get sh1tty about it being in the front garden - for which many councils require planning permission......

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9 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Eeeyoop.  I am told Pudsey is the centre of the known universe, not Barnsley?  My friend may be biased.


Full day of being towed around by Mrs NHN. but as that involved a ride powered by seam on a train all the way to Port Erin it wasn't too bad, and a slap up all-day beary-brekkie in the best hotel down there was adequate recompense for the traipse around the shops later!


Tomorrow is looking like kayaking, must check the tides.



Bear forgets when he last had a FEB.....:cry: - let's see know.....it'll be about 18 months.....:O


Oh yes, Bear got a parcel today - I couldn't for the life of me remember what I'd ordered, but it was one of those distinctive "sent from China" grey bubblewrap envelopes with a customs label on it.  This stated that the parcel was a "Movement Motor"  Huh?

All was revealed - it was an order placed 2 weeks 2 days ago on Amazon for a Servo**....costing £1-67.  Daylight robbery :rofl:  (it could be - I've yet to test it......).

How such a sale can involve profit is beyond me.


**Rumour has it that such devices may be useful for making certain items move from side to side, or up and down.....:biggrin_mini2:

Edited by polybear
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A somewhat flat day today as we were supposed to be at the cricket. In the absence of the planned activity I set off early over two hills in pursuit of a kettle with split personality which was heading towards an eastern seaside resort. Following that a walk over another hill was taken and after lunch the G word was indulged in.


I can't help wondering why the Chief Exec of the ECB is soft pedalling so much over the cancellation of the Test Match, even though the Indian cricket board had been asking at the start of May for it to be removed from the series so they could rearrange their own calendar in favour of the Bagsorupees tribe. They also tried to get it moved to the start of the series which would have conflicted with the ECB's own Hundred competition, their suggested date conflicting with two fixtures at Old Trafford.

No doubt there will be enough hot air generated by conspiracy theories over the next few days and weeks to raise a balloon or several. I had better not start the ball rolling on here as I will probably get expelled by the Headmaster.


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48 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Eeeyoop.  I am told Pudsey is the centre of the known universe, not Barnsley?  My friend may be biased.


Full day of being towed around by Mrs NHN. but as that involved a ride powered by seam  ...snip...


powered by WHAT???? :biggrin_mini:

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8 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

... everyone who has enjoyed such a thing in Australia knows the popularity of "Aeroplane Jelly"

Indeed I do.


"I like Aeroplane Jelly, Aeroplane Jelly for me!" (Except I think, back in the day, we actually ate Golden Circle jelly. I don't think they still make it.)


But don't put pineapple in it. It won't set - I've seen the results. (Actually it is possible to use pineapple but care needs to be taken.)


By the way, I'm a happy little Vegemite too.

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Eeeyoop.  I am told Pudsey is the centre of the known universe, not Barnsley?  My friend may be biased.



As any fule kno, the centre of the known universe is Headingley Cricket Ground (which of course has seen several distinguished sons of Barnsley play and officiate there).



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2 hours ago, polybear said:

For those interested it seems that a certain tennis match in NY is to be broadcast live on Ch4 at 9pm (the guff actually starts at 8pm).  Whilst I'm no great fan of such things I'd quite like to see Emma R. win.     

Either way, a Canadian winner guaranteed!

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