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There are NO pedals. Armchair cucling is strictly free wheeling. You MUST fasten your seat belt though

to avoid injury when falling ut of the chair when falling asleep!


Still freezing cold with 7 octas and strong gusty wind.

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Evening All,


I'm just here catching up on the events of the weekend. I Didn't check in this morning because I was running rather late.


The curriculum I'm doing (as an addition to my existing MA degree, if you will) is for Gymnasium, or grammar school for our ERs from the UK. For the teaching practice internship I mentioned, I've been assigned to a school in Bad Homburg, which suits me well as it's rather near my place :yes: .


The thing I was worrying about in recent days is that I am not sure I would immediately be able to come up with an alternative, should I find out that teaching adolescents is actually not what I would want to do for a living during this internship :unsure: .


Thanks for that Dominik. I wish you luck with your placement. I passed through Bad Homburg yesterday afternoon on my way to meet my Girlfriends parents for the first time.


As far as teaching as a career goes, well - that's what a placement is for. To find out if it is the job for you. You could always consider teaching adults if adolescents don't float your boat. However, you will probably be alright - most of those who get to Gymnasium want to learn. You won't find things nearly as hard as you would, in say, a Hauptschule. This has as much to do with the system as the kids, but that's a whole different story!


Given the number of men who are entering teaching in Germany these days - you'll probably be headmaster in around five years!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

Back home after a day at MiL's in Enfield. We went for lunch, I was asked to put a mirror up, DIY disaster followed, fortunately B&Q were open for me to buy remedial products.



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I thought I might be first on this morning but Tony beat me to it, though from his perspective it was still his yesterday!

The wind has dropped and it promises to be relatively clear though still COLD.

Bad luck you lucky working guys, it's Monday. Only five days to the weekend. :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, after a poor nights sleep I was woken by a loud scrabbling noise which now I am fully awake I think was a cat avoiding falling of the window sill. It is quiet here at six in the morning even on a work day,just one fast moving black Range Rover and a motorbike in the last half hour.

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Morning All,


It is a somewhat gloomy morning here. Despite the fact that we are only at the end of July, it felt almost as if the mornings are drawing in this morning. I needed to put the lights on at home - not something you expect during "high summer". High summer - that's a laugh :angry: - it's more like Autumn here.


Just to add insult to injury, I arrived at work to find the coffee machine has broken down! Still, I managed to get a lovely cup of coffee from the expresso machine on the second floor.


fast moving black Range Rover and a motorbike in the last half hour.


Sounds all very cloak and dagger Mick!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Did my chunk of work for today first and will now need to get some coffee as well! Robert, that's much the same thing I was thinking when I was looking out the window these days. In a sense, I wouldn't be too surprised if we should be getting a warm and sunny autumn in exchange for the largely dismal summer we're currently stuck with! :laugh:


As for the teaching topic: Adult teaching certainly is another option I considered when I decided to add a teacher training qualification to my portfolio. While I understand this is not actually a requirement for adult teaching in most cases, I was thinking it certainly could not hurt to actually have this qualification either.


Cheers everyone...

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Sounds like Torchwood, Mick! :)


Morning all. After a beautiful warm, sunny day yesterday today doesn't like quite so promising but you never know.


I love summer in Scotland, it's my favourite day of the year.


Made it down to Largs to discover that there isn't a sand beach there, just rocky shingle. So drove a little further down the coast to Portencross (not far from Hunterston power station so I may glow...) where I found a lovely sandy beach that wasn't too busy.


Back to the grind today...

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Made it down to Largs to discover that there isn't a sand beach there, just rocky shingle.

When I saw your post yesterday, I wondered if I should tell you that. But then I thought you must know already - it sounded as if you'd been there before - sorry! If you came down the coast through Wemyss Bay, there's a nice red sand beach just south of Skelmorlie.

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When I saw your post yesterday, I wondered if I should tell you that. But then I thought you must know already - it sounded as if you'd been there before - sorry! If you came down the coast through Wemyss Bay, there's a nice red sand beach just south of Skelmorlie.

Thanks, pH - I had been before - but never really looking for a sandy beach, so hadn't remembered that it was just shingle! I think I noticed the red sand beach near Skelmorlie on the drive back too. Still, had a nice time on the beach when we found that one! :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Currently sunny in these parts. Apparently it's Monday. Some plumbing bits to sort out today, thankfully not bodily!


Have a good one all.




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Guest Max Stafford

This morning my power shower has apparently ceased to function.

Ah well, another expense. Since the bath needs levelling and I'll need to get a new facia for it since the only way to get access underneath is to destroy it, I may as well get somebody in to do the whole lot!



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  • RMweb Gold

This morning my power shower has apparently ceased to function.

Ah well, another expense. Since the bath needs levelling and I'll need to get a new facia for it since the only way to get access underneath is to destroy it, I may as well get somebody in to do the whole lot!




I could have a new career wrecking things. My mother in law was very calm when I started knocking holes in her wall yesterday.

I've just got back from the doctor's surgery. I had to register Matthew as a temporary patient, as the A&E doctor said on Saturday he thought he should see a GP although he said he didn't think there was a serious problem. I've just sent Matthew round to sort out the newspaper delivery. We seem to get the wrong newspaper frequently during the school holidays. Matthew likes going round as the newsagent's excuses are quite surreal.



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  • RMweb Gold

Any examples Tony?


Today's reason was that we got a Mail instead of a Telegraph because they look the same. He then suggested that Matthew should start his career in Australia.

Previous examples have included that delivery of the correct newspaper is due the "laws of supply and demand. Do you understand economics?", and "the paper-boy got lost". It wasn't a different paper boy as I saw him cycle straight past our house on that occasion.

Attempting to stop the newspapers while we are away is very complicated. It usually involves the neighbours having to go round to re-inforce my verbal and written instructions. One year I tried saying cancel until further notice, but that failed.



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  • RMweb Gold

Was travelling by train today. Sharing a table with an elderly couple opposite.

Bloke sits next to me. He made Les Dawson's Cosmo Smallpiece look good and smelled worse than some we have met at exhibitions.

Cleared himself space on the table, well took most of it really. Plonked his arm on the armrest digging me in the ribs with his elbow and left it there.


Got his book out and started reading.

It was called 'Resolving conflict in Marriage'

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  • RMweb Gold


Got his book out and started reading.

It was called 'Resolving conflict in Marriage'


Perhaps the author could do a sequel "Resolving Conflict in Carriage".



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  • RMweb Premium

He seemed to walk ok.


Had you not mentioned that, I might have hummed "Stuck" by Norah Jones, and thought of the line which says, "But I still see you swaying / And I can't hear what you're saying" .


Oh, silly me, I actually did.

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Morning All,


It is a rather grey morning here in Germany. I didn't expect to be first today, but there we go.


I didn't sleep too well - my neck isn't a lot better, and the pain in my neck seems to have spread to my back too. Probably because I have been holding myself funny for the past few days. However, I think it is time for a visit to the Doctor to make sure.


Great! I can't remember the last time I went to the Doctor...


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

I didn't sleep too well - my neck isn't a lot better, and the pain in my neck seems to have spread to my back too. Probably because I have been holding myself funny for the past few days.


Welcome to the club, Robert – I'm also having a rather unpleasant sort of pain in my neck and left shoulder once again which also radiates into my head, and thus feel rather grumpy this morning <_< . I'm not sure whether I may still be able to get an appointment with my GP in time before the weekend, though it might, in fact, be best if I did...


Morning all, anyway – hope the rest of you are not in pain of any kind.

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