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17 hours ago, chrisf said:

Delving deeper into the spam area I found a message from someone called Ashley headed “Let’s talk, handsome”.  I think not.

I had one recently from a professional lady who wanted to exchange some personal photographs with me. I decided that a quick deletion and block was the preferable course of action as I value my life.

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Mixed sort of day. Toot on the flute this morning so so. Click n collect groceries all present and correct with no substitutes this afternoon.

Nowt on tv I wanted to watch this evening so I thought I would put the last of the decals on the VW bus. BIG mistake doing it in artificial light. Two hours and two dozen attempts later, I had one number plate left drying on the chassis. I decided to leave the other decals for daylight hours tomorrow. You live and learn!

‘ night all and nos da.

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45 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

It is really Þ!$$ing it down right now, 0.26 inches in about ten minutes!


Anyway, Night Owl from the Piedmont.

Hurricane Fred?

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

5.5 hours reasonable sleep and... Nothing else.. couldn't get back to sleep so now I feel knackered.


Cockwomble of the month award goes to ... The car that decided to stop on a mini roundabout to let pedestrians cross, there were already long queues of traffic in all four directions and he stopped the lot... Where was this... Effin clown town of course..


Ben the slow and cautious Collie slowly came out of the house this Morning,, he immediately found something interesting to follow, nose to the ground... Then a muntjac came out of the hedge... Charge!!! Ben the High speed Collie disappeared down the garden chasing the intruder off his patch... These days being a good Collie he stops at the garden edge and now doesn't chase them onto the field and beyond..


 Blue Skies above.. heavy mist horizontally, there had obviously been rain overnight as well.. 


There is a small bungalow on one of the estates I drive through to get here, all the houses are brick or plastered, the owner has fashionably covered his house in timber... 

Congratulations you've made your house look like a shed..


The power off in this area was found to be a tripped breaker in the electrical room... what caused it they don't know.. We await developements.


Of developments the Boss is interviewing 5 candidates (online) this week for the deputy head of lab position..  4 graduates and one experienced... The experienced though, is not a British national nor in this country at the moment... He's been quite enthusiastic about one of the graduates, who may well get an invite to the factory for round 2. More interviews today though, so anything may happen.


Time for me to go and measure resistance on system Number, and start a thermometer that arrived late yesterday..



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24 minutes ago, TheQ said:

The car that decided to stop on a mini roundabout to let pedestrians cross

Do the pedestrians not have the right of way, irrespective of how much traffic there is?


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Another grey ish start but that's no problem.


I wish Chris, @chrisfwell with his continued treatment and to any other that are having any form of treatment both physically or mentally.


Off to Eastleigh later to pur chase some bits for jobs in The POD, and maybe an hour or so on the Platform.


Just up loading my Video No 4 for Bute Road to You Tube and that will go on my BR Thread later as well.


In the meantime;

Have a good day one and all, stay safe and keep well.:dancer:

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1 hour ago, chrisf said:

Greetings one and all


Professor Oncologist phoned me eventually yesterday.  The news is not as positive as it might have been but it could have been worse.  My PSA reading is up to 9, which is about double what it was last time.  In the hope of making me feel less forlorn he reminded me that this is nowhere near the 800 that it was when I was first diagnosed in 2015. 


I'd call that news pretty good Chris - down from 800 to 9 sounds an awful lot better to this Bear than if it were the other way round.  Well done in my book :friends: - and long may it continue.


1 hour ago, chrisf said:

The arrival of my ticket for Riverdance has galvanised me into action. 


It just had to be done.....




Incidentally, on seeing the video a friend once asked "how they managed to get them do that?"  Somewhat mischievously (hard to believe, I know :laugh:) a certain Bear responded with "they train them", which seemed to be a more than adequate explanation to the individual concerned.....


1 hour ago, chrisf said:

I need to be able to prove that I have been double jabbed before being admitted to the theatre.  When the injections were administered, way back in February and May, I was given a card which states the name of the vaccine, the batch number and the dates of jabbing.  One might think that this would be sufficient but what if it is not?  I have sent off for a certificate from the NHS, just in case I run into a jobsworth at the theatre and anywhere else I need to prove that I have been vaccinated.  


Thanks for this Chris - as a consequence I went in search of such proof, as the only thing I currently have is the little card.


Paper Certificate:


NHS App:


I've just spent the last hour of my life trying to download the NHS App, which in turn requires registering with iTunes(?) or some other such cr@p in order to download the App.  Now I've got the App and managed to register and accept Cookies (I'd much rather eat them than accept them) the f. thing just hangs up.  Is no-one in this world capable of making such complete b011ox easy?? :angry::angry:


edit:  And now the NHS App has logged me out....:angry:

So I log in again...and get a blank blue screen.  Why isn't there a "Scream" emoji?  Beam me up, Puppers....preferably into a nice padded cell surrounded by cake.....:cry:





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10 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Do the pedestrians not have the right of way, irrespective of how much traffic there is?


