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12 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:


Bucatini all'Amatriciana is a popular snack in this house. When we first had it Aditi said it was named after the town Amatrice. I thought she said it was famous for racing pigs. I thought this was odd but started asking questions like was this at special occasions and was it the winner or loser that got turned into lardons?  Aditi thought I was asking stupid questions but explained she had said “raising” not “racing”. During the early days of Covid when pasta seemed to be in short supply due to panic buying there never seemed to be any difficulty buying bucatini for some reason, well at least not from the supermarket that delivers our food. 

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Good Afternoon Awl, for shopping is shopped and I am now back home to repose and wind down before the whole tread-wheel kicks off again tomorrow!


Two interesting observations (for which I thank the observers):


2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Crikey John, take care mate, that's quite a list.


It was in recovery from a gastroenterology procedure that cardiac got involved! Recovery room on the ground floor; blood pressure on the first floor and pulse in orbit somewhere!


14 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Oh dear. Well firstly, I hope that your cardiovascular problems are suitably addressed before your Op. Secondly, you can rest assured that “local anaesthesia“  is going to be somewhat more sophisticated than what your dentist uses (by the way, a note of caution: if you really do not benefit from lidocaine or any of its derivatives when used as a local anaesthetic, DO mention it  well before surgery so suitable adaptations can be made to your anaesthesia). 

As for “being out for the count“ modern soporifics mean that whilst technically you won’t be “unconscious“ you will definitely not be aware of your surroundings.

One of the benefits of modern anaesthesia is that you can really enjoy the benefits normally associated with illegal/recreational pharmaceuticals and do so completely legally!


It is ensuring that I am unaware of what is going on in my surroundings that is my main concern.


I still remember the root canal treatment I had in the late 90s; two phials of the usual anaesthetic (novocaine?) followed by a total of three individually applied clicks on the ratchet of a more powerful potion and the dentist gave up!


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Hello again from Estuary-Land. Had quite a storm last night, unexpected as none of the forecasts I saw predicted it. At least it tested the repairs to the flat roof which came through with flying colours. It also encouraged Arthur Itis out but Nurofen was not needed. I've been trying out not eating too much spicy food and it seems to have calmed down the eczema. Pity is that I like Tandori chicken and other spicy dishes.

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Good afternoon everyone 


Very late on parade today, we got to bed late night and this resulted in getting up later than planned.


Nice to see Flavio back from his holiday and thanks for the birthday wishes. 


Anyway, since getting up I have been dipping in every now and then trying to keep up with today's goings on. As to my activities, I have been hand painting rose leaves with my artist grade acrylic paints, in various different shades of green to find one that Sheila is happy with. The hot favourite is one painted using Sap Green, with highlighting using cadmium yellow. 


Well my muggertea is finished, so back to the grindstone. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Afternoon All


All posts read - for the first time for a week or so.  And nice to read some of Flavio's take on things again - but there do also appear to be a few familiar names missing in action - hurry back.  And greetings are proferred as usual to all who are ailing, otherwise suffering, or celebrating.  Jamie, it sounds as though you may have got off lightly with your lurgy, let's hope so. 


There is no doubt at all in my mind that without the vaccine, we would all now be up sh*t creek - so how the USA can countenance the behaviour of those who wish to excercise their "freedom", is beyond me.  I honestly beieve that vaccination should become compulsory on a world wide basis once adequate supplies of a proven, working vaccine are available.


Well, the missing adaptor turned up - about two hours after I had decided that it had probably been disposed off - it was in a bag of stuff that 30747 had got out to add to the vac bags, then had decided to leave until today, and had scooped them all back into the bag along with the adaptor.  Of course, this was still my fault, even though it was she who scooped and bagged - because "you should have waited till we'd checked everywhere before ordering" (hang on there - I didn't even know about the offending bag of stuff, but it was still my fault).  So I've emailed Vax customer service in the hope that it's not too late to cancel the order. 


We've now vac packed about six bags of clothes and ordered some more vac pack bags as they do seem to work.


It should now be cider o'clock, but on going to the fridge, I seem to be out if it - DOH, and I'm not paying Co-op or local shop prices - I will get stocked up again tomorrow morning.


