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Guest Max Stafford

That diorama's wonderful DD. I always like agricultural ones.

0.5 Oktas today up here. Soon be time to go to the park.

Good God, I'm talking in tweets!



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Morning All, Too many oktas today.


A GP with Chiropratic/Osteopathy skills! Now how much would that save the heatlh service by getting people up and about quickly?


I wish. My GP thinks that Chiro is in league with leeches and blood letting. She refused point blank to issue a referral so I have to pay for my chiro instead of getting it on BUPA. (the sour b*tch)
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


It's really quite nice here today - I've got two days off, so watch it change.


DD - nice little diorama there - in N!


Mick - hope all goes well today at the auction, and that you are now able to put a less than pleasant time behind you.


Have we upset PhilH - he hasn't posted for a while on here??


As for 45156, I had a diabetes check today, and have put on quite a lot of weight, and also have not been getting as much exercise, so my long term blood sugars are a bit higher than hoped for. Also, I rushed to the clinic from the station after watching 46115 depart ten late at 08.18 with my appointment at 08.30, so when they checked my blood pressure....


I may be AWOL now for a few days, as the time off involves a lot of non railway, non modelling, and non computer activities - if so, I'll be back next week.



Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

... Have we upset PhilH - he hasn't posted for a while on here?? ...


The grumpy old git has a week of being "on call" during the night so is probably still asleep in his pit in the mornings. I've no doubt he will turn up with something profound shortly.




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  • RMweb Gold

After a week on call I suspect it will be more profane than profound.


I am sitting having coffee on York station just taking in all the architecture, both major structural and fine detail. What a wonderful heritage we have in our older stations. They are, in my sacrilegious opinion, comparable to the great cathedrals.

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  • RMweb Gold

A profound saying:


I don't want to be on call out anymore.


The week from hell.


And I'm in recovery. I've had longish hair for quite a few years now, and went for a trim yesterday. Sat in front of the mirror I decided I looked a bit like the Dulux dog, so I've had it all lopped off. Bit of a shock.....

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Thanks for the compliments, Dave, Stewart and Don.


The most irritating and often received remark:

"You must have a lot of patience".

As if.

"Quick, I need a detailed diorama in N gauge! Who do we know who has patience?"

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Good morning all.

It's raining!

I could hear the soft pitter patter whilst luxuriating in bed and when I go up could see the rain drops on the window pane.

Mick, how did the auction go?

Happy day all.

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Morning All,


I am in a foul mood this morning :angry:


I slept like an absolute log, but woke up with a headache and it is absolutely throwing it down with rain.


Plus, on the way to work this morning while braking to a stop, both the Traction control and ABS lamps came on in the car. Therefore, not only am I likely as not going to be lumbered with another big bill but I can't use the car this weekend. My Girlfriend and I are going to visit her Sister, and we were going to use my car in order to share the driving.


Blinking Opel! BAH!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


That sure is a bummer, Mick – I certainly feel for you :( . I'm afraid I'm not sure I can give you any advice off the top of my head.


I'll be off to the library later today. As the weather continues to present itself with a premature imitation of autumn, I guess that'll be the only kind of outdoor activity I shall be doing today.


Cheers everyone...

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Good heavens Mick,


I missed your post earlier - must have been in my annoyance!


It seems ridiculous that the builder may take you down with him. I must admit, I am struggling to come up with a helpful solution.


Have you spoken to Citizens Advice about what bankruptcy would entail, and if there is maybe an alternative?

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, if the reserve was not met, I'd agree that giving it another go may well be a good option – and if my understanding of the legal details of auctions is correct, you'd have every right to do so, Mick. Sure would be better than walking away stuck in "what if" scenarios weighing you down. Though I can well imagine it must be very hard to be looking forward in this kind of situation... :unsure:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright sunny day outside I didn't get much sleep but at the end of the day we are all relatively healthy and therefore doing better than a lot of other families.We have an appointment at the CAB on Monday to get some advice, so it is a matter of carry on and keep calm.

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  • RMweb Premium

We have an appointment at the CAB on Monday to get some advice, so it is a matter of carry on and keep calm.


Good :yes: . Just to be sure, I guess it can't hurt to take notes during your appointment – if it isn't documented by CA themselves, that is. I think you should also bring up the thing with the builder who got you into this predicament in the first place, so as to see whether there may yet be avenues of approach in that direction which you might not have considered yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Beutifully shiny one hereabouts.


I sincerely hope you get some useful advice Mick. Real bummer that the auction didn't solve the problem.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Mick, sorry to read that the auction didn't work out this time. I don't have any advice, I rely on other people for any financial / legal stuff, I'm rather ignorant in those areas.

Rather dull here today. Today is mainly lots of local trips, Aditi has an unexpected diabetes related doctor's appointment this morning. I'll take her there as we have already delivered the Clio to a local garage, it is making chugging noises when cold, so I suspect a gasket or something in the exhaust system.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, another wasted night chasing problems that only exist in peoples' heads. Enough of that though, really sorry to hear that the auction didn't go well Mick. As with others, uncharted territory for me so no useful advice except to just keep on keeping on no matter how difficult it might be. We are the ERs and that's what we do!


it is making chugging noises when cold, so I suspect a gasket or something in the exhaust system.

I hope that's your car and not the wife Tony.



Morning All, Beutifully shiny one hereabouts.

I think that's the day and not his head that Dave is talking about.

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Morning lads.....So sorry to read your news today, Mick. You must be gutted and it always happens when we're at our lowest ebb. I can't offer any professional advice either, but I'm sure you'll be in good hands in a fews days and hopefully you will be able to look forward to brighter days ahead. We're all behind you in spirit and hope you can feel the good vibes coming from all your mates on ER's.


Thanks for saving your cuttings for me Mr H. They'll certainly come in handy in the future and no doubt soften the blows the baseboard frames are still inflicting. Yes, I have a 'bump hat' but keep forgetting to put the bloomin' thing on...


Health wise things are considerably picking up, so thanks for all your best wishes.


I think a pub lunch is calling in an hour or so......:drinks:

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