Not currently but the lunaticswhohaveescapedfromtheasylum are changing ithe law.


@polybear the app allows you to book appointments (but not at the Marie Celeste) and do repear prescriptions. The covid certificate, if delivered on paper from the NHS,  has no end date the electronic one on the app has a date which updates as it goes along.


@Andrew P if you see any small scale dark coloured stone in bags let mebknow as i need some...


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8 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Not currently but the lunaticswhohaveescapedfromtheasylum are changing ithe law.


@polybear the app allows you to book appointments (but not at the Marie Celeste) and do repear prescriptions. The covid certificate, if delivered on paper from the NHS,  has no end date the electronic one on the app has a date which updates as it goes along.


@Andrew P if you see any small scale dark coloured stone in bags let mebknow as i need some...


I mainly use Gaugemaster N Gauge as it is multi coloured and dries a dark colour. 

See New Mills.

I have absolutely NO IDEA how or why it has brought up this picture as its NOT from New Mills as far as I know. But check out the thread.


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3 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Not currently but the lunaticswhohaveescapedfromtheasylum are changing ithe law.

Pedestrians have long had the right of way in Oregon:



You must stop for pedestrians crossing the road at any marked or unmarked crosswalk. A pedestrian is crossing the road when any part or extension (cane, wheelchair, bicycle, etc.) of the pedestrian moves onto the road.


Stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian crossing in a crosswalk when the pedestrian is:

  • In your lane of travel,
  • In a lane next to your lane of travel, including a bike lane, or
  • In the lane you are turning into.

If you are turning at an intersection that has a traffic signal, before you begin to turn, the pedestrian must be six feet or more from the lane you are turning into.


If you are turning at an intersection that doesn’t have a traffic signal, before you begin to turn, the pedestrian must be past the lane you are turning into, plus the next lane.


Do not pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk. The driver may be waiting for a pedestrian to cross the road.


You are not required to stop if the pedestrian is in a crosswalk on the other side of a safety island.


There is a crosswalk at every intersection, even if it is not marked by painted lines. To determine where an unmarked crosswalk is, imagine that a sidewalk or shoulder at the corner extends to the other side. An unmarked crosswalk is at least six feet wide and exists even if there is no sidewalk or shoulder.




A mid-block crosswalk may have a flashing yellow light that indicates a pedestrian is crossing, has finished crossing or is about to cross the road.


It is illegal to overtake and pass from the rear any vehicle stopped for a pedestrian at a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.


Do not stop with any portion of your vehicle overhanging the crosswalk area. Blocking a crosswalk forces pedestrians to go around your vehicle and puts them in a dangerous situation.


If you cross a sidewalk, such as when entering or leaving a parking lot, alley or driveway, stop before reaching the sidewalk and yield to pedestrians and bicyclists.

Not that you would know from the behaviour of many motorists. There is a serious problem with pedestrian deaths in the City of Portland. (Traffic is bad with a lot of multilane streets.)

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Greetings all from a Sidcup where I see blue skies and sun although there has clearly been rain overnight. I am not working today but Ocado was set for early delivery so I am up regardless. I believe there were no missing items but I shall no doubt be informed of the error of my ways later!


relatively positive news from Chrisf and hopefully Jamie’s temperature was just a blip and he continues to fight off the lurgy.


No other news from here so I shall wish you all a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium
17 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Pedestrians have long had the right of way in Oregon:

Not that you would know from the behaviour of many motorists. There is a serious problem with pedestrian deaths in the City of Portland. (Traffic is bad with a lot of multilane streets.) 


Stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian crossing in a crosswalk when the pedestrian is:

In your lane of travel,

In a lane next to your lane of travel, including a bike lane, or

In the lane you are turning into.

They were NOT at a  marked crossing place, the crossing place is a hundred yards up the road from this junction,  because it is so busy and there are often accidents there.

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15 minutes ago, TheQ said:

They were NOT at a  marked crossing place, the crossing place is a hundred yards up the road from this junction,  because it is so busy and there are often accidents there.

Obviously I am talking about Oregon and not the UK, but the requirement is Oregon is to:


... stop for pedestrians crossing the road at any marked or unmarked crosswalk

The intent of this is implied crosswalks at every intersection. Pedestrians are not supposed to cross in the middle of a block and there is a failure to yield to vehicle law.


A pedestrian commits the offense of pedestrian failure to yield to a vehicle if the pedestrian does any of the following:


(b) Fails to yield the right of way to a vehicle upon a roadway when the pedestrian is crossing the roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.

At the approach to a roundabout, drivers must:


Watch for bicycles; they will either merge into traffic or use the sidewalk. When approaching the crosswalk, stop for pedestrians using the crosswalk in your lane.

The intersection of the road with the roundabout would likely be construed as an "unmarked" crosswalk, if no marked crosswalk was present.


Crossing to the 'island' of a roundabout would not be permitted.

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That would be interesting on the NDR, where you can approach the roundabouts at 70MPH, there are no signs to lower the speed limits at the roundabouts..





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