Second viewing of the house tomorrow at 1.30 - as usual, Estate Agent can't make it, so 30747 will have to finish work early, and come home to look after the dog while I do the viewing - current score is Estate Agent 4, 45156 9.


Regards to All


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Yes it will be cyder o'clock shortly, I bought a pack last time out.


Two hatches sanded, one repaired, one given second coat of paint. Also painted, the hug the bank , keep right, and thank you boards on one side.


SWMBOs music tablet loaded with the latest version of the sailing software, a wander around the garden confirmed working OK, then I positioned it on the bulkhead sat in the chair and observed. 

Speed, direction, time, location ( in lat and long) all readable. 

Once the waterproof holder arrives something  will be made for that position to clamp it in place.


Then I tried to fit the steering control handles, but the bolts I bought have gone walkabout. A major search was carried out, but they weren't found, new have been ordered.


So then I moved onto the rudder,  marked up for drilling the tiller arm, but I can't get the drill to that point while it's in place. So I'll need to drop the rudder out again.  At that point I gave up, not fancying wrestling with the boat today.


Ben then took me for his long walk, lots of flutterbys again with added, dragonfly's some seemed very large.

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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Quite frankly, it is just as well I do not see patients, because the first person who came to be treated by me and who threatened me for asking them to wear a mask would be greeted by the response of “okay, fine. I won’t treat you then, enjoy dying from your heart attack/cancer/stroke/whatever….”




4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

One final thing: there are very credible rumours circulating on the medical grapevine that there are a number of significant high profile anti-vaxxers who actually have, secretly, received both vaccine jabs!



Oh how I look forward to the time when their identities leak out - for they surely will....


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Not ridicule, my Dear Bear, more of a “tut, tut, and I thought that Bears are omnivorous

Better than the tourist menu is the fixed lunch often offered by small Trattorias or Bistros, although to go to the very best of these you definitely need insider knowledge (I have more than once gone out for an excellent and inexpensive working lunch with noted professors of oncology who suggested we could discuss trial design over lunch at their favoured “works canteen” :D).


Does iD have any "insider knowledge" or suggestions for suitable establishments in Venice perchance?


Bear mentioned he doesn’t eat fish (definitely very odd for an Ursine individual, does he eat seafood?),  


Bear is not a fan for Seafood in general (though smoked Haddock is welcome); there may well be many other dishes that would go down ok - but experimentation is only conducted as a last resort with Seafood prices being what they are (blowing fifteen or twenty quid on a fish main course in a Restaurant and discovering (a) I don't like it, and (b) I'm gonna go hungry isn't my idea of fun.


Nope, I think you are doing it well right. Cooked Spaghetti (or properly bucatini) is immediately tossed after draining with bacon lardons (or to be very authentic guanciale) that have been slowly sweated down to release their fat with some beaten egg quickly added so that the heat of the pasta and the lardons cook the egg but leave it creamy. To be completely authentic, no cream or grated cheese is used - just some freshly ground black pepper to finish the dish (This quintessentially Roman dish, like all things food in Italy, is the subject of intense debate about the proportions of the meat, the egg and the pasta. Some Roman authorities - heretics in my book – also favour the use of pecorino Romano [never Parmesan] a suggestion “i diskard with skorn”)


You may wish to dodge the Pecorino in order to avoid CC's wrath....



3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I am very much in agreement. Because of the expense, validity (not all animal research is extrapolatable to humans )not to mention the ethical/moral aspects, in the pharmaceutical industry animal testing is kept to the very, very minimum necessary. Why the cosmetic industry or the food industry feel it is necessary to test new ingredients this way is beyond me. Sacrificing animal lives to produce drugs to relieve pain and suffering is one thing, but to sacrifice animals so some idiot can have a cosmetic or cheap mass-produced food stuff is another matter entirely!




2 hours ago, 45156 said:

Second viewing of the house tomorrow at 1.30 - as usual, Estate Agent can't make it, so 30747 will have to finish work early, and come home to look after the dog while I do the viewing - current score is Estate Agent 4, 45156 9.


Have you suggested that a non-negotiable review of commission (downwards) is to take place the next time they pull that trick?

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Afternoon all from a wet West Yorkshire 


Watched the demolition of Ferrybridge power station this morning. Rained off for my outside jobs so ended up watching Le mans on Quest yesterday there were lots of spin offs some interesting racing today resulting in a Toyota win in hyper car

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35 minutes ago, polybear said:

….You may wish to dodge the Pecorino in order to avoid CC's wrath....



giallozafferano (saffron yellow) is a very good website indeed and definitely a “go to” if you want to cook authentic Italian food (or as authentic as the availability of ingredients permits). As I mentioned before, there is a divide amongst Romans about whether or not Pecorino Romano should be added to bucatini alla carbonara. but one thing does unite Romans over this dish: cream and Parmesan have no place amongst the ingredients!


Incidentally, my Dear Bear, in case you missed the connection, Iorek Byrnison was a reference to a character in Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. Byrnison is a panserbjørne - an armoured bear: a race of polar bear-like creatures with human-level intelligence and opposable thumbs; who consider their armour, which is made of meteoric iron, to be their soul.


Just the sort of role model for a Poly Bear, I would think!

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Incidentally, my Dear Bear, in case you missed the connection, Iorek Byrnison was a reference to a character in Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. Byrnison is a panserbjørne - an armoured bear: a race of polar bear-like creatures with human-level intelligence and opposable thumbs; who consider their armour, which is made of meteoric iron, to be their soul.


Just the sort of role model for a Poly Bear, I would think!


Sadly such references go way above this Bear's head....


In other news:

A reasonably productive day, though doing all the things that Bear had hoped to get done at the start of the day failed to materialise.  Still, no surprises there.

I saw Buddy next door earlier - it seems their house buyer wants to get completion done by the end of the month, so Bear may well be faced with no buddy next door rather sooner than hoped.  Turdycurses.

Nearly-new neighbours on the other side of Bear Towers confirmed the presence of a VSPT - for the last 3.5 weeks, apparently - and answers to the name of "Eliza".  Could be worse - much worse in fact, in this day & age.

As for tomorrow, well I think I'll make it up as I go along.  Some kitchen tasks still to do.

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12 hours ago, polybear said:

Looking at the Lego website certainly comes up with some, er, unusual subjects:


It's not an accident. LEGO is selling LEGO branded sports wear (mostly aimed at children) manufactured by Adidas as a joint marketing venture branded as "LEGO x adidas". 


For a short time, they did offer Adidas sneakers / trainers (white with LEGO primary colour blue/red/yellow/green design details) in adult sizes.


There's a miniature version of the Adidas superstar set that was fun to build.

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Most of mi planned jobs completed and I'm now sitting in mi summershed with a beer and a doggo by my side. I'm catching up here and listening to music whilst doggo's doing what he fiez best and that is sleeping. For the moment, at least, all is good in this little bit of South Derbyshire. 


Hope everyone's day has been as fulfilling as mine,  might not be back later so just in case I'll bid you all goodnight now. 



Edited by leopardml2341
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11 hours ago, Mike Bellamy said:

A few years ago before I retired, we went on a 'Team Building Exercise' in the middle of Sherwood Forest. The morning was spent in a 'Yurt' discussing reorganisation at work and then in the afternoon we were fire lighting, shelter building and wood carving.

I hope no "high ropes" courses were involved. They were at a team building event I was required to attend. I drew the line at tightrope walking. Nope, wasn't going to happen.

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Evening All,

Went to Doncaster Toy and Collector’s fair today. 
Not a great deal of what I’m interested in compared to earlier events but a good day out nevertheless.

Just watching a couple of films with SWMBO but an early night is expected as boys, Sydney and mil are coming round before 9.00am. 

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15 hours ago, iL Dottore said:
On 18/08/2021 at 13:14, brianusa said:

There's too many Brians here!:scratchhead:


Well, you could always change your name to something a little bit more unusual and thus memorable. Ethelred, Alois, Eustace and Abner would all be good choices…:D

ethelredusa has a certain ring about it, wouldn’t you say?

My mother thought about Geoffrey as a name at one time!:mellow:


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